898 research outputs found

    The segregation of starless and protostellar clumps in the Hi-GAL l=224deg region

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    Stars form in dense, dusty structures, which are embedded in larger clumps of molecular clouds often showing a clear filamentary structure on large scales (> 1pc). One of the best-studied regions in the Hi-GAL survey can be observed toward the l=224deg field. Here, a filamentary region has been studied and it has been found that protostellar clumps are mostly located along the main filament, whereas starless clumps are detected off this filament and are instead found on secondary, less prominent filaments. We want to investigate this segregation effect and how it may affect the clumps properties. We mapped the 12CO(1-0) line and its main three isotopologues toward the two most prominent filaments observed toward the l=224deg field using the Mopra radio telescope, in order to set observational constraints on the dynamics of these structures and the associated starless and protostellar clumps. Compared to the starless clumps, the protostellar clumps are more luminous, more turbulent and lie in regions where the filamentary ambient gas shows larger linewidths. We see evidence of gas flowing along the main filament, but we do not find any signs of accretion flow from the filament onto the Hi-GAL clumps. We analyze the radial column density profile of the filaments and their gravitational stability. The more massive and highly fragmented main filament appears to be thermally supercritical and gravitationally bound, assuming that all of the non-thermal motion is contributing thermal-like support, suggesting a later stage of evolution compared to the secondary filament. The status and evolutionary phase of the Hi-GAL clumps would then appear to correlate with that of the host filament.Comment: Accepted for publication on "Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Description of Bocchus irwini sp. nov. from Madagascar (Hymenoptera Dryinidae)

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    Bocchus irwini sp. nov. is described from a male collected in Analagnambe forest, Mahajanga Province, Madagascar. The new species is similar to Bocchus watshami Olmi 1987. Keys to the Afrotropical species of Bocchus are modified to include the new species

    The structure of molecular clumps around high-mass young stellar objects

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    We have used the IRAM 30-m and FCRAO 14-m telescopes to observe the molecular clumps associated with 12 ultracompact (UC) HII regions in the J=6-5, 8-7 and 13-12 rotational transitions of methyl-acetylene (CH3C2H). Under the assumption of LTE and optically thin emission, we have derived temperature estimates ranging from 30 to 56 K. We estimate that the clumps have diameters of 0.2-1.6 pc, H_2 densities of 10^5-10^6 {cm^{-3}}, and masses of 10^2-2 10^4 M_\odot. We compare these values with those obtained by other authors from different molecular tracers and find that the H_2 density and the temperature inside the clumps vary respectively like n_{H_2} ~ R^{-2.6} and T ~ R^{-0.5}, with R distance from the centre. We also find that the virial masses of the clumps are ~3 times less than those derived from the CH3C2H column densities: we show that a plausible explanation is that magnetic fields play an important role to stabilise the clumps, which are on the verge of gravitational collapse. Finally, we show that the CH3C2H line width increases for decreasing distance from the clump centre: this effect is consistent with infall in the inner regions of the clumps. We conclude that the clumps around UC HII regions are likely to be transient (~10^(5) yr) entities, remnants of isothermal spheres currently undergoing gravitational collapse: the high mass accretion rates (~10^{-2} M_\odot yr^{-1}) lead to massive star formation at the centre of such clumps.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, A & A in pres

    Ionization toward the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334 I

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    Context. Ionization plays a central role in the gas-phase chemistry of molecular clouds. Since ions are coupled with magnetic fields, which can in turn counteract gravitational collapse, it is of paramount importance to measure their abundance in star-forming regions. Aims. We use spectral line observations of the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334 I to derive the abundance of two of the most abundant molecular ions, HCO+ and N2H+, and consequently, the cosmic ray ionization rate. In addition, the line profiles provide information about the kinematics of this region. Methods. We present high-resolution spectral line observations conducted with the HIFI instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory of the rotational transitions with Jup > 5 of the molecular species C17O, C18O, HCO+, H13CO+, and N2H+. Results. The HCO+ and N2H+ line profiles display a redshifted asymmetry consistent with a region of expanding gas. We identify two emission components in the spectra, each with a different excitation, associated with the envelope of NGC 6334 I. The physical parameters obtained for the envelope are in agreement with previous models of the radial structure of NGC 6334 I based on submillimeter continuum observations. Based on our new Herschel/HIFI observations, combined with the predictions from a chemical model, we derive a cosmic ray ionization rate that is an order of magnitude higher than the canonical value of 10^(-17) s-1. Conclusions. We find evidence of an expansion of the envelope surrounding the hot core of NGC 6334 I, which is mainly driven by thermal pressure from the hot ionized gas in the region. The ionization rate seems to be dominated by cosmic rays originating from outside the source, although X-ray emission from the NGC 6334 I core could contribute to the ionization in the inner part of the envelope.Comment: This paper contains a total of 10 figures and 3 table

    Long-term Variability of H2_2CO Masers in Star-forming Regions

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    We present results of a multi-epoch monitoring program on variability of 6\,cm formaldehyde (H2_2CO) masers in the massive star forming region NGC\,7538\,IRS\,1 from 2008 to 2015 conducted with the GBT, WSRT, and VLA. We found that the similar variability behaviors of the two formaldehyde maser velocity components in NGC\,7538\,IRS\,1 (which was pointed out by Araya and collaborators in 2007) have continued. The possibility that the variability is caused by changes in the maser amplification path in regions with similar morphology and kinematics is discussed. We also observed 12.2\,GHz methanol and 22.2\,GHz water masers toward NGC\,7538\,IRS\,1. The brightest maser components of CH3_3OH and H2_2O species show a decrease in flux density as a function of time. The brightest H2_2CO maser component also shows a decrease in flux density and has a similar LSR velocity to the brightest H2_2O and 12.2\,GHz CH3_3OH masers. The line parameters of radio recombination lines and the 20.17 and 20.97\,GHz CH3_3OH transitions in NGC\,7538\,IRS\,1 are also reported. In addition, we observed five other 6\,cm formaldehyde maser regions. We found no evidence of significant variability of the 6\,cm masers in these regions with respect to previous observations, the only possible exception being the maser in G29.96-0.02. All six sources were also observed in the H213_2^{13}CO isotopologue transition of the 6\,cm H2_2CO line; H213_2^{13}CO absorption was detected in five of the sources. Estimated column density ratios [H212_2^{12}CO]/[H213_2^{13}CO] are reported.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Reflective Toraldo pupil for high-resolution millimeter-wave astronomy

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    A novel, to the best of our knowledge, beam-shaping reflective surface for high-resolution millimeter/ submillimeter-wave astronomy instruments is presented. The reflector design is based on Toraldo’s superresolution principle and implemented with annulated binary-phase coronae structure inspired by the achromatic magnetic mirror approach. A thin, less than half a free-space wavelength, reflective Toraldo pupil device operated in the W-band has been fabricated using mesh-filter technology developed at Cardiff University. The device has been characterized on a quasi-optical test bench and demonstrated expected reduction of the beam width upon reflection at oblique incidence, while featuring a sidelobe level lower than −10 dB. The proposed reflective Toraldo pupil structure can be easily scaled for upper millimeter and infrared frequency bands as well as designed to transform a Gaussian beam into a flat-top beam with extremely low sidelobe level

    A Review of H2CO 6cm Masers in the Galaxy

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    We present a review of the field of formaldehyde (H2CO) 6cm masers in the Galaxy. Previous to our ongoing work, H2CO 6cm masers had been detected in the Galaxy only toward three regions: NGC7538 IRS1, Sgr B2, and G29.96-0.02. Current efforts by our group using the Very Large Array, Arecibo, and the Green Bank Telescope have resulted in the detection of four new H2CO 6cm maser regions. We discuss the characteristics of the known H2CO masers and the association of H2CO 6cm masers with very young regions of massive star formation. We also review the current ideas on the pumping mechanism for H2CO 6cm masers.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, IAU Symposium 242: Astrophysical Masers and their Environment

    Bimodal Kuramoto Model with Higher Order Interactions

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    We have examined the synchronization and de-synchronization transitions observable in the Kuramoto model with a standard pair-wise first harmonic interaction plus a higher order (triadic) symmetric interaction for unimodal and bimodal Gaussian distributions of the natural frequencies. These transitions have been accurately characterized thanks to a self-consistent mean-field approach joined to accurate numerical simulations. The higher-oder interactions favour the formation of two cluster states, which emerge from the incoherent regime via continuous (discontinuos) transitions for unimodal (bimodal) distributions. Fully synchronized initial states give rise to two symmetric equally populated clusters at a angular distance γ\gamma, which increases for decreasing pair-wise couplings until it reaches γ=π\gamma=\pi (corresponding to an anti-phase configuration) where the cluster state disappears via a saddle-node bifurcation and reforms immediately after with a smaller angle γ\gamma. For bimodal distributions we have obtained detailed phase diagrams involving all the possible dynamical states in terms of standard and novel order parameters. In particular, the clustering order parameter, here introduced, appears quite suitable to characterize the two cluster regime. As a general aspect, hysteretic (non hysteretic) synchronization transitions, mostly mediated by the emergence of standing waves, are observable for attractive (repulsive) higher-order interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure