20 research outputs found

    Platelet activation and cardiovascular co-morbidities in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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    Objective: Platelet activation in COPD patients is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. Aim of the study: to assess the mean platelet volume (MPV), as an index of platelet activation, in patients with COPD both when stable or during exacerbation. Research design and methods: 478 patients with COPD (75 with exacerbation) and 72 age-matched healthy controls were enrolled. Medical history, co-morbidities, medications, pulmonary function tests, MPV and blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ERS) and C reactive protein (CRP) were recorded. Results: MPV was higher in COPD patients than in controls (8.7 \ub1 1.1 fL and 8.4 \ub1 0.8 fL respectively, p = 0.025) and increased across the severity of the diseases as assessed by the GOLD post bronchodilator FEV1 categorized I to IV (p>0.05). MPV was higher in COPD patients during acute exacerbation as compared with stable condition (8.7 \ub1 1.0 fL and 8.9 \ub1 1.0 fL, p = 0.021). MPV 65 10.5 fL correlated with the presence of at least one co-existing cardiovascular disease (p = 0.008) . No correlation was observed between MPV and CRP or ERS in patients or in controls. An inverse significant correlation was found between platelets count and MPV in COPD patients. Conclusions: Elevated MPV is associated with lower platelet count and with cardiovascular co-morbidity in COPD patients. MPV value is higher in more severe COPD and during acute exacerbation. Present findings warrant future studies to confirm a possible clinically relevant role for platelet activation and cardiovascular risk in the population of COPD

    Actual implementation of sick children’s rights in Italian pediatric units: a descriptive study based on nurses’ perceptions

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    BACKGROUND: Several charters of rights have been issued in Europe to solemnly proclaim the rights of children during their hospital stay. However, notwithstanding such general declarations, the actual implementation of hospitalized children’s rights is unclear. The purpose of this study was to understand to which extent such rights, as established by the two main existing charters of rights, are actually implemented and respected in Italian pediatric hospitals and the pediatric units of Italian general hospitals, as perceived by the nurses working in them. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A 12-item online questionnaire was set up and an invitation was sent by email to Italian pediatric nurses using professional mailing lists and social networks. Responders were asked to score to what extent each right is respected in their hospital using a numeric scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always). RESULTS: 536 questionnaires were returned. The best implemented right is the right of children to have their mothers with them (mean score 4.47). The least respected one is the right of children to express their opinion about care (mean 3.01). Other rights considered were the right to play (4.29), the right to be informed (3.95), the right to the respect of privacy (3.75), the right to be hospitalized with peers (3.39), the right not to experience pain ever (3.41), and the right to school (3.07). According to the majority of nurses, the most important is the right to pain relief. Significant differences in the implementation of rights were found between areas of Italy and between pediatric hospitals and pediatric units of general hospitals. CONCLUSION: According to the perception of pediatric nurses, the implementation of the rights of hospitalized children in Italian pediatrics units is still limited

    Increased airway inflammation in patients with psoriasis

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    In the literature, psoriasis was demonstrated to increase the incidence of a large number of diseases which share an inflammatory origin [2]. While several hypotheses have been proposed, the most currently accepted is the pro-inflammatory cytokine spillover from active psoriatic lesions which may cause large inflammation on distant tissues [1]. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Rehabilitation and supportive therapy in elderly patients with COPD.

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) very often coexists with cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and metabolic comorbidities. This condition significantly impact on the general health, function, frailty and disability of such patients, and consequently on their prognosis. Indeed, complex and recurrent symptoms of general dysfunction are commonly present and burden on the health status. Symptomatic COPD patients, even with chronic and complex comorbidities or with different degree of severity, may benefit from rehabilitation including exercise and maintenance of physical activity, in order to reducing symptoms and restoring the highest possible level of independent function. This review will focus on the associated and relevant clinical problems of these patients at the onset of disability, methods of assessment and useful non-pharmacological treatments for caring and supporting them

    Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy in psoriasis reduces proinflammatory cytokine levels and improves vitiligo and neutrophilic asthma

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    Psoriasis, neutrophilic asthma, and vitiligo vulgaris are three immune-mediated diseases in which raised serum levels of pro-inflammatory T helper (Th) 1/Th17 cytokines have been detected. Psoriasis is considered a systemic disease with several comorbidities and the role of high levels of cytokines referable to Th1-Th17 patterns in the pathogenesis of these comorbidities remains to be clarified (1-3). Two monozygotic twins of 69 years old affected by psoriasis and vitiligo were referred to the outpatient clinic of our Internal Medicine Department, because of poorly controlled asthma. Both twins had asthma that was treated with montelukast 10 mg a day, inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting β2 agonist (fluticasone / formeterol 250/10 mcg) twice daily during the last six months. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Association of FEF25-75% Impairment with Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness and Airway Inflammation in Subjects with Asthma-Like Symptoms

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    Background: Forced expiratory flow at 25 and 75% of the pulmonary volume (FEF25-75%) might be considered as a marker of early airway obstruction. FEF25-75% impairment might suggest earlier asthma recognition in symptomatic subjects even in the absence of other abnormal spirometry values. Objectives: The study was designed in order to verify whether FEF25-75% impairment in a cohort of subjects with asthma-like symptoms could be associated with the risk of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and with airway inflammation expressed as fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) and eosinophil counts in induced sputum. Methods: Four hundred adults with a history of asthma-like symptoms (10.5% allergic) underwent spirometry, determination of BHR to methacholine (PD20FEV1), FeNO analysis and sputum induction. FEF25-75% <65% of predicted or <-1.64 z-score was considered abnormal. Results: All subjects had normal FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC, while FEF25-75% was abnormal in 27.5% of them. FEF25-75% (z-score) was associated with PD20FEV1 (p < 0.001), FeNO (p < 0.001) and sputum eosinophils (p < 0.001). Patients with abnormal FEF25-75% showed higher levels of FeNO and eosinophils in induced sputum than did patients with normal FEF25-75% (p < 0.01 and p < 0.01, respectively). Subjects with abnormal FEF25-75% had an increased probability of being BHR positive (OR = 13.38; 95% CI: 6.7-26.7; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our data show that abnormal FEF25-75% might be considered an early marker of airflow limitation associated with eosinophilic inflammation and BHR in subjects with asthma-like symptoms, indicating a role for FEF25-75% as a predictive marker of newly diagnosed asthma.Background: Forced expiratory flow at 25 and 75% of the pulmonary volume (FEF25-75%) might be considered as a marker of early airway obstruction. FEF25-75% impairment might suggest earlier asthma recognition in symptomatic subjects even in the absence of other abnormal spirometry values. Objectives: The study was designed in order to verify whether FEF25-75% impairment in a cohort of subjects with asthma-like symptoms could be associated with the risk of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and with airway inflammation expressed as fractional exhaled nitric oxide (Fe NO) and eosinophil counts in induced sputum. Methods: Four hundred adults with a history of asthma-like symptoms (10.5% allergic) underwent spirometry, determination of BHR to methacholine (PD20 FEV1), Fe NO analysis and sputum induction. FEF25-75% <65% of predicted or <-1.64 z-score was considered abnormal. Results: All subjects had normal FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC, while FEF25-75% was abnormal in 27.5% of them. FEF25-75% (z-score) was associated with PD20 FEV1 (p < 0.001), Fe NO (p < 0.001) and sputum eosinophils (p < 0.001). Patients with abnormal FEF25-75% showed higher levels of Fe NO and eosinophils in induced sputum than did patients with normal FEF25-75% (p < 0.01 and p < 0.01, respectively). Subjects with abnormal FEF25-75% had an increased probability of being BHR positive (OR = 13.38; 95% CI: 6.7-26.7; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our data show that abnormal FEF25-75% might be considered an early marker of airflow limitation associated with eosinophilic inflammation and BHR in subjects with asthma-like symptoms, indicating a role for FEF25-75% as a predictive marker of newly diagnosed asthma. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Base

    Values in Elderly People for Exhaled Nitric Oxide Study

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    Ageing population is constantly increasing due to rising life expectancy; consequently, the percentage of the elderly patients with asthma is increasing, as well. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a biomarker of lung inflammation, and currently it is widely used in clinical practice for asthma diagnosis and monitoring. Yet, there are no data about normal values of FeNO in patients of more than 65 years of age with normal lung function. The aim of this study was to establish adult FeNO reference values for subjects older than 65 years, according to the international guidelines. FeNO was measured in 303 healthy, nonsmoking adults more than 65 years of age, with normal spirometry values measured using the online single-breath technique. The results were analyzed by chemiluminescent detection. The FeNO levels obtained range from 5.00 to 29.9 ppb, with a mean value of 12.48 \ub1 2.80 ppb. A significant association of FeNO levels with age (p < 0.05) was observed. There was no difference in FeNO values between men and women unlike what was observed in younger patients. FeNO levels in healthy controls over 65 years of age are influenced by age as in younger adults. However, there is no difference in FeNO values in male and female seniors, in contrast with what was found in younger adults in other studies. These data can be useful for the clinician to interpret the values of FeNO assessed during clinical practice.Ageing population is constantly increasing due to rising life expectancy; consequently, the percentage of the elderly patients with asthma is increasing, as well. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a biomarker of lung inflammation, and currently it is widely used in clinical practice for asthma diagnosis and monitoring. Yet, there are no data about normal values of FeNO in patients of more than 65 years of age with normal lung function. The aim of this study was to establish adult FeNO reference values for subjects older than 65 years, according to the international guidelines. FeNO was measured in 303 healthy, nonsmoking adults more than 65 years of age, with normal spirometry values measured using the online single-breath technique. The results were analyzed by chemiluminescent detection. The FeNO levels obtained range from 5.00 to 29.9 ppb, with a mean value of 12.48 +/- 2.80 ppb. A significant association of FeNO levels with age (p<0.05) was observed. There was no difference in FeNO values between men and women unlike what was observed in younger patients. FeNO levels in healthy controls over 65 years of age are influenced by age as in younger adults. However, there is no difference in FeNO values in male and female seniors, in contrast with what was found in younger adults in other studies. These data can be useful for the clinician to interpret the values of FeNO assessed during clinical practice