3,084 research outputs found

    Preliminary survey of 21st century civil mission applications of space nuclear power

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    The purpose was to collect and categorize a forecast of civilian space missions and their power requirements, and to assess the suitability of an SP-100 class space reactor power system to those missions. A wide variety of missions were selected for examination. The applicability of an SP-100 type of nuclear power system was assessed for each of the selected missions; a strawman nuclear power system configuration was drawn up for each mission. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Space nuclear power in the 50 kW sub e plus range can enhance or enable a wide variety of ambitious civil space mission; (2) Safety issues require additional analyses for some applications; (3) Safe space nuclear reactor disposal is an issue for some applications; (4) The current baseline SP-100 conical radiator configuration is not applicable in all cases; (5) Several applications will require shielding greater than that provided by the baseline shadow-shield; and (6) Long duration, continuous operation, high reliability missions may exceed the currently designed SP-100 lifetime capabilities

    MicroRNAs in age-related diseases

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    Aging is a complex process that is linked to an increased incidence of major diseases such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease, but also cancer and immune disorders. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, which post-transcriptionally control gene expression by inhibiting translation or inducing degradation of targeted mRNAs. MiRNAs target up to hundreds of mRNAs, thereby modulating gene expression patterns. Many miRNAs appear to be dysregulated during cellular senescence, aging and disease. However, only few miRNAs have been so far linked to age-related changes in cellular and organ functions. The present article will discuss these findings, specifically focusing on the cardiovascular and neurological systems

    Resource-driven Substructural Defeasible Logic

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    Linear Logic and Defeasible Logic have been adopted to formalise different features relevant to agents: consumption of resources, and reasoning with exceptions. We propose a framework to combine sub-structural features, corresponding to the consumption of resources, with defeasibility aspects, and we discuss the design choices for the framework

    Sum of exit times in series of metastable states in probabilistic cellular automata

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    Reversible Probabilistic Cellular Automata are a special class of automata whose stationary behavior is described by Gibbs--like measures. For those models the dynamics can be trapped for a very long time in states which are very different from the ones typical of stationarity. This phenomenon can be recasted in the framework of metastability theory which is typical of Statistical Mechanics. In this paper we consider a model presenting two not degenerate in energy metastable states which form a series, in the sense that, when the dynamics is started at one of them, before reaching stationarity, the system must necessarily visit the second one. We discuss a rule for combining the exit times from each of the metastable states

    Vibrations on pulse tube based Dry Dilution Refrigerators for low noise measurements

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    Dry Dilution Refrigerators (DDR) based on pulse tube cryo-coolers have started to replace Wet Dilution Refrigerators (WDR) due to the ease and low cost of operation. However these advantages come at the cost of increased vibrations, induced by the pulse tube. In this work, we present the vibration measurements performed on three different commercial DDRs. We describe in detail the vibration measurement system we assembled, based on commercial accelerometers, conditioner and DAQ, and examined the effects of the various damping solutions utilized on three different DDRs, both in the low and high frequency regions. Finally, we ran low temperature, pseudo-massive (30 and 250 g) germanium bolometers in the best vibration-performing system under study and report on the results

    Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality

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    We consider a two-dimensional Ising model with random i.i.d. nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic couplings and no external magnetic field. We show that, if the probability of supercritical couplings is small enough, the system admits a convergent cluster expansion with probability one. The associated polymers are defined on a sequence of increasing scales; in particular the convergence of the above expansion implies the infinite differentiability of the free energy but not its analyticity. The basic tools in the proof are a general theory of graded cluster expansions and a stochastic domination of the disorder

    Competitive nucleation in reversible Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    The problem of competitive nucleation in the framework of Probabilistic Cellular Automata is studied from the dynamical point of view. The dependence of the metastability scenario on the self--interaction is discussed. An intermediate metastable phase, made of two flip--flopping chessboard configurations, shows up depending on the ratio between the magnetic field and the self--interaction. A behavior similar to the one of the stochastic Blume--Capel model with Glauber dynamics is found


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    While the current pandemic is causing mortality shocks globally, the management of longevity risk remains a major challenge for both individuals and institutions. It is high time there be private market solutions designed for efficient longevity risk transfer among various stakeholders such as individuals, pension funds and annuity providers. From individuals' point of view, appealing features of post-retirement solutions include stable and satisfactory benefit levels, flexibility, meeting bequest preferences and low fees. This paper proposes a dynamic target volatility strategy for group self-annuitization (GSA) schemes aimed at enhancing living benefits for pool participants. More specifically, we suggest investing GSA funds in a portfolio consisting of equity and cash, continuously rebalanced to maintain a target volatility level. The performance of a dynamic target volatility strategy is assessed against the static case which does not involve portfolio rebalancing. Benefit profiles are assessed by analysing quantiles and alternative strategies involving varying equity compositions. The case of death benefits is included, and the fund dynamics analysed by assessing resulting investment returns and the mortality credits. Overall, higher living benefit profiles are obtained under a dynamic target volatility strategy. From the analysis performed, a trade-off between the equity proportion and the impact on the lower quantile of the living benefit amount emerges, suggesting an optimal proportion of equity composition

    Estimates of the effect on hepatic iron of oral deferiprone compared with subcutaneous desferrioxamine for treatment of iron overload in thalassemia major: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Beta thalassemia major requires regular blood transfusions and iron chelation to alleviate the harmful accumulation of iron. Evidence on the efficacy and safety of the available agents, desferrioxamine and deferiprone, is derived from small, non-comparative, heterogeneous observational studies. This evidence was reviewed to quantitatively compare the ability of these chelators to reduce hepatic iron. METHODS: The literature was searched using Medline and all reports addressing the effect of either chelator on hepatic iron were considered. Data were abstracted independently by two investigators. Analyses were performed using reported individual patient data. Hepatic iron concentrations at study end and changes over time were compared using ANCOVA, controlling for initial iron load. Differences in the proportions of patients improving were tested using χ(2). RESULTS: Eight of 11 reports identified provided patient-level data relating to 30 desferrioxamine- and 68 deferiprone-treated patients. Desferrioxamine was more likely than optimal dose deferiprone to decrease hepatic iron over the average follow-up of 45 months (odds ratio, 19.0, 95% CI, 2.4 to 151.4). The degree of improvement was also larger with desferrioxamine. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggests that desferrioxamine is more effective than deferiprone in lowering hepatic iron. This comparative analysis – despite its limitations – should prove beneficial to physicians faced with the challenge of selecting the optimal treatment for their patients