121 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and Definitions for Sonification and Auditory Display

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    Hermann T. Taxonomy and Definitions for Sonification and Auditory Display. In: Susini P, Warusfel O, eds. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2008). Paris, France: IRCAM; 2008. Sonification is still a young research field and many terms such as sonification, auditory display, auralization, audification have been used without a precise definition. Recent developments such as the introduction of Model-based Sonification, the establishing of interactive sonification and the increased interest in sonification from arts have raised the issue of revisiting the definitions towards a clearer terminology. This paper introduces a new definition for sonification and auditory display that emphasize necessary and sufficient conditions for organized sound to be called sonification. It furthermore suggests a taxonomy, and discusses the relation between visualization and sonification. A hierarchy of closed-loop interactions is furthermore introduced. This paper aims at initiating vivid discussions towards the establishing of a deeper theory of sonification and auditory display

    Nü Soundworks: Using spectators smartphones as a distributed network of speakers and sensors during live performances

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    This paper presents the Nu ̈ framework. The objective of the framework is to provide composers with a tool to con- trol web-based audio processes on spectators smartphones during live performances. Connecting their devices to a web- page broadcasted by the performer’s laptop, spectators become part of the composition: from simple sound sources to active musicians. From a Max based interface, the performer can then control the behaviours of conceptual units, referred to as Nu ̈ modules, designed for live composition (distributed room reverb, granular synthesis, etc.). Each module is composed of a pair of JavaScript classes – one for the client, another for the server – relying on the Web Audio API for audio processing, and OSC messages for parameters control. Nu ̈ is an open source project based on the Soundworks framework

    Auditory-visual virtual reality as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for cynophobia

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    International audienceTraditionally, virtual reality exposure-based treatment concentrates primarily on the presentation of a high fidelity visual experience. However, adequately combining the visual and the auditory experience provides a powerful tool to enhance sensory processing and modulate attention. We present the design and usability testing of an auditory-visual interactive environment for investigating virtual reality exposurebased treatment for cynophobia. The specificity of our application is that it involves 3D sound, allowing the presentations and spatial manipulation of a fearful stimulus in the auditory modality, in the visual modality, and both. We conducted an evaluation test with 10 dog fearful participants in order to assess the capacity of our auditory-visual virtual environment to generate fear reactions. The specific perceptual characteristics of the dog model that were implemented in the virtual environment were highly arousing, suggesting that virtual reality is a promising tool to treat cynophobia

    Auditory-visual virtual reality as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for cynophobia

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    International audienceTraditionally, virtual reality exposure-based treatment concentrates primarily on the presentation of a high fidelity visual experience. However, adequately combining the visual and the auditory experience provides a powerful tool to enhance sensory processing and modulate attention. We present the design and usability testing of an auditory-visual interactive environment for investigating virtual reality exposurebased treatment for cynophobia. The specificity of our application is that it involves 3D sound, allowing the presentations and spatial manipulation of a fearful stimulus in the auditory modality, in the visual modality, and both. We conducted an evaluation test with 10 dog fearful participants in order to assess the capacity of our auditory-visual virtual environment to generate fear reactions. The specific perceptual characteristics of the dog model that were implemented in the virtual environment were highly arousing, suggesting that virtual reality is a promising tool to treat cynophobia

    Auditory-visual virtual environment for the treatment of fear of crowds

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    ABSTRACT Fear of crowds is a symptom found in agoraphobia (among others) and which has both visual and auditory relevant components. In order to examine the potential interest of auditory-visual virtual reality to treat fear of crowds, we investigated the efficiency of an auditory-visual virtual environment in evoking affective reaction. We conducted an evaluation test with healthy participants sensitive to the fear of crowds to explore the influence of auditory-visual virtual environment on affective reactions. Our application involves both high fidelity visual stimulation and interactive 3D sound. Our specific presentation of animated crowds of humans creates an environment that is highly arousing, suggesting that manipulating the sensory presentation together with the spatial location of stimulation might provide a way to modulate affective reactions

    Auditory-visual virtual environments to treat dog phobia

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    Session III - Virtual Reality Methodologies IInternational audienceIn this paper we present the design, development, and usability testing of an auditory-visual based interactive environment for investigating virtual reality exposure-based treatment for cynophobia. The application is developed upon a framework that integrates different algorithms of the CROSSMOD project (www.crossmod.org). We discuss the on-going work and preliminary observations, so as to further the development of auditory-visual environment for virtual reality. Traditionally, virtual reality concentrates primarily on the presentation of high fidelity visual experience. We aim at demonstrating that combining adequately the visual and the auditory experience provides a powerful tool to enhance sensory processing and modulate attention

    Dendara métropole

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    Le chantier « Dendara métropole » vise à étudier les divers aspects du temple d’Hathor dans son environnement, en portant les investigations sur l’étude architecturale des monuments ainsi que sur l’exploration archéologique des quartiers d’habitations et des cimetières. Outre la poursuite des travaux sur l’architecture monumentale, sur les secteurs associés aux fondations de Montouhotep II et sur la nécropole de l’Ancien Empire, la campagne 2019 a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives de recherche..

    Representation of sound fields for audio recording and reproduction

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    Spherical and circular microphone arrays and loudspeaker arrays are often used for the recording and reproductionof a given sound field. A number of approaches and formats are available for the representation of the recordedfield, some of which are more popular among the audio engineering community (B-format, virtual microphones,etc.) whilst other representations are widely used in the literature on mathematics (generalized Fourier series,single layer potential, Herglotz wave function, etc.). In this paper, some of the properties of the various approachesand some of their differences are discussed. The analysis includes the representation of near-field sources and thechoice of basis functions used for the representation

    Installations sonores: vers une interaction audition/corps/espace

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    cote interne IRCAM: Warusfel06aNone / NoneNational audienceL'instrumentalisation de l'espace dans la composition musicale, ou la conception d'environnement à vocation ludique ou d'exploration scientifique peut être enrichie en empruntant à la réalité virtuelle son potentiel d'immersion multisensorielle et sa logique d'interaction avec le contenu. Cette évolution débouche sur le concept d'installation sonore interactive engageant conjointement, de manière réaliste ou symbolique, l'audition, le corps et l'espace. À partir de l'exemple précurseur du projet Listen, nous présentons le substrat technologique sur lequel s'appuie ce concept et tentons d'initier une réflexion sur les questions d'écriture conjointe de l'espace et du temps et sur les conditions de pertinence perceptuelle et cognitive d'un vocabulaire propre aux transformations spatiales

    Predictive Acoustics Software and Computer Aided Optimization in Room Acoustics

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    cote interne IRCAM: Warusfel95bNone / NoneNational audienceThe design of a new hall and the control of a variable acoustics hall adress similar problems. In both cases the goal is to optimize, under various constraints, the architectural parameters according to a desired acoustical result. On the one hand, the complex relationships between architectural parameters and the acoustical behaviour of the room limit the efficiency of an intuitive modification or tuning of the room. On the other hand, in spite of their improving prediction performances, room simulation softwares will partly fail as long as they do not includ