11,553 research outputs found

    Hausdorff dimension of some groups acting on the binary tree

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    Based on the work of Abercrombie, Barnea and Shalev gave an explicit formula for the Hausdorff dimension of a group acting on a rooted tree. We focus here on the binary tree T. Abert and Virag showed that there exist finitely generated (but not necessarily level-transitive) subgroups of AutT of arbitrary dimension in [0,1]. In this article we explicitly compute the Hausdorff dimension of the level-transitive spinal groups. We then show examples of 3-generated spinal groups which have transcendental Hausdroff dimension, and exhibit a construction of 2-generated groups whose Hausdorff dimension is 1.Comment: 10 pages; full revision; simplified some proof

    Spectroscopy of the parametric magnons excited by 4-wave process

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    Using a Magnetic Resonace Force Microscope, we have performed ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectroscopy on parametric magnons created by 4-wave process. This is achieved by measuring the differential response to a small source modulation superimposed to a constant excitation power that drives the dynamics in the saturation regime of the transverse component. By sweeping the applied field, we observe abrupt readjustement of the total number of magnons each time the excitation coincides with a parametric mode. This gives rise to ultra-narrow peaks whose linewith is lower than 5 10−65~10^{-6} of the applied field.Comment: 4 page

    Formation of H3−_3^- by radiative association of H2_2 and H−^- in the interstellar medium

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    We develop the theory of radiative association of an atom and a diatomic molecule within a close-coupling framework. We apply it to the formation of H3−_3^- after the low energy collision (below 0.5 eV) of H2_2 with H−^-. Using recently obtained potential energy and permanent dipole moment surfaces of H3−_3^-, we calculate the lowest rovibrational levels of the H3−_3^- electronic ground state, and the cross section for the formation of H3−_3^- by radiative association between H−^- and ortho- and para-H2_2. We discuss the possibility for the H3−_3^- ion to be formed and observed in the cold and dense interstellar medium in an environment with a high ionization rate. Such an observation would be a probe for the presence of H−^- in the interstellar medium

    Magnetic resonance studies of the fundamental spin-wave modes in individual submicron Cu/NiFe/Cu perpendicularly magnetized disks

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    Spin wave spectra of perpendicularly magnetized disks with trilayers consisting of a 100 nm permalloy (Py) layer sandwiched by two Cu layers of 30 nm, are measured individually with a Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope (MRFM). It is demonstrated by 3D micromagnetic simulations that in disks having sub-micron size diameters, the lowest energy spin wave mode of the saturated state is not spatially uniform but rather is localized at the center of the Py/Cu interface in the region of a minimum demagnetizing field

    Spin noise and Bell inequalities in a realistic superconductor-quantum dot entangler

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    Charge and spin current correlations are analyzed in a source of spin-entangled electrons built from a superconductor and two quantum dots in parallel. In addition to the ideal (crossed Andreev) channel, parasitic channels (direct Andreev and cotunneling) and spin flip processes are fully described in a density matrix framework. The way they reduce both the efficiency and the fidelity of the entangler is quantitatively described by analyzing the zero-frequency noise correlations of charge current as well as spin current in the two output branches. Spin current noise is characterized by a spin Fano factor, equal to 0 (total current noise) and -1 (crossed correlations) for an ideal entangler. The violation of the Bell inequalities, as a test of non-locality (entanglement) of split pairs, is formulated in terms of the correlations of electron charge and spin numbers counted in a specific time window Ï„\tau. The efficiency of the test is analyzed, comparing Ï„\tau to the various time scales in the entangler operation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rotationally-invariant slave-boson formalism and momentum dependence of the quasiparticle weight

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    We generalize the rotationally-invariant formulation of the slave-boson formalism to multiorbital models, with arbitrary interactions, crystal fields, and multiplet structure. This allows for the study of multiplet effects on the nature of low-energy quasiparticles. Non-diagonal components of the matrix of quasiparticle weights can be calculated within this framework. When combined with cluster extensions of dynamical mean-field theory, this method allows us to address the effects of spatial correlations, such as the generation of the superexchange and the momentum dependence of the quasiparticle weight. We illustrate the method on a two-band Hubbard model, a Hubbard model made of two coupled layers, and a two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model (within a two-site cellular dynamical mean-field approximation).Comment: added figures, improved discussio

    Magnetic properties of the iron sublattice in the YFe12-xMx compounds (M = Ti, Mo or V; x = 1-3.5)

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    International audienceThe magnetic properties of the YFe12-xMx compounds (M = Ti, Mo or V; x = 1-3.5) have been determined in the ordered ferromagnetic state as well as in the paramagnetic state. The iron magnetic moment has been determined from 4 K up to the Curie temperature whereas the analysis of the paramagnetic region has led to the determination of the effective iron magnetic moment. The number of spins has been calculated below and above the Curie temperature in order to discuss the degree of itinerancy of the Fe magnetic behavior in the YFe12-xMx compounds. All the YFe12-xMx compounds (M = Ti, Mo or V; x = 1-3.5) have very similar crystalline properties: they crystallize in the same crystal structure and all the M elements used here are known to substitute for iron on the same crystal site. In contrast, they exhibit a wide range of magnetic behavior; the Curie temperature varies from 63 to 539 K and the mean magnetic moment per iron atom is also very dependent upon the M element used and its concentration. Furthermore the degree of itinerancy of the iron is not preserved along YFe12-xMx compounds but is found to depend significantly upon the nature of the substituting element M and its concentration. The results are discussed and compared to earlier published results obtained on binary R-Fe and ternary R-Fe-B compounds

    Complete mapping of the spin-wave spectrum in vortex state nano-disk

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    We report a study on the complete spin-wave spectrum inside a vortex state nano-disk. Transformation of this spectrum is continuously monitored as the nano-disk becomes gradually magnetized by a perpendicular magnetic field and encouters a second order phase transition to the uniformly magnetized state. This reveals the bijective relationship that exists between the eigen-modes in the vortex state with the ones in the saturated state. It is found that the gyrotropic mode can be continuously viewed as a uniform phase precession, which uniquely softens (its frequency vanishes) at the saturation field to transform above into the Kittel mode. By contrast the other spin-wave modes remain finite as a function of the applied field while their character is altered by level anti-crossing
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