534 research outputs found

    On the choosability of HH-minor-free graphs

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    Given a graph HH, let us denote by fχ(H)f_\chi(H) and f(H)f_\ell(H), respectively, the maximum chromatic number and the maximum list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs. Hadwiger's famous coloring conjecture from 1943 states that fχ(Kt)=t1f_\chi(K_t)=t-1 for every t2t \ge 2. In contrast, for list coloring it is known that 2to(t)f(Kt)O(t(loglogt)6)2t-o(t) \le f_\ell(K_t) \le O(t (\log \log t)^6) and thus, f(Kt)f_\ell(K_t) is bounded away from the conjectured value t1t-1 for fχ(Kt)f_\chi(K_t) by at least a constant factor. The so-called HH-Hadwiger's conjecture, proposed by Seymour, asks to prove that fχ(H)=v(H)1f_\chi(H)=\textsf{v}(H)-1 for a given graph HH (which would be implied by Hadwiger's conjecture). In this paper, we prove several new lower bounds on f(H)f_\ell(H), thus exploring the limits of a list coloring extension of HH-Hadwiger's conjecture. Our main results are: For every ε>0\varepsilon>0 and all sufficiently large graphs HH we have f(H)(1ε)(v(H)+κ(H))f_\ell(H)\ge (1-\varepsilon)(\textsf{v}(H)+\kappa(H)), where κ(H)\kappa(H) denotes the vertex-connectivity of HH. For every ε>0\varepsilon>0 there exists C=C(ε)>0C=C(\varepsilon)>0 such that asymptotically almost every nn-vertex graph HH with Cnlogn\left\lceil C n\log n\right\rceil edges satisfies f(H)(2ε)nf_\ell(H)\ge (2-\varepsilon)n. The first result generalizes recent results on complete and complete bipartite graphs and shows that the list chromatic number of HH-minor-free graphs is separated from the natural lower bound (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor for all large graphs HH of linear connectivity. The second result tells us that even when HH is a very sparse graph (with an average degree just logarithmic in its order), f(H)f_\ell(H) can still be separated from (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) by a constant factor arbitrarily close to 22. Conceptually these results indicate that the graphs HH for which f(H)f_\ell(H) is close to (v(H)1)(\textsf{v}(H)-1) are typically rather sparse.Comment: 14 page

    On the cost of misperception: general results and behavioural applications

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    In a choice model, we characterize the loss induced by misperceptions of payoff-relevant parameters across a distribution of decision problems. When the agent cannot avoid misperceptions but has some control over the distribution of errors, we show that strategies that minimize loss from misperception exhibit systematic biases, akin to some documented in the behavioural and psychological literatures. We include illusion of control, order effect, overprecision, and overweighting of small probabilities as illustrative examples

    Attention please!

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    We study the impact of manipulating the attention of a decision-maker who learns sequentially about a number of items before making a choice. Under natural assumptions on the decision-maker’s strategy, directing attention toward one item increases its likelihood of being chosen regardless of its value. This result applies when the decisionmaker can reject all items in favor of an outside option with known value; if no outside option is available, the direction of the effect of manipulation depends on the value of the item. A similar result applies to manipulation of choices in bandit problems

    Pflegen medienkompetente Eltern eine gute Medienerziehung? Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativbefragung von Eltern 10- bis 17-jähriger Kinder

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    "Eltern sehen sich gegenwärtig vor die Herausforderung der Medienerziehung in einer sich rasch entwickelnden neuen Medienlandschaft gestellt. In einer explorativen Studie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, welche Faktoren die Medienkompetenz und das medienerzieherische Handeln von Eltern 10- bis 17- jähriger Kinder beeinflussen. Im Fokus der Studie stehen insbesondere auch bisher nicht untersuchte Zusammenhänge zwischen der Medienkompetenz und dem medienerzieherischen Handeln der Eltern. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit zielgruppenspezifischer Angebote zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz von Eltern. Bei der Ausgestaltung von Angeboten zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz sollten insbesondere der formale Bildungshintergrund und das Geschlecht der Eltern berücksichtigt werden." (Autorenreferat)"Parents today face challenges educating their children in a rapidly evolving new media landscape. This exploratory study investigates factors influencing media literacy and media education of parents of 10- to 17-year-old children. The study focuses in particular on the relationship between media literacy and media education of parents. The results highlight the need for targeted offers to promote media literacy among parents. In particular, the design of services for the promotion of media literacy should take into account the formal educational background and gender of parents." (author's abstract

    Generation Smartphone : ein partizipatives Forschungsprojekt mit Jugendlichen

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    Unter www.generationsmartphone.ch finden Sie weitere Materialien (u.a. Videobeiträge), die aus dem Projekt entstanden sind.Im Projekt «Generation Smartphone» haben acht Erwachsene und acht Jugendliche gemeinsam zur Smartphone-Nutzung von dreissig Jugendlichen geforscht. Durch den partizipativen Forschungsansatz – Jugendliche beteiligen sich aktiv am Forschungsprozess – wurden die Sichtweisen der Jugendlichen systematisch miteinbezogen. Die Forschungsziele waren einerseits die Bedeutung des Smartphones im Alltag Jugendlicher zu erfassen und andererseits Chancen und Risiken der Smartphone-Nutzung aus Sicht der Jugendlichen sichtbar zu machen. Einige wichtige Ergebnisse: - Das Smartphone ist für fast alle Jugendlichen unverzichtbar im Alltag, weil in einem Gerät alles gebündelt ist: Musik, Fotoapparat, Wecker, Games, Mails, Videos/Fotos, das Internet, Kontaktmöglichkeit mit allen möglichen Menschen, Bücher, Stadtpläne. - Viele Aktivitäten auf dem Smartphone sind vieles zugleich: Information, Unterhaltung und Kommunikation. «Spass» und «Ernsthaftes» sind nicht getrennt. - Viele Jugendliche haben ambivalente Gefühle gegenüber dem Smartphone («es ist mein bester Freund und mein grösster Feind»): Es ermöglicht all das oben Aufgezählte, und gleichzeitig kann man sich ihm nicht entziehen. - «Chancen» und «Risiken» treten oft gemeinsam auf: z.B. kann man ständig in Kontakt sein mit anderen Menschen, aber man muss auch ständig erreichbar sein und schnell reagieren. Man kann die meisten Risiken nicht durch einfache Massnahmen vermeiden, sie sind ein Teil des Gesamtpakets. - Jugendliche nutzen ihre Smartphones sehr unterschiedlich, z.B. je nach Alter: vor allem jüngere Jugendliche spielen Games auf dem Smartphone, ältere Jugendliche verwenden es oft für die Schule

    The evolution of GX 339-4 in the low-hard state as seen by NuSTAR and Swift

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    We analyze eleven NuSTAR and Swift observations of the black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4 in the hard state, six of which were taken during the end of the 2015 outburst, five during a failed outburst in 2013. These observations cover luminosities from 0.5%-5% of the Eddington luminosity. Implementing the most recent version of the reflection model relxillCp, we perform simultaneous spectral fits on both datasets to track the evolution of the properties in the accretion disk including the inner edge radius, the ionization, and temperature of the thermal emission. We also constrain the photon index and electron temperature of the primary source (the "corona"). We find the disk becomes more truncated when the luminosity decreases, and observe a maximum truncation radius of 37Rg37R_g. We also explore a self-consistent model under the framework of coronal Comptonization, and find consistent results regarding the disk truncation in the 2015 data, providing a more physical preferred fit for the 2013 observations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa


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    International audienceL’apprentissage de l’écriture est une activité complexe qui implique d’importantes modifications au niveau psychomoteur et cognitif chez l ’apprenant. Bien qu’essentiellement centrées sur la problématique du contrôle graphomoteur dans des tâches de tracés discrétisés (dimensions finies), les recherches et théories sur l’apprentissage de l’écriture mentionnent l’importance des régularités visuo-spatiales régissant les tracés entre eux dans l’espace d’écriture (dimensions ouvertes de type topologique). L’étude de la nature, du rôle et du fonctionnement de l’attention vis-à-vis de ces régularités nous guidera vers des hypothèses didactiques pouvant être complémentaires des approches existantes. Nous testerons celles-ci au travers de la conception et de l’expérimentation de dispositifs adaptatifs d’entrainement attentionnel (au sein du projet DESCRIPT, UTC, Gapenne), qui devront nous permettre d’observer l’émergence d’une pratique attentionnelle porteuse de stabilité et d’adaptabilité pour le tracé

    Den digitalen Wandel konzeptionell fassen - das Beispiel Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW

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    Der Beitrag reflektiert den Erarbeitungsprozess des Grundlagenpapiers „Digitalisierung und Soziale Arbeit“ an der Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW. Ziel des Grundlagenpapiers ist es, den digitalen Wandel theoretisch zu rahmen und in seinen möglichen Auswirkungen für die Hochschule einzuschätzen. Der Artikel zeigt insbesondere auf, wie das Grundlagenpapier erarbeitet und das Thema Digitalisierung zu diesem Zweck anhand verschiedener Überlegungen dimensioniert wurde

    Animazione socioculturale dell'infanzia e della gioventù

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    This book presents an overview of the results of the first standardised survey of services of open child and youth work in Switzerland, which was conducted in 2018 as a sub-project of the project Language Regions of the umbrella organisation Open Child and Youth Work Switzerland (DOJ/AFAJ) and other cooperation partners and was published in the three national languages of Switzerland which are German, French and Italian. A total of 620 services of open child and youth work, in which at least one permanently employed and/or paid professional worked, took part in the survey. In the book, the following aspects of the field of action are described in an overview and then contextualised: Types of services, opportunities for participation, quality work, professional orientation, financing, sponsorship and governance and management structures, statements on the target group, clients and staff, as well as on spatial or financial resources, founding year, opening hours etc., but also assessments of the professionals on specific topics. The results were also compared between the different linguistic regions and in the three different types of communes "urban", "intermediate" and "rural". The results of the study show a picture of a differentiated and complex field of action, illustrate achievements to date and point out the potential for future development

    Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit

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    This book presents an overview of the results of the first standardised survey of services of open child and youth work in Switzerland, which was conducted in 2018 as a sub-project of the project Language Regions of the umbrella organisation Open Child and Youth Work Switzerland (DOJ/AFAJ) and other cooperation partners and was published in the three national languages of Switzerland which are German, French and Italian. A total of 620 services of open child and youth work, in which at least one permanently employed and/or paid professional worked, took part in the survey. In the book, the following aspects of the field of action are described in an overview and then contextualised: Types of services, opportunities for participation, quality work, professional orientation, financing, sponsorship and governance and management structures, statements on the target group, clients and staff, as well as on spatial or financial resources, founding year, opening hours etc., but also assessments of the professionals on specific topics. The results were also compared between the different linguistic regions and in the three different types of communes "urban", "intermediate" and "rural". The results of the study show a picture of a differentiated and complex field of action, illustrate achievements to date and point out the potential for future development