51 research outputs found

    Effects of hydrogen sulfide on hemodynamics, inflammatory response and oxidative stress during resuscitated hemorrhagic shock in rats

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    Introduction Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has been shown to improve survival in rodent models of lethal hemorrhage. Conversely, other authors have reported that inhibition of endogenous H2S production improves hemodynamics and reduces organ injury after hemorrhagic shock. Since all of these data originate from unresuscitated models and/or the use of a pre-treatment design, we therefore tested the hypothesis that the H2S donor, sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS), may improve hemodynamics in resuscitated hemorrhagic shock and attenuate oxidative and nitrosative stresses. Methods Thirty-two rats were mechanically ventilated and instrumented to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP) and carotid blood flow (CBF). Animals were bled during 60 minutes in order to maintain MAP at 40 ± 2 mm Hg. Ten minutes prior to retransfusion of shed blood, rats randomly received either an intravenous bolus of NaHS (0.2 mg/kg) or vehicle (0.9% NaCl). At the end of the experiment (T = 300 minutes), blood, aorta and heart were harvested for Western blot (inductible Nitric Oxyde Synthase (iNOS), Nuclear factor-ÎșB (NF-ÎșB), phosphorylated Inhibitor ÎșB (P-IÎșB), Inter-Cellular Adhesion Molecule (I-CAM), Heme oxygenase 1(HO-1), Heme oxygenase 2(HO-2), as well as nuclear respiratory factor 2 (Nrf2)). Nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion (O2 -) were also measured by electron paramagnetic resonance. Results At the end of the experiment, control rats exhibited a decrease in MAP which was attenuated by NaHS (65 ± 32 versus 101 ± 17 mmHg, P < 0.05). CBF was better maintained in NaHS-treated rats (1.9 ± 1.6 versus 4.4 ± 1.9 ml/minute P < 0.05). NaHS significantly limited shock-induced metabolic acidosis. NaHS also prevented iNOS expression and NO production in the heart and aorta while significantly reducing NF-kB, P-IÎșB and I-CAM in the aorta. Compared to the control group, NaHS significantly increased Nrf2, HO-1 and HO-2 and limited O2 - release in both aorta and heart (P < 0.05). Conclusions NaHS is protective against the effects of ischemia reperfusion induced by controlled hemorrhage in rats. NaHS also improves hemodynamics in the early resuscitation phase after hemorrhagic shock, most likely as a result of attenuated oxidative stress. The use of NaHS hence appears promising in limiting the consequences of ischemia reperfusion (IR)

    Genetic programming of macrophages generates an in vitro model for the human erythroid island niche

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    In vitro differentiation of red blood cells (RBCs) is a desirable therapy for various disorders. Here the authors develop a culture system using stem cell-derived macrophages to show that inducible expression of a transcription factor, KLF1, enhances RBC production, potentially through the induction of three soluble factors, ANGPTL7, IL33 and SERPINB2

    Les phytotechnologies appliquées aux sites et sols pollués : Nouveaux résultats de recherche et démonstration

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    Phytotechnologies are plant-based options for in situ contaminated land management. These technologies, although known and favorably viewed by site owners and managers, remain emerging and not marketable. This may be due to a lack of field expertise and demonstration feedback as well as a lack of information related to biomass conversion possibilities, costs and benefits expected from these technologies. This publication presents new results from research projects supported by the French Agency of Environment and Energy Management (ADEME). This publication provides additional content to the guidance published by ADEME and INERIS in 2012 « Les phytotechnologies appliquĂ©es aux sites et sols polluĂ©s : Etat de l’art et guide de mise en oeuvre ». Phytomanagement, the overall polluted site management concept, is presented through 5 chapters which concern decision support tools (Chapter 1), phytostabilisation feedback from field experiences (Chapter 2), ecosystem exposure and transfer through bioavailabilty assessment of pollutants (Chapter 3), biomass energy conversion referring to technical, regulatory, social (Chapter 4) and economic (Chapter 5) point of view. The synthesis of available decision support tools and technical, regulatory, economical and social information presented in this publication should allow future users of phytotechnologies to validate the relevance of using such technologies according to specific site objectives.Les phytotechnologies appliquĂ©es Ă  la gestion des sites polluĂ©s regroupent un ensemble de techniques qui utilisent in situ des espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales pour contenir, extraire ou dĂ©grader des polluants inorganiques ou organiques du sol. Ces techniques, bien que connues et relativement bien perçues par les gestionnaires et opĂ©rateurs des sites polluĂ©s, restent encore Ă©mergentes sur les marchĂ©s des techniques de gestion des sites et sols polluĂ©s, notamment par manque de recul opĂ©rationnel et d’informations sur les possibilitĂ©s de valorisation de la biomasse produite et les coĂ»ts et bĂ©nĂ©fices associĂ©s. Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente de nouveaux rĂ©sultats de recherche et de dĂ©monstration issues de projets encouragĂ©s ou soutenus par l’ADEME et finalisĂ©s depuis 2012. A ce titre, il complĂšte et enrichit le contenu du guide « Les phytotechnologies appliquĂ©es aux sites et sols polluĂ©s : Etat de l’art et guide de mise en oeuvre » rĂ©alisĂ© par l’ADEME et l’INERIS. L’approche globale de gestion des sites et sols polluĂ©s (phytomanagement) est envisagĂ©e au travers de 5 chapitres dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sentation d’outils d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision (Chapitre 1), de retours d’expĂ©riences et d’exemples d’application de phytostabilisation (Chapitre 2), d’outils d’estimation des transferts et des expositions des Ă©cosystĂšmes en lien avec l’évaluation de la biodisponibilitĂ© des polluants (Chapitre 3), de filiĂšres de conversion de la biomasse en Ă©nergie et de leurs enjeux sociaux, rĂšglementaires (Chapitre 4) et Ă©conomiques (Chapitre 5). La synthĂšse des outils disponibles d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision et les informations Ă  caractĂšres techniques, Ă©conomiques, rĂšglementaires et sociaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cet ouvrage doivent permettre Ă  tout utilisateur ou prescripteur potentiel des phytotechnologies de valider la pertinence de l’utilisation des phytotechnologies au regard des objectifs de gestion du site

    Study of in fiber Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on two spaced 3-dB long period gratings surrounded by a refractive index higher than that of silica

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    International audienceThe paper deals with the response of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer composed by two 3-dB long period gratings (LPG) with different external refractive indices higher than that of silica (leaky configuration). A rough analysis of the cladding propagation arising in leaky configuration has allowed us to establish a model that is sufficient to describe the interferometer couplings evolution at the resonance. In particular, we have shown that the interferometer sensitivity depends strongly on its phase-shift Δϕ and is optimized for Δϕ equal to π [2π] or 3π/4 [2π]. An experimental study was undertaken and allowed us to validate our model. Finally, a comparison with a single LPG demonstrated an increased sensitivity to the external index, suggesting the conception of a new fiber sensor operating with external refractive indices higher than that of silica

    Transmission Modification of Optical Fiber Components Intensity by using Liquid Crystals

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    International audienceThe alignment and electrical reorientation of a liquid crystal around a tapered fiber were studied in order to improve the efficiency of optical components using liquid crystal. The method is based on the visualisation of the taper losses occuring when immersed in a liquid crystal of indices higher than silica. The polarisation into the taper was also determined

    Demonstration of long-period-grating efficient couplings with an external medium of a refractive index higher than that of silica

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    International audienceWe discuss the behavior of the transmission spectra of a long-period grating (LPG) with an external medium of refractive index higher than that of silica. We studied the evolution of the features of LPG’s surrounded by several liquid media for several kinds of fiber. The study demonstrated that the behavior depends strongly on the fiber type. Efficient couplings (efficiency greater than 50%) have been obtained with an external medium of a refractive index larger than that of silica. This result indicates that a LPG can operate with surrounding materials of a refractive index higher than that of silica, promising new applications for LPG’s as active optical filters

    Long period copper-coated grating as an electrically tunable wavelength-selective filter

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    International audienceFor the first time, the behaviour of long period gratings with a metal coating has been investigated. It is shown that, in the case of a copper coating, couplings become slightly shifted and attenuated. By applying a DC current to the coating, a shift ~4 nm is obtained for a resistive power close to 0.5 W. This result suggests that long period gratings are more attractive than Bragg gratings for realising tunable wavelength-selective filters based on the electrical heating of a fibre through a metal coating

    Exposition des jardiniers urbains dans un contexte industrialisĂ© – Aspects mĂ©thodologiques

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    OVINTRODUCTION Jusqu’à rĂ©cemment le jardinage avait souvent pour vocation principale de subvenir aux besoins alimentaires. De nos jours, les motivations des jardiniers sont beaucoup plus variĂ©es. Outre la production de fruits et lĂ©gumes de qualitĂ©, le jardin joue aussi un rĂŽle social et de support de biodiversitĂ© fortement dĂ©pendant des pratiques associĂ©es au jardinage (e.g. utilisation ou non de pesticides, intensitĂ© du travail du sol, maintien d’habitats annexes favorables). Si le jardinage est effectuĂ© le plus souvent en milieu rural, il se pratique de plus en plus en milieux pĂ©riurbain et urbain et peut ĂȘtre qualifiĂ© « d’agriculture urbaine ». Se pose alors la question de la qualitĂ© des sols et des productions cultivĂ©es au regard de pollutions potentielles rĂ©sultant des activitĂ©s humaines actuelles et/ou passĂ©es (chauffage urbain, circulation automobile, activitĂ©s industrielles, apports de terre/remblais
). D’une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, les connaissances sur les jardins potagers restent insuffisantes au regard de leur nombre Ă©levĂ©, de la diversitĂ© de leurs contextes environnementaux, des modes de gouvernance, des pratiques culturales et de consommation, de la complexitĂ© des rĂ©glementations relatives Ă  ces espaces, privatifs ou pas, et Ă  ces productions. L’objectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter un retour d’expĂ©rience sur une dĂ©marche menĂ©e, en partenariat avec les services sanitaires, dans une portion de l’ancien bassin minier du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, rĂ©gion densĂ©ment peuplĂ©e et avec un lourd passĂ© industriel. La dĂ©marche, transfĂ©rable Ă  d’autres contextes environnementaux, visait Ă  mieux connaĂźtre les jardins majoritairement privatifs. Elle s’étend depuis l’étude historique du site jusqu’à la restitution auprĂšs des jardiniers des donnĂ©es acquises. Ces connaissances sont destinĂ©es Ă  alimenter les rĂ©flexions sur la gestion des potagers urbains en apportant des arguments scientifiques et techniques sur les quantitĂ©s produites et consommĂ©es, les pratiques culturales des jardiniers, l’aptitude des fruits et lĂ©gumes autoproduits Ă  accumuler des polluants mĂ©talliques. Elles sont aussi le support de rĂ©flexions destinĂ©es Ă  rĂ©duire l’exposition aux polluants mĂ©talliques des jardiniers et de leur famille en lien avec le jardinage

    PrĂ©somption de pollution d’un sol : des clĂ©s pour comprendre et agir

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    OVInternational audienceIl arrive qu’une prĂ©somption de pollution des sols soit Ă©mise lors d’un amĂ©nagement, ou au cours de l’usage d’un espace public ou privĂ© extĂ©rieur (promenade, espaces verts et parcs, agriculture urbaine pour amateurs ou professionnels). Cependant, la thĂ©matique de la pollution des sols se rĂ©vĂšle complexe et relativement experte. Les parties prenantes confrontĂ©es Ă  ces situations, tant professionnelles qu’amateurs, se dĂ©clarent souvent dĂ©munies pour dĂ©terminer la marche Ă  suivre. Ce guide expose au travers de deux parties principales, les notions fondamentales de comprĂ©hension pour rĂ©pondre Ă  une suspicion de pollution des sols, puis les clĂ©s pour structurer et mener son action. Il a une vocation pĂ©dagogique et d’accompagnement mĂ©thodologique. Il s’adresse aux Ă©lus, maĂźtres d’ouvrages publics et privĂ©s (gestionnaires de patrimoine, bailleurs, amĂ©nageurs, particuliers), bureaux d’études techniques et de conseil (paysagistes concepteurs, gestionnaires de sites et sols polluĂ©s, architectes, urbanistes), entreprises (espaces verts, travaux publics), Ă©tablissements de formation, Ă©tudiants, jardiniers en associations, fĂ©dĂ©rations et particuliers
