31 research outputs found

    Transglutaminase 2 Contributes to Apoptosis Induction in Jurkat T Cells by Modulating Ca(2+) Homeostasis via Cross-Linking RAP1GDS1

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    BACKGROUND: Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is a protein cross-linking enzyme known to be associated with the in vivo apoptosis program of T cells. However, its role in the T cell apoptosis program was not investigated yet. RESULTS: Here we report that timed overexpression of both the wild type (wt) and the cross-linking mutant of TG2 induced apoptosis in Jurkat T cells, the wt being more effective. Part of TG2 colocalised with mitochondria. WtTG2-induced apoptosis was characterized by enhanced mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake. Ca(2+)-activated wtTG2 cross-linked RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1, an unusual guanine exchange factor acting on various small GTPases, to induce a yet uncharacterized signaling pathway that was able to promote the Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum via both Ins3P and ryanodine sensitive receptors leading to a consequently enhanced mitochondrial Ca(2+)uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that TG2 might act as a Ca(2+) sensor to amplify endoplasmic reticulum-derived Ca(2+) signals to enhance mitochondria Ca(2+) uptake. Since enhanced mitochondrial Ca(2+) levels were previously shown to sensitize mitochondria for various apoptotic signals, our data demonstrate a novel mechanism through which TG2 can contribute to the induction of apoptosis in certain cell types. Since, as compared to knock out cells, physiological levels of TG2 affected Ca(2+) signals in mouse embryonic fibroblasts similar to Jurkat cells, our data might indicate a more general role of TG2 in the regulation of mitochondrial Ca(2+) homeostasis

    Recent progress towards development of effective systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant brain tumors

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    Systemic chemotherapy has been relatively ineffective in the treatment of malignant brain tumors even though systemic chemotherapy drugs are small molecules that can readily extravasate across the porous blood-brain tumor barrier of malignant brain tumor microvasculature. Small molecule systemic chemotherapy drugs maintain peak blood concentrations for only minutes, and therefore, do not accumulate to therapeutic concentrations within individual brain tumor cells. The physiologic upper limit of pore size in the blood-brain tumor barrier of malignant brain tumor microvasculature is approximately 12 nanometers. Spherical nanoparticles ranging between 7 nm and 10 nm in diameter maintain peak blood concentrations for several hours and are sufficiently smaller than the 12 nm physiologic upper limit of pore size in the blood-brain tumor barrier to accumulate to therapeutic concentrations within individual brain tumor cells. Therefore, nanoparticles bearing chemotherapy that are within the 7 to 10 nm size range can be used to deliver therapeutic concentrations of small molecule chemotherapy drugs across the blood-brain tumor barrier into individual brain tumor cells. The initial therapeutic efficacy of the Gd-G5-doxorubicin dendrimer, an imageable nanoparticle bearing chemotherapy within the 7 to 10 nm size range, has been demonstrated in the orthotopic RG-2 rodent malignant glioma model. Herein I discuss this novel strategy to improve the effectiveness of systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant brain tumors and the therapeutic implications thereof

    Regional Variation in Aortic AT1b Receptor mRNA Abundance Is Associated with Contractility but Unrelated to Atherosclerosis and Aortic Aneurysms

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    BACKGROUND: Angiotensin II (AngII), the main bioactive peptide of the renin angiotensin system, exerts most of its biological actions through stimulation of AngII type 1 (AT1) receptors. This receptor is expressed as 2 structurally similar subtypes in rodents, termed AT1a and AT1b. Although AT1a receptors have been studied comprehensively, roles of AT1b receptors in the aorta have not been defined. METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: We initially compared the regional distribution of AT1b receptor mRNA with AT1a receptor mRNA in the aorta. mRNA abundance of both subtypes increased from the proximal to the distal aorta, with the greatest abundance in the infra-renal region. Corresponding to the high mRNA abundance for both receptors, only aortic rings from the infra-renal aorta contracted in response to AngII stimulation. Despite the presence of both receptor transcripts, deletion of AT1b receptors, but not AT1a receptors, diminished AngII-induced contractility. To determine whether absence of AT1b receptors influenced aortic pathologies, we bred AT1b receptor deficient mice into an LDL receptor deficient background. Mice were fed a diet enriched in saturated fat and infused with AngII (1,000 ng/kg/min). Parameters that could influence development of aortic pathologies, including systolic blood pressure and plasma cholesterol concentrations, were not impacted by AT1b receptor deficiency. Absence of AT1b receptors also had no effect on size of aortic atherosclerotic lesions and aortic aneurysms in both the ascending and abdominal regions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Regional abundance of AT1b receptor mRNA coincided with AngII-induced regional contractility, but it was not associated with AngII-induced aortic pathologies