54 research outputs found

    Carbon, land and water: a global analysis of the hydrologic dimensions of climate change mitigation through afforestation / reforestation

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    Climate change / Water supply / Forests / Land use / Afforestation / Reforestation / Water balance / Models / Evapotranspiration / Precipitation / Water use / Ecosystems

    Drought effects on soil carbon dioxide efflux in two ecosystems in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Trockenheitsperioden auf die unterirdische Kohlenstoffdynamik wurden Emissions- und Produktionsraten von CO2 in den Böden zweier tropischer Ökosysteme in Zentralsulawesi/Indonesien gemessen. FĂŒr diese Untersuchungen wurde eine kĂŒnstliche Trockenheit mit Hilfe von DĂ€chern aus durchsichtiger Folie erzeugt, die den Bestandesniederschlag von drei VersuchsflĂ€chen im Vergleich zu drei KontrollflĂ€chen verringerten. Ein solches Trockenheitssimulationsexperiment wurde in einem Kakao (Theobroma cacao) / Gliricidia sepium Agroforst (560 m ĂŒ.NHN) durchgefĂŒhrt, und ein weiters in einem sub-montanen tropischen Regenwald (1,050 m ĂŒ.NHN). Alle zwei Wochen wurde die Produktion von CO2 sowohl horizontal-rĂ€umlich als auch vertikal bis zu einer Tiefe von 2,5 m gemessen. Die CO2-Produktion der bedachten FlĂ€chen wurde dabei mit den KontrollflĂ€chen verglichen. Das Simulationsexperiment im Kakao / Gliricidia Agroforst bestand aus einer einmonatigen Vorphase (vor der kĂŒnstlichen Austrocknung), gefolgt von einer 13 monatigen Trockenheitssimulation und einer fĂŒnfmonatigen Wiederbefeuchtungsphase. WĂ€hrend der Trockenphase war die CO2-Emission aus dem Boden im Vergleich zu den KontrollflĂ€chen um 13 % reduziert. Diese relativ schwache Reaktion kann auf zweierlei Weise erklĂ€rt werden. Die Emission von CO2 in den Dach- wie auch in den KontrollflĂ€chen war bei mittlerer Bodenfeuchtigkeit am höchsten, und sehr niedrig wenn die Bodenfeuchte entweder sehr gering oder sehr hoch war. Daher konnten kaum Unterschiede in der Bodenrespirationsrate zwischen KontrollflĂ€chen und DachflĂ€chen festgestellt werden, wenn die Bodenfeuchtigkeit in den KontrollflĂ€chen hoch war, wĂ€hrend die DachflĂ€chen gleichzeitig sehr trocken waren. Weiterhin zeigten die von der simulierten Trockenheit beeinflussten CO2-Emissionen in den DachflĂ€chen eine starke rĂ€umliche VariabilitĂ€t. An einigen Messpunkten (n = 11) war der Einfluss der simulierten Trockenheit sehr deutlich. Die CO2-Emissionen nahmen hier mit verminderter Bodenfeuchtigkeit ab. An anderen Messpunkten (n = 7) konnte dagegen kein Einfluss der Bodenfeuchte auf die CO2-Emissionen festgestellt werden. Die CO2-Emissionen des Bodens waren am höchsten am Fuß der BĂ€ume und nahmen mit zunehmender Entfernung von diesen ab. Insgesamt glichen sich die CO2-Emissionen von Dach- und KontrollflĂ€chen ĂŒber die Zeitdauer des Experimentes aus: Die Emissionen auf den DachflĂ€chen waren wĂ€hrend der simulierten Trockenheit niedrig, nahmen aber wĂ€hrend der fĂŒnfmonatigen Wiederbefeuchtungsphase zu, wobei sie sogar die Emissionen der KontrollflĂ€chen ĂŒbertrafen. In einem weiteren Trockenheitsexperiment wurde die unterirdische Kohlenstoffdynamik eines tropischen Regenwaldes untersucht. Das Simulationsexperiment begann mit einer zweieinhalbmonatigen Vorphase (vor der kĂŒnstlichen Austrocknung), gefolgt von einer 24,5-monatigen Trockenheitssimulation und einer viermonatigen Wiederbefeuchtungsphase. Im Gegensatz zu dem Experiment im Kakao / Gliricidia Agroforst war die CO2-Produktion im Regenwald bei Trockenheit stark vermindert. Die CO2-Emissionen in den DachflĂ€chen nahmen im Vergleich zu den KontrollflĂ€chen um durchschnittlich 39 % ab. Die Bodenfeuchtigkeit, die HaupteinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸe der CO2-Produktion, war stark lineare positiv mit der CO2-Produktion korreliert (R2 = 0.72). Die Reaktion auf die simulierte Trockenheit verlief in zwei Teilen: In den ersten neun Monaten nahm die Respirationsrate der Laubstreu ab, die autotrophe (Wurzeln) und die heterotrophe Respiration (Mikroorganismen) im Boden blieb indes unverĂ€ndert. Die CO2-Produktion in den oberen Bodenschichten nahm dabei zu, wĂ€hrend sie in tieferen Schichten abnahm. WĂ€hrend der nĂ€chsten 16 Monate des Experiments verstĂ€rkte sich die Auswirkung der Trockenheit und die autotrophe und heterotrophe CO2-Produktion nahm in allen Bodentiefen ab. Die Respirationsrate der Laubstreu blieb dabei sehr gering. WĂ€hrend der Wiederbefeuchtungsphase stiegen die CO2-Emissionen in den DachflĂ€chen an. Die Emissionswerte der KontrollflĂ€chen wurden dabei allerdings nicht mehr erreicht. Im Ökosystem Regenwald fĂŒhrte eine Trockenheit daher zu insgesamt verminderten CO2-Emissionen

    Influence of spatial and environmental variables on rattan palm (Arecaceae) assemblage composition in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Rattan palms are dominant elements of Southeast Asian rainforests and of high economic importance, yet little is known about the ecological factors determining the spatial distribution of species and assemblages. We studied rattan palm assemblages at two sites at different elevations in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia (Pono: 958–1,266 m; Bariri: 1,390–1,507 m). At each site, we established a transect of 1.29 km consisting of 65 study plots of 10 × 10 m2 each, regularly spaced 20 m from each other. In total, we recorded 5,081 rattan individuals belonging to 22 species, with 1,367 individuals of 16 species at Pono and 3,714 individuals of 8 species at Bariri. Variance partitioning explained 29–49 % of community variation at Pono and 40–72 % at Bariri, with most variation jointly explained by spatial and environmental variables. Within the environmental influence, soil factors dominated over local topographical ones. RDA ordination allowed the discrimination of four species groups at Pono and three groups at Bariri. These groups were related to soil and less clearly to topographic variables. Our study is the first documentation of the importance of soil parameters in determining the spatial distribution of rattan palms. Interestingly, juvenile palms (1 m tall), calling for further studies on the demography of rattan palms

    The Extra Domain A of Fibronectin Increases VEGF-C Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma Involving the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway

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    The extra domain A (EDA)-containing fibronectin (EDA-FN), an alternatively spliced form of the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin, is predominantly expressed in various malignancies but not in normal tissues. In the present study, we investigated the potential pro-lymphangiogenesis effects of extra domain A (EDA)-mediated vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) secretion in colorectal carcinoma (CRC). We detected the expressions of EDA and VEGF-C in 52 human colorectal tumor tissues and their surrounding mucosae by immunohistochemical analysis, and further tested the correlation between the expressions of these two proteins in aforementioned CRC tissues. Both EDA and VEGF-C were abundantly expressed in the specimens of human CRC tissues. And VEGF-C was associated with increased expression of EDA in human CRC according to linear regression analysis. Besides, EDA expression was significantly correlated with lymph node metastasis, tumor differentiation and clinical stage by clinicopathological analysis of tissue microarrays containing tumor tissues of 115 CRC patients. Then, human CRC cell SW480 was transfected with lentivectors to elicit expression of shRNA against EDA (shRNA-EDA), and SW620 was transfected with a lentiviral vector to overexpress EDA (pGC-FU-EDA), respectively. We confirmed that VEGF-C was upregulated in EDA-overexpressed cells, and downregulated in shRNA-EDA cells. Moreover, a PI3K-dependent signaling pathway was found to be involved in EDA-mediated VEGF-C secretion. The in vivo result demonstrated that EDA could promote tumor growth and tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis in mouse xenograft models. Our findings provide evidence that EDA could play a role in tumor-induced lymphangiogenesis via upregulating autocrine secretion of VEGF-C in colorectal cancer, which is associated with the PI3K/Akt-dependent pathway

    Sex differences in short-term mate preferences and behavioral mimicry: A semi-naturalistic experiment

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    Item does not contain fulltextStudies on short-term mating (STM) yield sex differences regarding preferences for attractiveness (important towomen, very important to men) and social status (very important to women, not to men) in potential mates. Additionally, men generally report a greater desire to engage in STM than women. So far, this evidence is primarily based on studies using vignettes or surveys. The current study extended the findings on sex differences in STM by examining actual behavior and STM-desires towards real people of the opposite sex. It investigated whether (1) sex differences exist in STM-desire, (2) whether this desire was affected by a confederate's attractiveness and status, and (3) if these sex differences were also reflected in interpersonal behavior (mimicry). In a pub-like laboratory, single heterosexual participants performed a task alongside a confederate of the opposite sex, who differed in attractiveness and social status. Mimicry was observed and explicit STM-desire was assessed. Results showed that men only desired STM more than women in the case of an attractive partner. Women's STMdesire did not vary as a function of status or ttractiveness of the potential partner. Men’s, but not women's, mimicry paralleled these differential STM-desires. These results underline the conditionality of sex differences in STM-desire and provide a useful paradigm to further investigate STM.10 p

    Plasma and cellular fibronectin: distinct and independent functions during tissue repair

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    Fibronectin (FN) is a ubiquitous extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein that plays vital roles during tissue repair. The plasma form of FN circulates in the blood, and upon tissue injury, is incorporated into fibrin clots to exert effects on platelet function and to mediate hemostasis. Cellular FN is then synthesized and assembled by cells as they migrate into the clot to reconstitute damaged tissue. The assembly of FN into a complex three-dimensional matrix during physiological repair plays a key role not only as a structural scaffold, but also as a regulator of cell function during this stage of tissue repair. FN fibrillogenesis is a complex, stepwise process that is strictly regulated by a multitude of factors. During fibrosis, there is excessive deposition of ECM, of which FN is one of the major components. Aberrant FN-matrix assembly is a major contributing factor to the switch from normal tissue repair to misregulated fibrosis. Understanding the mechanisms involved in FN assembly and how these interplay with cellular, fibrotic and immune responses may reveal targets for the future development of therapies to regulate aberrant tissue-repair processes
