400 research outputs found

    New species, records, and a synonymy of African Sisyridae (Neuroptera)

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    Two species of the genus Sisyra Burmeister (Neuroptera: Sisyridae), S. cameroonensis, n. sp., and S. gruwelli, n. sp., are described from the African Republic of Cameroon. Sisyra pallida Meinander is synonymized with Sisyra delicata Smithers, new synonymy, after comparison of the types of the former with topotypic paratypes of the latter. Type material of Sisyra nilotica Tjeder appears to be lost. Examples of Sisyra are recorded from Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uganda. A second species of the endemic African genus, Sisyborina, Monserrat, S. scitula, n. sp., is described from Cameroon, Guinea, and Zambia

    Trichoptera of the Area Platense

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    El estado actual de conocimientos sobre los Trichoptera de la República Argentina es aún fragmentario en lo que concierne a sus principales regiones biogeográficas, limitándose a estudios puntuales, cuya integración no suple hasta el presente la información de conjunto necesaria para establecer el status de este taxón como integrante de nuestra biota. Es por ello una circunstancia afortunada cubrir parcialmente el mencionado déficit con este aporte de conjunto, referido a los representantes del Área Platense, cuyo autor, el Dr. Oliver S. Flint, del Departarrento de Entomoloqía del National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C., USA, es uno de sus más destacados especialistas en el mundo. Esta revisión eminentemente sistemática, ofrece un enfoque introductorio general, complernentado con someras descripciones ambientales, comentarios sobre aspectos distribucionales, y referencias a métodos de recoleccíón y preservación de material. El tratamíento sistemático de los Trichoptera del Área Platense incluye descripciones y claves para la identificación de las 31 especies que conforman su elenco sistemático en el área de referencia, como así también de los 11 géneros y 6 familias de las cuales forman parte. Larvas y pupas son incorporadas en claves identificatorias en niveles supragenéricos. (de la introducción de Juan Alberto Schnack

    Nomenclatural and systematic changes in the Neotropical caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera)

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    Recent work on a catalog of the Neotropical caddisflies has resulted in the recognition of the need to make numerous lectotype designations, new names for homonyms, specific and generic synonymies, transfers of species between genera and genera between families, and placement of many long ignored names of Muller and others

    New species of microcaddisfl ies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the western United States, Canada, Mexico and Belize

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    Nine new species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) are described and illustrated from the western United States, Canada, Mexico, and Belize: Seven new species in the genus Neotrichia Morton, N. buenoi, N. chihuaha, N. contrerasi, N. maya, N. palitla, N. pinnacles, and N. sandersoni, one new species in the genus Oxyethira Eaton, O. pembertonensis, and one new species in the genus Metrichia Ross, M. mastelleri. As well, new records for N. mobilensis and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa and new illustrations of the male genitalia of Neotrichia jarochita Bueno- Soria and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa Harris and Sykora are provided

    New species of microcaddisfl ies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the western United States, Canada, Mexico and Belize

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    Nine new species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) are described and illustrated from the western United States, Canada, Mexico, and Belize: Seven new species in the genus Neotrichia Morton, N. buenoi, N. chihuaha, N. contrerasi, N. maya, N. palitla, N. pinnacles, and N. sandersoni, one new species in the genus Oxyethira Eaton, O. pembertonensis, and one new species in the genus Metrichia Ross, M. mastelleri. As well, new records for N. mobilensis and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa and new illustrations of the male genitalia of Neotrichia jarochita Bueno- Soria and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa Harris and Sykora are provided

    New species of microcaddisfl ies (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from the western United States, Canada, Mexico and Belize

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    Nine new species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) are described and illustrated from the western United States, Canada, Mexico, and Belize: Seven new species in the genus Neotrichia Morton, N. buenoi, N. chihuaha, N. contrerasi, N. maya, N. palitla, N. pinnacles, and N. sandersoni, one new species in the genus Oxyethira Eaton, O. pembertonensis, and one new species in the genus Metrichia Ross, M. mastelleri. As well, new records for N. mobilensis and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa and new illustrations of the male genitalia of Neotrichia jarochita Bueno- Soria and Mayatrichia tuscaloosa Harris and Sykora are provided

    Genomes and phenomes of a population of outbred rats and its progenitors

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    Finding genetic variants that contribute to phenotypic variation is one of the main challenges of modern genetics. We used an outbred population of rats (Heterogeneous Stock, HS) in a combined sequence-based and genetic mapping analysis to identify sequence variants and genes contributing to complex traits of biomedical relevance. Here we describe the sequences of the eight inbred progenitors of the HS and the variants that segregate between them. We report the genotyping of 1,407 HS rats, and the collection from 2,006 rats of 195 phenotypic measures that are relevant to models of anxiety, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. We make available haplotype dosages for the 1,407 genotyped rats, since genetic mapping in the HS is best carried out by reconstructing each HS chromosome as a mosaic of the progenitor genomes. Finally, we have deposited an R object that makes it easy to incorporate our sequence data into any genetic study of HS rats. Our genetic data are available for both Rnor3.4 and Rnor5.0 rat assemblies

    Notorious places: image, reputation, stigma: the role of newspapers in area reputations for social housing estates

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    This paper reviews work in several disciplines to distinguish between image, reputation and stigma. It also shows that there has been little research on the process by which area reputations are established and sustained through transmission processes. This paper reports on research into the portrayal of two social housing estates in the printed media over an extended period of time (14 years). It was found that negative and mixed coverage of the estates dominated, with the amount of positive coverage being very small. By examining the way in which dominant themes were used by newspapers in respect of each estate, questions are raised about the mode of operation of the press and the communities' collective right to challenge this. By identifying the way regeneration stories are covered and the nature of the content of positive stories, lessons are drawn for programmes of area transformation. The need for social regeneration activities is identified as an important ingredient for changing deprived-area reputations

    Ecological Impacts of the 2015/16 El Niño in the Central Equatorial Pacific

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    The authors thank Cisco Werner (NOAA/NMFS) for proposing this special issue and encouraging our submission. We thank each of the editors, Stephanie Herring, Peter Stott, and Nikos Christidis, for helpful guidance and support throughout the submittal process. We also thank each of the anonymous external reviewers for thoughtful guidance and suggestions to improve the manuscript. REB, TO, RV, AH, and BVA are grateful for support from the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. AC acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation for the following awards: OCE 1537338, OCE 1605365, and OCE 1031971. This is PMEL contribution no. 4698. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. government. The views expressed in the article are not necessarily those of the U.S. government. (NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program; OCE 1537338 - National Science Foundation; OCE 1605365 - National Science Foundation; OCE 1031971 - National Science Foundation