2,898 research outputs found

    Recent trends in Spanish Income Distribution: A Robust Picture of Falling Income Inequality.

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    Income distribution in Spain has experienced a substantial improvement towards equalisation during the second half of the seventies and the eighties; a period during which most OECD countries experienced the opposite trend. In spite of the many recent papers on the Spanish income distribution, the period covered by those stops in 1990. The aim of this paper is to extent the analysis to 1996 employing the same methodology and the same data set (ECPF). Our results not only corroborate the (decreasing inequality) trend found by others during the second half of the eighties, but also suggest that this trend extends over the first half of the nineties. We also show that our main conclusions are robust to changes in the equivalence scale, to changes in the definition of income and to potential data contamination. Finally, we analyse some of the causes which may be driving the overall picture of income inequality using two decomposition techniques. From this analyses three variables emerge as the major responsible factors for the observed improvement in the income distribution: education, household composition and socioeconomic situation of the household head.

    Precaution in public: the social perception of the role of science and values in policy making

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    This article presents the results of a study of public perception recently completed in Spain which questioned citizens about their views on the precautionary principle, the role of science in policy making, as well as their level of trust in science. The results show that Spanish citizens, by a significant margin, consider that scientists may be influenced by economic interests, that values play a key role in policy making, and that policy should be guided by precaution. Two groups were identified, one with a moderate and the other one with a more stringent interpretation of precaution. The results indicate that public policies that do not sufficiently take into account precaution and exclude values from decision making are likely to encounter resistance among many citizens

    The Role of Values in Methodological Controversies: The Case of Risk Assessment

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    Le débat sur le rôle des valeurs en science survient également dans les sciences appliquées, en particulier dans les sciences régulatives. Nous proposons une analyse, sous l’angle des valeurs, des controverses récentes sur le rôle de la connaissance scientifique dans la régulation des risques technologiques. Nous distinguons trois perspectives sur les valeurs cognitives et non-cognitives, dans le contexte de l’évaluation et de la gestion du risque. Notre analyse montre que les deux types de valeurs interagissent au sein du processus de génération de connaissances dans les sciences régulatives, et que des propositions de changements méthodologiques dépendent de la reconnaissance explicite du rôle opérant des valeurs. Notre contribution indique que l’analyse philosophique des valeurs peut aider à clarifier les controverses actuelles sur les risques technologiques.The debate on the role of values in science has also cropped up in the applied science and, particularly, regulatory science. We propose an analysis, from the perspective of values, of the recent controversies related to the role of scientific knowledge in the regulation of technological risks. We differentiate three perspectives on cognitive and non-cognitive values in the context of assessing and managing risk. Our analysis shows that both kinds of values interact in the process of knowledge generation in regulatory science, and that proposals for methodological changes are dependent upon the explicit recognition of the operation of values. Our contribution indicates that the philosophical analysis of values can help clarify the current controversies related to technological risks

    La enseñanza de la ética profesional en los estudios universitarios

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    The teaching of professional ethics in University studies is not only a demand that results from social request, but also from the need of curricula renewal and University’s nature of knowledge. After a brief exposition of the status quaestionis in the adaptation of University studies to social demand, the own moral nature –although not specific– of college education is analysed. As a request resulting from this way of being, it develops the way in which university curriculum, accordins to the guidelines of the Bologna Reform, can integrate professional’s own values, abilities and skills in relation to the specific contents of each field of University’s nature of knowledge. Finally, given the sensible character of ethical knowledge, some didactic guidelines for the design and integration of deontology as a University subject are proposed

    The Importance of Local Aspects in Traditional Industries’ Competitiveness: an Overview of the State of the Art

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    The process of globalization of the economy has modified the productive activity, enlarging the level of rivalry among firms. If it wants to respond with success to this new situation, a high competitiveness level should be maintained. The word is to the order of the day, with an implicit meaning of progress and advance, although it is not easy to find a definition of it. Many authors have tried this theme in depth. As Pérez (2001) indicates, there are four factors that determine the success of a business: the region where it is located, the industry to which it belongs, the cluster, and its own resources. According to other authors, the succes or failure of a business will be determined by the resources, the capacities and the strategies applied. There are many authors that affirm that competitiveness is a very located process, based on aglomerations of firms organized around one or various related industries, that converge. (Porter, 1985, 1998, Grant, 1996b, Mintzberg 1999). Some other affirm that the strategy of the firms must be based on internal resources, having these the main importance upon the market (Grant, 1996b). According to Grant (1996b), it is more advisable for the businesses that they become competitive based on its endogenous factors. The capacity of reaction of a firm requires not only a deep knowledge of the environment, but it also depends on the function of management, and the degree in which the culture of the organization affects the profit of value and the obtention of benefits of the business. Although these two theories, the external one the internal one have been presented like different alternatives for the study of an industry, other authors consider them complementary (Henderson, 2000), since, while the first one focuses its attention on the structure of the industry, the second does it in the fact that the capabilities (abilities, investments, knowledge, etc.) developed by an organization are the ones that build an strong competitive advantage. The study has focused on the macroeconomic focus, distinguishing also the internal and external aspects of it. Some of the most accepted models by the scientific comunity are presented within the external focus. The analysis of the geographical variable as base of a sinergic action of the businesses and of the related agencies established in an specific surroundings, the cluster, has been considered as part and development of the competitive strategy Finally both theries have been opposed and a new theoretical model, based on the adaptation of the main two currents that currently exist, has been proposed.

    A Conceptual Framework for the Industrial District Analysis: from Knowledge to Resources

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    Traditional literature on Industrial Districts has remarked the social capital as a core key in the development process of a sustainable territorial competitive advantage. In that concept authors are allocated part of the externalities without being underpined by an integrating conceptual framework. Recent resource-base view and knowledge management theory, as well as intellectual capital approach, can all be use as a conceptual framework to allocate all the industrial district’s special features in a more comprehensive and connected arena. We establish a conceptual framework by integrating different approaches and adapt all of them to specific industrial district case. Moreover, we adapt the SECI knowledge management model to the cluster case as a useful way to understand the tacit knowledge dissemination that occurs in the industrial district.

    Clusters and industrial districts: where is the literature going? Identifying emerging sub-fields of research

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    Ingenio Working Paper SeriesThe industrial district and cluster literature has generated an extraordinary quantity of articles, debates, and topics for discussion, and encompasses one of the most vibrant lines of research in the field of economics, geography, management and related disciplines. The literature, however, is fairly fragmented. In this paper, bibliometric methods are used to analyze cluster literature published between 1957 and 2014 in order to explore prospective research priorities through the method of bibliographic coupling. Beyond focusing on foundational works in the past, this approach shifts the focus away from the practice of analyzing co-citations and seminal contributions to one of looking at current and emerging trends in the literature. Using the ISI-Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) as a database, examination of two samples of 3,955 and 2,419 articles is made. Results reveal the existence of sub-fields of inquiry that are following their own particular research agendas, which remain distinct yet interconnected to one another.N

    Genes de "humanidad"

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    La especie viva más próxima a la nuestra, el chimpancé (Pan troglodytes), comparte con nosotros muchas características que hasta hace poco se consideraban típicamente humanas: uso de herramientas, capacidad de reconocer la propia imagen en un espejo, costumbres sociales que varían de un sitio a otro, capacidad de comunicación abstracta mediante símbolos, etc. Por el contrario, otras características —como el bipedalismo habitual, la mayor capacidad craneana o el uso de un lenguaje complejo— son exclusivamente humanas. ¿Qué cambios genéticos han provocado tales diferencias entre ambas especies? ¿Qué fuerzas (mutación, selección) han intervenido a lo largo de los 6 millones de años de evolución que las separan? La respuesta puede venir de la genómica y de las potentes técnicas bioinformáticas que se están empleando en la comparación de los genomas de ambas especies