7 research outputs found

    Ancient high-energy storm boulder deposits on Ko Samui, Thailand, and their significance for identifying coastal hazard risk

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Coastal geomorphic processes associated with high-energy storm events are difficult to estimate over recent geological history, though their frequency and magnitude are important to assess in order to understand present-day coastal vulnerability. Studying ancient coastal boulder deposits can shed light on the previous physical conditions necessary for their deposition. In this study, we estimated the physical processes required to move reef-derived coral boulders on the east coast of Ko Samui, a rapidly developing tourist island off eastern peninsular Thailand. The position and dimensions of 97 coral boulders (weight: mean 2.9. t, max. 12.7. t; transport distance: max. 125. m) were measured at two sites and dated using uranium/thorium methods. Flow velocities of 2.3-8.6. m/s were required to transport the measured boulders, with individuals deposited up to 4.7. m above mean sea level. Age-dating suggests that events capable of the highest flow velocities occurred around AD 1600 and AD 1750. These were probably driven by tropical cyclones (typhoons). Boulder transport by events of similar magnitude has not been detected within the last 250. years. The non-occurrence of similar events in living memory has implications for hazard perceptions at this important tourist destination. However, there is also evidence of substantial Holocene sea-level changes in the Gulf of Thailand, as observed at nearby Ko Phaluai. This potentially offers a challenge for the interpretation of older boulders dating from the mid-Holocene, as sea level may have been more than 2. m higher than present. Thus, studies using coral boulders as a proxy for past storm-wave conditions must consider the broader sea-level history, and are probably best limited to the period post-2000. BP in the Gulf of Thailand

    Large rivers and orogens: the evolution of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy system and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis

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    The eastern Himalayan syntaxis has experienced some of the highest rates of deformation and erosion in the orogen during the Late Cenozoic, and the Yarlung Tsangpo, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween, and Mekong rivers are the key erosional systems in that region. The Yarlung Tsangpo drains southern Tibet and the deep Siang River gorge through the eastern Himalayan syntaxis before joining the Brahmaputra in northeastern India. It has been proposed that the Yarlung Tsangpo drained into other large rivers of southern Asia, such as the Irrawaddy, Salween and Red River. We have used uranium/lead dating and hafnium measurements of detrital zircons from Cenozoic sedimentary deposits in Central Myanmar to demonstrate that the Yarlung Tsangpo formerly drained into the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar through the eastern syntaxis, and that this ancient river system was established by (at least) the Middle–Late Eocene. The Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy river disconnected in the Early Miocene driven by increased deformation in the eastern syntaxis and headward erosion by tributaries of the Brahmaputra. Our results highlight the significance of the sedimentary record of large orogen-parallel rivers and provide key chronological constraints on landscape evolution during the Early Miocene phase of the Himalayan orogeny

    Chemical and Nd isotope constraints on granitoid sources involved in the Caledonian Orogeny in Scotland

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    <p>Major- and trace-element data and Nd isotope compositions for granitoid samples from the Grampian Highlands in Scotland show a systematic evolution in the composition of their sources in the course of the Caledonian Orogeny. Granitoids of 511–451 Ma, related to the collision of the Midland Valley island arc with the Grampian terrane, show S-type affinity and fractionated REE patterns with minor Eu anomalies and low initial ϵ<sub>Nd</sub> values of −14.1 to −11.2 suggesting melting of predominantly Dalradian metasediments. Subsequently formed granitoids of 425–406 Ma derived from an assumed Andean plate margin comprise a wide spectrum of rock types including I-type granite–granodiorite, and S-type granitoids, monzonites and alkali granites. The trace-element patterns of these rocks and the range of initial ϵ<sub>Nd</sub> values of −2.1 to −6.9 are consistent with melting of variably rejuvenated crust as found in continental margin settings. We conclude that the Grampian Highlands were affected by two major crust-modifying events during the Caledonian Orogeny: predominantly recycling of older crust during docking of the Midland Valley arc and addition of juvenile, mantle-derived material to the crust during the convergence of Avalonia with Laurentia. </p

    Geochronology and geodynamics of Scottish granitoids from the late Neoproterozoic break-up of Rodinia to Palaeozoic collision

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    <p>Thirty-seven granitoids from Scotland have been dated using the sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe zircon method. Granitoids were intruded during: (1) crustal stretching at <em>c</em>. 600 Ma after Rodinia broke up (A-types); (2) the Grampian event of crustal thickening when the Midland Valley Arc terrane collided with Laurentia at <em>c</em>. 470 Ma (S-types); (3) erosion and decompression of the over-thickened Laurentian margin at <em>c</em>. 455 Ma (S-types); (4) subduction of Iapetus Ocean lithosphere under Laurentia starting at 430 Ma (I-types); (5) roll-back beginning at 420 Ma (I-types); (6) bilateral slab break-off and lithospheric delamination at 410 Ma (I- and S-type granites) when Baltica hard-docked against the Northern Highland terrane and Avalonia soft-docked against the Grampian Highland terrane. Far-field Acadian events at 390 Ma were recorded by I-type granites intruded along active sinistrally transpressive faults. I-types formed in lower crustal hot zones above subduction zones, whereas S-types formed in lower crustal hot zones above lithospheric windows through which hot asthenosphere had risen. </p

    Lithospheric-scale extension during Grampian orogenesis in Scotland

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    This contribution presents a new model for the Grampian-age tectonothermal development of the Buchan Block and Barrovian-type regions to its west, in the Grampian Terrane, Scotland. The model has drawn on evidence gathered from field mapping, microstructural analysis, metamorphic petrology and mafic magma geochemistry to propose that emplacement of the Grampian gabbros and regional metamorphic heating associated with production of Barrovian- and Buchan-type units occurred during syn-orogenic (Grampian-age), lithospheric-scale extension. Extension followed lithospheric thickening associated with the initiation of Grampian orogenesis and was followed by renewed lithospheric thickening and termination of the extensional heating. Mantle melting to produce the Grampian gabbros of the Grampian Terrane was achieved by extensional thinning of the lithosphere and decompression melting of the asthenosphere at depths of less than 70 km. Advection of heat from the mantle with emplacement of the Grampian gabbros augmented elevated heat budgets associated with attenuation of isotherms during extension. Deposition of the uppermost Dalradian (the Whitehills and Boyndie Bay Groups and the Macduff Slates) occurred during Grampian-age lithospheric extension. A gently-dipping, mid-crustal detachment focused metamorphic heat sources and accommodated significant lithospheric-scale strain, allowing independent thermal evolution of units in its hanging wall (the Buchan Block) and footwall (Barrovian-type units)

    Petrogenesis of Malaysian granitoids in the Southeast Asian tin belt:Part 1. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics

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    The Malaysian granitoids of the Southeast Asian tin belt have been traditionally divided into a Permian to Late Triassic "I-type"- dominated arc-related Eastern province (Indochina terrane) and a Late Triassic "S-type"-dominated collision-related Main Range province (Sibumasu terrane), separated by the Bentong-Raub Paleo-Tethyan suture that closed in the Late Triassic. The present study, however, shows that this model is oversimplified and that the direct application of Chappell and White's (1974) I- and S-type classification cannot account for many of the characteristics shared by Malaysian granitoids. Despite being commonly hornblende bearing, as is typical for I-type granites, the roof zones of the Eastern province granites are hornblende free. In addition, the Main Range province granitoids contain insignificant primary muscovite, and are dominated by biotite granites, mineralogically similar to many of the plutons of the Eastern province. In general, the Malaysian granitoids from both provinces are more enriched in high field strength elements than typical Cordilleran I- and S-type granitoids. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Eastern province granitoids, and their relationship with contemporaneous volcanics, confirm their I-type nature. The bulk liquid lines of descent of both granitic provinces largely overlap with one another. Sr-Nd isotopic data further demonstrate that the Malaysian granitoids, especially those of the Main Range, were hybridized melts derived from two "end-member" source regions, one of which is isotopically similar to the Kontum orthoamphibolites and the other akin to the Kontum paragneisses of the Indochina block. However, there are differences in the source rocks for the two provinces, and it is suggested in this paper that these are related to differing proportions of igneous and sedimentary protoliths. The incorporation of sedimentary-sourced melts in the Eastern province is insignificant, which allowed the granites in this belt to maintain their I-type nature. The presence of minor primary tin mineralization in the Eastern province compared to the much more significant tin endowment in the Main Range is considered to reflect the incorporation of a smaller proportion of sedimentary protolith in the melt products of the former.</p