338 research outputs found

    The motivating operation and negatively reinforced problem behavior. A systematic review.

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    The concept of motivational operations exerts an increasing influence on the understanding and assessment of problem behavior in people with intellectual and developmental disability. In this systematic review of 59 methodologically robust studies of the influence of motivational operations in negative reinforcement paradigms in this population, we identify themes related to situational and biological variables that have implications for assessment, intervention, and further research. There is now good evidence that motivational operations of differing origins influence negatively reinforced problem behavior, and that these might be subject to manipulation to facilitate favorable outcomes. There is also good evidence that some biological variables warrant consideration in assessment procedures as they predispose the person's behavior to be influenced by specific motivational operations. The implications for assessment and intervention are made explicit with reference to variables that are open to manipulation or that require further research and conceptualization within causal models

    A conserved domain for glycogen binding in protein phosphatase-1 targeting subunits

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    AbstractThe skeletal muscle glycogen-binding subunit (GM) of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) is the founding member of a family of proteins that tether the PP1 catalytic subunit (PP1C) to glycogen and promote the dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase. A hydrophobic sequence (called here the VFV motif) is conserved among GM, the liver subunit GL, and the widely expressed subunits, PTG, R5 and U5. This study analyzed the role of this VFV motif in binding to glycogen and PP1C. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusions with the N-terminal domain of GM (GST-GM(1ā€“240)) and with the full length R5 protein (GST-R5) both bound to glycogen in a co-sedimentation assay. In contrast, GST itself did not bind to glycogen. A single residue substitution in GST-GM(1ā€“240), F155A, reduced glycogen binding by 40%. Double residue substitutions V150A/F155A and F155A/V159A resulted in greater reductions (60ā€“70%) in glycogen binding, showing these hydrophobic residues influenced the protein-glycogen interaction. The wild type and V150A/F155A fusion proteins were digested by trypsin into the same sized fragments at the same rate. Furthermore, the wild type and mutated GST-GM proteins as well as GST-R5 bound equivalent amounts of PP1C, in either pull-down or far-Western assays. These results demonstrated retention of overall tertiary structure by the mutated fusion proteins, and indicated that glycogen and PP1C binding are independent of one another. A 68 residue segment of R5 encompassing the VFV motif was sufficient to produce glycogen binding when fused to GST. This motif, that is in bacterial and fungal starch metabolizing enzymes, probably has been conserved during evolution as a functional domain for binding glycogen and starch

    Bilayer characteristics of a diether phosphonolipid analog of the major lung surfactant glycerophospholipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine.

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    Thermal and lyotropic phase behavior was studied by X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry for a diether phosphonolipid analog (DEPN-8) of the major lung surfactant glycerophospholipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC). DEPN-8 differs in an ether, rather than an ester, bond at the acyl chain-backbone linkage and a headgroup phosphonate (isosteric methylene substitution) versus phosphate constituent. Analysis of lamellar diffraction maxima demonstrated that at high relative humidity (98%) and temperatures below the liquid crystal phase transition (approximately 45 degrees C), DEPN-8 formed interdigitated bilayers with a characteristic periodicity of 41.9-46.5 A. At low humidity the gel phase DEPN-8 bilayers were characteristic of a normal L beta phase with a periodicity equivalent to DPPC (57-59 A). Above the liquid crystal thermal phase transition, bilayer spacing for both DEPN-8 and DPPC was 51-52 A, characteristic of the L alpha phase. Complete assessments of both lamellar and in-plane X-ray scattering used to construct electron density profiles and structure-factor plots for DEPN-8 defined more fully the interdigitated bilayer state at high humidity and low temperature. Compared to DPPC, it is energetically favorable for DEPN-8 to form interdigitated bilayers under conditions of excess water and low temperature. The flexible character of the ether bonds in DEPN-8 allows increased hydrophobic interactions between acyl chains, without generating a steric penalty from the increased packing density of the molecules. Additionally, the ether bond and the phosphonate moiety may allow for more energetically favorable interactions between the choline portion of the headgroup and water. The DEPN-8 ether linkage may also contribute to the improved adsorption and film respreading found previously for this phosphonolipid compared to DPPC

    Rethinking the social impacts of the arts

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    The paper presents a critical discussion of the current debate over the social impacts of the arts in the UK. It argues that the accepted understanding of the terms of the debate is rooted in a number of assumptions and beliefs that are rarely questioned. The paper goes on to present the interim findings of a threeā€year research project, which aims to rethink the social impact of the arts, with a view to determining how these impacts might be better understood. The desirability of a historical approach is articulated, and a classification of the claims made within the Western intellectual tradition for what the arts ā€œdoā€ to people is presented and discussed

    Selecting, refining and identifying priority Cochrane Reviews in health communication and participation in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders

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    Abstract : Background: Priority-setting partnerships between researchers and stakeholders (meaning consumers, health professionals and health decision-makers) may improve research relevance and value. The Cochrane Consumers and Communication Group (CCCG) publishes systematic reviews in 'health communication and participation', which includes concepts such as shared decision-making, patient-centred care and health literacy. We aimed to select and refine priority topics for systematic reviews in health communication and participation, and use these to identify five priority CCCG Cochrane Reviews. Methods: Twenty-eight participants (14 consumers, 14 health professionals/decision-makers) attended a 1-day workshop in Australia. Using large-group activities and voting, participants discussed, revised and then selected 12 priority topics from a list of 21 previously identified topics. In mixed small groups, participants refined these topics, exploring underlying problems, who they affect and potential solutions. Thematic analysis identified cross-cutting themes, in addition to key populations and potential interventions for future Cochrane Reviews. We mapped these against CCCG's existing review portfolio to identify five priority reviews. Results: Priority topics included poor understanding and implementation of patient-centred care by health services, the fact that health information can be a low priority for health professionals, communication and coordination breakdowns in health services, and inadequate consumer involvement in health service design. The four themes underpinning the topics were culture and organisational structures, health professional attitudes and assumptions, inconsistent experiences of care, and lack of shared understanding in the sector. Key populations for future reviews were described in terms of social health characteristics (e.g. people from indigenous or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, elderly people, and people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage) more than individual health characteristics. Potential interventions included health professional education, interventions to change health service/health professional culture and attitudes, and health service policies and standards. The resulting five priority Cochrane Reviews identified were improving end-of-life care communication, patient/family involvement in patient safety, improving future doctors' communication skills, consumer engagement strategies, and promoting patient-centred care. Conclusions: Stakeholders identified priority topics for systematic reviews associated with structural and cultural challenges underlying health communication and participation, and were concerned that issues of equity be addressed. Priority-setting with stakeholders presents opportunities and challenges for review producers

    Determinants of impact : towards a better understanding of encounters with the arts

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    The article argues that current methods for assessing the impact of the arts are largely based on a fragmented and incomplete understanding of the cognitive, psychological and socio-cultural dynamics that govern the aesthetic experience. It postulates that a better grasp of the interaction between the individual and the work of art is the necessary foundation for a genuine understanding of how the arts can affect people. Through a critique of philosophical and empirical attempts to capture the main features of the aesthetic encounter, the article draws attention to the gaps in our current understanding of the responses to art. It proposes a classification and exploration of the factorsā€”social, cultural and psychologicalā€”that contribute to shaping the aesthetic experience, thus determining the possibility of impact. The ā€˜determinants of impactā€™ identified are distinguished into three groups: those that are inherent to the individual who interacts with the artwork; those that are inherent to the artwork; and ā€˜environmental factorsā€™, which are extrinsic to both the individual and the artwork. The article concludes that any meaningful attempt to assess the impact of the arts would need to take these ā€˜determinants of impactā€™ into account, in order to capture the multidimensional and subjective nature of the aesthetic experience

    Testing for Fictive Learning in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty

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    We conduct two experiments where subjects make a sequence of binary choices between risky and ambiguous binary lotteries. Risky lotteries are deļ¬ned as lotteries where the relative frequencies of outcomes are known. Ambiguous lotteries are lotteries where the relative frequencies of outcomes are not known or may not exist. The trials in each experiment are divided into three phases: pre-treatment, treatment and post-treatment. The trials in the pre-treatment and post-treatment phases are the same. As such, the trials before and after the treatment phase are dependent, clustered matched-pairs, that we analyze with the alternating logistic regression (ALR) package in SAS. In both experiments, we reveal to each subject the outcomes of her actual and counterfactual choices in the treatment phase. The treatments diļ¬€er in the complexity of the random process used to generate the relative frequencies of the payoļ¬€s of the ambiguous lotteries. In the ļ¬rst experiment, the probabilities can be inferred from the converging sample averages of the observed actual and counterfactual outcomes of the ambiguous lotteries. In the second experiment the sample averages do not converge. If we deļ¬ne ļ¬ctive learning in an experiment as statistically signiļ¬cant changes in the responses of subjects before and after the treatment phase of an experiment, then we expect ļ¬ctive learning in the ļ¬rst experiment, but no ļ¬ctive learning in the second experiment. The surprising ļ¬nding in this paper is the presence of ļ¬ctive learning in the second experiment. We attribute this counterintuitive result to apophenia: ā€œseeing meaningful patterns in meaningless or random data.ā€ A reļ¬nement of this result is the inference from a subsequent Chi-squared test, that the eļ¬€ects of ļ¬ctive learning in the ļ¬rst experiment are signiļ¬cantly diļ¬€erent from the eļ¬€ects of ļ¬ctive learning in the second experiment

    Hand and Eye Dominance in Sport: Are Cricket Batters Taught to Bat Back-to-Front?

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    Background: When first learning to bimanually use a tool to hit a target (e.g., when chopping wood or hitting a golf ball), most people assume a stance that is dictated by their dominant hand. By convention, this means that a ā€˜right-handedā€™ or ā€˜left-handedā€™ stance that places the dominant hand closer to the striking end of the tool is adopted in many sports. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether the conventional stance used for bimanual hitting provides the best chance of developing expertise in that task. Methods: Our study included 43 professional (international/first-class) and 93 inexperienced (<5 yearsā€™ experience) cricket batsmen. We determined their batting stance (plus hand and eye dominance) to compare the proportion of batters who adopted a reversed stance when batting (that is, the opposite stance to that expected based on their handedness). Results: We found that cricket batsmen who adopted a reversed stance had a stunning advantage, with professional batsmen 7.1 times more likely to adopt a reversed stance than inexperienced batsmen, independent of whether they batted right or left handed or the position of their dominant eye. Conclusion: Findings imply that batsmen who adopt a conventional stance may inadvertently be batting ā€˜back-to-frontā€™ and have a significant disadvantage in the game. Moreover, the results may generalize more widely, bringing into question the way in which other bimanual sporting actions are taught and performed
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