3,254 research outputs found

    Live streaming - child sexual abuse (LS-CSA): the case of the Philippines

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    O presente trabalho procura analisar um tema cuja visibilidade permanece algo reduzida. Esta ‘nova’ forma de abuso apropria-se das vulnerabilidades tradicionais e locais, mas também das ferramentas que, enquanto sociedade, agora nos encontramos altamente dependentes. Nomeadamente o acesso à internet, este novo ‘terreno’ dá lugar a novas rotas para antigas formas de criminalidade e dá origem a toda uma panóplia de ferramentas que permitem crimes como o abuse sexual de crianças tomar todo um novo paradigma. Tendo em conta a globalização e a conetividade do mundo atual, crimes como o abuso sexual de crianças ‘via live stream’ tendem a surgir cada vez mais, colocando crianças de todos os locais do mundo em perigo. Face a esta problemática o presente estudo procura, através de uma abordagem exploratória, dar a conhecer o fenómeno do abuso sexual de crianças ‘via live stream’, especificamente no contexto da sociedade Filipina, onde, de acordo com diversas entidades internacionais como a Europol e a Unicef é o verdadeiro epicentro deste tipo de cibercrime. O tema é tido em conta com recurso à perspetiva da população local, a sua cultura, história, valores e como estes podem ou não influenciar a crescente expansão do crime pelo país. Neste sentido o trabalho adota uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa que permite aceder aos testemunhos de 8 Filipinos através de entrevistas que foram depois analisadas e discutidas de acordo com as questões de investigação pré-definidas. Em adição realizou-se a análise documental de diversas fontes de forma a permitir comparar-se as conclusões adquiridas através das entrevistas. E por último foi brevemente analisado o trabalho de 5 organizações de cariz internacional e que estiveram ou estão atualmente a desenvolver iniciativas nas Filipinas. Num país onde predomina a pobreza e existem poucos métodos de investigação da cibercriminalidade, concluiu-se ainda que os valores e a cultura Filipina contribuem para proliferação deste tipo de abuso. As famílias são concorrentemente responsáveis por expor os próprios filhos a esta realidade como forma de escapar à pobreza, algo que é encobrido por uma cultura de silêncio generalizada.The aim of this paper is to enlighten and bring attention to a growing issue, a form of abuse that not only takes advantage of traditional and local vulnerabilities but also of the very means and tools we, as a society, have grown dependent on The Internet has rose as breeding ground with new routes for old crimes but it has also been the place of birth for a while new set of tool that allow crimes like online child sexual abuse to take place. In face of globalization and the undeniable connectivity of the current world, crimes like live streaming – child sexual abuse (LS-CSA) tend to emerge and expand rapidly reaching children from all corner of the world. Given the gravity of the issue the present study seeks, through an exploratory approach, to share some of the details about this phenomenon, specifically as it takes place in the Filipino society, recognized by several organizations like EUROPOL and UNICEF as the epicenter of this type of cybercrime. The study of the topic resources to the perspective of the local population, its culture, history and values to know how they may influence the expansion of the crime throughout the nation. The study is composed of a qualitative methodological design, in which, the interview of 8 Filipino individuals was conducted and whose data was then analyzed and discussed accordingly to pre-established research questions. In addition, an analysis of documental data was conducted to provide grounds for the comparison of the collected data. Lastly the work of 5 international organizations currently/or not present in the country were also considered. In a country where poverty is established and there’s a real gap in the enforcement of the law in cybercrimes, it was also concluded that the values and Filipino culture contribute for the proliferation of LS-CSA where the families are often ‘facilitators’ and expose their children in order to escape poverty; something seemingly indivisible from a generalized culture of silence

    Overview about oral films in mental disorders

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    Mental disorders are increasing worldwide, and efforts have been developed by multidisciplinary research groups to combine knowledge from different areas such as psychology, neuroscience, medicine, and biotechnology to develop strategies and products to promote the prevention of mental disorders. Excessive antipsychotic consumption is a public health problem, and innovative strategies must be devised. The development of innovative and, if possible, natural products is one of the strategies to combat this public health problem. Oral films are recent delivery systems that have been developed with several advantages that should be applied in this area. This review intends to draw attention to these new dosage forms of drugs and bioactive molecules pertinent to the field of mental health prevention and therapy and to the need for regulatory guidelines to ensure their quality and safety. This is a critical overview about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to oral film implementation in mental disorder treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An exploratory study about the characterization of caffeine consumption in a Portuguese sample

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    Caffeine is one of the most used psychoactive substances worldwide, with an impact in multiple spheres (individual, social, and economic). In addition, there is evidence of the physiological, cognitive, and emotional effects after consumption. This study aimed to examine caffeine consumption in a Portuguese sample by characterizing and understanding the pattern of consumption and the reasons for it. The sample was composed of 208 subjects recruited through the university’s social media channels to answer an online questionnaire between April and June 2020. The results showed a higher consumption in males and the group of subjects aged between 31 and 35 years. The coffee “express” is the most consumed source of caffeine in this Portuguese sample (70.2%). The data showed that improvement in alertness and the taste of products with caffeine were the main reasons for consuming caffeinated products. In conclusion, this study calls attention to the characterization of caffeine consumption to understand the need for such consumption and its effects on body functions and health. It is important to highlight the potential benefit of caffeine consumption due to its impact on the quality of life and health since this substance has effects not only on physical and mental health but also on social well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceptions of probiotics and Kombucha consumption in relation to emotion regulation: an exploratory study comparing Portugal and Brazil

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    Probiotic products have been the focus of research for several years due to the potential of their biological properties to impact mental health, mood, and cognitive functions. Kombucha is a probiotic drink that has been reported to be beneficial for mental health, particularly at the level of emotion regulation. This study aims to understand the perception of the Portuguese and Brazilian populations regarding the consumption of probiotics and Kombucha, as well as to understand these consumers’ perceptions related to the impact on emotion regulation (and the impact of this consumption on emotion regulation). The research was conducted through an online questionnaire and had a total sample of 256 participants. The results show that there are no statistically significant differences between the consumption of probiotics and Kombucha when comparing the Portuguese and Brazilian samples. Additionally, this study reveals a significant association between probiotic consumption patterns in both the Portuguese and Brazilian samples. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between the consumption of probiotics and Kombucha and emotion regulation. This study intends to contribute to the increase in knowledge about the perception of probiotics and Kombucha consumption in relation to emotion regulation, and to draw attention to the importance of this topic in the community (society, academia, and industry).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sarcopenia and inflammatory bowel disease: a literature review

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    Trabalho Complementar apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Ciências da NutriçãoIntroduction: Sarcopenia is a disease characterized by the progressive loss of skeletal muscle strength and mass. This condition is a prognostic factor for several pathologies and can affect individuals at any age, with a significant incidence in chronic inflammatory states, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Aim: To present an overview on the current evidence regarding sarcopenia and nutritional management of this condition among IBD patients. Results: IBD patients are at risk of developing sarcopenia and this must be taken considered in order to minimize the occurrence of further adverse clinical outcomes. Regarding strategies for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia in IBD patients, the most commonly used strategies are oral nutritional supplements and enteral nutrition, supplementation with vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids (associated with decreased inflammatory activity), combined with regular practice of physical activity, in order to maintain or increase muscle mass and function. Nevertheless, there are no specific guidelines concerning the prevention or treatment of sarcopenia in IBD patients. Conclusion: The current evidence about sarcopenia in IBD patients is still scarce. Nevertheless, the early identification of sarcopenia in IBD patients if of utmost importance for an effective intervention. Further research is needed in order to establish specific guidelines for the identification and management of sarcopenia in IBD patients and also to reach a consensus in the most effective nutritional strategies.Introdução: A sarcopenia é uma doença caracterizada pela perda progressiva da força e da massa muscular esquelética. Esta condição é um fator de prognóstico em diversas patologias, podendo afetar os indivíduos em qualquer idade, com incidência significativa em estados inflamatórios crônicos, como a Doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII). Objetivo: Apresentar uma visão geral das evidências atuais sobre a sarcopenia e prevenção e tratamento nutricional dessa condição nos pacientes com DII. Resultados: Pacientes com DII apresentam risco de desenvolver sarcopenia, este é um ponto importante a ser levado em consideração para minimizar a ocorrência de resultados clínicos adversos. Em relação às estratégias de prevenção e tratamento da sarcopenia em pacientes com DII, as estratégias comumente utilizadas são o suporte nutricional, incluindo suplementos nutricionais orais e nutrição entérica, suplementação com vitamina D e ácidos gordos ômega 3 (associados à diminuição da atividade inflamatória), combinados com a prática de atividade física regular, a fim de manter / aumentar a massa muscular. Apesar disso, não há diretrizes específicas sobre a prevenção ou tratamento da sarcopenia em pacientes com DII. Conclusão: As evidências atuais sobre a sarcopenia em pacientes com DII ainda são escassas. No entanto, a identificação precoce da sarcopenia em pacientes com DII é de extrema importância para uma intervenção eficaz. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para estabelecer diretrizes específicas para a identificação e tratamento da sarcopenia em pacientes com DII e também para chegar a um consenso sobre as estratégias nutricionais mais eficazes.N/

    International affect, personality, and embodied brain (APE) network

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    This special issue comprises a selection of representative studies from the Affect, Personality and Embodied Brain conferences. The included studies span behavioral and brain studies of nonclinical and clinical populations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio