52 research outputs found

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    Respuestas autónomas y cardiovasculares en vuelo y su relación con la condición física

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    [ES] La aviación es el medio de transporte más eficaz que existe hoy día, atendiendo miles de millones de personas cada año. No obstante, los estresores presentes en los viajes aéreos provocan cambios autónomos, requiriendo al cuerpo la habilidad para afrontar estos factores. Por lo tanto, se tienen que comprender las estrategias preventivas y/o mitigadoras de estos efectos. El estudio pretende evaluar las respuestas autónomas y cardiovasculares que se pro- ducen durante el vuelo y su relación con la condición física. La investigación se hizo a través de dos estudios, donde los hombres sanos tenían previamente evaluados los componentes de condición física: capacidad aeróbica, furerza muscular y grasa corporal; y el registro de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (HRV) realizado en un día de control y en un día de vuelo. En el primer estudio, 11 pilotos de combate informaron de 3 horas de HRV y tuvieron el nivel de deshidratación durante un vuelo de prueba medido por el cambio de hematocrito. El vuelo duró 1 hora y todos pasaron por los mismos procedimientos operativos. En el segundo estudio, 22 pasajeros de la aviación comercial, registraron simultáneamente 24 horas de HRV y presión arterial. Los resultados del estudio muestran que un vuelo supersónico causó una re- ducción de la mayoría de parámetros de HRV durante el vuelo, en comparación con el día de control. No hay ninguna anticipación autónoma. La entropía se relacionaba con la capacidad aeróbica y la grasa corporal. La deshidratación generada por el vuelo cambió la HRV (RMSSD y SD1). El segundo estudio demuestra que el vuelo comercial provocó una reducción de la mayoría de parámetros de HRV durante el vuelo (RMSSD; SD1; SampEn; LnHF; α1), y en 24 horas en comparación con el día de control (FC; LnHF; α2). Había una anticipación autónoma. La tensión arterial y el producto de presión-velocidad fueron significativamente más altos du- rante el vuelo, con los mayores aumentos dos horas antes del vuelo y manteniéndose elevado hasta dos horas más. Cuanto más bajo era el porcentaje de grasa corporal y del IMC, mayor era la HRV durante el día de vuelo (RMSSD; LF; HF; SD1). Y también, como mayor era la capacidad aeróbica, más elevada es la HRV durante el vuelo (LnLF; LnHF). Conclusiones. El vuelo, en ambas situaciones y personas, exigió al organismo respuestas autónomas que ge- neran una retirada vagal significativa, un aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca. La grasa corporal y la capacidad aeróbica, indicadores de condición física, se correlacionan con la HRV, pero de manera diferente en las dos poblaciones y situaciones: los pilotos de caza (SampEn) y los pasajeros de la aviación comercial (RMSSD; LF; HF; SD1). La deshidratación se generó por la influencia supersónica del vuelo sobre la HRV. La presión arterial (SBP, DBP, MAP) está in- fluenciada en virtud del vuelo en comparación con 24 horas. Las alteraciones autónomas que se refieren, se relacionan con la capacidad aeróbica y la grasa corporal de manera diferente en los pilotos de aviones supersónicos y en los pasajeros de aviones comerciales que se en- cuentran en vuelo. La fuerza relativa no se relacionó con los parámetros de la HRV en ninguna de las poblaciones estudiada

    Pilar de Goiás: de Arraial de Mineração a Cidade Histórica

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    Gold mining in Brazil has become an important economic activity since the colony, with coverage from the coast to the hinterland in the trail of the precious golden metal. In this quest initiated by the Europeans, enslaved Africans and indigenous natives imprisoned during the invasion of their territories were also involved, and this journey was remarkable for the formation of several cities in the interior of Brazil. This study aims to analyze the influence of the search for gold in the formation of the municipality of Pilar de Goiás until its tipping as historical heritage by the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN), through a descriptive exploratory bibliographical research with a qualitative approach, seeking analyze published articles, dissertations and theses related to the subject in question, of a theoretical nature and descriptive objective, covering the settlement until the present day. Pilar de Goiás brings an important cultural history linked to the exploration of gold, composed of the relevant architectural complex built in the 18th century. The monuments and public spaces of Pilar de Goiás date from the period from 1741 to 1760. It was evident that the municipality was formed due to the intense search for gold, had its population rise and fall drastically and today continues under the influence of this activity.A mineração de ouro no Brasil tornou-se uma importante atividade econômica desde o período colonial, abrangendo áreas que vão do litoral ao sertão no rastro deste precioso metal dourado. Nessa busca, iniciada pelos europeus, foram envolvidos também africanos escravizados e nativos indígenas, aprisionados ao longo da invasão de seus territórios. Esta jornada foi marcante para a formação de várias cidades no interior do Brasil. O presente estudo objetiva analisar a influência da busca pelo ouro desde a formação do município de Pilar de Goiás até o seu tombamento como patrimônio histórico pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN), por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, em consulta a artigos publicados, dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado, com natureza teórica e objetiva-descritiva, enfocando desde o tempo do povoamento até a atualidade. Pilar de Goiás possui um importante histórico cultural atrelado à exploração do ouro, composto por seu relevante conjunto arquitetônico, construído no século XVIII. Os monumentos e espaços públicos desta cidade datam do período de 1741 a 1760. Ficou evidenciado que o município foi formado devido à intensa busca pelo ouro, cuja população cresceu e reduziu drasticamente, permanecendo a cidade ainda hoje sob a influência dessa atividade.A mineração de ouro no Brasil tornou-se uma importante atividade econômica desde o período colonial, abrangendo áreas que vão do litoral ao sertão no rastro deste precioso metal dourado. Nessa busca, iniciada pelos europeus, foram envolvidos também africanos escravizados e nativos indígenas, aprisionados ao longo da invasão de seus territórios. Esta jornada foi marcante para a formação de várias cidades no interior do Brasil. O presente estudo objetiva analisar a influência da busca pelo ouro desde a formação do município de Pilar de Goiás até o seu tombamento como patrimônio histórico pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN), por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, em consulta a artigos publicados, dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado, com natureza teórica e objetiva-descritiva, enfocando desde o tempo do povoamento até a atualidade. Pilar de Goiás possui um importante histórico cultural atrelado à exploração do ouro, composto por seu relevante conjunto arquitetônico, construído no século XVIII. Os monumentos e espaços públicos desta cidade datam do período de 1741 a 1760. Ficou evidenciado que o município foi formado devido à intensa busca pelo ouro, cuja população cresceu e reduziu drasticamente, permanecendo a cidade ainda hoje sob a influência dessa atividade

    Papel da hidroginástica na capacidade funcional de idosos - Role of hydrogymnastic in the functional capacity of elderly

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    ResumoObjetivo: Apresentar a influência de um programa de hidroginástica na capacidade funcional de idosas. Métodos: Com uma amostra de 60 idosas com média de idade de 65,9±3,2 anos, subdivididas em dois grupos: 30 praticantes de hidroginástica e 30 sedentárias. Para este estudo foi aplicado à bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (2008), que é constituída por um conjunto de testes que permitem avaliar a capacidade funcional de idosos. Utilizou-se o software SPSS for Windows versão 22.0, e o nível de significância adotado foi de p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Ficou evidenciado que as idosas que frequentavam as aulas de hidroginástica a mais de 6 meses apresentaram níveis de capacidade funcional superiores em todos os testes da bateria em comparação com as idosas sedentárias (p=0.01). Conclusões: Um programa de hidroginástica de mais de seis meses influencia positivamente na capacidade funcional de idosas. Contudo recomenda-se a inclusão de exercícios de força para minimizar as perdas deste componente a medida que a idade avança.Palavras-chave:Idosos. Capacidade. Hidro. AbstractObjective: To present the influence of a hydrogymnastic (water aerobics) program on the functional capacity of elderly women. Methods: With a sample of 60 elderly women with mean age of 65.9 ± 3.2 years, subdivided into two groups: 30 hydrogymnastic practitioners and 30 sedentary. For this study was applied the test of Rikli and Jones (2008), which consists of a set of tests that allow to evaluate the functional capacity of the elderly. The software SPSS for Windows version 22.0 was used, and the significance level adopted was p ≤ 0.05. Results: It was evidenced that the elderly women attending hydrogymnastic classes over 6 months had higher levels of functional capacity in all battery tests compared to sedentary women (p=0.01). Conclusions: An program of hydrogymnastic in more than six months has positively influences the functional capacity of the elderly. However, it is recommended to include strength exercises to minimize the losses of this component as the age advances.Keyword:Elderly. Capacity. Hydro

    National Curricular Guidelines: What is the path to Physical Education?

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    A presente nota técnica problematiza as questões relativas às diretrizes curriculares nacionais referentes à área da Educação Física, sobretudo no que diz respeito à origem, aos documentos históricos relacionados à divisão da formação, e as evidências trazidas pelo projeto de Minuta do CNE. Além disso, apresenta elementos teórico-conceituais e evidências históricas acerca da Educação Física no Brasil. Após percorrer a gênese da construção da área, enfatiza-se o atual momento de incerteza sobre a formação, conclui-se que o caminho para a Educação Física passa por um entendimento entre as correntes ideológicas da área, e o alinhamento entre a formação e o mercado.This essay problematises issues related to national curriculum guidelines concerning the area of physical education, especially with regard to the origin, the historical documents related to the division of training, and the evidence brought by the Draft Project CNE. Moreover, it presents theoretical and conceptual elements and historical evidence about the Physical Education in Brazil. After reviewing the genesis of the construction area, we emphasize the current state of uncertainty about the formation, it is concluded that the way to physical education involves an understanding between the ideological currents of the area, and the alignment between the formation and the market

    EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA: olhares sobre estudantes da Educação Especial na Educação de Jovens e Adultos

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    This article aims to delineate the historical context of Youth and Adult Education and Special Education modalities, to analyze public policies to understand the legal processes that led to the meeting of the modalities, having as reference the Federal Constitution of 1988 in Brazil. In methodological terms, the study is characterized by a qualitative and quantitative nature, based on the documentation of the inclusion policies of Brazil and on the microdata of the Basic Education Census of INEP / MEC, which presents, among others, the enrollments of the public of interest of Special Education of EJA , which we call PAEE-EJA. The study focuses on the historical series of enrollments at PAEE-EJA from 2007 to 2018, based on national, regional and local data, with the regular education network and in Goiânia-GO as a research base. The study period is marked by the implementation of the FUNDEB policy (BRASIL, 2007) and the National Policy for Special Education, in the perspective of inclusion (BRASIL, 2008), movements that make up the modalities and establishes budget resources policies according to enrollments. In summary, the results show an increase of 190.0% in enrollments of people with disabilities, Global Development Disorder and High Skills or Giftedness in EJA, in the comparison of the period from 2018 to 2007. The largest group is in the public school system with 97.4% of the PAEE-EJA. The study shows that a large number of young people and adults, most of whom are male (70.0%). Among the special needs, intellectual disability stands out with 78.5% of the total students. As a synthesis, when analyzing the legislation, it is evident, among others, that, in an attempt to bring special education closer to regular education, specifically in the Youth and Adult Education modality, the numbers historically revealed a timid attempt to overcome the old dichotomy between regular and specialized education in national education.Este artigo objetiva delinear o contexto histórico de constituição e aproximações entre as modalidades de Educação de Jovens e Adultos e Educação Especial, analisar as Políticas Públicas a fim de compreender os processos legais que conduziram ao encontro das modalidades a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988. Metodologicamente, caracteriza-se como um estudo de natureza quali-quantitativa, com base documental das políticas de inclusão do Brasil e nos microdados do Censo da Educação Básica do INEP/MEC, que apresenta, entre outros, as matrículas do público-alvo da Educação Especial na EJA (PAEE-EJA). O estudo focaliza na série histórica das matrículas do PAEE-EJA no período de 2007 a 2018, a partir de dados nacionais, regionais e locais, tendo o recorte estabelecido na rede regular de ensino e em Goiânia-GO. Este período é marcado pela implantação do FUNDEB (BRASIL, 2007) e da Política Nacional para a Educação Especial, na perspectiva de inclusão (BRASIL, 2008), movimentos que integram as modalidades e estabelece políticas de cômputo orçamentário em função das matrículas. Sinteticamente, os resultados evidenciam aumento de 190,0% de matrículas de pessoas com Deficiência, Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento e Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação na EJA, no cotejamento de 2018 para 2007. A maior concentração está na rede pública de ensino com 97,4% do PAEE-EJA. Apresenta grande número de pessoas jovens e adultas, sendo a maior parte do sexo masculino (70,0%). Entre as necessidades especiais, destaca-se a deficiência intelectual com 78,5% do total de estudantes.  Como síntese, ao analisarmos as legislações, verifica-se, dentre outros, que, na tentativa da aproximação da educação especial com a educação regular, especificamente na modalidade da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, os números revelaram, historicamente, uma tímida tentativa de se superar a velha dicotomia entre ensino regular e especializado na educação nacional

    Correlates of Heart Rate Measures with Incidental Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Overweight Female Workers

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    [EN] Previous studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) levels and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) impact on the autonomic control of heart rate (HR). However, previous studies evaluating PA levels did not discriminate between incidental PA and regular exercise. We hypothesized that incidental PA “per se” would influence cardiac autonomic indices as assessed via HR variability (HRV) and HR recovery (HRR) in non-exercisers. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between objective PA levels, CRF, and cardiac autonomic indices in adult, regular non-exercising female workers. After familiarization with procedures and evaluation of body composition, 21 women completed a submaximal cycling test and evaluation of HRR on four different days. Resting (2-min seated and standing) and ambulatory (4-h) HRV were also recorded. Levels of PA were assessed by accelerometry over five consecutive days (i.e., Wednesday to Sunday). Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) was measured as an index of CRF. As reliability was low to moderate for most HR measures, relationships between these and PA and CRF were examined using the 4-day average measures. Significant correlations were identified between post-exercise HRR in the first min with various PA indices (daily moderate PA, daily vigorous PA, and the sum of vigorous and very vigorous daily PA). Additionally, VO2max was significantly correlated to HRV but not to HRR. The current results indicated that CRF was influential in enhancing HRV while incidental or non-exercise based PA was associated with greater autonomic reactivation in adult overweight women. Therefore, both CRF and non-exercise based PA contribute significant but diverse effects on cardiac health. The use of 4-day averages instead of single measures for evaluation of autonomic control of HR may provide a better indication of regular cardiac autonomic function that remains to be refined

    Correlates of heart rate measures with incidental physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight female workers

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    Previous studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) levels and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) impact on the autonomic control of heart rate (HR). However, previous studies evaluating PA levels did not discriminate between incidental PA and regular exercise. We hypothesized that incidental PA "per se" would influence cardiac autonomic indices as assessed via HR variability (HRV) and HR recovery (HRR) in non-exercisers. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between objective PA levels, CRF, and cardiac autonomic indices in adult, regular non-exercising female workers. After familiarization with procedures and evaluation of body composition, 21 women completed a submaximal cycling test and evaluation of HRR on four different days. Resting (2-min seated and standing) and ambulatory (4-h) HRV were also recorded. Levels of PA were assessed by accelerometry over five consecutive days (i.e., Wednesday to Sunday). Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) was measured as an index of CRF. As reliability was low to moderate for most HR measures, relationships between these and PA and CRF were examined using the 4-day average measures. Significant correlations were identified between post-exercise HRR in the first min with various PA indices (daily moderate PA, daily vigorous PA, and the sum of vigorous and very vigorous daily PA). Additionally, VO2max was significantly correlated to HRV but not to HRR. The current results indicated that CRF was influential in enhancing HRV while incidental or non-exercise based PA was associated with greater autonomic reactivation in adult overweight women. Therefore, both CRF and non-exercise based PA contribute significant but diverse effects on cardiac health. The use of 4-day averages instead of single measures for evaluation of autonomic control of HR may provide a better indication of regular cardiac autonomic function that remains to be refined

    Can Pacing Be Regulated by Post-Activation Potentiation? Insights from a Self-Paced 30 km Trial in Half-Marathon Runners

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    [EN] Purpose Given the co-existence of post-activation potentiation (PAP) and fatigue within muscle, it is not known whether PAP could influence performance and pacing during distance running by moderating fatigue. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of PAP on pacing, jumping and other physiological measures during a self-paced 30 km trial. Methods Eleven male endurance-trained runners (half-marathon runners) volunteered to participate in this study. Runners participated in a multi-stage 30 km trial. Before the trial started, determination of baseline blood lactate (bLa) and countermovement jump (CMJ) height was performed. The self-paced 30 km trial consisted of 6 × 5 km splits. At the end of each 5 km split (60 s break), data on time to complete the split, CMJ height, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and blood lactate were collected while heart rate was continuously monitored. Results There was a significant decrease in speed (e.g. positive pacing strategy after the 4th split, p<0.05) with a progressive increase in RPE throughout the trial. Compared with baseline, CMJ height was significantly (p<0.05) greater than baseline and was maintained until the end of the trial with an increase after the 5th split, concomitant with a significant reduction in speed and an increase in RPE. Significant correlations were found between ΔCMJ and ΔSPEED (r = 0.77 to 0.87, p<0.05) at different time points as well as between RPE and speed (r = -0.61 to -0.82, p<0.05). Conclusion Our results indicates that fatigue and potentiation co-exist during long lasting endurance events, and that the observed increase in jump performance towards the end of the trial could be reflecting a greater potentiation potentially perhaps counteracting the effects of fatigue and preventing further reductions in speed.We would like to thank Nova Biomedical for their donation for lactate analyzers and the athletes for their enthusiastic participation

    Sleep quality and chronic pain in community dwelling older adults: preliminary results

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    Background: The natural process of human aging causes biopsychosocial alterations, which can trigger chronic pain and poor sleep quality in older adults. Considering the high prevalence and possible association between these two clinical conditions, special attention from public health policies is necessary to provide quality aging. Objective: To verify if there is an association between chronic pain and sleep quality among older adults in the community. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional study on the association of chronic pain with the sleep quality among older people in the community. Participants were evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI); Visual Analog Pain scale; questionnaires of sociodemographic and clinical data, assessment of cognitive impairment through the Mini Mental State Examination, and anthropometric assessments. The data were submitted to descriptive statistics. The means between the groups of older people with and without chronic pain were compared using the Student's t test for independent samples and Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to analyze the association of PSQI with pain intensity. Results: In total, 51 older women were included, with a mean age of 70 ± 8 years. The majority had a low level of education (52.9%), low financial income (64.7%), and chronic pain (56.9%). It was found that the older adults with chronic pain presented worse sleep quality when compared those without chronic pain and a moderate (r=0.595) and significant (p<0.01) correlation between sleep quality and the intensity of chronic pain was observed. Conclusion: Older adults in the community with chronic pain present worse sleep quality when compared to the older adults without pain. There is a strong correlation between the intensity of chronic pain and sleep quality in older adults; the greater the intensity of pain, the worse the sleep quality