9,793 research outputs found

    Bit-String Models for Parasex

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    We present different bit-string models of haploid asexual populations in which individuals may exchange part of their genome with other individuals (parasex) according to a given probability. We study the advantages of this parasex concerning population sizes, genetic fitness and diversity. We find that the exchange of genomes always improves these features.Comment: 12 pages including 7 figure

    Learning science in a STS perspective: a didactic experience with 5th grade students

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    Many schools? practices are still centred on a traditional transmission-reception model, leading students to have a deformed image of Science, not facing it as a living body of knowledge, not relating it to their day-to-day problems and not discussing the relations between Science, Technology and Society. Besides, students lose interest on science classes. This was the case of a 5th grade class which we observed. To address this problem a pedagogical action was prepared, on the theme ?The Cell- the basic unit of life?, that would allow students to discuss the Science, Technology and Society (STS) relations. Several didactic materials were created, developed and applied, seeking to incorporate the syllabus to real day-to-day life situations, in order to improve student?s science and technology literacy and enhance skills, attitudes and values acquisition, decisive to raise informed and democratically active citizens, capable of taking decisions in regards to scientific, technological and sociological events. The aim of the study was to understand the impact of this pedagogical approach in the student learning and perceptions about STS interactions. A qualitative methodology was used. Data collection was based on observation, field notes, questionnaires, group interviews, document-analysis and video and audio- recordings. Data analysis indicates that the developed intervention strategy, with STS orientation, contributed to students learning, improving in parallel, their conceptions about STS interactions and the image they have on the subject of Natural Sciences.C917-B3FD-1A62 | Maria Lu?sa Vieira das Nevesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfaction of quality of care in a Pediatric Emergency Room

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    Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction index of pediatric patients' companions in relation to the quality of care provided in an emergency service. Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study conducted in a Pediatric Emergency Room of a teaching hospital with participation of 300 companions of pediatric patients. A validated instrument was offered to family members for their evaluation of the emergency service quality. Results: Pediatric patients' companions demonstrated satisfaction with the quality of care provided at the Pediatric Emergency Room. There was a significant statistical difference (p<0.05) in the satisfaction index of family members of children diagnosed with dermatological diseases and who received medications administered via rectal route, and those who sought the service because they considered it a reference or because they did not have health insurance. Conclusion: The family members surveyed are satisfied with the quality of care provided to their children in the emergency room service.Objetivo: Avaliar o índice de satisfação do acompanhante do paciente pediátrico com relação à qualidade do atendimento prestado em um serviço de emergência. Métodos: Pesquisa transversal e descritiva desenvolvida em um Pronto-Socorro Infantil de um hospital universitário, com a participação de 300 acompanhantes dos pacientes pediátricos. Utilizou-se um instrumento validado oferecido aos familiares para avaliar a qualidade do serviço de emergência. Resultados: Os acompanhantes dos pacientes pediátricos demonstraram satisfação com a qualidade de atendimento prestado pelo Pronto-Socorro Infantil. Registrou-se diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05) quanto ao índice de satisfação manifestado pelos familiares das crianças diagnosticadas com doenças dermatológicas, que receberam medicações administradas pela via retal e que procuraram o serviço por considerarem-no como referência ou por não possuírem plano de saúde. Conclusão: Os familiares pesquisados encontram-se satisfeitos no que se refere à qualidade de atendimento prestado às suas crianças no serviço de pronto-socorro.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Kit ?Energy, Environment and Sustainability?: An educational strategy for a sustainable future. A case study for Guinea-Bissau

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    Increasing the scientific knowledge of the population through education is a developmentstrategy towards a sustainable future. However, there is no equity in the access to science educationand scientific knowledge. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse a science kit named ?Energy,Environment and Sustainability? (KEAS). Based on research conducted in Guinea-Bissau, it exploresstrategies to promote science education for a sustainable future. The strengths and limitations ofthe KEAS were studied using different data collection methods, including interviews, observation,survey, focus groups and document analysis. The participants were teacher trainers from the Guinea-Bissau School of Education. It is concluded that the KEAS is a feasible and suitable teaching strategyappropriate to the context, having the potential to contribute to learning about the environment andsustainability. Further, it addresses real problems for which students should acquire knowledge andskills in order to be able to make informed choices.C917-B3FD-1A62 | Maria Lu?sa Vieira das Nevesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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