24 research outputs found

    Desempenho de bezerros leiteiros lactentes alimentados com feno

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    The experiment aimed to evaluate the influence of time of supply of hay in the performance of dairy calves Girolando breed submitted to early weaning at 90 days of life. Sixteen sucking calves were distributed in a completely randomized design. The diets tested were: T1- Concentrate; T2- Concentrate plus hay supplied at 15o day of life; T3- Concentrate plus hay supplied at 30o day of life; T4- Concentrate plus hay supplied at 60o day of life. An alfalfa (Medicago sativa) hay was offered without any grinding. All animals received 4 liters of milk daily, plus water and concentrate ad libitum. Concentrate was available from the 10o day of life. The observed variables were the initial (birth) and weaning body weights; daily weight gain, heights at withers and rump; thoracic perimeter; intake of the dry matter, crude protein and neutral detergent fiber; and feed:gain ratio were also measured. A diet containing only concentrate provided similar performance to diets containing ration plus hay. However, the diet containing ration plus hay from the 15o day of life provided the best ratio revenue/cost.Objetivou-se estudar a influência da época de fornecimento de feno no desempenho de bezerros leiteiros da raça Girolando, desaleitados aos no- venta dias de vida. Foram utilizados 16 animais lactentes, distribuídos num delineamento inteira- mente ao acaso. As dietas testadas foram: T1- Ração concentrada; T2- Ração concentrada mais feno fornecido a partir do 15o dia de vida; T3- Ração concentrada mais feno fornecido a partir do 30o dia de vida e T4- Ração concentrada mais feno fornecido a partir do 60o dia de vida. O feno de alfafa utilizado (Medicago sativa) foi oferecido sem qualquer tipo de trituração. Todos os animais receberam diariamente 4 litros de leite, mais água e ração concentrada a vontade, sendo a ração disponibilizada a partir do 10o dia de vida. As variáveis observadas foram os pesos corpóreos inicial (nascimento) e à desmama, o ganho de peso diário, as alturas de cernelha e garupa, o perímetro torácico, os consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro e a conversão alimentar. A dieta contendo somente ração con- centrada proporcionou desempenho semelhante às dietas contendo ração mais feno; a dieta contendo ração mais feno a partir do 15o dia de vida proporcionou a melhor receita/custo

    Effect of glycerol on GHR and IGF-1 gene expression in breast muscle and on growth of Japanese meat quails

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    We evaluated messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of the growth-hormone (GHR) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) genes in 28-day-old Japanese meat quails fed diets containing 0, 8, or 12% dietary glycerol in substitution of corn. Total RNA was extracted from the breast muscle and the DNA was amplified with specific primers using real-time PCR. Feed conversion ratio and feed intake were evaluated. The birds fed 8 and 12% glycerol presented higher IGF-1 mRNA expression [0.059 and 0.049 arbitrary units (AU), respectively] relative to those not fed with glycerol (0.029 AU), while 12% glycerol reduced GHR mRNA expression (0.022 AU). Dietary inclusion of 8% glycerol promoted similar performance results (feed conversion) as the diet with no glycerol. We conclude that inclusion of glycerol in the diet affects GHR and IGF-1 gene expression in Japanese meat quails. However, considering the performance results and the expression of the GHR and IGF-1 genes, 8% glycerol may be safely included in the diet of meat quails. © FUNPEC-RP

    Plasmatic Lipid Profile Indicators Related To Insulin Resistance [indicadores Do Perfil Lipídico Plasmático Relacionados à Resistência à Insulina]

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    Purpose: To investigate the effectiveness of biochemical indicators from the plasmatic lipid profile to identify the insulin resistance (IR), assessed by the HOMA-IR index (Homeostasis Model Assessment - Insulin Resistance). Methods: 138 healthy men (20-59 years) were evaluated. The lipid profile biochemical indicators analyzed were the following: triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C, and TC/HDL-C and TG/HDL-C ratios. The percentile 75 was considered as the cut-off point for IR. Statistical analysis consisted of Spearman correlation coefficient, ROC curves and calculation of the areas under the curve (AUC). result. The TG/HDL-C ratio showed the strongest correlation and the greatest AUC (r = 0.334 and AUC = 0.724 ± 0.046, p 0.05). Conclusion. The TG/HDL-C ratio showed the greatest ability to identify IR, proved to be an alternative and easy access instrument to assess IR in clinical practice, therefore providing diseases prevention for the adult male population.553342346Mlinar, B., Marc, J., Janez, A., Pfeifer, M., Molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance and associated diseases (2007) Clin Chim Acta, 375, pp. 20-35Lee, S., Gungor, N., Bacha, F., Arslanian, S., Insulin resistance: Link to the components of the metabolic syndrome and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in youth (2007) Diabetes Care, 30, pp. 2091-7Geloneze, B., Tambascia, M.A., Avaliação laboratorial e diagnóstico de resistência insulínica (2006) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol, 50, pp. 208-15Vasques, A.C.J., Rosado, L.E.F.P.L., Alfenas, R.C.G., Geloneze, B., Análise crítica do uso dos índices do Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) na avaliação da resistência à insulina e capacidade funcional das células-b pancreáticas (2008) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol, 52, pp. 32-9McLaughlin, T., Abbasi, F., Cheal, K., Chu, J., Lamendola, C., Reaven, G., Use of metabolic markers to identify overweight individuals who are insulin resistant (2003) Ann Intern Med, 139, pp. 802-9McLaughlin, T., Reaven, G., Abbasi, F., Lamendola, C., Saad, M., Waters, D., Is there a simple way to identify insulin-resistant individuals at increased risk of cardiovascular disease? (2005) Am J Cardiol, 96, pp. 399-404Hannon, T.S., Bacha, F., Lee, S.J., Janosky, J., Arslanian, S.A., Use of markers of dyslipidemia to identify overweight youth with insulin resistance (2006) Pediatr Diabetes, 7, pp. 260-6Sumner, A.E., Cowie, C.C., Ethnic differences in the ability of triglyceride levels to identify insulin resistance (2008) Atherosclerosis, 196, pp. 696-703Palaniappan, L.P., Kwan, A.C., Abbasi, F., Lamendola, C., McLaughlin, T.L., Reaven, G.M., Lipoprotein abnormalities are associated with insulin resistance in South Asian Indian women (2007) Metabolism, 56, pp. 899-904Sumner, A.E., Finley, K.B., Genovese, D.J., Criqui, M.H., Boston, R.C., Fasting triglyceride and the triglyceride-HDL cholesterol ratio are not markers of insulin resistance in African Americans (2005) Arch Intern Med, 165, pp. 1395-400Pimenta, J.R., Zuccherato, L.W., Debes, A.A., Maselli, L., Soares, R.P., Moura-Neto, R.S., Color and genomic ancestry in Brazilians: A study with forensic microsatellites (2006) Hum Hered, 62, pp. 190-5V Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão Arterial (2007) Arq Bras Cardiol, 89, pp. e24-e79. , Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, Sociedade Brasileira de NefrologiaJelliffe, D.B., Evaluación del estado nutrición de la comunidad (1968) Ginebra: Organización Mundial de La Salud, p. 166(2000), World Health Organization, Report of a WHO Consultation. Geneva: World Health OrganizationFriedewald, W.T., Levy, R.I., Fredrickson, D.S., Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge (1972) Clin Chem, 18, pp. 499-502Matthews, D.R., Hosker, J.P., Rudenski, A.S., Naylor, B.A., Treacher, D.F., Turner, R.C., Homeostasis model assessment: Insulin resistance and beta-cell function from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in man (1985) Diabetologia, 28, pp. 412-9Hanley, J.A., McNeil, B.J., A method of comparing the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves derived from the same cases (1983) Radiology, 148, pp. 839-43Bonora, E., Kiechl, S., Willeit, J., Oberhollenzer, F., Egger, G., Targher, G., Prevalence of insulin resistance in metabolic disorders: The Bruneck Study (1998) Diabetes, 47, pp. 1643-9Oliveira, E.P., de Lima, M.D., de Souza, M.L., Metabolic syndrome, its pheno-types, and insulin resistance by HOMA-IR (2007) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol, 51, pp. 1506-15Shoelson, S.E., Lee, J., Goldfine, A.B., Inflammation and insulin resistance (2006) J Clin Invest, 116, pp. 1793-801Semenkovich, C.F., Insulin resistance and atherosclerosis (2006) J Clin Invest, 116, pp. 1813-22Zavaroni, I., Dallaglio, E., Alpi, O., Bruschi, F., Bonora, E., Pezzarossa, A., Evidence for an independent relationship between plasma insulin and concentration of high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride (1985) Atherosclerosis., 55, pp. 259-66Laws, A., Reaven, G.M., Evidence for an independent relationship between insulin resistance and fasting plasma HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and insulin concentrations (1992) J Intern Med, 231, pp. 25-30Manley, S.E., Stratton, I.M., Clark, P.M., Luzio, S.D., Comparison of 11 human insulin assays: Implications for clinical investigation and research (2007) Clin Chem, 53, pp. 922-3

    Predictive Ability Of Anthropometric And Body Composition Indicators In The Identification Of Insulin Resistance [habilidade De Indicadores Antropométricos E De Composição Corporal Em Identificar A Resistência à Insulina]

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    Objective: To assess the ability of anthropometric and body composition indicators in identifying insulin resistance (IR), determining cut-off points for those showing the best efficacy. Method: 138 men were evaluated. Waist perimeter (WP), sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD), conicity index, body mass index (BMI), body fat percent, sagittal index, and the waist-to-height, waist-to-hip and waist-to-thigh ratios were determined. IR was assessed by the HOMA-IR index. Statistical analysis consisted of Spearman correlation coefficient and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves, calculating the area under the curve (AUC). Results: SAD (r=0.482, AUC=0.746) and WP (r=0.464, AUC=0.739) showed stronger correlations with the HOMA-IR and greater ability to identify IR (p<0.001), being 89.3 cm and 20.0 cm the best cut-offs, respectively. Conclusion: The anthropometric indicators of central obesity, WP and SAD, have shown greater ability to identify IR in men. We encourage studies in women and elderly people in search of the best cut-off points for the entire population. © ABE&M todos os direitos reservados.5317279Despres, J.P., Lemieux, I., Abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome (2006) Nature, 444 (7121), pp. 881-7Reaven, G., All obese individuals are not created equal: Insulin resistance is the major determinant of cardiovascular disease in overweight/obese individuals (2005) Diab Vasc Dis Res, 2 (3), pp. 105-12Geloneze, B., Tambascia, M.A., Avaliação laboratorial e diagnóstico de resistência insulínica (2006) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol, 50 (2), pp. 208-15Vasques, A.C.J., Rosado, L.E.F.P.L., Alfenas, R.C.G., Geloneze, B., Análise crítica do uso dos índices do homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) na avaliação da resistência à insulina e capacidade funcional das células-b pancreáticas (2008) Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol, 52 (1), pp. 32-9Riserus, U., Arnlov, J., Brismar, K., Zethelius, B., Berglund, L., Vessby, B., Sagittal abdominal diameter is a strong anthropometric marker of insulin resistance and hyperproinsulinemia in obese men (2004) Diabetes Care, 27 (8), pp. 2041-6Ybarra, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, J., Pou, J., Fernández, S., Gich, I., Ordóñez-Llanos, J., Anthropometrical measures are easily obtainable sensitive and specific predictors of insulin resistance in healthy individuals (2005) Prevention Control, 1 (2), pp. 175-81Valdez, R., Seidell, J.C., Ahn, Y.I., Weiss, K.M., A new index of abdominal adiposity as an indicator of risk for cardiovascular disease. 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