20 research outputs found

    Análise espacial e estabilidade temporal da armazenagem de água em Cambissolo da região do Vale do Açu, RN

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    Irrigated fruit growing in the Açu Valley is an important component of the Potiguar agribusiness. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal behavior of water in the soil is essential for precise irrigation management. This study was conducted aiming to analyze, by means of geostatistics, the spatio-temporal variability of water storage in the soil and the temporal stability of these variations. The studies were conducted in an area cultivated with hoses (Manguifera índica L.), irrigated by micro in Alto do Rodrigues, RN. Monitoring soil water was by tensiometers. In the evaluation of temporal stability, we used the techniques suggested by Vachaud et al. (1985) and Kachanoski and Jong (1988). The results indicated adequate geostatistics to describe the spatial dependence structure, and soil water storage present spatial variability in the area, showing the need to manage irrigation differently and not considering the homogeneous area, as is currently done in practice. The water in the soil showed temporal stability in all sampled points. And, this condition provides the identification points in the area that have values representative of the spatial average.A fruticultura irrigada no Vale do Açu é importante componente do agronegócio potiguar. O conhecimento do comportamento espacial e temporal da água no solo é fundamental para um manejo preciso da irrigação. Em função disso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar, por meio da geoestatística, a variabilidade espaço-temporal da armazenagem de água no solo e a estabilidade temporal dessas variações. Os estudos foram realizados numa área cultivada com mangueiras (Manguifera índica L.), irrigada por microaspersão, em Alto do Rodrigues, RN. O monitoramento da água no solo foi por tensiometria. Na avaliação da estabilidade temporal, utilizaram-se as técnicas sugeridas por Vachaud et al. (1985) e Kachanoski e Jong (1988). Os resultados indicaram a geoestatística adequada para descrever a estrutura de dependência espacial, sendo que a armazenagem de água do solo apresentou variabilidade espacial na área, mostrando a necessidade de se manejar a irrigação de forma diferenciada e não considerando a área homogênea, como é feito atualmente na prática. A água no solo apresentou estabilidade temporal em todos os pontos amostrados. E, essa condição, proporciona a identificação de pontos na área que apresentem valores representativos da média espacial

    Comparison between the six-minute walk test and the six-minute step test in post stroke patients

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud The Stroke remains one of the major chronic diseases worldwide, and is considered a major cause of disability, which results not only in persistent neurological deficits, but also in the high physical deconditioning, nevertheless there are not many forms of assessing functional capacity in this population. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of the Six Minute Walk Teste and the Six-Minute Step Test (6MST) in post-stroke patients and compare the behavior of physiological variables during the 6MST and the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT), by correlating the functional performance obtained in both tests.\ud \ud \ud \ud Method\ud The 6MWT was carried out according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the 6MST was performed in six minutes in order to compare it to the 6MWT in a 20 cm step. Was included post-stroke individuals able to walk without aid. All of them did the 6MWT and the 6MST.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud 12 patients participated in the study. There was no statistical difference in the parameters analyzed when tests were compared. There was poor correlation between the functional performance in both tests.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud The 6MWT and the 6MST is feasible for post-stroke patients and physiological responses are equal during the performance of both tests. However, there was no correlation with respect to functional performance, which was assessed by the distance walked in the 6MWT and by the number of steps climbed in the 6MST.This study received financial support from Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Assessoria à Saúde da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (NEPASFMABC).This study received financial support from Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Assessoria à Saúde da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (NEPAS-FMABC)


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    This study aimed to carry through chemical caracterization of the coconut fiber powder and evaluate its effect on the absorption of nutrients in the as medium substrate on the production of eggplant seedling. The experiment was conducted for forty days under greenhouse, and it was used seeds of the Florida Market cultivar were cultivated in polyetilene strays with 54 cells and irrigated with nutritive solution two times for day. The substrates were used dust and fiber green coconut coir fibre, in the proportions of 100% of dust, 75% of dust + 25% of fiber and 50% of dust + 50% of fiber, washed and not washed; dry coconut coir fibre not washed; rind of green coconut grinded (fiber and dust mix from machine) washed end not washed (fiber and dust mix from machine); commercial substrate not fertilized and control (green coconut coir fibre not washed and not fertilized). It was used a statistical randomized block design with eleven treatments and four replications, with 25 plants per replications. The chemical characterization of substrates was carried through and was valuated nutrient total contents of the plant upper parts. The best results were observed for the seedlings grown in dry coconut coir fibre not washed, followed by commercial substrate and green coconut coir fibre washed

    Effects of water deficit and rehydration on the polar lipid and membranes resistance leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Pérola

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    Bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Pérola were used to evaluate the water deficit effects in polar lipids composition and in the electric conductivity. The results showed that the water deficiency a effected in the electrolytes loss which increased gradually in response to water deficit. This suggested a compartimentalization loss, due to the structural cellular membranes elements degradation. Total lipids contents decreased by reason of the water stress action. The polyunsaturated fatty acid contents (linoleic and linolenic acids) suffered a decrease while saturated fatty acid (palmitic and stearic acids) increased. The imbalance in the fatty saturated/unsaturated acid relation led to a reduction in the unsaturation index. The electrolytes loss increase related whith the to polyunsaturated fatty acid contents reduction suggested a larger dehydrated plants vulnerability, leading to a consequent loss in the productivity

    A simplified method for the analysis of urinary cotinine by GC-MS

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    Submitted by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2019-10-31T15:38:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Luiz Carlos da Cunha - 2013.pdf: 437989 bytes, checksum: ad44d8da87e4c4742fc397b55a17270f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ([email protected]) on 2019-11-01T11:29:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Luiz Carlos da Cunha - 2013.pdf: 437989 bytes, checksum: ad44d8da87e4c4742fc397b55a17270f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-11-01T11:29:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Artigo - Luiz Carlos da Cunha - 2013.pdf: 437989 bytes, checksum: ad44d8da87e4c4742fc397b55a17270f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013Cotinine is the major metabolite of nicotine and, being very stable and having a long biological half-life, it can be used as a biomarker for tobacco exposure. The aim of this study was to develop an analytical GC-MS technique to measure levels of cotinine in the urine of active and passive smokers and to compare the results with reference values. The extraction of cotinine to generate the calibration curve was performed by mixing urine (250 μL) with 50 μL of a cotinine standard, 50 μL of an internal standard of deuterated cotinine (15 μg∙mL -1 ) and 50 μL of 10% NH 4 OH solution. Next, 2 mL of a mixture of MTBE:dichloromethane:ethyl acetate (30:30:40 by volume) was added and the whole was vortexed, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm. Finally, 1.6 mL of the organic layer was evaporated under a stream of dry air at 50 °C. The resulting extract was dissolved in methanol and injected into the GC-MS system. The LOQ and LOD for cotinine were 100 and 20 ng∙mL -1 , respectively. The curve was linear over the whole tested range of 100 - 5000 ng∙mL -1 and the method achieved 50% recovery. The intra and inter-day precisions were 1.62 – 7.28% and 0.86 – 2.68%, respectively. Accuracy was determined at three concentrations (low, medium and high), with six replicates (95.24 – 97.67%). The validation of this cotinine assay by GC-MS showed that it exhibited satisfactory limits and the assay could be performed with a one-step liquid-liquid extraction. The technique presented here can thus be used for the quantitation of cotinine levels in the urine of passive and active smokers

    Origem do plexo braquial de mocós (Kerodon rupestris wied, 1820)

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    O mocó, Kerodon rupestris, um mamífero roedor da família dos cavídeos muito parecido com preá, é um animal altamente adaptado às condições de calor e de escassez de água e de alimento, principalmente nos períodos das grandes secas que assolam periodicamente a região do semi-árido nordestino. Verifica-se que na literatura há escassez de dados referentes à anatomia funcional dos mocós e, em especial de trabalhos envolvendo a anatomia do sistema nervoso. Objetivando elucidar o comportamento anatômico do plexo braquial de mocó e com o propósito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento da neuroanatomia comparada, procedeu-se esta pesquisa, na qual foram utilizados dez animais adultos de diferentes idades (nove machos e uma fêmea) que vieram a óbito no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (CEMAS) da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró-ESAM. Após a fixação em solução aquosa de formol a 10,00%, realizou-se a dissecação bilateral da origem dos plexos braquiais, sendo os resultados registrados em desenhos esquemáticos, e suas disposições agrupadas em tabelas para posterior análise estatística, fundamentada na freqüência percentual. Observando-se que o plexo braquial de mocó é resultante de comunicações estabelecidas, principalmente, entre os ramos ventrais dos três últimos nervos cervicais e dos dois primeiros nervos torácicos, havendo contribuição do quinto nervo cervical em 35,00% dos casos. O plexo braquial originou-se mais freqüentemente a partir de C6, C7, C8, T1 e T2, consiguando-se em 40,00% das dissecações

    Origem do plexo braquial de mocós (Kerodon rupestris wied, 1820)

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    Rock cavy, Kerodon rupestris a rodent mammal of the Caviidae family, very similar to the cavy is highly adapted to the conditions of heat, shortage of water and food, mainly during the great droughts periods that periodically devastate the northeastern semi-arid area of Brazil. In the literature a shortage of data is verified regarding the functional anatomy of the rock cavies especially of works that involve the anatomy of the brachial plexus. Aiming at to elucidate the behavior of the brachial plexus of rock cavies and with the purpose of contributing for the development of the compared anatomy, this research was accomplished. Ten animals of different ages were used (nine males and one female) coming from the Wild Animals Multiplication Center (CEMAS) of the Superior School of Agriculture of Mossoró-ESAM. After the slaughter, bilateral dissection of the brachia plexuses took place, and the results were registered in schematic drawings, and the dispositions grouped in tables for subsequent statistical analysis grounded in the percentile frequency. It was observed that the brachium plexus of rock cavy is the result from established communications, mainly, among the ventral ramus of the last three cervical nerves and of the first two thoracic nerves, having a contribution of the fifth cervical nerve in 35.00% of the cases. In 40.00% of the dissections the most frequent plexus was of the type C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2.O mocó, Kerodon rupestris, um mamífero roedor da família dos cavídeos muito parecido com preá, é um animal altamente adaptado às condições de calor e de escassez de água e de alimento, principalmente nos períodos das grandes secas que assolam periodicamente a região do semi-árido nordestino. Verifica-se que na literatura há escassez de dados referentes à anatomia funcional dos mocós e, em especial de trabalhos envolvendo a anatomia do sistema nervoso. Objetivando elucidar o comportamento anatômico do plexo braquial de mocó e com o propósito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento da neuroanatomia comparada, procedeu-se esta pesquisa, na qual foram utilizados dez animais adultos de diferentes idades (nove machos e uma fêmea) que vieram a óbito no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (CEMAS) da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró-ESAM. Após a fixação em solução aquosa de formol a 10,00%, realizou-se a dissecação bilateral da origem dos plexos braquiais, sendo os resultados registrados em desenhos esquemáticos, e suas disposições agrupadas em tabelas para posterior análise estatística, fundamentada na freqüência percentual. Observando-se que o plexo braquial de mocó é resultante de comunicações estabelecidas, principalmente, entre os ramos ventrais dos três últimos nervos cervicais e dos dois primeiros nervos torácicos, havendo contribuição do quinto nervo cervical em 35,00% dos casos. O plexo braquial originou-se mais freqüentemente a partir de C6, C7, C8, T1 e T2, consiguando-se em 40,00% das dissecações

    1) Efeito do extrato de folhas de acapu (Vouacapoua americana Aubl.) na inibição do crescimento micelial de Sclerotium rolisil Sacc. "in vitro": A Erosividade das chuvas em Cametá, Tucuruí e Paragominas, no Estado do Pará: Consorciação seringueira x pimenta-do-reino: Alterações observadas em bubalinos abatidos para consumo em Belém-Pará.

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    Ministério da Educação, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará, Serviço de Documentação e Informação e Convênio SUDHEVEA / EMBRAPA / FCAP.1) Extrato de folhas de acapu nas concentrações 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 e 5000 ppm, foi avaliado "in vitro", para medir sua ação no crescimento micelial de Sclerotium rolisil. O extrato de acapu, exerceu efeito inibidor no crescimento micelial do fungo S. rolisil. Sendo a melhor concentração a de 5000 ppm. A correlação entre a concentração do extrato e o tamanho do desenvolvimento micelial é negativa e estatisticamente significante, concluindo-se que quanto maior a concentração, menor o desenvolvimento do micélio.2) Os municípios de Cametá, Tucuruí e Paragominas possuem, em conjunto, uma área de 30.213 Km" e, ultimamente, vêm expandindo suas áreas de produção agropecuária, entretanto, sem as devidas preocupações com os danos causados pela erosão do solo. Com o objetivo de caracterizar a erosividade das chuvas nos três locais em questão, como o primeiro passo na formulação de um programa conservacionista, elaborou-se este trabalho. Usou-se a metodologia de Wischmeier & Smilh, modificada por Cabeda, para o cálculo de EI30, e a de Fournier, modificada por Lombardi Neto, para a determinação do coeficiente de chuva e empregou-se regressões lineares entre os diversos índices. Os resultados mostraram que: o índice de erosividade foi igual a 14,756,2 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano, 14.486,6 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano e 13.251,2 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano, para Cametá, Tucuruí e Paragominas, respectivamente, e que num período de seis meses (dezembro-maio), Tucuruí e Paragominas apresentam 88,5% e 89,5%, do índice El30 anual, e, ainda, que a freqüência das máximas intensidades observadas era 30 minutos, foram 77.5%: 79,0 e 86,0% das chuvas erosivas anuais, respectivamente, para Cametá, Tucuruí e Paragominas, nas faixas de 0-75 mm/h. As equações de regressão encontradas foram: 453,8 + 3,4 x P (r = 0,76 **): EI30 = 6,8 x P - 118.6 (r = 0,99**) e El30 = 72.0 + 6,9 x P (r = 0,87**), respectivamente para Cametá, Tucuruí e Paragominas.3) Com o objetivo de determinar o número de seringueiras e de pimenteiras por hectare do consórcio que proporcione melhor rendimento ao agricultor, bem como reduzir o período de imaturidade da seringueira, foi instalado um experimento sob as condições edafo-climáticas da ilha do Mosqueiro-Pa. Os resultados obtidos dez anos apôs o plantio, mostraram que os tratamentos envolvendo 667 a 889 pimenteiras e 392 a 513 seringueiras/ha, foram os que apresentaram melhor rendimento. A consorciação beneficiou a seringueira, reduzindo o período de imaturidade do clone IAN 717, para seis anos.4) Foram observadas em büfalos abatidos para consumo em Belém, Estado do Pará. alterações macroscópicas como enfisema e congestão pulmonares, pleurite e bronquite, perihepalite, hepatite e cirrose hepática. pericardite, endocardite, linfadenite e serosite, além de outras alterações esporádicas que incluem bursite, orquite, esofagostomíase, lesão óssea e distúrbios renais. A inflamação de serosas caracterizou-se como processo inflamatório que, ao lado de outras alterações observadas, apresenta importante significado sanitário para o criatório de bubalinos na Região e para a inspeção de carnes.1) The action of the leaf extract of acapu Vouacapoua americana on micelial growth of Sclerotium rolisil "in vitro" was evalualed in six concentrations (0. 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 e 5000 ppm). The resulls showed that lhe leaf extracl had an inhibition effect against micelial growth of S. rolisil, being the inhibition proportional to the leaf extract concentration, that is, the highest the concentration, the grealest lhe micelial growth inhibition.2) Cametá, tucuruí and Paragominas have a total area of 30.213 Km and are presently increasing their agricultural areas without the appropriate care for effects of soil erosion. This work was carried out with the objective of characterizing lhe erosivity of rains in the above mentioned localions as a first slep to the creation of a conservationist program. In order to determine the EI30 il was used the Wischmeir & Smith method modified by Cabeda. flie rainfall coefficient was found by lhe Fournier method, modified by Lombardi Neto. It was used linear regression among the various indexes. The results showed that: the erosivity index for Cametá. Tucuruí and Paragominas was, respectively. 14.756,2 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano; 14.486.6 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano e 13.251,2 MJ.mm/ha.h.ano and that in a six month period (december-may). l Tucuruí and Paragominas had 88,5% and 89,5% of the annual El30. Also it was observed thal lhe maximum intensity frequencies in a 30 minutes period were 77,5%, 79,0% and 86.0% of the annual erosive rains, respectively for Cametá, Tucuruí and Paragominas in a 0 to 75 mm/h span. The regression equations found were: EI30 453.8 + 3,4 x P (r = 0.76**); EI30 = 6,8 x P - 118,6 ( r = 0,99**) e EI30 = 72.0 + 6.9 x P (r = 0,87**), respectively for Cametá, Tucuruí and Paragominas.3) In order to determine thc number of rubber and black peper trees/ha of consortiation that presented better productivity to the planter, as well as to reduct the immaturity period of lhe rubber tree, a trial was conducted under the climate conditions of lhe Mosqueiro island slate of Pará. The results obtained ten years after planting showed that lhe treatments combining 667 to 889 black peper trees/ha with 392 to 513 rubber trees/ha presented better productivity. The consortiation brought benefits Io the rubber trees, reducting the immaturity period of lhe clone IAN 717.4) Macroscopically were demonstrated some alterations like emphysema and hyperemy, pleuritis and brochitis, peri-hepatitis, hepatitis and hepatitis cirrhosis, perdicarditis, endocarditis, limphadenitis and serositis beyond others alterations sporadically observed as bursitis , orchitis, esophagostomiasis, bone lesion and kidney disturbances; the serositis process was an inflamatory process that has important significance with those alterations in meat inspection and breeding of buffaloes in Amazon region

    The predictive values of BOAH and No-apnea score for screening obstructive sleep apnea in rotating shift worker drivers

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    Objective: To evaluate the BOAH (Body mass index, Observed apnea, Age, and Hypertension) and No-apnea score's diagnostic values for detecting obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) risk in shift workers. Methods: Cross-sectional study with male rotating shift workers and drivers of heavy off-road machinery. The BOAH score is based on body mass index, witnessed apneas during sleep, age, and hypertension. The No-apnea score is based on neck circumference and age. Based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), the severity of OSA was categorized as least mild OSA (AHI ≥5/h), moderate to severe OSA (AHI ≥15/h), and severe OSA (AHI ≥30/h). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and areas under the curve (AUC) were calculated. Results: Among 119 workers evaluated, 84.0% had AHI ≥5, 46.2% had AHI ≥15, and 14.3% had AHI ≥30. BOAH score with 2 points for AHI ≥5, the AUC was 0.679, and sensitivity and specificity were 41.0% and 94.7%, respectively. No-apnea score with 3 points AHI ≥5, the AUC was 0.692, and sensitivity and specificity were 70.0% and 68.4%, respectively. Furthermore, using at least one of the positive scores, the AUC was higher when compared to the single tests for AHI ≥5 (AUC = 0.727). And when both scores were positive, the AUC was higher for AHI ≥30 (AUC = 0.706). Conclusion: In rotating shift workers and drivers of heavy off-road machinery, BOAH, and No-apnea scores can be helpful tools in identifying individuals at risk for sleep apnea. In addition, matching the scores may increase the prediction of OSA

    Association of Hypovitaminosis D with Sleep Parameters in Rotating Shift Worker Drivers

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    Objective To evaluate the association between sleep parameters and hypovitaminosis D in rotating shift drivers. Material and Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study on 82 male rotating shift workers (24–57 years old) with at least one cardiovascular risk factor (such as hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, abdominal obesity, physical inactivity, hypertension, and smoking). Polysomnography was used to evaluate sleep parameters. Logistic regression was used to model the association between hypovitaminosis D and sleep parameters after adjustment for relevant covariates. Results Hypovitaminosis D (< 20 ng/mL) was seen in 30.5% of the workers. Shift workers with hypovitaminosis D had lower sleep efficiency (odds ratio [OR]: 3.68; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.95–5.53), lower arterial oxygen saturation (OR: 5.35; 95% CI: 3.37–6.12), and increased microarousal index (OR: 3.85; 95% CI: 1.26–5.63) after adjusting. Conclusion We suggest that hypovitaminosis D is associated with greater sleep disturbances in rotating shift workers