1,247 research outputs found

    Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

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    Wax Chemical and Morphological Investigation of Brazilian Crude Oils

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    The waxes in petroleum can precipitate and form unwanted gels and deposition when exposed to low temperatures. The idea of this chapter is to approach methods of quantification and physicochemical and morphological characterization of waxes and how this information can help in understanding this deposition. Information such as the quantity of waxes and the chemical structures in the oil is fundamental to predict the possible deposition and its ability to aggregate with other crystals. For example, the knowledge about the wax morphology may contribute to explain the nucleation and growth of the deposits. The polarized light microscopy, the most common technique to visualize wax crystals, and the bright-field microscopy, the most simple technique, able to show crystal details that have not been seen on the polarized light, was used

    Stress Concentration on PDMS: An evaluation of three numerical constitutive models using digital image correlation

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    The examination of hyperelastic materials’ behavior, such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), is crucial for applications in areas as biomedicine and electronics. However, the limitations of hyperelastic models for specific stress scenarios, with stress concentration, are not well explored on the literature. To address this, firstly, three constitutive models were evaluated (Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, and Ogden) using numerical simulations and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) analysis during a uniaxial tensile test. The samples were made of PDMS with stress concentration geometries (center holes, shoulder fillets, and edge notches). Results of ANOVA analysis showed that any of the three models can be chosen for numerical analysis of PDMS since no significant differences in suitability were found. Finally, the Ogen model was chosen to obtain the stress concentration factors for these geometries, a property which characterize how discontinuities change the maximum stress supported by an element. Our study provides new values for variables needed to analyze and design hyperelastic elements and produce a foundation for understanding PDMS stress-strain behavior.The authors acknowledge the projects EXPL/EME-EME/0732/2021 and 2022.06207.PTDC for the financial support, through national funds (OE), within the scope of the Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects (IC&DT) program in all scientific domains (PTDC), PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), via the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT, I.P) and the R&D Units projects (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) (CIMO), SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020), UIDB/ 04077/2020, UIDP/04077/2020, UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDB/00532/ 2020. Andrews Souza acknowledges FCT for the Ph.D. scholarship 2021.07961.BD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Isolation and characterization of new genetic types of Toxoplasma gondii and prevalence of Trichinella murrelli from black bear (Ursus americanus)

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    Black bears (Ursus americanus) are hosts for two important zoonotic parasites, Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella spp. and bears are hunted for human consumption in the USA. Little is known of the genetic diversity of T. gondii circulating in wildlife. In the present study, antibodies to T. gondii were found in juice from tongues of 17 (25.7%) of 66 wild black bear from Maryland during the hunting season of 2010 and 2011. Antibodies to T. gondii were assessed by the modified agglutination test. Tongues of 17 seropositive bears were bioassayed in mice and viable T. gondii was isolated from three samples. These three T. gondii isolates (TgBbMd1-3) were further propagated in cell culture and DNA isolated from culture-derived tachyzoites was characterized using 11 PCR-RFLP markers (SAG1, 5′ - and 3′ -SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico). Results revealed three genotypes. TgBbMd1 is a Type 12 strain (ToxoDB PCR-RFLP genotype #4) and TgBbMd2 is ToxoDB PCR- RFLP genotype #216, and TgBbMd3 is a Type II clonal strain (ToxoDB PCR-RFLP genotype #1). The isolate TgBbMd2 was highly virulent for outbred Swiss Webster mice; all infected mice died of acute toxoplasmosis. Results indicate that mouse virulent strains of T. gondii are circulating in wildlife in the USA. These 66 tongues in addition to tongues collected during hunts in previous years were further investigated for the presence of muscle larvae of Trichinella spp. Tongues from 40 bears in 2005, 41 in 2006, 51 in 2007, 56 in 2008, 68 in 2009, 67 in 2010, and 66 in 2011 were subjected to digestion with pepsin/HCl and microscopic examination. Two bears were infected with Trichinella spp.; one in 2008 and one in 2009. Genotyping of collected muscle larvae revealed that the infecting species in both cases was Trichinella murrelli

    Some anisotropic universes in the presence of imperfect fluid coupling with spatial curvature

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    We consider Bianchi VI spacetime, which also can be reduced to Bianchi types VI0-V-III-I. We initially consider the most general form of the energy-momentum tensor which yields anisotropic stress and heat flow. We then derive an energy-momentum tensor that couples with the spatial curvature in a way so as to cancel out the terms that arise due to the spatial curvature in the evolution equations of the Einstein field equations. We obtain exact solutions for the universes indefinetly expanding with constant mean deceleration parameter. The solutions are beriefly discussed for each Bianchi type. The dynamics of the models and fluid are examined briefly, and the models that can approach to isotropy are determined. We conclude that even if the observed universe is almost isotropic, this does not necessarily imply the isotropy of the fluid (e.g., dark energy) affecting the evolution of the universe within the context of general relativity.Comment: 17 pages, no figures; to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physics; in this version (which is more concise) an equation added, some references updated and adde

    Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em cafezal orgânico.

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    A adequação de um cafezal para o sistema orgânico causa grande mudança no sistema de manejo de plantas daninhas, mas as informações sobre o comportamento da comunidade infestante em áreas de cultivo de café orgânico são escassas no Brasil. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um levantamento fitossociológico da comunidade infestante em três cafezais (variedades Mundo Novo, Bourbon Vermelho e Obatã) desenvolvidos em sistema orgânico, no município de Garça (SP). Nas três áreas estudadas foram arremessados ao acaso cem quadrados metálicos com área vazada de 0,25 m2, nas entrelinhas da cultura. As espécies contidas no interior dos quadros foram identificadas segundo a espécie botânica, nome popular e família. A partir dos resultados, determinaram-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos: frequência, densidade, abundância, frequência relativa, densidade relativa, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância e similaridade florísticas pelos métodos de Simple Matching de Sneath & Sokal e similaridade de Sorensen. As famílias que mais se destacaram, com maior número de espécies nas três áreas foram Poaceae e Asteraceae. Houve alta similaridade em todos os contrastes testados, já que pelo menos metade das espécies identificadas foi comum às duas áreas contrastadas

    New drugs from traditional medicines: pharmacological evaluation of plant extracts from Chapada Diamantina (Brazil)

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    Plants are rich sources of medicines and Brazil is among the most biodiverse nations in the world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apoio Matricial No Sus Campinas: Análise Da Consolidação De Uma Prática Interprofissional Na Rede De Saúde

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    This study aims to characterize the teams and the inter-professional work process of Matrix Support developed and practiced in primary healthcare provided by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. This is an exploratory descriptive study involving a questionnaire that was applied to 232 professionals who practice Matrix Support for primary healthcare. For analysis, the data were grouped into four categories: Identification of the professional; Work links to the Campinas SUS; Organization of the Matrix Support work; and the Support practice. The study indicates that the methodology of support for inter-professional work has achieved an important degree of consolidation in the municipality, in spite of the restricted investment. The reduced working time dedicated to support, and the large number of teams supported by each Matrix Support team were identified as the principal points of fragility in the work process. In turn, strong points that emerged were the multiplicity of tools used, the possibility of shared construction of work guidelines, and the flexibility in the composition of the support teams. Both the fragilities and the potentialities found can offer inputs for reflection and full creation of Matrix Support in other contexts. © 2016, Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva. All rights reserved.2151625163

    Desenvolvimento de um coletor solar flexĂ­vel e de baixo custo

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: Esse trabalho reporta o desenvolvimento numérico de um coletor solar flexível e de baixo custo e a posterior fabricação de protótipos, em filme de poliuretano (PU). Foram projetados quatro modelos de coletores solares no software SolidWorks® e realizadas simulações no software ANSYS/FluentTM 18.2; os estudos de fabricação dos modelos foram realizados em conjunto com uma empresa de construção de insufláveis. O desempenho do sistema foi simulado para um coletor e depois para dois coletores, nas condições de inverno das cidades do Porto e de Fortaleza. O coletor forneceu água quente para uso a temperaturas próximas a 40ºC. Foi fabricado um protótipo que é flexível e de baixo custo para ser testado o seu desempenho térmico.ABSTRACT: These paper reports the development of a flexible and low-cost solar collector and posterior prototype manufacturing, in polyurethane film. Four models of solar collectors were designed in SolidWorks® software and simulated in ANSYS/FluentTM 18.2 software; the manufacturing studies of the models were carried out together an inflatable construction company. The systems were simulated for a collector and for two collectors in the winter conditions in the cities of Porto and Fortaleza. The collector provided hot water for use at approximately 40ºC. A low-cost and flexible prototype was manufactured and it´s thermal performance will be tested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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