4 research outputs found
Perfil fermentativo, composição química e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de brotos de mandioca com palma forrageira
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de níveis de palma forrageira (0, 15, 30 e 45%) em silagens de brotos de mandioca sobre o perfil fermentativo, composição química e estabilidade aeróbica. Quatro tratamentos foram testados com 5 repetições, totalizando 20 silos. A inclusão de palma forrageira nas silagens de broto de mandioca promoveu aumento nas perdas por gases (P < 0,001), capacidade tampão (P < 0,001), pH (P = 0,033), matéria mineral (P < 0,001), carboidratos totais (P < 0,001), carboidratos não fibrosos (P < 0,001) e diminuição nos teores de matéria seca (P < 0,001), matéria orgânica (P < 0,001), extrato etéreo (P = 0,002) e proteína bruta (P < 0,001). Efeito quadrático foi observado para perdas por efluentes (P < 0,001), sendo as maiores perdas por efluentes (94.78 kg/t natural matter) obtidas com a inclusão de 30% de palma forrageira nas silagens de brotos de mandioca. A inclusão de palma forrageira na silagem de brotos de mandioca promoveu redução do pH durante a exposição ao oxigênio (P = 0,008). A inclusão de palma forrageira em até 45% na silagem de brotos de mandioca provoca alterações nas características fermentativas e nutricionais, porém, os valores encontrados nas silagens estão de acordo com os padrões de silagens de boa qualidade.The aim was to evaluate the effect of the cactus pear levels (0, 15, 30, and 45%) in cassava shoot silages on the fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability. Four treatments were tested with five repetitions, totaling 20 silos. The inclusion of cactus pear in cassava shoots silages promoted an increase in gas losses (P < 0.001), buffering capacity (P < 0.001), pH (P = 0.033), mineral matter (P < 0.001), total carbohydrates (P < 0.001), non-fiber carbohydrates (P < 0.001) and a decreasing in dry matter (P < 0.001), organic matter (P < 0.001), ether extract (P = 0.002), and crude protein (P < 0.001) content. A quadratic effect was observed for effluent losses (P < 0.001), with greater effluent losses (94.78 kg/t natural matter) obtained with the inclusion of 30% cactus pear in cassava shoots silages. Cactus pear inclusion in cassava shoots silage promoted a reduction in the pH during oxygen exposure (P = 0.008). Including cactus pear in up to 45% of cassava silage, shoots cause changes in the fermentation and nutritional characteristics. However, values found in the silages are by good quality standards
An important aspect the still absent in many universities is planning of disposal, storage and reuse of solid waste. The identification ofsituations faced by academic community regarding generation of waste is essential to the elaboration of programs, projects, systems andpolicies for sustainable management of generated waste. This study aimed to understand how aware of this issue is academic communityof the University City, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), through a profile of the production of solid waste and its impacts on theenvironment. The methodology was based on the application of 509 questionnaires during the year 2011 in four different campuses centers,including 33 undergraduate and graduate departments from various fields, and six administrative centers. The questionnaires consisted ofquestions about recycling policies and waste sorting. According to our results, 67.97 % of respondents know the 3Rs (reduce, reuse andrecycle) and 92.32 % said they would participate in a program for waste management if the university were to do so. However, over 60 % ofrespondents do not separate their household waste. Thus, it is important to note that, although encouraged by the university administration,an effective campaign should include the individual awareness of the academic body.Identificar situações com as quais a comunidade acadêmica se defronta quanto à geração de resíduos é imprescindível para que haja uma elaboração de programas e políticas de gestão sustentável em universidades. Este trabalho visou compreender como se dá a sensibilização da comunidade acadêmica da Cidade Universitária/ UFMA, acerca da produção de resíduos sólidos e seus devidos impactos ambientais. A metodologia baseou-se na aplicação de 509 questionários, com perguntas acerca de políticas de reciclagem e coleta seletiva, abrangendo 33 cursos de graduação e pós-graduação de diversas áreas e seis instâncias administrativas. De acordo com os resultados, 67,97% dos entrevistados conhecem as políticas de reaproveitamento, reutilização e reciclagem de resíduos e 92,32% afirmou que participaria de um programa interno caso houvesse incentivo para tal. Assim, é importante ressaltar que ainda que incentivado pelas instâncias administrativas, uma campanha efetiva deve incluir a sensibilização dos integrantes da comunidade acadêmica em questão
Agronomic characteristics of forage sorghum cultivars for silage production in the lower middle San Francisco Valley
Productive performance for silage production of five forage sorghum genotypes (BRS Ponta Negra, BRS 655, BR 601, BRS 506 and BRS 610) was evaluated through the yield of dry matter, digestible dry matter, and fresh matter, plant height, percentage of lodged and broken plants, and anatomical fractions in Brazilian semi-arid region. BRS 506 and BRS Ponta Negra varieties achieved the highest fresh forage yields (89.4 and 76.2 ton. ha-1), and BRS 506, stood out for dry and digestible dry matter yield (25.2 and 12.1 ton. ha-1, respectively). Regarding the participation of the plant fractions, BRS 655 and BRS 610 genotypes showed a higher percentage of panicles (50.2 and 41.0% respectively), while BRS 506 stressed out the stem participation (84.6%), and BRS Ponta Negra, the leaf participation (17.9%). Among the materials evaluated for silage production, stood out the BRS 506 and BRS Ponta Negra genotypes. The results obtained for production of dry and digestible dry matter, and the ratio of plant fractions indicates the possible use of these genotypes on silage production in the Brazilian semiarid
Agronomic characteristics of forage sorghum cultivars for silage production in the lower middle San Francisco Valley - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i1.13072
Productive performance for silage production of five forage sorghum genotypes (BRS Ponta Negra, BRS 655, BR 601, BRS 506 and BRS 610) was evaluated through the yield of dry matter, digestible dry matter, and fresh matter, plant height, percentage of lodged and broken plants, and anatomical fractions in Brazilian semi-arid region. BRS 506 and BRS Ponta Negra varieties achieved the highest fresh forage yields (89.4 and 76.2 ton. ha-1), and BRS 506, stood out for dry and digestible dry matter yield (25.2 and 12.1 ton. ha-1, respectively). Regarding the participation of the plant fractions, BRS 655 and BRS 610 genotypes showed a higher percentage of panicles (50.2 and 41.0% respectively), while BRS 506 stressed out the stem participation (84.6%), and BRS Ponta Negra, the leaf participation (17.9%). Among the materials evaluated for silage production, stood out the BRS 506 and BRS Ponta Negra genotypes. The results obtained for production of dry and digestible dry matter, and the ratio of plant fractions indicates the possible use of these genotypes on silage production in the Brazilian semiarid.