2,522 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Analysis of Investment in Electricity Markets

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    Electricity markets are being liberalised and open to private competition in several countries. These liberalized electricity markets are very complex as the interactions between demand and supply are subject to several technicalities arising from the commodity being traded: electricity. One of these technicalities is that generators cannot store electricity: this fact implies that it needs to generate its production real-time. A second problem with this market are the different generation technologies used at different levels of demand, which implies that at different times of the day different generation costs are supported to meet demand: due to ramp-rate constraints, capacity available, and fixed and start-up costs. In this paper we analyze the issue of investment and the electricity system’s long-term security in an industry where a regulator controls the short-term prices, imposing a perfect competition outcome for “low†demand hours and a price cap at times where load is shed. We look at the following research questions: a) How does the oligopolistic structure of the market interact with the value of the different technologies? b) How do players define their investment strategies? c) How do the regulatory policies affect the investment in generation? Do they work similarly under perfect competition and oligopoly? d) Can markets invest enough capacity to ensure the long run security of the market? The main results of our analysis are following: 1. The impact of a given investment on the market price is independent of the player investing. 2. The impact of an investment on price is a function of the technology in which the investment takes place and of the cycle to which the price refers to. 3. The impact of price caps on the evolution of the market structure is non-linear, it cannot be too low or too high. 4. An oligopolistic electricity market fails to deliver the needed investment unless the regulators intervene. 5. The higher the reserve margin the higher the total investment. However, this instrument by itself was not able to provide the incentive needed to ensure the long-term security of the system, as in any of the experiments analyzed the peak demand is not completely satisfied. 6. Even a slight increase in demand, due to the reserve margin, leads to important changes on the relative value of the different technologies. 7. The main task of the regulatory authorities is to define a level of capacity payments that give the necessary incentive to investment, at the minimum cost: Capacity Payments are very important in shaping the generation structure. 8. Uncertainty reduces the value of Peak plants: this result clearly contradicts any common sense in these matters, as one would expect the presence of price uncertainty to be beneficial to Peak plants. The proportion invested in baseload plants increases with uncertainty of the energy price, decreasing the investment in shoulder plant.agent-based, electricity markets, evolution, investment, regulation, simulation

    Capacity expansion under uncertainty in an oligopoly using indirect reinforcement-learning.

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    We model capacity expansion in oligopolistic markets, with endogenous prices, under uncertainty, considering multiple production technologies. As this environment is complex, capacity expansion is the outcome of a learning process by individual firms. We propose indirect reinforcement-learning to model the interaction between price determination and capacity decisions, in the context of an oligopoly game. We apply our model to the analysis of the Iberian electricity market, considering multiple technologies, focusing on how subsidies, the prices of CO2 emissions and gas affect the capacity expansion policies

    Serviço AMIS : publicação, edição e pesquisa em repositórios de informação

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    O propósito deste artigo é o de documentar o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de software que facilite, a utilizadores pouco versados na utilização de ferramentas de edição multimédia, um serviço de composição e publicação de documentos num servidor WWW, disponibilizá-los numa interface Web sob classificação temática , e apoiar nas buscas relativas aos documentos e outros recursos informativos residentes numa base de dados. Pretende-se propor novas técnicas de distribuição de informação e de aquisição de informação sobre os perfis dos utentes do serviço.\nA plataforma de software que serve de suporte a este serviço baseia-se na utilização de agentes de software devidamente adaptados para o efeito e o seuu desenvolvimento foi feito no âmbito do projecto AMIS (Agentes Móveis e Inteligentes) a decorrer no âmbito das actividade do Instituto de Telecomunicações, pólo de Aveiro\

    Nanogel formation of polymer solutions flowing through porous media

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    A gelation process was seen to occur when Boger fluids made from aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide (PAA) and NaCl flowed through porous media with certain characteristics. As these viscoelastic fluids flow through a porous medium, the pressure drop across the bed varies linearly with the flow rate, as also happens with Newtonian fluids. Above a critical flow rate, elastic effects set in and the pressure drop grows above the low-flow-rate linear regime. Increasing further the flow rate, a more dramatic increase in the slope of the pressure drop curve can be observed as a consequence of nanogel formation. In this work, we discuss the reasons for this gelation process based on our measurements using porous media of different sizes, porosity and chemical composition. Additionally, the rheological properties of the fluids were investigated for shear and extensional flows. The fluids were also tested as they flowed through different microfluidic analogues of the porous media. The results indicate that the nanogel inception occurs with the adsorption of PAA molecules on the surface of the porous media particles that contain silica on their surfaces. Subsequently, if the interparticle space is small enough a jamming process occurs leading to flow-induced gel formation

    Uma análise crítica e comparativa de experiências de ensino do empreendedorismo baseadas na abordagem de aprendizagem por projeto

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    Este artigo debruça-se sobre a aplicação da abordagem de aprendizagem por projeto no ensino do empreendedorismo ou da formação empresarial em cursos de engenharia. A literatura sobre o tema é ainda escassa e persiste um debate que se tem mostrado inconclusivo sobre determinadas questões fundamentais. Neste projeto de investigação estudaram-se diversas experiências educacionais que permitem tirar ilações sobre a abordagem da aprendizagem baseada em projeto utilizada em 6 unidades curriculares de diferentes cursos de engenharia da Universidade do Minho. O período de análise compreende os últimos 10 anos, remontando a 2006 quando estas experiências foram iniciadas. A estratégia de pesquisa foi essencialmente qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória, tendo-se seguido uma metodologia iminentemente etnográfica. O artigo descreve e explora a utilização desta abordagem educacional no ensino universitário e na área da gestão empresarial ou do empreendedorismo através de um conjunto de casos que se traduzem numa diversidade de situações muito interessante. É feita uma breve descrição de cada experiência, referindo particularmente o seu contexto e a sua evolução, assim como os resultados diretos e indiretos que lhe estão subjacentes. É importante compreender a motivação que esteve na origem da implementação e na adoção da abordagem da aprendizagem baseada em projetos, as dificuldades encontradas e as alterações realizadas.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, PEst- OE/EME/UI0252/2011Algoritmi (PEst2015-2020) UID/CEC/00319/201

    Identifying the centrality levels of futsal players : a network approach

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    The aim of this study it was verify the differences of prominence levels between tactical positions in futsal (indoor football). For that reason, it was performed an analysis of variance between competitive levels and tactical positions for the centrality metrics computed by using network analysis. Forty-six futsal players from different competitive levels (U12, U14, U16 and Amateurs) it were analysed during three official futsal matches. Results revealed no differences in centrality metrics between competitive levels (p = 1.00; = 0.001; very small effect size) had no significant statistical differences in the centrality metrics. Nevertheless, tactical position (p = 0.001; = 0.593; moderate effect size) had significant main effects on the centrality metrics. Centrality metrics revealed that defenders are the most prominent players in to receive the ball. By the other hand, defenders and wings are the positions with greater centralities in to pass the ball for the teammates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Who is the prominent tactical position in rink-hockey? : a network approach based on centrality metrics

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    The aim of this study was to verify the prominence levels of rink-hockey players in different competitive levels. For that reason, it was analysed the variance of network centrality metrics between competitive levels and tactical positions. Fifty-four rink-hockey players from five different levels (U12, U14, U16, U18 and Elite) were analysed during three official matches. The results did not found statistical differences in centrality levels of players between competitive levels (p-value = 1.00; partial eta square = 0.001; very small effect size). Nevertheless, tactical position (p-value = 0.001; partial eta square = 0.534; moderate effect size) had significant main effects on the centrality metrics. In this study it was found that defender and forward are the positions that most receive balls from the teammates. In other hand, the forward is the position that most passes performed until the U16 and in older levels the defender assumes the centrality in passes performed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of interactions at children playgrounds using network measures : an exploratory study based on graph theory

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    This study has used network measures to classify the children interactions in playground. The variance of network processes between genders was tested. Five girls and boys (n = 10; 4.6 0.6 years old) were observed. Statistical procedures has revealed significant differences between genders in IDC (p = 0.027; ES = 0.476; moderate effect) and BC (p = 0.011; ES = 0.576; moderate effect). Results revealed a greater cooperation process between boys.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Network measures and digraph theory applied to soccer analysis : midfielder is the key player in youth teams

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    Graph and digraph theories have been used to test the relationships between teammates and the network properties of team sports. Nevertheless, no studies in young soccer teams have been found, as far we know. Therefore, the objective of the study was to apply network measures to identify centrality levels of young soccer players during official matches and analyse the variance between tactical positions and tactical line-ups. Seventy young soccer players from under-10 competitive level were observed during 10 matches. Significant statistical differences were found between players’ positions in IDC (p = 0.001; ES = 0.090; minimum effect); ODC (p = 0.001; ES = 0.156; minimum effect); and BC (p = 0.001; ES = 0.110; minimum effect) variables. No significant statistical differences were found between 1-3-2-1 and 1-2-3-1 line-ups for %IDC (p = 0.113; ES = 0.056; minimum effect), %ODC (p = 0.126; ES = 0.048; minimum effect) and %BC (p = 0.204; ES = 0.035; minimum effect). This study found that midfielder is the key position on the field, being a linkage player to attacking building.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo Experimental da Limitação da Contaminação com Poluentes Utilizando Jatos Planos

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    O controlo da qualidade do ar é de extrema importância dentro dos edifícios de hoje em dia. Atualmente, as cortinas de ar verticais são frequentemente usadas para separar duas zonas climáticas diferentes, de modo a reduzir as transferências de calor. Na investigação realizada neste trabalho, é proposto o uso da cortina de ar para garantir uma separação de duas zonas, uma limpa e outra contaminada. A metodologia desta investigação inclui, i) ensaios à escala reduzida em modelos de água, de modo a assegurar que a contaminação não passa através da cortina de ar e ii) um desenvolvimento analítico com as principais características físicas dos jatos planos. Na solução que se pretende desenvolver associa-se um caudal de ar extraído do compartimento contaminado à cortina de ar, bem como a determinação do caudal mínimo de exaustão capaz de garantir a estanquidade da cortina. Este estudo enquadra-se no projeto europeu Nanoguard2ar, cujo objetivo principal é desenvolver, testar, validar e fazer a demonstração de um sistema inovador baseado na combinação de nano-materiais com cortinas de ar, para garantir o isolamento e a qualidade do ar interior em edifícios. Para atingir esse objetivo, é utilizado um processo de oxidação de limpeza do ar extraído do compartimento contaminado, juntamente com as cortinas de ar que garantem a separação entre espaços limpos e os contaminados. Este projeto recebeu financiamento do programa de investigação e inovação Horizonte 2020 da União Europeia ao abrigo do acordo de subvenção Marie Sklodowska-Curie n.º 690968