13 research outputs found

    Surface boundary layer characteristics over caatinga vegetation in tropical semiarid region of N-E Brazil

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    Some characteristic features of the atmospheric surface layer over a tropical semiarid station Petrolina (9.9◦S, 40.22◦W, 365.5 m) in N-E Brazil, are investigated, using data collected from a micrometeorological tower of 9 m height. This study utilizes the wind, temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide (CO2) data obtained for the month of July 2004. The diurnal variation of mean parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and CO2 are studied. Turbulent statistics are computed using the eddy correlation technique, and are studied under the framework of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory with results compared with other experimental studies reported in the literature

    Qualidade de méis produzidos por apicultores e méis provenientes de entrepostos registrados no Serviço de Inspeção Federal

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    This study was carried out to compare the physiochemical quality of honeys from beekeepers in northern Zona da Mata, MG, and honeys from warehouses registered at the Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) in the State of Minas Gerais. Physiochemical analysis involving 39 samples were done, with three samples from each of the 13 beekeepers and 18 samples from warehouses registered at SIF-MG. Differences in quality from the two origins occurred in: free acidity, ashes, hydroxymethylfurfural, apparent sucrose and insoluble solids, where honeys from warehouses were of better quality. In addition, for free acidity and insoluble solids, two samples from northern Zona da Mata showed values above the established by the Instrução Normativa n°11 relative to the year 2000, whereas the values for insoluble solids in 11 samples from northern Zona da Mata and 2 samples from warehouses were in disagreement with this legislation

    Geotecnologias aplicadas à avaliação de parâmetros biofísicos do Pantanal

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros biofísicos de superfície do Bioma Pantanal com a aplicação de geotecnologias. Foram utilizados o algoritmo Sebal ("surface energy balance algorithm for land"), imagens do sensor Modis ("moderate‑resolution imaging spectroradiometer") e o mapa de classes de uso e cobertura da terra. Os resultados obtidos para NDVI, temperatura da superfície, albedo, fluxo de calor sensível diário, saldo de radiação diário e evapotranspiração real diária foram consistentes com dados de literatura para os diferentes usos e cobertura da terra, e corroboram a eficiência da capacidade analítica e sinóptica das estimativas do Sebal. Tais resultados mostram o potencial de geotecnologias na implementação de modelos ou algoritmos voltados para a compreensão da dinâmica de processos biofísicos de interação solo‑planta‑atmosfera do Pantanal