10 research outputs found

    [access To Information About How To Prevent Oral Problems Among School Children In The Public School Network].

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    The scope of this study is to identify the prevalence of access to information about how to prevent oral problems among schoolchildren in the public school network, as well as the factors associated with such access. This is a cross-sectional and analytical study conducted among 12-year-old schoolchildren in a Brazilian municipality with a large population. The examinations were performed by 24 trained dentists and calibrated with the aid of 24 recorders. Data collection occurred in 36 public schools selected from the 89 public schools of the city. Descriptive, univariate and multiple analyses were conducted. Of the 2510 schoolchildren included in the study, 2211 reported having received information about how to prevent oral problems. Access to such information was greater among those who used private dental services; and lower among those who used the service for treatment, who evaluated the service as regular or bad/awful. The latter use toothbrush only or toothbrush and tongue scrubbing as a means of oral hygiene and who reported not being satisfied with the appearance of their teeth. The conclusion drawn is that the majority of schoolchildren had access to information about how to prevent oral problems, though access was associated with the characteristics of health services, health behavior and outcomes.2085-9

    Access to information about how to prevent oral problems among school children in the public school network

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    O presente estudo propõe-se a identificar a prevalência do acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais entre escolares da rede pública de ensino, assim como os fatores associados a este acesso. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e analítico conduzido entre escolares de 12 anos de idade de um município brasileiro de grande porte populacional. Os exames foram realizados por 24 cirurgiões-dentistas treinados e calibrados com auxilio de 24 anotadores. A coleta de dados ocorreu em 36 escolas sorteadas das 89 escolas públicas do município. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, univariadas e múltiplas. Dos 2510 escolares incluídos no estudo, 2211 relataram já ter recebido informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais. O acesso a tais informações foi maior entre os que utilizaram serviços odontológicos privado/convênio; e menor entre aqueles que utilizaram o serviço para tratamento, os que avaliaram o serviço como regular ou ruim/péssimo, os que utilizam como meio de higiene bucal somente escova dente/escova dente e higienização a língua e os que relataram não estarem satisfeitos com a aparência de seus dentes. Conclui-se que a maioria dos escolares teve acesso a informações sobre como evitar problemas bucais, o qual esteve associado a características dos serviços de saúde, comportamentos e desfechos de saúde2018594FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGSem informaçãoThe scope of this study is to identify the prevalence of access to information about how to prevent oral problems among schoolchildren in the public school network, as well as the factors associated with such access. This is a cross-sectional and analytical study conducted among 12-year-old schoolchildren in a Brazilian municipality with a large population. The examinations were performed by 24 trained dentists and calibrated with the aid of 24 recorders. Data collection occurred in 36 public schools selected from the 89 public schools of the city. Descriptive, univariate and multiple analyses were conducted. Of the 2510 schoolchildren included in the study, 2211 reported having received information about how to prevent oral problems. Access to such information was greater among those who used private dental services; and lower among those who used the service for treatment, who evaluated the service as regular or bad/awful. The latter use toothbrush only or toothbrush and tongue scrubbing as a means of oral hygiene and who reported not being satisfied with the appearance of their teeth. The conclusion drawn is that the majority of schoolchildren had access to information about how to prevent oral problems, though access was associated with the characteristics of health services, health behavior and outcome

    [do Elderly Individuals With A Cognitive Handicap Have Worse Oral Health?].

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    A comparison of the oral health of elderly people with and without a cognitive handicap was assessed. The cognitive condition, the indices of decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT), decayed, filled roots (DFR), the need for dental treatment, the presence of plaque (P), calculus (C), the community periodontal index (CPI), the rate of periodontal attachment loss (PAL), edentulism, prosthetic use and the need for prosthetics were evaluated in a complex probabilistic sample by conglomerates of the elderly (65-74 years). PASW(r) 17.0 was used for the statistical analyses with correction for the design effect, applying the Mann Whitney and chi-square test with 95% reliability. A total of 736 elderly individuals were interviewed and examined. Those with cognitive impairment had higher average DMFT, DFR and lower average healthy sextant CPI, a lower prevalence of sextants without plaque/calculus, use of prosthetics and higher prevalence of edentulism and need for prosthetics. Elderly individuals with a cognitive handicap had poorer oral health.193417-2

    A Presença De Fluorose Dentária Estaria Associada Ao Traumatismo Dentário Entre Escolares?

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    Our objective was to evaluate whether there is an association with the different levels of dental fluorosis and the presence of dental trauma amongst school children. A transversal study was conducted amongst school children from the age of 12. Dental examinations were conducted by 24 well trained and fully qualified dental surgeons. Data was collected from 36 randomly selected public schools amongst 89 schools in a municipality. The criteria used to diagnose dental fluorosis was based on the Dean's fluorosis Index and for diagnosing dental trauma we looked for clinical signs of crown fractures and dental avulsions. Multiple descriptive analysis, which was bivariate, was carried out. Amongst the 2,755 school children that took part in the study 1,089 (39.6%) were diagnosed with dental fluorosis and 106 (3.8%) had one tooth or more with dental trauma. We noted a high prevalence of dental fluorosis, independent of the level of severity, amongst individuals with one tooth or more who had dental trauma. This association was even more evident where there were severely high levels of fluorosis. We also noted that the presence of fluorosis was greater amongst those that actively paid more attention to discoloration on their teeth and who received treatment from a dental professional at their schools. Nevertheless dental fluorosis was associated with the presence of dental trauma, independent of its severity.21396797

    ジョウホウ リョウイキ オ タイショウ ト シタ ギジュツカ キョウイン ヨウセイ シュウトク キジュン ノ ケンショウ

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     日本産業技術教育学会では,技術科教員として必要な資質能力について修得しなければならない基準を策定した。本研究では,情報領域を対象に大学教員養成課程における現行カリキュラムと高等学校の情報科によって,同基準がカバーされているかについて検証を行った。また,教員採用試験問題と同基準の対照を行い,その項目別頻出割合を算定した。さらに,照合者のあいまい性を検証するために,複数の被験者に試験問題の項目該当を判定する調査も行った。その結果,情報科を含む現行カリキュラムのカバー率は,96.6% となること,情報領域の試験問題には項目毎にかなりの出題頻度にばらつきがあること,学部生と大学院生の正答率には顕著な差があることが認められた

    Acesso a orientações de higiene bucal entre escolares da rede pública de ensino

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    Introdução: O acesso à educação em saúde bucal é considerado um importante preditor para avaliação das condições e dos comportamentos em saúde bucal. Crianças com 12 anos estão, em sua maioria, inseridas no ambiente escolar, sendo a escola um ambiente educacional e social propício para que conhecimentos e mudanças de comportamento sejam trabalhados. Objetivo: Propõe-se identificar a prevalência do acesso a orientações de higiene bucal entre escolares da Rede Pública de Ensino e os fatores associados a esse acesso. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico, conduzido entre escolares de 12 anos de idade de um município brasileiro de grande porte populacional. Os exames foram realizados por 24 Cirurgiões-Dentistas treinados e calibrados com auxílio de 24 anotadores. A coleta de dados ocorreu em 36 escolas públicas, sorteadas dentre as 89 escolas do município. Foram conduzidas análises descritivas, univariadas e múltiplas (OR/IC95%). Resultado: Dos 2.755 escolares avaliados, 2.510 foram incluídos. Destes, 2.173 (86,6%) receberam orientações de higiene bucal. O acesso a orientações de higiene bucal foi maior entre escolares do sexo masculino e dentre os que utilizaram serviços odontológicos privados ou por convênio. Foi menor entre os que usaram o serviço odontológico para tratamento e há mais de um ano, dentre os que não recebiam assistência odontológica na escola e entre aqueles que relataram uma frequência de higiene bucal de uma vez por dia. Conclusão: A maioria dos escolares teve acesso a orientações de higiene bucal, estando este acesso associado a variáveis referentes aos determinantes pessoais, ao serviço de saúde e aos comportamentos