1,043 research outputs found

    G2G_2-monopoles with singularities (examples)

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    G2G_2-monopoles are solutions to gauge theoretical equations on G2G_2-manifolds. If the G2G_2-manifolds under consideration are compact, then any irreducible G2G_2-monopole must have singularities. It is then important to understand which kind of singularities G2G_2-monopoles can have. We give examples (in the noncompact case) of non-Abelian monopoles with Dirac type singularities, and examples of monopoles whose singularities are not of that type. We also give an existence result for Abelian monopoles with Dirac type singularities on compact manifolds. This should be one of the building blocks in a gluing construction aimed at constructing non-Abelian ones.Comment: Lett Math Phys (2016

    Yang-Mills flow on special-holonomy manifolds

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    This paper develops Yang-Mills flow on Riemannian manifolds with special holonomy. By analogy with the second-named author's thesis, we find that a supremum bound on a certain curvature component is sufficient to rule out finite-time singularities. Assuming such a bound, we prove that the infinite-time bubbling set is calibrated by the defining (n4)(n-4)-form.Comment: Small edits, formulae in section 4.4 corrected, submitted. 40 page

    Electrostatics and geodesics on K3K3 surfaces

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    Motivated by some conjectures originating in the Physics literature, we use Foscolo's construction of Ricci-flat Kahler metrics on K3 surfaces to locate, with high precision, several closed geodesics and compute their index (their length is also approximately known). Interestingly, the construction of these geodesics is related to an open problem in electrostatics posed by Maxwell in 1873. Our construction is also of interest to modern Physicists working on (supersymmetric) non-linear sigma models with target space such a K3 surface.Comment: Comments welcom

    Calabi-Yau Monopoles for the Stenzel Metric

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    We construct the first nontrivial examples of Calabi-Yau monopoles. Our main interest on these, comes from Donaldson and Segal's suggestion \cite{Donaldson2009} that it may be possible to define an invariant of certain noncompact Calabi-Yau manifolds from these gauge theoretical equations. We focus on the Stenzel metric on the cotangent bundle of the 33-sphere TS3T^* \mathbb{S}^3 and study monopoles under a symmetry assumption. Our main result constructs the moduli of these symmetric monopoles and shows that these are parametrized by a positive real number known as the mass of the monopole. In other words, for each fixed mass we show that there is a unique monopole which is invariant in a precise sense. Moreover, we also study the large mass limit under which we give precise results on the bubbling behavior of our monopoles. Towards the end an irreducible SU(2)SU(2) Hermitian-Yang-Mills connection on the Stenzel metric is constructed explicitly

    The Limit of Large Mass Monopoles

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    In this paper we consider SU(2)\rm SU(2) monopoles on an asymptotically conical, oriented, Riemannian 33-manifold with one end. The connected components of the moduli space of monopoles in this setting are labeled by an integer called the charge. We analyse the limiting behavior of sequences of monopoles with fixed charge, and whose sequence of Yang--Mills--Higgs energies is unbounded. We prove that the limiting behavior of such monopoles is characterized by energy concentration along a certain set, which we call the blow-up set. Our work shows that this set is finite, and using a bubbling analysis obtain effective bounds on its cardinality, with such bounds depending solely on the charge of the monopole. Moreover, for such sequences of monopoles there is another naturally associated set, the zero set, which consists on the set at which the zeros of the Higgs fields accumulate. Regarding this, our results show that for such sequences of monopoles, the zero set and the blow-up set coincide. In particular, proving that in this "large mass" limit, the zero set is a finite set of points. Some of our work extends for sequences of finite mass critical points of the Yang--Mills--Higgs functional for which the Yang--Mills--Higgs energies are O(mi)O(m_i) as ii\to\infty, where mim_i are the masses of the configurations.Comment: v4: accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Fully revised, exposition improved; reworked Theorems 4.1 and 5.

    Monopoles in higher dimensions

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    The Bogomolnyi equation is a PDE for a connection and a Higgs field on a bundle over a 3 dimensional Riemannian manifold. Possible extensions of this PDE to higher dimensions preserving the ellipticity modulo gauge transformations require some extra structure, which is available both in 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds and 7 dimensional G2 manifolds. These extensions are known as higher dimensional monopole equations and Donaldson and Segal proposed that “counting” solutions (monopoles) may give invariants of certain noncompact Calabi-Yau or G2 manifolds. In this thesis this possibility is investigated and examples of monopoles are constructed on certain Calabi-Yau and G2 manifolds. Moreover, this thesis also develops a Fredholm setup and a moduli theory for monopoles on asymptotically conical manifolds.Open Acces