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    A caracterização geoambiental é uma ferramenta de fundamental importância para a elaboração de um planejamento ambiental eficaz, principalmente quando se tratar de áreas bastante degradadas como núcleos de desertificação. Esse artigo apresenta a caracterização geoambiental do Geocomplexo dos Sertões do Seridó Potiguar. A área faz parte de um dos quatro núcleos de desertificação mais graves do Brasil e apresenta grandes diferenças fisiográficas quando comparada às áreas adjacentes

    Perturbation theory vs. simulation for tadpole improvement factors in pure gauge theories

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    We calculate the mean link in Landau gauge for Wilson and improved SU(3) anisotropic gauge actions, using two loop perturbation theory and Monte Carlo simulation employing an accelerated Langevin algorithm. Twisted boundary conditions are employed, with a twist in all four lattice directions considerably improving the (Fourier accelerated) convergence to an improved lattice Landau gauge. Two loop perturbation theory is seen to predict the mean link extremely well even into the region of commonly simulated gauge couplings and so can be used remove the need for numerical tuning of self-consistent tadpole improvement factors. A three loop perturbative coefficient is inferred from the simulations and is found to be small. We show that finite size effects are small and argue likewise for (lattice) Gribov copies and double Dirac sheets.Comment: 13 pages of revtex

    O impacto da revascularização carotídea sobre a função cognitiva

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    The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive disease. So, the authors of this review evaluate the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function and the repercussions of the revascularization technique (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy) chosen. It was clear from the literature reviewed that carotid stenosis is related to a decline in cognitive function over time. However, controversy still remains over the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function. With elation to the technique employed (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy), the majority of studies found no difference between the two techniques in terms of overall cognitive outcome.The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive132116122sem informaçãosem informaçãoLal, B.K., Cognitive function after carotid artery revascularization (2007) Vasc Endovasc Surg, 41 (1), pp. 5-13. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1538574406297253, PMid:17277237Fisher, C., Senile dementia - A new explanation of its causation (1951) Arch Neurol, 65, pp. 1-7Carrea, R., Molins, M., Murphy, G., Surgery of spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid in the neckcarotid-carotid anastomosiscase report and analysis of the literature on surgical cases (1955) Medicina (B. 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Porém, alguns tópicos envolvendo a função cognitiva permanecem controversos, tais como sua correlação

    Hypothalamic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Of Overtrained Mice After Recovery

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    knowing the relationship between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and inflammation and based on the fact that downhill running-based overtraining (OT) model increases hypothalamus levels of some pro-inflammatory cytokines, we verified the effects of three OT protocols on the levels of BiP, pIRE-1 (Ser734), pPERK (Thr981), pelF2alpha (Ser52), ATF-6 and GRP-94 proteins in the mouse hypothalamus after two weeks of recovery. Methods: the mice were randomized into control (CT), overtrained by downhill running (OTR/down), overtrained by uphill running (OTR/up) and overtrained by running without inclination (OTR) groups. After 2-week total recovery period (i.e., week 10), hypothalamus was removed and used for immunoblotting. Results: The OTR/down group exhibited high levels of BiP and ATF6. The other OT protocols showed higher levels of pPERK (Th981) and pelf-2alpha (Ser52) when compared with the CT group. Conclusion: The current results suggest that after a 2-week total recovery period, the overtrained groups increased partially their ER stress protein levels, but without hypothalamic inflammation, which characterizes a physiological condition related to an adaptation mechanism.2

    A Rare Disease Patient Manager

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    ABSTRACT publicado: 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB. Salamanca, 28-30 Março 2012The personal health implications behind rare diseases are seldom considered in widespread medical care. The low incidence rate and complex treatment process makes rare disease research an underrated field in the life sciences. However, it is in these particular conditions that the strongest relations between genotypes and phenotypes are identified. The rare disease patient manager, detailed in this manuscript, presents an innovative perspective for a patient-centric portal integrating genetic and medical data. With this strategy, patient’s digital records are transparently integrated and connected to wet-lab genetics research in a seamless working environment. The resulting knowledge base offers multiple data views, geared towards medical staff, with patient treatment and monitoring data; genetics researchers, through a custom locus-specific database; and patients, who for once play an active role in their treatment and rare diseases research

    Skin diseases in cetaceans. Scientific Committee document SC/60/DW8, International Whaling Commission, June 2008, Santiago, Chile

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    Micro-organisms that are known or suspected to cause skin diseases in cetaceans are briefly reviewed. Viruses belonging to four families i.e. Caliciviridae, Herpesviridae, Papillomaviridae and Poxviridae were detected by electron microscopy, histology and molecular techniques in vesicular skin lesions, black dots perceptible by the touch, warts and tattoos in several species of odontocetes and mysticetes. Herpesviruses, poxviruses and likely a cutaneous papillomavirus are cetacean specific. Among bacteria, Dermatophilus spp., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Mycobacterium marinum, Pseudomonas spp., Streptococcus iniae and Vibrio spp. were isolated from ulcerative dermatitis, pyogranulomatous dermatitis and panniculitis, diamond skin disease and slow-healing ulcers and abscesses. Aeremonas spp., Mycobacterium marinum, Pseudomonas spp. and Vibrio spp. are normally present in the marine environment while Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and Streptococcus iniae are fish pathogens that may also infect captive dolphins. Most seem to be opportunistic pathogens, exploiting some break-down in the host’s defenses to initiate an infection. Selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria through the prophylactic use of antibiotics in aquaculture is suggested to be a growing problem in South America and may account for the emergence of unusual cutaneous conditions. At least four groups of fungi i.e. Candida albicans, Fusarium spp., Trichophyton spp. and Lacazia loboi cause skin diseases. Candidiasis occurs predominantly in captive odontocetes. The lesions are often localized around the body orifices and may become extensive, granulating and ulcerated. Fusariosis is characterized by firm, erythematous, cutaneous nodules. Trichophyton spp. was isolated from widespread superficial nodules in an Atlantic T. truncates kept in captivity in Japan. Lobomycosis or lacaziosis is distinguished by grayish, whitish to slightly pink, verrucuous lesions, often in pronounced relief that may ulcerate. While initially described only in Tursiops truncates and Sotalia guianensis from the Americas, lobomycosis seems to be expanding to other continents. The role of ballast water in transporting fungi worldwide should be investigated. Finally, ciliated protozoans, likely Kyaroikeus cetarius, caused invasive dermatitis in small cetaceans from the USA and Korea. The aquatic environment of cetaceans is naturally home to bacteria and fungi but cetacean skin has several mechanisms to impede invasion. Chemical contaminants may affect natural skin barriers and depress the immune system. Wounds and specific viral infection (poxvirus, herpesvirus) may provide routes of entry