983 research outputs found

    Trabalho, Incerteza e Risco na Sociedade ContemporĂąnea

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    Abstract:The work, key category of modernity, finds itself in a striking crisis, which is associated with weakening of the very idea of society. The paradigm from which it seeks to understand theworld today no longer rely on social categories and moved to the cultural sphere. New risks, endogenous, “systemic”, which in its devastating path do not seem to find any significant resistance, undermine the main institutions of society. In contemporary society, characterized by the end of certainty, the individual is much more to itself than in previous societies. Resumo:O trabalho, categoria chave da modernidade, atravessa hoje uma crise notĂłria, que estĂĄ associada ao enfraquecimento da prĂłpria ideia de sociedade. O paradigma a partir do qual se procura compreender o mundo actual deixou de se apoiar em categorias sociais e deslocou-se para a esfera cultural. Os novos riscos, endĂłgenos, “sistĂ©micos”, que no seu percurso devastador parecem nĂŁo encontrar qualquer resistĂȘncia significativa, abalam as principais instituiçÔes da sociedade

    A PolĂ­cia E As Formas De Feminização Da ViolĂȘncia Contra O Idoso

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    The text examines the way in which police officers deal with violence against the elderly in different types of police precincts as regular police stations, police station of women defense and police stations for the elderly protection. Based on ethnographic accounts of some of these police apparatus and on the analysis of documents they produced, the article highlights the disconnection between the images police officers constructed on old age and those over 60 years of age that comes to the police asking for their help. The main argument is that this disconnection leads to a feminization of old age and to a perception of elderly abuse as a consequence of a lack of familial morality.2121528Ardaillon, D., (1989) Estado e mulher: Conselhos dos Direitos da Mulher e Delegacias de Defesa da Mulher, , SĂŁo Paulo, Fundação Carlos Chagas. MimeografadoAriĂ©s, P., Une Histoire de la Vieillesse? (1983) Communications, (37), pp. 47-54. , Paris, SeuilBernardo, K.J.C., Novos laços familiares: o fenĂŽmeno da coabitação de geraçÔes e a violĂȘncia contra a pessoa idosa (2006) Semin ĂĄrio Internacional Fazendo GĂȘnero - GĂȘnero e preconceitos, 7., FlorianĂłpolis, UFSC, 2006, , ST GĂȘnero nas interseçÔes: classe, etnia e geraçÔes, ST. 34. FlorianĂłpolis, UFSCBiggs, S., (1995) Elder Abuse in perspective, , Buckingham: Open University PressBittner, E., (2003) Aspectos do trabalho policial, , SĂŁo Paulo: EduspBlay, E., Oliveira, M., (1986) Em briga de marido e mulher, , Rio de Janeiro: Idac/SĂŁo Paulo: Conselho da Condição FemininaBrandĂŁo, E., ViolĂȘncia conjugal e o recurso feminino Ă  polĂ­cia (1999) Horizontes plurais, , Bruschini, C.Hollanda, H.B. de. (Org.). SĂŁo Paulo: Fundação Carlos Chagas e Ed. 34BrandĂŁo, E.R., (1997) Nos corredores de uma Delegacia da Mulher: um estudo etnogrĂĄfico sobre as mulheres e a violĂȘncia conjugal, p. 202. , Dissertação (Mestrado em SaĂșde Coletiva) - Instituto de Medicina Social, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1997(2001) CĂłdigo Penal, , BRASIL. Obra coletiva com a colaboração de Antonio Luiz de Toledo Pinto, MĂĄrcia Cristina Vaz dos Santos Windt e Luiz Eduardo Alves de Siqueira. 16. ed. SĂŁo Paulo: SaraivaConstituição, , BRASIL. BrasĂ­lia, DF: 1988. CapĂ­tulo VII, tĂ­tulo VIII, Art. 229 e 230Brocksom, S., O cotidiano da DDM - relatos de pesquisa de campo em SĂŁo Carlos (2006) GĂȘnero e distribuição da justiça: as delegacias de defesa da mulher e a construção de diferenças, , DEBERT, G.G. et al. (Org.). Campinas: Pagu - NĂșcleo de Estudos de GĂȘnero. (Coleção Encontros)Caldeira, T.P., (2000) Cidade de muros: crime, segregação e cidadania em SĂŁo Paulo, , SĂŁo Paulo: Ed. 34/EduspCarrara, Crimes de Bagatela: a violĂȘncia contra a mulher na justiça do Rio de Janeiro (2002) GĂȘnero e cidadania, , Corr ĂȘa, M. (Org.). Campinas, Pagu - NĂșcleo de Estudos de GĂȘnero. (Coleção Encontros)Debert, G.G., A famĂ­lia e as novas polĂ­ticas sociais no contexto brasileiro (2001) InterseçÔes - Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares, 3 (2). , Uerj, anoDebert, G.G., (1999) A reinvenção da velhice, , SĂŁo Paulo: EduspDebert, G.G., Beraldo de Oliveira, M., Os modelos conciliatĂłrios de solução de conflitos e a violĂȘncia domĂ©stica (2007) Cadernos do Pagu, 29, pp. 305-338Debert, G.G., Gregori, M.F., As delegacias especiais de polĂ­cia e o projeto GĂȘnero e Cidadania (2002) GĂȘnero e cidadania, , Corr ĂȘa, M. (Org.). Campinas, Pagu - NĂșcleo de Estudos de GĂȘnero. 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Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRSIzu Mino, W.P., (1997) Justiça criminal e violĂȘncia contra a mulher - O papel do judiciĂĄrio na resolução dos conflitos de gĂȘnero, , Dissertação (Mestrado) - FFLCH, USP, SĂŁo PauloJuvĂȘncio, F., Baptista, V., (1994) As delegacias de proteção ao idoso em SĂŁo Paulo e Campinas, , Campinas, Unicamp/IFCH. (RelatĂłrio de Iniciação CientĂ­fica/CNPq)Kant, D.E., Lima, R., (1995) A polĂ­cia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro: seus dilemas e paradoxos, , Rio de Janeiro: ForenseLenoir, R., Objet sociologique et problĂšme social (1989) Initiation Ă  la Pratique Sociologique, , CHAMPAGNE, P. et al. (Org.). Paris: DunodLenoir, R., L'invention du TroisiĂšme Age: Constitution du Champ des Agents de Gestion de la Vieillesse (1979) Actes de la Recherche en Science Sociales, (26)Machado, L.Z., MagalhĂŁes, M.T., ViolĂȘncia conjugal: os espelhos e as marcas (1999) ViolĂȘncia, gĂȘnero e crime no Distrito Federal, , SUÁ REZ, M.BANDEIRA, L. (Org.). BrasĂ­lia: Paralelo 15 e Ed. da UnBMachado, L., Queiroz, Z., NegligĂȘncia e maus-tratos (2002) Tratado de Geriatria e Gerontologia, , Freitas, E.V. et al.(Org.). Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara-KooganMingardi, G., (1992) Tiras gansos e trutas, , SĂŁo Paulo: Scritta EditorialMonet, J., (2006) PolĂ­cias e sociedades na Europa, , SĂŁo Paulo: EduspMonjardet, D., (2003) O que faz a polĂ­cia, , SĂŁo Paulo: EduspMoraes, A.F., ViolĂȘncia sexual, atendimento na saĂșde e repercussĂ”es nas identidades das vĂ­timas (2007) ViolĂȘncia de gĂȘnero e polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, , Almeida, S.S. de. (Org.). Rio de Janeiro: UFRJMoraes, A.F., Universal e local nas expressĂ”es da "violĂȘncia conjugal" (2006) Revista de CiĂȘncias Sociais: violĂȘncia justiça e cidadania. Fortaleza-CearĂĄ, 37 (2). , Departamento de CiĂȘncias Sociais e Programa dePĂłs-graduação em Sociologia do Centro de Humanidades da Universidade Federal do CearĂĄMoraes, A.F., Soares, B.M., da Conceição, G.M., Crimes sexuais no estado do Rio de Janeiro: 2001 a 2003 (2005) Boletim Segurança e Cidadania, 4 (9). , Rio de Janeiro, Cesec/Ucam, anoMuniz, J., Os direitos dos outros e os outros direitos: um estudo sobre a negociação de conflitos das DEAMs/RJ (1996) ViolĂȘncia e polĂ­tica no Rio de Janeiro, , SOARES, L.E. (Ed.). 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Anais, , Caxambu, AbepPoncioni, P.A., Feijoada': negociação e violĂȘncia nas prĂĄticas policiais de mediação de conflitos (2007) Revista Praia Vermelha, (14-15), pp. 130-154. , Rio de Janeiro, ESS/UFRJReiner, R., (2004) A polĂ­tica da polĂ­cia, , SĂŁo Paulo: EduspRifiotis, T., As delegacias especiais de proteção ĂĄ mulher no Brasil e a "judicialização" dos conflitos conjugais (2003) Semin ĂĄrio do GEDIM. Atas... AnuĂĄrio Direito eGlobalização, pp. 381-409. , Rio de Janeiro, Universidade CĂąndido Mendes. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Lumen Juris/Unesco/MostSaffioti, H.I.B., ViolĂȘncia domĂ©stica: questĂŁo de polĂ­cia e da sociedade (2002) GĂȘnero e cidadania, pp. 59-69. , Corr ĂȘa, M. (Org.). Campinas, Pagu - NĂșcleo de Estudos de GĂȘnero (Coleção Encontros)Santos, C.M., Cidadania de gĂȘnero contraditĂłria: queixas, crimes e direitos na delegacia da mulher de SĂŁo Paulo (1999) O cinqĂŒentenĂĄrio da Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem, , Amaral JĂșnior, A. do.Perrone -MoisĂ©s, C. (Org.). 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Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumar/IserSoares, B.M., (1999) Mulheres invisĂ­veis: violĂȘncia conjugal e as novas polĂ­ticas de segurança, , Rio de Janeiro: Civilização BrasileiraSoares, L.E., (1993) ViolĂȘncia contra a mulher: levantamento e anĂĄlise de dados sobre o Rio de Janeiro em contraste com informaçÔes nacionais, , Rio de Janeiro: NĂșcleo de Pesquisas do Iser EdSoares, L.E., (1996) ViolĂȘncia e polĂ­tica no Rio Janeiro, , Rio Janeiro: Relume Dumar/IserSuĂĄ Rez, M., Bandeira, L.M., (1999) ViolĂȘncia gĂȘnero e crime no Distrito Federal, , BrasĂ­lia: EDUnB/Ed. Paralelo 15Taube, M.J., Quebrando silĂȘncios, construindo mudanças (2002) GĂȘnero e cidadania, , Corr ĂȘa, M. (Org.). Campinas, Pagu - NĂșcleo de Estudos de GĂȘnero. (Coleção Encontros

    Erosion of four Brazilian coastal deltas: how dam construction is changing the natural pattern of coastal sedimentary systems

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    Abstract Reservoir-building on rivers is still “the Brazilian energy culture”, such that many other dams are being constructed and planned, with many other rivers potentially suffering the same impact in their sediment flux. In this study, we evaluated the impacts of reservoir-building on the erosion of the São Francisco, Jequitinhonha, Doce, and Paraíba do Sul river deltas. A time series of Landsat images from 1973 to 2020 was analyzed, with three key highlighted moments (1973, 1997 and 2020) that summarize the erosion processes on these deltas. In addition to the images, continuous river water discharge, sediment discharge and basin rainfall data were analyzed between 1940 and 2020, providing river parameters over a period exceeding that of the satellite data. The findings suggest that coastal erosion has progressed in the four deltas, with higher estimated losses in the São Francisco and Paraíba do Sul over the 47 years of available satellite images. However, despite minimal overall estimated gains, the Jequitinhonha and Doce experienced high erosion at their river mouths, as in the other two rivers, compensated by accretion in distal coastal areas. These results can be explained by reductions in river flux and consequent sediment transport capacity due to reservoirs

    Increased BDNF levels and NTRK2 gene association suggest a disruption of BDNF/TrkB signaling in autism

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    The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neurotrophin fundamental for brain development and function, has previously been implicated in autism. In this study, the levels of BDNF in platelet-rich plasma were compared between autistic and control children, and the role of two genetic factors that might regulate this neurotrophin and contribute to autism etiology, BDNF and NTRK2, was examined. We found that BDNF levels in autistic children (n = 146) were significantly higher (t = 6.82; P < 0.0001) than in control children (n = 50) and were positively correlated with platelet serotonin distribution (r = 0.22; P = 0.004). Heritability of BDNF was estimated at 30% and therefore candidate genes BDNF and NTRK2 were tested for association with BDNF level distribution in this sample, and with autism in 469 trio families. Genetic association analysis provided no evidence for BDNF or NTRK2 as major determinants of the abnormally increased BDNF levels in autistic children. A significant association with autism was uncovered for six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) [0.004 (Z((1df)) = 2.85) < P < 0.039 (Z((1df)) = 2.06)] and multiple haplotypes [5 × 10(-4) (χ((3df)) = 17.77) < P < 0.042 (χ((9df)) = 17.450)] in the NTRK2 gene. These results do not withstand correction for multiple comparisons, however, reflect a trend toward association that supports a role of NTRK2 as a susceptibility factor for the disorder. Genetic variation in the BDNF gene had no impact on autism risk. By substantiating the previously observed increase in BDNF levels in autistic children in a larger patient set, and suggesting a genetic association between NTRK2 and autism, this study integrates evidence from multiple levels supporting the hypothesis that alterations in BDNF/tyrosine kinase B (TrkB) signaling contribute to an increased vulnerability to autism

    Waist-stature ratio and its relationship with autonomic recovery from aerobic exercise In healthy men

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    Autonomic modulation and cardiorespiratory variables are influenced by numerous factors, including anthropometric variables. We investigated autonomic recovery following aerobic exercise in healthy men with different waist-stature ratio (WSR) values. The study was conducted with 52 healthy men aged 18 to 30 years, divided into groups according to the WSR: G1 – between 0.40 and 0.449 (N = 19), G2 – between 0.45 and 0.50 (N = 28) and G3 – between 0.5 and 0.56 (N = 5). The subjects endured 15 minutes seated and at rest followed by an aerobic exercise and then remained seated for 60 minutes and at rest during recovery from exercise. Heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) (rMSSD, SD1, HF [ms2]) and cardiorespiratory variables were analyzed before and after exercise. Recovery of respiratory rate, diastolic blood pressure, SD1 and HF indices were delayed in G2. G3 presented delayed recovery after the maximal effort test while no difference with G2 was noted in the moderate intensity. Correlation and linear regression analysis indicated association of WSR, body mass index and waist circumference with HRV indices in the recovery from aerobic exercise (45 to 60 minutes after exercise) in G2. In conclusion, healthy men with higher WSR accomplished delayed autonomic recovery following maximal effort exercise

    Observational Constraints on Chaplygin Quartessence: Background Results

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    We derive the constraints set by several experiments on the quartessence Chaplygin model (QCM). In this scenario, a single fluid component drives the Universe from a nonrelativistic matter-dominated phase to an accelerated expansion phase behaving, first, like dark matter and in a more recent epoch like dark energy. We consider current data from SNIa experiments, statistics of gravitational lensing, FR IIb radio galaxies, and x-ray gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters. We investigate the constraints from this data set on flat Chaplygin quartessence cosmologies. The observables considered here are dependent essentially on the background geometry, and not on the specific form of the QCM fluctuations. We obtain the confidence region on the two parameters of the model from a combined analysis of all the above tests. We find that the best-fit occurs close to the Λ\LambdaCDM limit (α=0\alpha=0). The standard Chaplygin quartessence (α=1\alpha=1) is also allowed by the data, but only at the ∌2σ\sim2\sigma level.Comment: Replaced to match the published version, references update

    Influence of the respiratory physioterapy on intracranial pressure in severe head trauma patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate influence of the respiratory physiotherapy on intracranial pressure (ICP) in patients with severe head trauma. METHOD: Thirty five patients with severe head trauma were included in the study.The patients were divided into three groups: ICP 0-10, 11-20 and 21-30 mmHg. The following variables were measured: ICP and mean arterial pressure. Cerebral perfusion pressure was calculated as the difference between mean arterial and intracranial pressure. RESULTS: Endotracheal aspiration increased ICP in all patients. The mean arterial pressure didn't change and cerebral perfusion pressure decreased, but remaning normal value. CONCLUSION: Respiratory physiotherapy maneuvers can be safely applied in patients with severe head trauma with ICP below 30 mmHg. More attention should be taken during endotracheal aspiration .OBJETIVO: Estudar a influĂȘncia das manobras de fisioterapia respiratĂłria na pressĂŁo intracraniana (PIC) dos pacientes com trauma craniencefĂĄlico grave. MÉTODO: Trinta e cinco pacientes com trauma craniencefĂĄlico grave foram incluĂ­dos no estudo, sendo divididos em trĂȘs grupos: com PIC < 10, 11-20 e 21-30 mmHg. As variĂĄveis monitorizadas foram: PIC e pressĂŁo arterial mĂ©dia. A pressĂŁo de perfusĂŁo cerebral foi calculada pela diferença de pressĂŁo arterial mĂ©dia e PIC. RESULTADOS: A manobra de aspiração traqueal causou aumento de PIC em todos os grupos. A pressĂŁo arterial mĂ©dia nĂŁo teve alteraçÔes e a pressĂŁo de perfusĂŁo cerebral diminuiu pouco, porĂ©m mantendo valores normais. CONCLUSÃO: As manobras de fisioterapia respiratĂłria podem ser usadas com segurança em pacientes com traumatismo craniencefĂĄlico grave, com PIC abaixo de 30 mmHg.Certo cuidado deve ser tomado durante a aspiração traqueal.11011
