1,089 research outputs found

    Metodologia de controle de custos em obras

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    Para o sucesso de um empreendimento de uma construção civil é necessário que se faça um rígido controle de todas as etapas que envolvem o projeto. Com isso, o gerenciamento de custos torna-se um fator decisivo para o sucesso do mesmo. O desenvolvimento de um orçamento conciso, que contemple todos os serviços necessários para a execução do empreendimento, faz-se necessário para evitar perdas e atrasos no cronograma físico-financeiro da obra. Uma vez com a orçamentação realizada, cabe à equipe técnica, que irá executar a obra, estabelecer um controle de custos que garanta com que o custo real da obra permaneça o mais próximo possível do orçamento planejado. Gerir custos através das boas técnicas fará com que o resultado final fique mais próximo do planejado. Ou seja, se os processos para o controle de custos forem negligenciados, a empresa terá perdas financeiras, clientes descontentes e perdem o reconhecimento profissional, dentre outros problemas. Para o sucesso final de qualquer empreendimento, é necessário que o engenheiro tenha conhecimento de gestão de projetos e de pessoas, bem como uma equipe de trabalho alinhada as diretrizes da empresa, fazendo com que tudo o que foi definido durante o planejamento da obra seja executado com total coerência

    Implementation of 288 KWP Photovoltaic Solar System On-Grid in a Manaus Industrial Polo Company

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    The rational use of electricity is practically mandatory, due to the current moment in which the country crosses, mainly due to the reduced reservoir levels of the hydroelectric plants, and where there are high costs in the production of its fuel inputs. fossil fuels, and recent tariff adjustments that the government has been approving year after year, making conventional energy increasingly expensive in the country. Companies and households focus on looking for ways to dodge electricity inflation through clean and renewable energy sources, as is the case here, of photovoltaic solar energy. Aiming to supply about 70% of the electricity bill of a Company of the Manaus-AM Industrial Pole, this work proposes a 288 KWp photovoltaic solar system, consisting of 900 330 W photovoltaic panels, accompanied by 10 Inverters. 30 KW each, connected to the Amazonas Energia Distribution Network, featuring an On-grid solar system, and becoming the largest executed solar energy project in the Amazon and Northern Brazil. The implementation of the system seeks to make feasible and solve the high cost of the electric bill with the application of a solar system, and analyze its investment, financial return and clean energy generation for the next 25 years

    Implementation of the TN-C-S Scheme in an Ungrounded Low Voltage Electrical Installation in Manaus / AM

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    This paper is intended to formulate a hypothesis for the implementation of a grounding system in a low voltage electrical installation in the city of Manaus. According to ABRACOPEL and PROCOBRE 48% of Brazilian properties do not have a protection conductor and according to NBR 5410 and NBR 5419 the grounding system is of crucial importance, both for the protection of the building, as well as the human being; Inserted in this context, the present article seeks to report a method applied by the author for the implementation of a reliable grounding system that fits the Manaus Electric Power System

    Factory Location Decision Making Based on the FUZZY Inference Model

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    This paper introduces the concept of fuzzy logic, some terms used in this kind of logic, and uses it to evaluate and choose where to deploy factories and other enterprises. In addition, a model is made using the InFuzzy program to evaluate a choice of a location within the Manaus Industrial Pole - PIM, using objective and subjective criteria within the fuzzy logic. This article aims to present the fuzzy logic in the context of production engineering, select the parameters that define the best location, develop models that represent the subject in the study and verify the applicability by simulating other case studies and comparing results

    Inventory Automation Using RFID Technology in Romaster Engenharia

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    The inventory of assets is something common and very common in companies annually or even every semester, it is an essential factor for a large and medium-sized company. The large number and degree of complexity of the assets that a company has directly affects the difficulty of managing these assets and, of course, the definition of an accurate inventory. We are talking about a large amount of assets, not just to be on paper and registering one at a time takes a long time, so the idea of our article was to automate all the company\u27s assets (Romaster) by tags, and install antennas at points strategic to make an accurate reading of the company\u27s assets, thus optimizing the inventory time. This technology has existed since the last century, used for the most diverse purposes, but now inserted in the inventory management of the Romaster company

    PDCA Cycle Application in Management of Industrial Processes in a Manaus Industrial Pole Factory

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    This study aimed to study and monitor the implementation of the PDCA method. (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Through action research. It was found that achieving the best results required the use of Quality Tools (Ishikawa Diagram, 5W and 2H, Brainstorning, 5S) providing more accurate data for better decision making. The study had bibliographic research and data comparison, providing references to diagnose the root of the problem presented in the production process related to the aesthetic quality of the finished product (Lithium Ion battery for mobile). Using the 5S program to implement and guide employees in new work habits, ensuring product and process quality, avoiding waste and enabling continuous improvement

    Consecuencias de la sequía en la región del Lago de Furnas delante Garantía Física de Generación de Energía Eléctrica y Impacto en el Turismo

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    En los últimos años, las lluvias déficit significativo trajeron consecuencias negativas para Brasil, principalmente al sudeste. En Minas Gerais, el lago de Furnas, ha sufrido una reducción en su nivel de agua del embalse, lo que lleva a las altas pérdidas financieras y por lo tanto caer en el desarrollo económico en el sector servicios y el comercio en la región. Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar el impacto de la sequía en la zona de Lago Furnas, limitado a las consecuencias de la crisis del agua en los aspectos del riesgo hidrológico, la seguridad física prevista en el contrato y las previsiones de futuro de la región para el turismo

    Manaus Public Port Logistics a Case Study of Boarding and Landing at Passenger Station (ROADWAY)

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    Logistics for boarding and disembarking at the passenger terminal (roadway) is the organization of all existing operations. This research aimed to analyze and propose improvements in logistics methods in the public port of the city of Manaus – AM that influence the boarding and disembarkation of passengers and goods, taking into account a modern and useful adaptation to the roadway, enabling na efficient handling operation for that meets all who use the port, based on the fact that the movement of passengers must be done safely, and can take into account factors that allow both access to users, as well as goods

    Proposed Use of Photovoltaic Energy in a Traffic Light System

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    The implementation of the replacement of a conventional semaphore system with one powered by photovoltaic energy in the city of Manaus. Nowadays, energy generation has been approached as one of the vitally important issues. The increasing demand for energy in the country and the importation of new technologies conditioned to the use of electricity have been demanding better energy planning, given the energy potential of the northern region for the implementation of a photovoltaic system directed to the semaphore system. In this scenario it is important to identify the impacts caused by the replacement of incandescent lamps with LED technology with the consequent reduction of energy consumption and maintenance costs. In addition, the purpose of this study is the inclusion of photovoltaic panels in traffic lights, seeking a sustainable form of operation. It is noteworthy that the process of analyzing the results of this project was based on measurements made before and after the replacement of the equipment, thus reflecting the actual values ​​of electricity consumption and active power demand

    Prototype Development Open Source Platform-Based Electricity Meter with Minimum Rate of Change According to Module Five of the Electricity Distribution Procedure in the Brazilian National Electrical System (PRODIST)

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    The article proposes the development of a low-cost, well-performing open source residential energy consumption demand meter compared to commercial meters in order to achieve accurate results and remain within the limits determined by technical standards, with the objective of measuring real and instant energy consumption through microcontroller and current sensor. The prototype has the ability to provide energy consumption data for a low voltage residential load or wiring to obtain the final amount of energy consumption Data is collected in stages by collecting current and voltage,  the microcontroller receives analog stimuli from sensors, as voltage and current samples are processed to calculate power, current and voltage. The use of the device leads the consumer to clarify the instantaneous energy consumption per installed component and it is possible to compare the cost benefit in relation to the energy consumption, providing consumers the follow up and a detailed view of its consumption, leading to efficient and sustainable use, enabling the improvement of the quality of energy supply to equipment connected to the distribution system