333 research outputs found

    Avaliação das propriedades físicas e mecânicas de blocos de solo-cimento formulados com coprodutos siderúrgicos

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    RESUMO Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar o desempenho de resistência mecânica e absorção de água de blocos solo-cimento para alvenaria, após 28 dias de cura, com a incorporação limite dos seguintes coprodutos siderúrgicos em substituição parcial ao solo: adições de até 20 % em massa do pó de balão coletado em alto-forno, até 10 % de poeiras de despoeiramento de aciaria elétrica, e até 20 % de escória granulada de forno elétrico a arco. As formulações propostas incluem adições simultâneas de pós obtidos do descarte da produção de blocos solo-cimento, onde a substituição parcial ao solo foi de até 20 % em massa. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a potencialidade de uso dos resíduos siderúrgicos em blocos intertravados de solo-cimento para alvenaria sustentável, como alternativa de aplicação para esses resíduos. Verificou-se a possibilidade de bons resultados confrontando os valores exigidos por norma (absorção de água < 20% e resistência mecânica > 2,0 MPa) com destaque quando se utilizou 20% pó de balão juntamente com 10% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento; 10% de escória de aciaria ou 20% de escória de aciaria juntamente com 10% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento; e 2,5% de pó de despoeiramento juntamente com 20% de reuso do bloco solo-cimento

    A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels.

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    The hypotheses that beta diversity should increase with decreasing latitude and increase with spatial extent of a region have rarely been tested based on a comparative analysis of multiple datasets, and no such study has focused on stream insects. We first assessed how well variability in beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities is predicted by insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties across multiple drainage basins throughout the world. Second, we assessed the relative roles of environmental and spatial factors in driving variation in assemblage composition within each drainage basin. Our analyses were based on a dataset of 95 stream insect metacommunities from 31 drainage basins distributed around the world. We used dissimilarity-based indices to quantify beta diversity for each metacommunity and, subsequently, regressed beta diversity on insect group, latitude, spatial extent, altitudinal range, and dataset properties (e.g., number of sites and percentage of presences). Within each metacommunity, we used a combination of spatial eigenfunction analyses and partial redundancy analysis to partition variation in assemblage structure into environmental, shared, spatial, and unexplained fractions. We found that dataset properties were more important predictors of beta diversity than ecological and geographical factors across multiple drainage basins. In the within-basin analyses, environmental and spatial variables were generally poor predictors of variation in assemblage composition. Our results revealed deviation from general biodiversity patterns because beta diversity did not show the expected decreasing trend with latitude. Our results also call for reconsideration of just how predictable stream assemblages are along ecological gradients, with implications for environmental assessment and conservation decisions. Our findings may also be applicable to other dynamic systems where predictability is low