201 research outputs found

    With or Without a Computer? Do You Want to Play with Me?

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    The new technologies are increasingly crucial in all areas. The computer and other technological devices, the communication and information systems, can bring us great benefits, facilitating and streamlining many of our common tasks and activities. We highlight the importance of computer in learning and, particularly, in leisure/recreational activities. In what extent children prefer to play, and communicate, via computer, tablet or other device? Do they easily dispense technological means, choosing to play in social interaction and direct contact? Do they prefer to be at home, at school, at the park or in another natural environment? We intend to verify the importance that children attribute to the computer and how they like to use it, either in the context of learning, retrieving information, doing homework, or in recreational terms. The major objective of this work is to verify to what extent the computer is important in the personal, emotional and social development of children, by the way they use it in their duties, games and daily interactions. We conducted an exploratory study with a population of boys and girls, attending the first four years of schooling. Data were collected within the scope of focus groups and individual interviews. Most children consider that the computer is significant both in study as in the interaction with friends, and many prefer to be online, playing games or exploring virtual worlds, than being offline, doing any sport, talking or hanging out with friends, in outdoor activities. The way children represent and use the computer, help us to better understand the risks they run and the benefits that virtual world

    The Rise of Mp3: Exploratory Study and Research Agenda

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    The Internet/World Wide Web (Web) is an important way for the sharing and selling of products and services, including music, in crescent virtual communities. The MP3 standard is the world’s most popular file format and allows many on-line individuals to access to music which they would otherwise be denied. Although electronic commerce (e-commerce) has received considerable research attention, the literature reveals that the relationship between the music industry and the consumers trough the Internet has not yet been sufficiently studied. This research contributes to a better understanding of the use of MP3 files as legal products and also as digital piracy. This paper considers the nowadays and the future use of MP3 and attempts to provide a research agenda

    How painful can it be? Rheumatic diseases through the eyes of future nurses

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    Rheumatic diseases, by their nature and symptoms are one of the diseases that have the greatest impact on public health, affecting thousands of people, and being directly responsible for serious limitations, not only on a physical level but also the emotional and social level. These diseases have a chronic nature. In many cases, they seriously influence the well-being of many people, as well as their productivity, and regular activity. They are associated with several problems, within the family or at a professional domain, forcing to major changes in the patients' routines, leading to situations of limitation, disability (temporary or permanent), absenteeism, impossibility to accomplish some tasks and duties, or early retirement. Nursing has an essential role on the prevention and management of chronic illnesses, giving healthcare and support to patients, in different stages of their illness. The aim of this study is to understand how students of nursing represent the situation and the problems of the patients affected by rheumatic diseases. We carried out a focus group with twelve students, three men and nine women with a mean age of 20 years, attending the 2nd year of the nursing program. On the interaction with the participants, we focused our attention on three questions: What is a rheumatic disease?; What are the implications of the disease for the person, and in his self-care?; How does rheumatic disease influences the image that a person has of himself? Future nurses consider that rheumatic disease has major consequences in people's lives, in their daily activities, work and family, pointing out that pain and bodily changes contribute to decreased self-esteem, lack of confidence and social isolation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise dos impactos da implantação do modelo de excelência da gestão nos resultados do Programa Paraibano da Qualidade

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    Every day companies face challenges such as rising costs, decrease in profits, inefficiency in operations and processes, new legal requirements, constant pressure for price reduction, more innovation, quality and efficiency. At the strategic level, they still suffer to implement their strategies and plans. Against this backdrop of uncertainty and constant global changes, PPQ has an important role in helping Paraíba’s organizations in improving the management of their businesses becoming so more competitive and prepared to market changes. Thus, it's requires that PPQ has an increasingly improved management so it can fulfill its role in contributing to the development of Paraíba. The focus of this study is to identify whether the implementation of the Modelo de Excelência da Gestão® (MEG), the way is being made at PPQ, has contributed to the achievement of organizational goals. This is a case study, a survey of primary and secondary data, with a descriptive field research of qualitative and quantitative type. After bibliographical study on quality, competitiveness and about the MEG were made survey and analysis of information about the management practices and strategic indicators of PPQ and then it's were assessed by the MEG rules. As results, were described a set of suggestions to improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results, like standardize the construction, reporting and monitoring of action plans and also formalize the receiving process, analysis and feedback of customer complaints.Diariamente as organizações enfrentam desafios, como o aumento de custos, diminuição nos lucros, ineficiência nas operações e processos, novas exigências legais, pressão constante por redução de preço, mais inovação, qualidade e eficiência. No nível estratégico, estas ainda sofrem para conseguir pôr em prática suas estratégias e planos. Diante desse cenário de incertezas e constantes transformações globais, o PPQ assume importante papel de auxiliar as organizações Paraibanas na melhoria da administração dos seus negócios para se tornarem mais competitivas e preparadas às mudanças de mercado. Assim, exige-se do PPQ uma gestão cada vez mais aprimorada para que consiga cumprir o seu papel, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da Paraíba. O foco desse estudo está em identificar se, a implementação do Modelo de Excelência da Gestão, da forma como está sendo feita no PPQ, tem contribuído para o alcance dos objetivos da organização. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com levantamento de dados primários e secundários, sendo uma pesquisa de campo descritiva do tipo qualitativo e quantitativo. Após estudo bibliográfico sobre qualidade, competitividade e sobre o MEG, foram feitos levantamento e análise de informações referentes as práticas de gestão e indicadores estratégicos do PPQ, para posteriormente serem avaliados segundo o MEG. Como resultados, estão aqui descritas um conjunto de sugestões de melhoria que podem ser aplicadas na gestão da organização no intuito de melhorar seu desempenho, a exemplo de padronizar a construção, acompanhamento e comunicação dos Planos de Ação e também formalizar o processo de recebimento, análise e feedback de reclamações de clientes

    Análise dos impactos da implantação do modelo de excelência da gestão nos resultados do Programa Paraibano de Qualidade

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    Diariamente as organizações enfrentam desafios, como o aumento de custos, diminuição nos lucros, ineficiência nas operações e processos, novas exigências legais, pressão constante por redução de preço, mais inovação, qualidade e eficiência. No nível estratégico, estas ainda sofrem para conseguir pôr em prática suas estratégias e planos. Diante desse cenário de incertezas e constantes transformações globais, o PPQ assume importante papel de auxiliar as organizações Paraibanas na melhoria da administração dos seus negócios para se tornarem mais competitivas e preparadas às mudanças de mercado. Assim, exige-se do PPQ uma gestão cada vez mais aprimorada para que consiga cumprir o seu papel, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da Paraíba. O foco desse estudo está em identificar se, a implementação do Modelo de Excelência da Gestão, da forma como está sendo feita no PPQ, tem contribuído para o alcance dos objetivos da organização. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com levantamento de dados primários e secundários, sendo uma pesquisa de campo descritiva do tipo qualitativo e quantitativo. Após estudo bibliográfico sobre qualidade, competitividade e sobre o MEG, foram feitos levantamento e análise de informações referentes as práticas de gestão e indicadores estratégicos do PPQ, para posteriormente serem avaliados segundo o MEG. Como resultados, estão aqui descritas um conjunto de sugestões de melhoria que podem ser aplicadas na gestão da organização no intuito de melhorar seu desempenho, a exemplo de padronizar a construção, acompanhamento e comunicação dos Planos de Ação e também formalizar o processo de recebimento, análise e feedback de reclamações de clientes.Every day companies face challenges such as rising costs, decrease in profits, inefficiency in operations and processes, new legal requirements, constant pressure for price reduction, more innovation, quality and efficiency. At the strategic level, they still suffer to implement their strategies and plans. Against this backdrop of uncertainty and constant global changes, PPQ has an important role in helping Paraíba’s organizations in improving the management of their businesses becoming so more competitive and prepared to market changes. Thus, it's requires that PPQ has an increasingly improved management so it can fulfill its role in contributing to the development of Paraíba. The focus of this study is to identify whether the implementation of the Modelo de Excelência da Gestão® (MEG), the way is being made at PPQ, has contributed to the achievement of organizational goals. This is a case study, a survey of primary and secondary data, with a descriptive field research of qualitative and quantitative type. After bibliographical study on quality, competitiveness and about the MEG were made survey and analysis of information about the management practices and strategic indicators of PPQ and then it's were assessed by the MEG rules. As results, were described a set of suggestions to improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results, like standardize the construction, reporting and monitoring of action plans and also formalize the receiving process, analysis and feedback of customer complaints.Diariamente as organizações enfrentam desafios, como o aumento de custos, diminuição nos lucros, ineficiência nas operações e processos, novas exigências legais, pressão constante por redução de preço, mais inovação, qualidade e eficiência. No nível estratégico, estas ainda sofrem para conseguir pôr em prática suas estratégias e planos. Diante desse cenário de incertezas e constantes transformações globais, o PPQ assume importante papel de auxiliar as organizações Paraibanas na melhoria da administração dos seus negócios para se tornarem mais competitivas e preparadas às mudanças de mercado. Assim, exige-se do PPQ uma gestão cada vez mais aprimorada para que consiga cumprir o seu papel, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da Paraíba. O foco desse estudo está em identificar se, a implementação do Modelo de Excelência da Gestão, da forma como está sendo feita no PPQ, tem contribuído para o alcance dos objetivos da organização. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com levantamento de dados primários e secundários, sendo uma pesquisa de campo descritiva do tipo qualitativo e quantitativo. Após estudo bibliográfico sobre qualidade, competitividade e sobre o MEG, foram feitos levantamento e análise de informações referentes as práticas de gestão e indicadores estratégicos do PPQ, para posteriormente serem avaliados segundo o MEG. Como resultados, estão aqui descritas um conjunto de sugestões de melhoria que podem ser aplicadas na gestão da organização no intuito de melhorar seu desempenho, a exemplo de padronizar a construção, acompanhamento e comunicação dos Planos de Ação e também formalizar o processo de recebimento, análise e feedback de reclamações de clientes

    With or Without a Computer? Do You Want to Play with Me?

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    The new technologies are increasingly crucial in all areas. The computer and other technological devices, the communication and information systems, can bring us great benefits, facilitating and streamlining many of our common tasks and activities. We highlight the importance of computer in learning and, particularly, in leisure/recreational activities. In what extent children prefer to play, and communicate, via computer, tablet or other device? Do they easily dispense technological means, choosing to play in social interaction and direct contact? Do they prefer to be at home, at school, at the park or in another natural environment? We intend to verify the importance that children attribute to the computer and how they like to use it, either in the context of learning, retrieving information, doing homework, or in recreational terms. The major objective of this work is to verify to what extent the computer is important in the personal, emotional and social development of children, by the way they use it in their duties, games and daily interactions. We conducted an exploratory study with a population of boys and girls, attending the first four years of schooling. Data were collected within the scope of focus groups and individual interviews. Most children consider that the computer is significant both in study as in the interaction with friends, and many prefer to be online, playing games or exploring virtual worlds, than being offline, doing any sport, talking or hanging out with friends, in outdoor activities. The way children represent and use the computer, help us to better understand the risks they run and the benefits that virtual worlds offer. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n13p2

    Climate Change Perceptions in the Digital World

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    The consequences of climate change are increasingly evident around the world, however, efforts have been gathered to reverse this problem. Digital media has become essential in the daily lives of each individual and any information that circulates on the Internet today, whether on social networks or digital pages, reaches a very high level of propagation. Understanding the extent to which social networks and online information are essential for raising people\u27s awareness of climate change is the main issue we focus on. In order to verify it, we conducted a study by questionnaire, developed by the literature review carried out on the subject. Among the proposed objectives, we also intend to check how digital media are used to support the reversal of climate change. We present here some of the results obtained in this study (N = 181), being expected as a result the rarely use of digital media to raise people\u27s awareness of climate change, however, it is also expected that these media may have a fundamental role in reversing this problem