1,370 research outputs found

    On the existence of an upper critical dimension for systems within the KPZ universality class

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    In this work we extend the etching model to d+1d+1 dimensions. This permits us to investigate its exponents behaviour on higher dimensions, to try to verify the existence of an upper critical dimension for the KPZ equations, with our results sugesting that d=4d=4 is not an upper critical dimension for the etching model

    Handbook of non-profit communication

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    This handbook brings together multidisciplinary and internationally diverse contributors to provide an overview of theory, research, and practice in the nonprofit and nongovernmental organization (NGO) communication field. It is structured in four main parts: the first introduces metatheoretical and multidisciplinary approaches to the nonprofit sector; the second offers distinctive structural approaches to communication and their models of reputation, marketing, and communication management; the third focuses on nonprofit organizations’ strategic communications, strategies, and discourses; and the fourth assembles campaigns and case studies of different areas of practice, causes, and geographies. The handbook is essential reading for scholars, educators, and advanced students in nonprofit and NGO communication within public relations and strategic communication, organizational communication, sociology, management, economics, marketing, and political science, as well as a useful reference for leaders and communication professionals in the nonprofit sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Talk to me and I will talk for you: Relationships between citizens and politics using the example of Portuguese Members of Parliaments’ online communication

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    In line with the “relationship management” theory, which claims that in order for an organization to be successful it needs to put ef-ort into establishing and nurturing relationships with its publics and balance mutual interests (Ledingham, 2006, 2011), the main goal of this chapter is to analyse whether or not online communication tools stimulate citizen-politician relationships. In particular, we aim to find out and reflect on how social media is being used to foster interaction and dialogue between citizens and Members of Parliament, specifically at the Portuguese Parliament – Assembleia da República. Our main focus is on this relationship, considering the representative democratic principles that work towards public dialogic needs in a framework of legitimization and transparency, and isolating it from structures and interactions on the platforms made available centrally by the political party or by the Parliament.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introducing Nonprofit Communication and Mapping the Research Field

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    The declining informal collaboration corresponds to less civic engagement, political equity, solidarity, trust, and tolerance as well as associational life. In 2020, a case study of two NPOs revealed that one was adopting a strong entrepreneurial orientation, while the other integrated the traditional community orientation with more professionalization, confirming to partial marketization tendencies. The NGO-ization of society, visible in the increasing number of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) at the national and transnational level, tend to somewhat contradict Putnam’s thesis. On the other hand, the number of NGOs is not per se revealing of the quality of citizen participation in those organizations. The terms NGOS and nonprofit can be applied to the same organizational forms – some authors tend to consider the former as a type of nonprofit. Interestingly enough, in the diversity of approaches, and even definitions of this object, there is a common use of the excluding element to classify it: nongovernmental and nonprofit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas: Uma questão terminológica ou campos distintos? A questão da Comunicação Estratégica

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    Enquanto a discussão distintiva entre a Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas é levantada, postulamos que esses dois paradigmas são parte do que consideramos ser a pré-ciência da Comunicação Estratégica e que a reflexão necessita de ser alargada aos demais paradigmas de estudo da comunicação em contextos organizacionais. Partindo da reflexão sobre esta questão, propomos uma metodologia de análise com origens na sociologia da comunicação e formulamos proposições de consensualização “teórico-aplicadas” e de institucionalização da disciplina na Sociedade Portuguesa de Comunicação e consequentemente na academia e sociedade portuguesas

    Customers Relations Tools Preferences from Young Urban Digital Natives in Different Cultures — An Explorative Study

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine if cultural differences indicate user preferences for customer service tools, therefore providing insights about publics communication channels and tools preferences. Through this research, any trends that might imply changes in user preferences of digital tools over traditional communication tools for customer relations are aimed to be identified. In order to research it, a quantitative questionnaire with participants from two metropolitan cities in Germany and India has been conducted. The cities Mumbai and Berlin were chosen as an appropriate representation of two comparable urban locations. The paper reports a current overview for users of customer service tools in their respective cities. The research found that culture does indeed influence user preferences and satisfaction for different communication tools. Users from Germany were more likely to prefer online customer service solutions while users from India were more likely to prefer in-person customer service solutions. The practical implications are to provide insights related to those preferences while doing customer care and associated communication plans and public relations strategies. As there has been very little research in this area, this study aims to fill the research gap in this context, especially by contributing with insights about the influence on cultural aspects of user preferences on customer service communication tools. This is considered an exploratory study that can after be applied in different context and circumstances, as well as in relationships dimensions across the public relations portfolio of planned communications

    Strategic communication in non-profit organisations: Challenges and alternative approaches

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    Communication in the public sphere as well as within organizational contexts has attracted the interest of researchers over the past century. Current forms of citizen engagement and community development, partly enabled through digital communication, have further enhanced the visibility and relevance of non-profit communication. These are performed by the civil society, which is 'the organized expression of the values and interests of society' (Castells, 2008) in the public sphere. Non-profit communication feeds the public sphere as 'the discursive processes in a complex network of persons, institutionalized associations and organizations,' whereas those 'discourses are a civilized way of disagreeing openly about essential matters of common concern' (Jensen, 2002). Despite the relevance in the public sphere, non-profit communication was never properly defined within communication research. The aim of the present book is to offer an overview and report on Strategic Communication for Non-Profit-Organisations and the Challenges and Alternative Approaches. Considering the assumption that a key principle of strategic communication is the achievement of organisational goals, the majority of research developed in the field has used business environments to develop theories, models, empirical insights and case studies. Here, we take a step towards new approaches centred on the concept of non-profit in various dimensions and from various perspectives, showing the diversity and complexity around this subject and at the same time the need of further theoretical and empirical work that provides frameworks and also tools for further understanding of the phenomena.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geologia do Mármore Mudador, Complexo Passo Feio, Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

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    No Escudo Sul-rio-grandense são descritas diversas ocorrências de mármoresneoproterozoicos. Entre elas está o Mármore Mudador, detalhado neste estudo.Este mármore aflora no Terreno São Gabriel, ao sul do Complexo Passo Feio, no entorno da cidade de Caçapava do Sul, RS. O complexo compreende uma associação de rochas metavulcano-sedimentares de baixo grau metamórfico,Oestudo buscou inferir um ambiente deposicional àregião do Mármore Mudadorjunto àidadedeposicional carbonáticaatravés de dados obtidos emcampo, confecção de seção colunar,análises petrográficas, análises de difratometria de raios-x e, por fim, análises isotópicasde C e O. No geral, os mármoressão descritoscomo rochas escuras de granulometria fina a muito fina, com estruturas sedimentares parcialmente preservadas, intensa venulação e brechação hidráulica, além de, localmente, ocorrerem feições elípticas semelhantes a estruturas estromatolíticas, de forma subordinada, ocorrem mármores margosos, metabasaltoscom estruturas de pillowlavas, metarenitos e metapelitos. Análises petrográficas e de DRX do Mármore Mudador indicam uma textura dominante granoblástica fina, com assembleia mineral formada por dolomita, quartzo, calcita e ilita. Valores de δ13Ce δ18Omostram resultados que variam de +0,15 a -2,44 ‰ e -10,60 ‰ a -3,49 ‰, respectivamente, corroborando com a hipótese de sedimentação carbonática em ambiente marinho raso ao longo do toniano, cuja temperatura e salinidade do mar são calculadosem 20,6ºC e 34,1 ppm. Portanto, é inferido que os metabasaltos pillow representem o substrato dabacia sedimentar, enquanto os mármores representam os estágios de sedimentação carbonática. As porções siliciclásticas sobrepostas aos mármores refletem produtosde regressões marinhas. Os metapelitos, sobrepostos aos metarenitos, representam um ambiente lagunar, marcando os estágios finais de fechamento da plataforma carbonática. Tais estágios de sedimentação e regressões são associados de forma concomitanteao fechamento do Oceano Charrua, na porção oeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano.In the Sul-rio-grandenseShield,several occurrences of neoproterozoic marbles are described. Among them,the Mudador Marble is detailed in thisstudy. This marble crops outin the São Gabriel Terrain, south of the Passo Feio Complex, around the Caçapava do Sul city, RS. The complex corresponds an associationof low-metamorphic metavolcano-sedimentary rocks.The study sought to infer a depositional environment to the region of the Mudador Marble along with the carbonate depositional age, through data obtained in the field, making a columnar section, petrographic analysis, X-ray diffracts analysis and, finally, isotopican analysisof C and O. In general, the marbles are describedby as dark rocks of fine to very fine granulometry, with partially preserved sedimentary structures, intense venulation and hydraulic brecciation, besides locally, there as elliptical features similar to stromatolytic structures.In the area occurs, in a subordinate manner, marbles with siliciclastic components, metabasaltswith pillow lavas structures, metasandstones and metapelites. The metabasalts occur under the marbles, with pillow lavas structures, while metasandstones overlaid on the marble present small channeled structures and metapelitic sheets. Petrographic and XRD analyzes of Mudador Marble indicate a dominant fine granoblastic texture of dolomites, with mineral assembly formed by dolomite, quartz, calcite and illite. Values of δ13C ranging from +0.15 to -2.44 ‰ and δ18O ranging from -10.60 ‰ to -3.49 ‰ help to corroborate the hypothesis of evolution of carbonate sedimentation in a shallow water marine environment over the tonian, with water temperature and salinity of sea are calculated in20.6ºCand 34.1 ppm. Therefore, it is inferred that the metabasalts pillow represent the substrate of sedimentary basin, while the marbles represent the stages of carbonate sedimentation. Siliciclastic portions superimposed on the marbles reflects products of marine regressions. The metapelites, superimposed on metasandstones, represent a lagoon environment, marking the final stages of closing the carbonate platform. Such sedimentation stages and regressions are associated in a concomitant way concomitantly with the closure of the Charrua Ocean, in the western portion of the Dom Feliciano Belt