116 research outputs found

    Immune system disorders, cancer and viral infections: A new treatment opportunity for the immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    Producción CientíficaThe relationship between viral infections and cancer is well known and has been established for decades. Multiple tumours are generated from alterations secondary to viral infections 2 resulting from a dysregulation of the immune system in many cases. Certain causal relationships, such as that between the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) in nasopharyngeal cancer or hepatitis C and B viruses in hepatocarcinoma, have been clearly established, and their implications for the prognosis and treatment of solid tumours are currently unknown. Multiple studies have evaluated the role that these infections may have in the treatment of solid tumours using immunotherapy. A possible relationship between viral infections and an increased response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has been established at a theoretical level in solid neoplasms, such as EBV-positive cavum cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive and oropharyngeal cancer. These could yield a greater response associated with the activation of the immune system secondary to viral infection, the consequence of which is an increase in survival in these patients. That is why the objective of this review is to assess the different studies or clinical trials carried out in patients with solid tumours secondary to viral infections and their relationship to the response to ICIs

    Effects of a Combination of Elderberry and Reishi Extracts on the Duration and Severity of Respiratory Tract Infections in Elderly Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to respiratory tract infections, so natural strategies to ameliorate the duration and severity of these infections are of great interest in this population. The objective of this study is to evaluate the e cacy of the consumption of a combination of elderberry and reishi extracts on the incidence, severity, and duration of respiratory tract infections in a group of healthy elderly volunteers. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study was performed during the winter season. A group of 60 nursing home residents 65 years of age was randomly assigned to receive a combination of 1.5 g of elderberry +0.5 g of reishi or a placebo daily for 14 weeks. Data about the health conditions of the volunteers were evaluated and recorded by a medical doctor every 2 weeks. The incidence of respiratory infections was similar in both groups. However, volunteers in the extract group presented a significantly lower duration of common cold events (2.5 vs. 4.8 days, p = 0.033).and a significantly lower probability of having a high severity influenza-like illness event (p = 0.039). Moreover, the incidence of sleep disturbances was significantly lower in the extract group (p = 0.049). Therefore, the administration of a combination of elderberry and reishi extracts to the elderly population during the winter season might be used as a natural strategy to reduce the duration and severity of respiratory tract infections

    Producción de frutos y semillas de dos especies arbóreas nativas en un bosque mesófilo de montaña de Veracruz, México

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    Se estimó y comparó la producción de frutos y semillas de una muestra de árboles pertenecientes a Alchornea latifolia y Liquidambar styraciflua en un bosque de niebla en la zona centro del estado de Veracruz. Los individuos se seleccionaron con base en sus características fenotípicas; se tomaron datos estructurales (diámetro a la altura del pecho, altura y cobertura) y éstas se compararon con la producción semillera en cada especie. Se estimó una producción de 70 380 frutos, 140 760 semillas y 6.02 kg por árbol en Alchornea latifolia y, 5 738 frutos, 303 218 semillas y 0.7 kg por árbol en Liquidambar styraciflua. Ninguna de las variables estructurales de los árboles superiores contribuyó a explicar la producción de frutos y semillas. Sin embargo, la variación entre individuos (identidad del árbol) contribuyó a explicar las diferencias observadas en la producción de infrutescencias por rama, el número de semillas por infrutescencia, así como el peso de las semillas por infrutescencia en ambas especies

    Resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors secondary to myeloid-derived suppressor cells: A new therapeutic targeting of haematological malignancies

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    Producción CientíficaMyeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a set of immature myeloid lineage cells that include macrophages, granulocytes, and dendritic cell precursors. This subpopulation has been described in relation to the tumour processes at different levels, including resistance to immunotherapy, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). Currently, multiple studies at the preclinical and clinical levels seek to use this cell population for the treatment of different haematological neoplasms, together with ICIs. This review addresses the different points in ongoing studies of MDSCs and ICIs in haematological malignancies and their future significance in routine clinical practice

    FUMEPOC: Early detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently is not feasible using conventional spirometry as a screening method in Primary Care especially among smoking population to detect chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in early stages. Therefore, the FUMEPOC study protocol intends to analyze the validity and reliability of Vitalograph COPD-6 spirometer as simpler tool to aid screening and diagnosis of this disease in early stages in primary care surgery.</p> <p>Methods / Design</p> <p>Study design: An observational, descriptive study of diagnostic tests, undertaken in Primary Care and Pneumology Outpatient Care Centre at San Juan Hospital and Elda Hospital. All smokers attending the primary care surgery and consent to participate in the study will undergo a test with Vitalograph COPD-6 spirometer. Subsequently, a conventional spirometry will be performed in the hospital and the results will be compared with those of the Vitalograph COPD-6 test.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>It is difficult to use the spirometry as screening for early diagnose test in real conditions of primary care clinical practice. The use of a simpler tool, Vitalograph COPD-6 spirometer, can help in the early diagnose and therefore, it could improve the clinical management of the disease.</p

    Risk Factors for COVID-19 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A National, ENEIDA-Based Case–Control Study (COVID-19-EII)

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    (1) Scant information is available concerning the characteristics that may favour the acquisition of COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess these differences between infected and noninfected patients with IBD. (2) This nationwide case-control study evaluated patients with inflammatory bowel disease with COVID-19 (cases) and without COVID-19 (controls) during the period March-July 2020 included in the ENEIDA of GETECCU. (3) A total of 496 cases and 964 controls from 73 Spanish centres were included. No differences were found in the basal characteristics between cases and controls. Cases had higher comorbidity Charlson scores (24% vs. 19%; p = 0.02) and occupational risk (28% vs. 10.5%; p < 0.0001) more frequently than did controls. Lockdown was the only protective measure against COVID-19 (50% vs. 70%; p < 0.0001). No differences were found in the use of systemic steroids, immunosuppressants or biologics between cases and controls. Cases were more often treated with 5-aminosalicylates (42% vs. 34%; p = 0.003). Having a moderate Charlson score (OR: 2.7; 95%CI: 1.3-5.9), occupational risk (OR: 2.9; 95%CI: 1.8-4.4) and the use of 5-aminosalicylates (OR: 1.7; 95%CI: 1.2-2.5) were factors for COVID-19. The strict lockdown was the only protective factor (OR: 0.1; 95%CI: 0.09-0.2). (4) Comorbidities and occupational exposure are the most relevant factors for COVID-19 in patients with IBD. The risk of COVID-19 seems not to be increased by immunosuppressants or biologics, with a potential effect of 5-aminosalicylates, which should be investigated further and interpreted with caution

    Virtualizing university teaching through Open Educational Resources by means of ArcGIS Online (REARGOL)

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    La pandemia provocada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) ha demostrado la necesidad de acelerar la digitalización de la docencia universitaria. Las herramientas digitales para la transferencia ciencia-educación, que ya eran esenciales para asegurar la calidad de la docencia presencial, se han transformado en imprescindibles cuando las circunstancias han impuesto la docencia virtual. El proyecto REARGOL ha desarrollado y ensayado en ArcGIS online instrumentos para la virtualización de contenidos en asignaturas de grado y máster, sobre geomorfología, gestión de desastres, patrimonio natural y patrimonio cultural. Ha sido un ensayo piloto, replicable en todas las titulaciones y temáticas susceptibles de generar información geoespacial (prácticamente todos los títulos y áreas de conocimiento). El único límite es la imaginación. El proyecto ha priorizado la participación de estudiantes de grado, máster y doctorado, que han desarrollado 4 tipos de aplicaciones: Mapas Web y Web AppBuilder (visores cartográficos interactivos), encuestas Survey 123 (formularios recogida de datos), Cuadros de Mandos (plataformas online que permiten combinar varias aplicaciones) y Story Maps (presentaciones para mostrar conjuntamente información y aplicaciones ArcGIS online). Las aplicaciones que se ensayaron con éxito durante el curso 2020-2021, en asignaturas de grado y máster, así como en TFMs y TFGs, continúan utilizándose en el curso 2021-2022.The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) pandemic has shown the urgent need to improve university teaching. Digital resources for Science-Education transfer, which already were crucial for ensuring the quality of face-to-face teaching, turned to be indispensable when the health crisis forced virtual teaching. The REARGOL project has developed and tested ArcGIS Online tools for the virtualization of Bachelor’s and Master’s courses focused on geomorphology, natural disaster management, and natural and cultural heritage. This has been a preliminary test that could be applied to all undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, that can produce geospatial information in all knowledge areas. Imagination is the only constraint. The project has prioritized the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate students (Master and PhD). The project has priorized the participation of undergraduate and postgraduate (Master’s and PhD) students. They have developed four types of applications: Web Maps and Web AppBuilder (interactive cartographical viewers), Survey 123 (data collection forms), Dashboards (online platforms allowing to combine several applications) and Story Maps (presentations for displaying information and ArcGIS online applications). The tools successfully tested during the 2020-2021 academic year are still being used in the current one, in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, as well as in Bachelor’s and Master’s final dissertations.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaFALSEsubmitte

    1er. Coloquio de educación para el diseño en la sociedad 5.0

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    Las memorias del 1er. Coloquio de Educación para el Diseño en la Sociedad 5.0 debenser entendidas como un esfuerzo colectivo de la comunidad de académicos de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, que pone de manifiesto los retos y oportunidades que enfrenta la educación en diseño en un contexto de cambio acelerado y rompimiento de paradigmas.El evento se realizó el pasado mes de mayo de 2018 y se recibieron más de 50 ponencias por parte de las profesoras y profesores de la División.Las experiencias y/o propuestas innovadoras en cuanto a procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que presentan los autores en cada uno de sus textos son una invitación a reflexionar sobre nuestra situación actual en la materia, y emprender acciones en la División para continuar brindando una educación de calidad en diseño a nuestras alumnas, alumnos y la sociedad.Adicionalmente, se organizaron tres conferencias magistrales sobre la situación actual de la educación en Diseño y de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, impartidas por el Mtro. Luis Sarale, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en Mendoza (Argentina), y Presidente en su momento, de la Red de Carreras de Diseño en Universidades Públicas Latinoamericanas (DISUR), el Dr. Romualdo López Zárate, Rector de la Unidad Azcapotzalco, así como del Mtro. Luis Antonio Rivera Díaz, Jefe de Departamento de Teoría y Procesos del Diseño de la División de la Ciencias de la Comunicación y Diseño, en la Unidad Cuajimalpa de nuestra institución.La publicación de estas memorias son un esfuerzo divisional, organizado desde la Coordinación de Docencia Divisional y la Coordinación de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje, del Conocimiento y la Comunicación, para contribuir a los objetivos planteados en el documento ACCIONES:Agenda CyAD2021, en particular al eje de Innovación Educativa. Es necesario impulsar a todos los niveles de la División espacios de discusión orientados a reflexionar sobre el presente y futuro en la educación del diseñador, que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de la docencia y favorezca al fortalecimiento de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Finalmente, extiendo un amplio reconocimiento a todos los miembros de la División que hicieron posible este evento, así como a todos los ponentes y participantes por compartir su conocimiento para que la División sea cada día mejor