123 research outputs found

    Conceptual fit: A criterion for COTS selection

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    COTS systems selection consists in evaluating the user requirements with respect to characteristics of candidate systems, using a set of criteria. One criterion that has received little attention is what we call conceptual fit. The criterion assesses the fit between the conceptual structure of the user requirements and that of a system. We evaluate the fit in terms of the existing misfits. We formally define the notion of conceptual misfit and we present a method that determines the conceptual misfits between the user requirements and a set of candidate systems. The method consists in defining a superschema, the mapping of the conceptual schemas of the candidate systems and of the user requirements to that superschema, and the automatic computation of the existing conceptual misfits. The method has been formalized in UML/OCL. We have conducted an exploratory experiment with the aim of evaluating the feasibility, difficulty and usefulness of the method, with positive results. We believe that the conceptual fit criterion could be taken into account by almost all existing COTS selection methods.Preprin

    A universal ontology-based approach to data integration

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    One of the main problems in building data integration systems is that of semantic integration. It has been acknowledged that the problem would not exist if all systems were developed using the same global schema, but so far, such global schema has been considered unfeasible in practice. However, in our previous work, we have argued that given the current state-of-the-art, a global schema may be feasible now, and we have put forward a vision of a Universal Ontology (UO) that may be desirable, feasible, and viable. One of the reasons why the UO may be desirable is that it might solve the semantic integration problem. The objective of this paper is to show that indeed the UO could solve, or at least greatly alleviate, the semantic integration problem. We do so by presenting an approach to semantic integration based on the UO that requires much less effort than other approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EU-Rent car rentals specification

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    EU-Rent is a widely known case study being promoted as a basis for demonstration of product capabilities. However, no in-depth case analysis neither specification has been developed. Therefore, it was considered interesting, useful and even necessary to develop a complete study of the case, which would lead to its whole specification. On the other hand, it was considered a good opportunity to test the application of some proposals, such as alternate mechanisms to define integrity constraints and derivation rules, as well as an alternative approach to model events.Postprint (published version

    Apps per al rastreig de contactes: present i futur

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    Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (published version

    Patrons foscos en el disseny de la interfície persona-ordinador: el cas de l’obtenció del consentiment de galetes

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    Aquest article mostra els patrons foscos que s’usen freqüentment en el disseny del procés d’obtenció del consentiment de les galetes de llocs web. Un dels objectius principals d’aquests patrons és obtenir dades per a tercers sobre les accions que fan els usuaris en un lloc web. Es tracta de dades personals que afecten la privacitat dels usuaris. L’article analitza els tipus de disseny que s’usen més sovint en l’àmbit europeu i les seves variants. Per cadascun d’aquests tipus, s’analitzen quines són les opcions que es presenten als usuaris i quins són els patrons foscos que s’usen en cada cas. Partint d’aquesta anàlisi, indiquem quins són els tipus de disseny que faciliten més la tria de l’opció més beneficiosa per a la privacitat dels usuaris.This paper discusses the dark patterns that are frequently used in the design of the process for getting cookie consent on websites. One of the main purposes of these patterns is to obtain data for third parties about the actions that users perform in a website. This is personal data that affects the privacy of users. This paper analyzes the types of design that are most often used in Europe, and their variants. For each of these types, the options presented to users and the dark patterns which are used in each case are discussed. Based on this analysis, the authors point out which design types make it easier to choose the most beneficial option for users’ privacy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reports de la recerca a Catalunya 2003-2009: Tecnologies de la informaciĂł i de les comunicacions

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    L’informe manté l’estructura, l’enfocament i la composició de l’àmbit d’estudi de les tecnologies de la informació i de les comunicacions (TIC) de la primera i la segona edició dels Reports de la recerca a Catalunya. No es tracta la recerca que es fa en l’àmbit de les empreses, a causa de la dificultat d’adquirir-ne dades suficientment fiables i comparables. Bàsicament, es vol conèixer quants recursos es van dedicar a la recerca acadèmica en el sector TIC durant el període 2003-2009 i els resultats que se’n van obtenir; la proporció d’aquests recursos i dels resultats obtinguts respecte a la totalitat dels sectors a Catalunya, i, finalment, la proporció dels recursos destinats, i dels resultats obtinguts, a la recerca acadèmica del sector TIC a Catalunya respecte d’Espanya o altres àmbits geogràfics. Al mateix temps, s’intenta veure l’evolució de les dades esmentades respecte al període 1996-2002. L’estudi es du a terme des de la perspectiva del nombre de persones dedicades a la recerca en les universitats i els centres de recerca, dels recursos públics destinats i, finalment, dels resultats de la recerca.Preprin

    Extending the methods for computing the importance of entity types in large conceptual schemas

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    Visualizing and understanding large conceptual schemas requires the use of specific methods. These methods generate clustered, summarized, or focused schemas that are easier to visualize and understand. All of these methods require computing the importance of each entity type in the schema. In principle, the totality of knowledge defined in the schema could be relevant for the computation of that importance but, up to now, only a small part of that knowledge has been taken into account. In this paper, we extend seven existing methods for computing the importance of entity types by taking into account more relevant knowledge defined in the structural and behavioural parts of the schema. We experimentally evaluate the original and extended versions of these methods with three large real-world schemas. We present the two main conclusions we have drawn from the experiments.Postprint (published version

    First steps towards conceptual schema testing

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    Like any software artifact, conceptual schemas of information systems can be tested. Testing conceptual schemas has some similarities with testing programs, but there are important differences. We present a list of six kinds of tests that can be applied to conceptual schemas. Some of them require complete schemas comprising both the structural and the behavioral parts, but we show that it is useful to test incomplete schema fragments. We introduce CSTL, a language for writing automated tests of executable schemas written in UML/OCL. We sketch the implementation of a test processor to automatically execute CSTL tests as many times as needed, following the style of the modern xUnit testing frameworks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    UML profile for MIF static models. Version 1.0

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    HL7 provides standards for interoperability that improve care delivery, optimize workflow, reduce ambiguity and enhance knowledge transfer among all of our stakeholders, including healthcare providers, government agencies, the vendor community, fellow SDOs and patients. In all of our processes we exhibit timeliness, scientific rigor and technical expertise without compromising transparency, accountability, practicality, or our willingness to put the needs of our stakeholders first. HL7 is holding a contest to encourage the development of HL7 tools. This document describes the specification of a UML Profile for MIF Static Models as a particular submission to the HL7 2012-2013 Tooling ChallengePreprin

    Evolving temporal conceptual schemas: the reification case

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    We study temporal conceptual schema evolutions related to reification, a typical and complex modeling construct. Various types of reification are considered. Using a previously defined framework, we specify only at conceptual level (and without descending to logical or application levels), the effects of any possible evolution related to reification, thus reducing the complexity of the management of those changes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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