22 research outputs found

    Dermatophylosis in Santa Inês sheep from Distrito Federal

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    Relataram-se quatro casos de dermatofilose em ovinos da raça Santa Inês, no período de um ano. Microscopicamente observaram-se filamentos na forma de "trilho de bonde" e zoósporos nos quatro casos. A tentativa do isolamento do microrganismo foi realizada por meio do método de Haalstra e em apenas um caso obteve-se sucesso, observando-se colônias de aparência lisa, formato circular, cor amarelada e hemolítica em ágar sangue. O exame direto com coloração de Gram mostrou-se um método bastante eficiente na confirmação da presença do microrganismo afetando a epiderme em razão da morfologia típica do agente.Four cases of dermatophylosis were reported in Santa Inês sheep in a study period of one year. Microscopically, septate filaments and coccoid forms zoospores were observed. Attempts to isolate the microorganisms were accomplished using Haastra's method and it was successful in only one case. Dermatophilus congolensis samples have grown on blood agar, colonies where hemolytic, small, round and pigmentation vary from yellow to orange. The gram staining method was efficient to confirm the presence of the microorganism affecting the epidermis due to typical morphology of the agent

    Intestinal intussusception secondary to enteritis caused by Pythium insidiosum in a bitch: case report

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    ABSTRACT We report a case of intestinal intussusception secondary to enteritis caused by Pythium insidiosum infection in a 1-year-old mixed breed bitch that died after a 30-day history of bloody diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, listlessness, dehydration, and pale mucous membranes. Necropsy revealed two areas of intussusception, one jejunum-jejunal and one ileum-cecum-colic. The first intussusception showed slight congestion of the intestinal loop, which was resolved by manual traction, while the second intussusception exhibited thickening, irregular yellow spots, and transmural congestion. Histologically, the jejunum-jejunal segment had ischemic lesions secondary and ileum-cecum-colic intussusception there was also necrotizing, pyogranulomatous enteritis associated with negative images of intralesional fungal hyphae that were well visualized by silver impregnation. Immunohistochemistry identified the hyphae as Pythium insidiosum. The diagnosis was made based on the histological changes and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. We can conclude that enteritis by P. insidiosum in dogs can occasionally cause intestinal intussusception and result in acute death

    Nitrate and nitrite poisoning in sheep and goats caused by ingestion of Portulaca oleracea. [Intoxicação por nitratos e nitritos em ovinos e caprinos causada pela ingestão de Portulaca oleracea].

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    ABSTRACT. Three outbreaks of poisoning by Portulaca oleracea were reported in sheep and goats in Northeast Brazil. In the first outbreak, 8 out of 20 sheep were affected and later died. In the second outbreak, three goats and one sheep died out of a flock of 30 animals that included both species. In the third outbreak, two out of 19 sheep were affected, and they recovered after a treatment of 2% methylene blue at a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight. In the first andsecond outbreaks, the animals ingested P. oleracea after it was cut and offered in feeders. In the third outbreak, the flock was grazing in an area that had been invaded by the plant. To determine the toxicity, P. oleracea was administered experimentally at a dose of 80g/kg of body weight to seven sheep, weighing 19-30 kg. One control sheep received green grass. One to four hours after P. oleracea ingestion, the animals showed clinical signs of poisoning characterized by cyanotic mucous membranes, bloat, ruminal pH of 8-9, pollakiuria, aerophagia,involuntary movements of the upper lip, apathy, tachypnea and tachycardia. Five animalsrecovered, including one that was treated with 1% methylene blue, and two animals died. During necropsy, the mucous membranes were brownish, and the blood was dark brown. Diphenylamine tests of the plant and of rumen contents were positive for nitrates. Positive results for nitrates were also found in 24 samples of P. oleracea that were collected in different places in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. We conclude that P. oleracea accumulates nitrates at toxic levels and may cause poisoning in sheep and goats

    Diagnosis of Proteus spp. in wild birds raised under captivity in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

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    The aim of this work was to relate the occurrence of bacterial illnesses in two wild birds raised under captive conditions in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, focusing on their clinical and microbiological findings. Clinical exams were performed in both birds in order to collect data and to determine the clinical and pathological outcome. In bird [A1] was diagnosed an infection in the respiratory system, and in bird [A2] the diagnosis was pododermatitis. Samples of shedding were collected using a sterile swab to perform a bacterial culture in blood agar and McConkey agar. An antibiogram was performed as well. The bacterial culture revealed the growing of Proteus sp. and Proteus vulgares, respectively. The antibiogram performed with the samples of bird [A1] showed the resistance to the follow antibiotics: ampicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, aztreonam, cefepime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and gentamicin. In bird [A2], strain was resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, aztreonam, cefotoxin, chloramphenicol, tetraciclin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and gentamicina. Proteus spp. appears to be a potencial multiresistant pathogen and causes severe lesions and diseases for wild birds in captivity

    Tiflocolite por larvas de ciatostomíneos em um asinino. (Typhocolitis by Cyathostomins Larvae on a Donkey).

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    Background: Cyathostomosis is the infection by nematode larvae of small strongyles belonging to the subfamily Cyathostominae(cyathostome). It is primarily a disease of young horses with global distribution. The parasites cause severe injuriesto the intestine and the clinically affected animals have severe diarrhea, colic, intussusception, and less frequently intestinalinfarction. The aim of this study is to describe the pathological findings of enteritis by cyathostome on a donkey in Brazil.Case: A donkey (Equus asinus), crossbred female mongrel, approximately four-months-old, was referred to the VeterinaryHospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, PB, Brazil with a history of trauma. On clinical examination,complete fracture of the left femur was identified. After performing euthanasia the donkey was necropsied. The animal wasskinny with pale mucous membranes. The perineal region, base of the tail and hind limbs were dirty with yellowish fecalcontent. At necropsy, the large intestine had a pasty content and the mucosa was thickened with the multifocal whitish ordark red nodules. The cut surface of these nodules showed caseous material, sometimes associated with larvae in the submucosa.Microscopically, it was observed granulomatous and eosinophilic chronic multifocal associated with intralesionallarvae of cyathostome-like nematodes. In the mucosa and submucosa of the colon and cecum, there were multifocal tocoalescing granulomas composed by moderate inflammatory infiltrate composed of eosinophils, macrophages, epithelioidcells, neutrophils and occasional multinucleated giant cells, surrounded by fibrous tissue and infiltrated by lymphocytesand plasma cells. At the center of these granulomas transverse and longitudinal sections of nematode larvae with approximately160-550?m in diameter were observed within the necrotic material. The parasites presented a smooth, thick andeosinophilic outer cuticle, clear platymyarian muscles, internal cuticular crests, vacuolated lateral strings, and intestinecomposed of multinucleated cells in the large colon and caecum. There were no mature gonads, featuring the larval stage.Discussion: Parasitic infections are the most common diseases that threaten donkey health and performance. In this species,small strongyles infections are severe, since the larvae can infiltrate and form cysts in the wall of the large intestinecausing serious damage. The most common clinical signs caused by cyathostome are weight loss and diarrhea, which arenon-specific and consequently can lead to an underestimation of the disease occurrence. In this case, massive infection ofsmall strongyles was observed in the large colon and caecum. In contrast to the large strongyles, the small strongyles donot migrate through tissue but severely injure the large intestine of donkeys, zebras and horses. Other possible causes ofenteritis in horses include Salmonella spp., Rhodococcus equi, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile, Neorickettsia(Ehrlichia) ristcii infections, and idiopathic and neoplastic conditions (lymphoma). In the present report, the diagnosisof larval ciatostomose was based on clinical signs, and especially in the severity of pathological findings associated withmorphological characteristics of the larvae of nematodes compatible with cyathostome in the large intestine

    Cutaneous pythiosis in a donkey (Equus asinus) in Brazil. (Brief Communication)

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    ABSTRACT.Our study describes the clinical, epidemiologic, pathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular aspects (PCR) of a case of cutaneous pythiosis in a donkey (Equus asinus) from Brazil. During a dry period, the animal grazed for 4 months around a pond where the vegetation remained green. Skin lesions were nodular, multifocal, and disseminated, mainly involving the legs, ventral chest, and mammary gland. On cut surface, there were multifocal to coalescent discrete yellow foci, and occasional small cavitations with a few kunkers. Ulcerative nodular pyogranulomatous and eosinophilic dermatitis with folliculitis and furunculosis were observed histologically. Hyphae were observed in sections stained with Gomori methenamine silver. Immunohistochemistry with Pythium insidiosum antibodies yielded strong immunostaining of hyphae. P. insidiosum DNA was extracted from tissues in paraffin blocks by amplification of a fragment of 105 bp, which targets the 5.8S ribosomal gene. After the diagnosis of pythiosis, the larger skin lesions were excised and treated as second intention healing wounds, which were completely healed 30 days after resection. Small skin lesions regressed spontaneously in ~60 days. The granulomatous inflammation and outcome of the disease in this donkey were similar to cases of pythiosis in cattle.© 2016 The Author(s

    Morte súbita causada por ruptura de aneurisma em aorta em ruminantes

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    RESUMO De um total de 2.088 ruminantes necropsiados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande durante o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2015, 803 (38,45%) eram bovinos, 651 (31,18%) ovinos e 634 (30,37%) caprinos. Desses, dois caprinos (0,31%), um ovino (0,15%) e um bovino (0,12%) foram diagnosticados com ruptura de artéria aorta devido à presença de aneurismas, correspondendo a 0,19% das causas de morte em ruminantes. O caso 1 ocorreu em um caprino que apresentava bom estado corporal e foi encontrado morto pelo proprietário; o caso 2, em um caprino com diagnóstico clínico presuntivo de linfadenite caseosa; o caso 3, em um ovino que foi encontrado morto pelo proprietário; e o caso 4, em um bovino com histórico de timpanismo recidivante. Em todos os casos, a morte ocorreu rapidamente por choque hipovolêmico. Os principais achados macroscópicos na necropsia foram hemotórax ou hemoperitônio e a ruptura na artéria aorta. Nos caprinos, abscessos foram visualizados microscopicamente e estavam associados à presença de bactérias, o que sugere infecção por Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. No ovino, não foram observadas lesões que pudessem elucidar a causa do aneurisma, por isso foi considerado de provável origem idiopática. No bovino, não foi possível estabelecer a causa, mas a presença do aneurisma dificultava a eructação dos gases da fermentação ruminal, caracterizando um quadro de timpanismo secundário. Aneurismas ocorrem de forma esporádica em caprinos, ovinos e bovinos e devem ser considerados como uma importante causa de morte súbita

    Surto de parvovirose cardíaca em filhotes de cães no Brasil. (Outbreak of parvoviral myocarditis in puppies in Brazil).

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    Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um surto de parvovirose cardíaca em filhotes de cães. O surto ocorreu em um canil localizado na cidade de Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, região Nordeste do Brasil. De uma ninhada de nove filhotes, um foi natimorto e seis morreram entre 35-57 dias de idade após apresentarem sinais clínicos cardiorrespiratórios com evolução de 10 minutos a três dias. Dos seis filhotes que morreram, dois foram encaminhados para necropsia. No exame macroscópico, ambos os animais apresentaram discreta efusão pericárdica, coração marcadamente globoso, difusa palidez nas superfícies epicárdica e miocárdica e dilatação da cavidade ventricular esquerda. Nos pulmões, observaram-se áreas multifocais avermelhadas na superfície pleural e ao corte fluía líquido espumoso e levemente avermelhado. O fígado estava difusamente aumentado de tamanho, com acentuação do padrão lobular e com áreas pálidas entremeadas por áreas escuras que, ao corte, se profundavam ao parênquima. Microscopicamente observou-se miocardite linfohistiocítica, necrosante, associada a fibrose intersticial e corpúsculos de inclusões virais basofílicos intranucleares em cardiomiócitos. Nos pulmões observou-se pneumonia intersticial e edema, e no fígado notou-se degeneração e necrose centrolobular a mediozonal associada à congestão e hemorragia. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. A forma miocárdica da parvovirose canina pode ocorrer ocasionalmente em filhotes de cadelas que não foram efetivamente vacinadas. Essa forma clínica da doença caracteriza-se por alterações cardiorrespiratórias e morte hiperaguda ou aguda dos animais afetado