54 research outputs found

    Multistability of a Josephson parametric amplifier coupled to a mechanical resonator

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    We study the dynamics of Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) coupled to a mechanical oscillator, as realised with a dc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) with an embedded movable arm. We analyse this system in the regime when the frequency of the mechanical oscillator is comparable in magnitude with the plasma oscillation of the SQUID. When the nano-mechanical resonator is driven, it strongly affects the dynamics of the JPA. We show that this coupling can considerably modify the dynamics of JPA and induce its multistability rather than common bistability. This analysis is relevant if one considers a JPA for detection of mechanical motion.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The use of a special software for induction motor diagnostics in the diamond industry

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    The field of induction motor application in the diamond industry has considerably increased due to the transition to the underground mining method. This article is devoted to the research the induction motor diagnostic technique in the diamond industry using special software. The practice shows that unreliability of induction motors causes some serious economic losses related to the expenses on premature maintenance and idle time. This article is devoted to the research of diagnostic technique of induction motors in the diamond industry using a special software. The article presents some data obtained in the course of the research conducted at an industrial site of the diamond company "ALROSAЭ" in Mirny using the vibration-based diagnostics. Thus, based on the analysis of the findings some recommendations concerning the improvement of maintenance and servicing system have been given. The use of these recommendations allows assessing the operational reliability of induction motors in the diamond industry, minimizing the risk of sudden failures and reducing the maintenance and repair expenses

    D.discoideum als Model für Wirt-Pathogen-Interaktionen: Phagosomes Proteom von Legionella-infizierten Zellen

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    Legionella pneumophila, the agent of Legionnaires´ disease, replicates intracellularly within specialized phagosomes of human macrophages and protozoa such as Dictyostelium discoideum. Different cellular and molecular approaches including the transcriptional host cell response upon infection have shown that the reprogramming of phagosome maturation is required for Legionella replication. In this study we have developed a protocol for the isolation of Legionella-containing phagosomes from D. discoideum. Cell fractionation, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF MS combined with genomic data identified 157 phagosome host proteins. This is the first proteomic analysis for any pathogen-containing phagosome. In addition to proteins with an evident role in phagosome maturation we identified proteins for which a link to phagosome activities remains to be established. Possible interactions of coronin with cytosolic NADPH oxidase components and protein kinase C inhibitors which together may lead to an inhibition of phagosomal superoxide generation are discussed. Comparative proteomics of phagosomes containing highly virulent L. pneumophila Corby versus less virulent L. hackeliae revealed distinctive protein expression patterns, e.g., an abundance of RhoGDI in L. hackeliae degrading phagosomes versus little RhoGDI in L. pneumophila Corby replicative phagosomes. We present a kinetic dissection of phagosome maturation including the complex alterations of the phagosome protein composition. A reference flow chart suggests so far unrecognized consequences of infection for host cell physiology, actin degradation on phagosomes and a putative cysteine proteinase inhibitor interference with lysosomal enzyme sorting and activation processes.Legionella pneumophila, der Erreger der Legionärskrankheit, vermehrt sich intrazellulär in spezialisierten Phagosomen humaner Makrophagen oder Protozoen wie Dictyostelium discoideum. Verschiedene zelluläre und molekulare Untersuchungen, beispielsweise die transkriptionelle Wirtszellantwort während der Infektion, zeigten, dass die Umprogrammierung der Phagosomenreifung notwendig für die Legionella-Replikation ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit haben wir eine neue Methode etabliert, welche die Isolierung und anschließende detaillierte Charakterisierung der Proteine aus Legionella-haltigen Phagosomen ermöglicht. Die isolierten phagosomalen Proteine wurden mit Hilfe von MALDI-TOF-MS analysiert. In dieser ersten umfassenden Proteomanalyse eines pathogenhaltigen Phagosoms wurden 157 verschiedene Proteine identifiziert. Neben Proteinen mit wichtigen Funktionen in der Phagosomenreifung fanden wir Proteine, deren Funktion im Phagosom bisher unbekannt ist. Wir erörtern mögliche Interaktionen des Coronins mit zytosolischen NADPH-Oxidase-Komponenten und Proteinase C-Inhibitoren, die gemeinsam zu einer Inhibierung phagosomaler Superoxide führen können. Vergleichende Proteomanalysen von Phagosomen mit pathogenen L. pneumophila Corby und schwach-pathogenen L. hackeliae Stämmen ließen spezielle Unterschiede erkennen. Zum Beispiel wiesen Phagosomen mit L. hackeliae einen höheren Gehalt von RhoGDI auf als Phagosomen mit L. pneumophila Corby. In kinetischen Analysen der Phagosomenreifung zeigen wir komplexe Veränderungen der Komposition phagosomaler Proteine. Unsere Daten deuten auf bisher unbekannte Konsequenzen einer Infektion für die Wirtszellphysiologie hin. Wir konnten im Falle einer Infektion mit L. pneumophila die Degradation von Phagosom-assoziiertem Aktin feststellen. Diese Degradation und die Aktivität des Cystein Proteinase Inhibitors könnten zur Reorganisation des Aktin-Zytoskeletts führen und die Fusion der pathogenhaltigen Phagosomen mit den ansäuernden Organellen verhindern

    Virulence Properties of the Legionella Pneumophila Cell Envelope

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    The bacterial envelope plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the structure and molecular composition of the Legionella pneumophila cell envelope. We describe lipopolysaccharides biosynthesis and the biological activities of membrane and periplasmic proteins and discuss their decisive functions during the pathogen–host interaction. In addition to adherence, invasion, and intracellular survival of L. pneumophila, special emphasis is laid on iron acquisition, detoxification, key elicitors of the immune response and the diverse functions of outer membrane vesicles. The critical analysis of the literature reveals that the dynamics and phenotypic plasticity of the Legionella cell surface during the different metabolic stages require more attention in the future

    Survival analysis of A. C. machines in the diamond industry using the Kaplan-Meier estimator

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    The article deals with the survival analysis of a. c. machines operating under the conditions of the underground mine "Mir" (Yakutia). The estimation of their survival is carried out using the Kaplan-Meier estimator. The main advantage of this method is in the opportunity to process censored (incomplete) data, which in turn leads to the accuracy of results. The statistical data used in this article were obtained from maintenance books and reports made by a repair team working in the considered mine. This analysis allows not only identifying faulty electric machines and their fault-free operation but also the faulty components of a certain electric motor


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    У статті проаналізовано теоретико-методологічні засади вивчення травма- тичної пам’яті особистості, наведено авторську пропозиціональну модель трав- матичної пам’яті. Описано діагностичний інструментарій, в контексті якого висвітлено   авторський   метод   пропозиціонального   аналізу   наративів     про травматичні події. Запропоновано типологію травматичних подій і визначено, які з них найчастіше трапляються серед використаної вибіркової сукупності. Проаналізовано пропозиціональну будову тексту, а також виділено ті елементи, на які діагностовані звертають найбільшу увагу. Зазначено закономірності інтеграції травматичних спогадів про пережиту подію в автобіографічну пам’ять. Проаналізовано, в яких випадках це свідчить про осмислення цього спогаду і надбання травматичною пам’яттю статусу психічного процесу в межах норми, а коли – про порушення адаптаційних ресурсів особистості у сфері інтелектуалі- зованого проживання негативного спогаду та набуття статусу патологічного процесу, який призводить до посттравматичного стресового розладу і руйну- вання  сформованої  картини  світу.  В становлено   кореляційні   залежності   між ступенем реорганізованості травматичної пам’яті, її характеристиками   та особистісними рисами людини. На емпіричному рівні досліджено особливості пропозиціональної структури травматичної пам’яті, що відображається на психолінгвістичному, автобіографічному і особисті- сному рівнях. Описано типові пропозиціональні структури автобіогра- фічних наративів про травматичні події, залежно від рівня реорганізованості травматичної пам’яті особистості. Зроблено висновок, що описані риси особистості можуть бути наслідком переживання травматичної пам’яті або причиною її виникнення. З’ясовано, що, описуючи травматичний досвід, людина велике значення надає опису свого ставлення до неї. В становлено, що автобіографічний наратив є психолінгвістичним засобом реорганізації травматичної пам’яті

    Diploma design: Recommendations for the implementation of the economic part

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    Economic activity of chemical production enterprises is an important component of the national economy, which provides other types of activity chemical products (mineral fertilizers, solvents, catalysts, polymeric materials, building mixtures, etc.). Therefore, future technologists of chemical production should know not only the principles of implementation of professional technologies, chemical processes, ways of synthesis of chemical products, methods of their production and specific activity of chemical enterprises, but also possess the methods of economic justification of these processes, evaluate their efficiency, choose among them the most optimal and reliable systems for the organization, control and management of chemical production. The completion of the bachelor's degree work by students contributes to the formation of future professionals of professionally significant skills to ensure the efficient production of competitive products by chemical enterprises. The manual presents the structure and stages of implementation of the economic part of the diploma work of the bachelor of specialty - 161 Chemical technology and engineering, educational programs: «Chemical technologies of inorganic ceramic materials», «Chemical technologies of inorganic and organic binders and composition materials», «Chemical technology cosmetic means and nutritional supplements»


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    Indicators of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine demonstrate a tendency to increase disproportions, which are significantly intensified in the conditions of military operations. In addition to the deterioration of performance indicators, this trend leads to the fragmentation of the country's economic space. Regulation of regional development does not contribute to the reduction of disparities, in particular, due to shortcomings in the assessment, interpretation of indicators of disparities and modeling of their dynamics, which leads to the definition of unrealistic goals of regulation. Taking into account the need to ensure the connection between short-term and long-term planning of regional development, the purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and empirical foundations aimed at regulating dynamic processes in the indicators of regional development disproportions. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were chosen: to analyze the models of convergent-divergent processes of regional development imbalances, to build models of long-term interaction of indicators of imbalances in the spheres of life, to determine the basis for assessing the crisis dynamics of regional indicators. Methodology. To regulate the development of regions, a model of long-term interaction of indicators of disproportions in various spheres has been developed. The process component of the study of dynamic processes in the indicators of regional disproportions and forecasting of crisis situations in the spheres of regional activity, which covers the tasks, tools and main results of the study, has been formed. The paper investigates the long-run interaction of inequality indicators in different areas using econometric dynamic vector autoregressive and error correction models (VAR&ECM). This makes it possible to identify and predict non-stationary impulse processes in general, to identify trends relevant to individual phases of activity, to identify the relationship and interdependence of the trajectory of imbalances. The research tools are designed to solve a set of tasks on the regulation of imbalances. The originality of the article lies in the application of the modeling results in the form of interrelationships of disproportions for different time intervals in the formation of a set of programs and preventive measures to manage regional development disproportions. This also enhances the practical significance of the study. Practical implication. The data obtained as a result of the study of the dynamic processes of disproportion indicators can be taken into account in solving a set of tasks to regulate the disproportions of regional development, developing a set of measures for the implementation of regional strategies, financial and budgetary regulation of regional development, determining budget expenditures for solving problems arising from disproportions

    Isolation of F. novicida-Containing Phagosome from Infected Human Monocyte Derived Macrophages

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    Francisella is a gram-negative bacterial pathogen, which causes tularemia in humans and animals. A crucial step of Francisella infection is its invasion of macrophage cells. Biogenesis of the Francisella-containing phagosome (FCP) is arrested for ∼15min at the endosomal stage, followed by gradual bacterial escape into the cytosol, where the microbe proliferates. The crucial step in pathogenesis of tularemia is short and transient presence of the bacterium within phagosome. Isolation of FCPs for further studies has been challenging due to the short period of time of bacterial residence in it and the characteristics of the FCP. Here, we will for the first time present the method for isolation of the FCPs from infected human monocytes-derived macrophages (hMDMs). For elimination of lysosomal compartment these organelles were pre-loaded with dextran coated colloidal iron particles prior infection and eliminated by magnetic separation of the post-nuclear supernatant (PNS). We encountered the challenge that mitochondria has similar density to the FCP. To separate the FCP in the PNS from mitochondria, we utilized iodophenylnitrophenyltetrazolium, which is converted by the mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase into formazan, leading to increased density of the mitochondria and allowing separation by the discontinuous sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The purity of the FCP preparation and its acquisition of early endosomal markers was confirmed by Western blots, confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Our strategy to isolate highly pure FCPs from macrophages should facilitate studies on the FCP and its biogenesis.1