9 research outputs found

    Association of Polymorphisms in the Human IL4 and IL5 Genes With Atopic Bronchial Asthma and Severity of the Disease

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    Two polymorphisms in the IL4 (G/C 3′-UTR) and IL5 (C-703T) genes were studied in a sample of families whose probands had atopic bronchial asthma (BA) (66 families, n = 183) and in a group of non-cognate individuals with the severe form of the disease (n = 34). The samples were collected from the Russian population in the city of Tomsk (Russia). Using the transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT), a significant association of allele C-703 IL5 with BA was established (TDT = 4.923, p = 0.007 ± 0.0007). The analysis of 40 individuals with mild asthma and 49 patients with the severe form of the disease revealed a negative association of genotype GG IL4 (OR = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.15−0.99, p = 0.035), and also a trend towards a positive association of the GC IL4 genotype (OR = 2.52, 95% CI = 0.98−6.57, p = 0.052) with mild BA. There was a concordance of the clinical classification of BA severity with the ‘genotype’ (McNemar’s χ2 test with continuity correction constituted 0.03, d.f. = 1, p = 0.859). These results suggest that polymorphisms in the IL4 and IL5 genes contribute to the susceptibility to atopic BA and could determine the clinical course of the disease

    Половое развитие подростков в Томской области

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    Background. Sexual development of adolescents is one of the important indicators of the population well-being, the study of which, in the context of the world trend towards a change in the period of puberty, can contribute to the identification of public health problems. Objective. Our aim was to study the basic indicators of sexual development of adolescents and to determine the regional characteristics of this population. Methods. The evaluation of secondary sexual characteristics was carried out by specialists according to Tanner criteria. Ultrasound examination of organs of the reproductive system was carried out using a portable scanner Mindray M7. The analysis of the results was carried out taking into account the gender, living conditions, physical development. Results. We examined 7,120 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years. The degree of axillary hair distribution by Tanner criteria was 2.4±0.7 in young men, 2.9±0.4 — in girls, pubic hair — 2.0±0.9 and 2.6±0.8, respectively. The indicator of development of mammary glands by Tanner criteria in girls was 2.6±0.8, menstrual function by Tanner criteria — 2.4±0.8. Herewith, urban adolescents had later terms of appearance of the secondary sexual characteristics in comparison with the inhabitants of rural areas. Conclusion. We registered the delayed sexual development in 8.1% of girls and 13.6% of young men. Urban youths have experienced a delay in gonadal growth. Among the female population there was an outstripping growth and development of the uterus and ovaries in comparison with rural adolescents. Половое развитие подростков — один из важных показателей благополучия населения, изучение которого в условиях мировой тенденции к изменению сроков наступления пубертатного периода может способствовать выявлению проблем общественного здравоохранения. Цель исследования — изучить основные показатели полового развития подростков и определить региональные особенности данной популяции. Методы. Оценка вторичных половых признаков проводилась врачами-специалистами по критериям Tanner. Ультразвуковое исследование органов репродуктивной системы осуществлялось при помощи переносного сканера Mindray M7. Анализ результатов проводили с учетом пола, условий проживания, физического развития. Результаты. Обследовано 7120 подростков в возрасте от 13 до 16 лет. Степень оволосения подмышечной впадины по критериям Tanner составила у юношей 2,4±0,7, у девушек — 2,9±0,4, степень лобкового оволосения — 2,0±0,9 и 2,6±0,8 соответственно. Показатель развития молочных желез по критериям Tanner у девушек составил 2,6±0,8, менструальная функция по критериям Tanner — 2,4±0,8. При этом у городских подростков выявлены более поздние сроки появления вторичных половых признаков в сравнении с жителями сельских районов. Заключение. У 8,1% девушек и 13,6% юношей зарегистрирована задержка полового развития. У городских юношей выявлена задержка роста гонад; среди женского населения наблюдалось опережение роста и развития матки и яичников в сравнении с сельскими подростками.

    Life by the river: neglected worm infection in Western Siberia and pitfalls of a one-size-fits-all control approach

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    The One Health movement aims to provide integrated responses to problems that emerge at the intersections of human, animal, and ecological health. However, it risks derailment due to over-reliance on top-down global responses and generalisations that often fail to fit real-world settings. In this article, we examine the case of parasitic Opisthorchis felineus infection in Western Siberia and argue that understanding the local social dynamics of disease exposure and transmission, and how people live their lives in interactions with other species is crucial for making One Health work in practice. This qualitative study was conducted in preparation for developing an opisthorchiasis control programme and involved 20 in-depth interviews, participant observation, and multiple unstructured interviews in the village of Melnikovo. We explored the social dynamics of O. felineus transmission and designed a participatory model of these dynamics. This model attests to the specificity of transmission dynamics in Western Siberia and demonstrates the importance of understanding this public health issue as embedded in social networks and animated by a variety of locally-specific linkages between ways of life, food and health cultures, health-care systems, economies, and landscapes. Our work highlights that such participatory approaches have to be an integral part of One Health interventions if these interventions are to be effective and legitimate

    Comparative and Functional Genomics Association of polymorphisms in the human IL4 and IL5 genes with atopic bronchial asthma and severity of the disease

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    Abstract Two polymorphisms in the IL4 (G/C 3 -UTR) and IL5 (C-703T) genes were studied in a sample of families whose probands had atopic bronchial asthma (BA) (66 families, n = 183) and in a group of non-cognate individuals with the severe form of the disease (n = 34). The samples were collected from the Russian population in the city of Toms

    Opisthorchis felineus infection prevalence in Western Siberia: a review of Russian literature

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    In this study we reviewed Russian scientific literature (scientific publications, book chapters, monographs) published between 1 January 1979 and 31 August 2015 from two sources: Main database of the Russian Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY, http://elibrary.ru/), and the Scientific Medical Library of Siberian State Medical University (http://medlib.tomsk.ru/). Specifically, the review details the infection prevalence of Opisthorchis felineus (O. felineus) in Western Siberia, Russian Federation. From the primary key words screening, 1591 records were identified from which 32 Russian-language publications were relevant. The lowest O. felineus infection rate of 0.4% was reported in Tatarstan Republic, and the highest reached 83.9% in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The infection prevalence was lower in children than in adults and increased with age. O. felineus infection was detected more often in indigenous population than in migrants. Infection intensity in western regions (Permskaya, Bryanskaya Oblast) was low and varied from 15 to 336 eggs per gram stool (epg), while in endemic regions it reached more than 2000 epg. In some settlements the mean intensity infection was 5234 epg. The high rates of intensity were registered in regions with a high prevalence of infection. Based on obtained data, a map of O. felineus infection prevalence in Western Siberia was developed. After mapping the results, the highest prevalence was detected in Tyumenskaya Oblast with over 60%, while the Tomskaya Oblast had the lowest prevalence at fewer than 19.0%. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomus Okrug, Altaiskii Krai, Novosibirskaya Oblast and Omskaya Oblast had an average level of O. felineus infection of 20-39%. According to the results of the review, Western Siberia must be considered as highly endemic region for opisthorchiasis in the Russian Federation. The development of a control program specific for the Russian community is warranted

    Clinical trial through the eyes of patients:Benefit or unjustified risk?

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    Introduction. Clinical trials (CTs) are the footing foundation of evidence-based medicine. In Russia many aspects of CT implementation remain unexplored; one of them is the attitude of Russian society. Aims. This study aims to determine the knowledge and perception of CTs by potential participants. Analysis of the perception of CTs through the eyes of patients: CTs - is it a benefit or an unjustified risk? Materials. The primary method of research was a questionnaire. A total of 488 anonymous, voluntary surveys of patients from hospitals in Tomsk were studied. Results. More than half of the respondents heard about CTs, while the primary source of information was the media. The participants adequately assess the importance of conducting CTs to develop medicine and medical care for society. The primary goal of CTs is to determine the effectiveness and safety of drugs, and respondents regard their engagement as an opportunity to contribute to the development of science. The primary motivating factor in participating in CTs is receiving treatment for an incurable disease and observing conditions by a qualified doctor. The central negative aspect is the possibility of causing a risk to own health. The questionnaire demonstrated the need and importance of all points of informed consent. Several questions concerned the public attitude to researchers. According to patients, medical researchers arouse trust and confidence in altruistic motives during the CTs. Conclusion. This study revealed a low interest of Russians in participating in CTs, except for personal benefit. The behavior of the doctors, the ability to convey reliable information to the patient to adequately assess benefits and possible risks play an important role in deciding on the involvement of patients in the CTs. The results of this work will allow us to adapt the process of organizing CTs to the needs of patients in the local context

    Sexual Development of Adolescents in the Tomsk Region

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    Background. Sexual development of adolescents is one of the important indicators of the population well-being, the study of which, in the context of the world trend towards a change in the period of puberty, can contribute to the identification of public health problems. Objective. Our aim was to study the basic indicators of sexual development of adolescents and to determine the regional characteristics of this population. Methods. The evaluation of secondary sexual characteristics was carried out by specialists according to Tanner criteria. Ultrasound examination of organs of the reproductive system was carried out using a portable scanner Mindray M7. The analysis of the results was carried out taking into account the gender, living conditions, physical development. Results. We examined 7,120 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years. The degree of axillary hair distribution by Tanner criteria was 2.4±0.7 in young men, 2.9±0.4 — in girls, pubic hair — 2.0±0.9 and 2.6±0.8, respectively. The indicator of development of mammary glands by Tanner criteria in girls was 2.6±0.8, menstrual function by Tanner criteria — 2.4±0.8. Herewith, urban adolescents had later terms of appearance of the secondary sexual characteristics in comparison with the inhabitants of rural areas. Conclusion. We registered the delayed sexual development in 8.1% of girls and 13.6% of young men. Urban youths have experienced a delay in gonadal growth. Among the female population there was an outstripping growth and development of the uterus and ovaries in comparison with rural adolescents

    A Large-Scale, Consortium-Based Genomewide Association Study of Asthma

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    BACKGROUND Susceptibility to asthma is influenced by genes and environment; implicated genes may indicate pathways for therapeutic intervention. Genetic risk factors may be useful in identifying subtypes of asthma and determining whether intermediate phenotypes, such as elevation of the total serum IgE level, are causally linked to disease. METHODS We carried out a genomewide association study by genotyping 10,365 persons with physician-diagnosed asthma and 16,110 unaffected persons, all of whom were matched for ancestry. We used random-effects pooled analysis to test for association in the overall study population and in subgroups of subjects with childhood-onset asthma (defined as asthma developing before 16 years of age), later-onset asthma, severe asthma, and occupational asthma. RESULTS We observed associations of genomewide significance between asthma and the following single-nucleotide polymorphisms: rs3771166 on chromosome 2, implicating IL1RL1/IL18R1 (P = 3x10(-9)); rs9273349 on chromosome 6, implicating HLA-DQ (P = 7x10(-14)); rs1342326 on chromosome 9, flanking IL33 (P = 9x10(-10)); rs744910 on chromosome 15 in SMAD3 (P = 4x10(-9)); and rs2284033 on chromosome 22 in IL2RB (P = 1.1x10(-8)). Association with the ORMDL3/GSDMB locus on chromosome 17q21 was specific to childhood-onset disease (rs2305480, P = 6x10(-23)). Only HLA-DR showed a significant genomewide association with the total serum IgE concentration, and loci strongly associated with IgE levels were not associated with asthma. CONCLUSIONS Asthma is genetically heterogeneous. A few common alleles are associated with disease risk at all ages. Implicated genes suggest a role for communication of epithelial damage to the adaptive immune system and activation of airway inflammation. Variants at the ORMDL3/GSDMB locus are associated only with childhood-onset disease. Elevation of total serum IgE levels has a minor role in the development of asthma