18 research outputs found

    Protocolo para el manejo de nutrici贸n parenteral perif茅rica lista para usar en paciente quir煤rgico

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    Introduction: Patients undergoing elective surgery, require a comprehensive clinical treatment that tends to maintain or prevent deterioration of nutritional status and promote clinical outcomes, and in turn improve the safety of parenteral nutrition therapy through optimization of technology, as a option aimed at minimizing risk and lower operating costs in institutions providing health services. Aim: To review the literature in order to study the requirements and recommendations of peripheral parenteral nutritional support and/or complementary ready to use in people undergoing surgery. Methods: Data synthesis after reviewing the relevant literature, to allow the protocol design. The search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Medline, Embase and Science Direct. Conclusions: Peripheral parenteral nutrition is a ready to use alternative nutritional support that improves the contribution Protein-Energy and demonstrate improvements in patient safety, decrease costs and increase patient satisfaction. 漏 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved

    Modelo M茅deri de gesti贸n nutricional hospitalaria

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    Introduction: the need for nutritional care models, to address the problem of malnutrition in hospitals, involves developing mederi Nutrition Care Model in order to raise the quality of health care, and promote good practices of Clinical Nutrition. To describe the process of nutrition and metabolic support, aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the model, which is currently a center of national and international reference. Materials and methods: descriptive, evaluative, transversal and observational. Includes analysis of consolidated since the implementation of the model in 2008 through 2014. Information The number of study subjects was 163 575, variables to test the efficacy measures were: productivity and perceived quality of nutritional care. Results: made analysis of the key processes in which the model is based, nutritional adult and neonatal hospital care, nutritional support, supervision of food services, and teaching and research, is an increase in productivity of the service 591% , increasing the percentage of patient satisfaction from 50% to 95.8%. Conclusion: the success of a model of nutritional care lies in the consolidation of administrative, healthcare facilities, which in turn promotes the development of human talent, teaching and research in nutrition. 漏 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All Rights Reserved

    Factores de riesgo y barreras de implementaci贸n de la lactancia materna: revisi贸n de literatura

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    Breastfeeding ensures adequate nutrition during the early stages of child development, because multiple and unsurpassed properties, which is why it has a great impact on world public health; Despite this recognition, there are difficulties that hinder its normal course and even produce its abandonment. In order to establish strategies that can boost breastfeeding rates such as duration and exclusivity, it is imperative to identify the challenges that breastfeeding support groups must assume, when they are intervening in the promotion and management of the most frequent problems described in the literature. After an exhaustive review of 55 studies published in the last five years, strategies for prevention and control of the main problems associated with breastfeeding were identified, as well as the impact of this on the decrease of the short-term and long term morbidity and mortality rate. In the promotion, proteccion and and support of breastfeeding, 3 main public policies are described: infant and young child feeding, child-friendly hospitals and the marketing law of breast milk substitutes. This is how the results show the importance of carrying out advocacy interventions through adequate transfer of information and addressing the usual problems during breastfeeding through support groups in order to improve practices and thus prevent and solve possible potential problems present during this stage.La lactancia materna asegura la adecuada nutrici贸n durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo infantil dadas sus m煤ltiples e insuperables propiedades, por esto es causal de gran impacto para la salud p煤blica mundial; pese a este reconocimiento, se presentan dificultades que obstaculizan su curso normal e incluso producen su abandono. A fin de establecer estrategias que puedan potenciar 铆ndices de lactancia materna tales como su duraci贸n y exclusividad, es imperativo identificar los retos que los grupos de apoyo a lactancia deben asumir al momento de intervenir en la promoci贸n y manejo de los problemas m谩s frecuentes descritos en la literatura. Tras una revisi贸n exhaustiva de 55 estudios publicados en los 煤ltimos cinco a帽os, se identificaron estrategias de prevenci贸n y control de los principales problemas asociados con la lactancia materna, adem谩s se describi贸 el impacto de esta en la disminuci贸n de la tasa de morbimortalidad mundial a corto mediano y largo plazo, entonces a raz贸n de la protecci贸n promoci贸n y apoyo de la lactancia materna se describen 3 pol铆ticas p煤blicas principales denominadas: alimentaci贸n del lactante y el ni帽o peque帽o, hospitales amigos del ni帽o y ley de comercializaci贸n de suced谩neos de la leche materna. Es as铆 como los resultados obtenidos ponen en manifiesto la importancia de llevar a cabo intervenciones de promoci贸n mediante transferencia adecuada de informaci贸n y abordaje de los problemas habituales durante la lactancia a trav茅s de grupos de apoyo con el fin de mejorar las pr谩cticas y as铆 prevenir y solucionar posibles problemas potenciales presentes durante esta etapa

    Prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes en instituciones hospitalarias de Am茅rica Latina: una revisi贸n

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    This review aims to describe the prevalence of child malnutrition in different hospitals in Latin America and to identify some of the indicators associated with the deterioration of nutritional status. To achieve this, a systematic bibliographic research was made following the PRISMA methodology, for articles on the prevalence of child and adolescents malnutrition related to diseases in Latin American countries published between 1995 and January 2019. Studies reporting data on prevalence in malnourished hospitalized patients < 18 years with a sample size greater than 50 subjects were eligible for inclusion. The review was conducted by three independent reviewers who assessed methodological quality. As the main result, it was identified that the reported prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized pediatric patients varies considerably. This figure ranged from 3,3 to 67%. The difference is mainly due to the diversity of populations assessed and the methods used to detect and assess nutritional status. As a main conclusion, the high variability reported in terms of evaluation of nutritional status raises the need for the unification of classification standards to favor decision-making at the hospital level.Esta revisi贸n busc贸 identificar la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en menores de 18 a帽os hospitalizados en instituciones de Am茅rica Latina, los criterios empleados para su clasificaci贸n, as铆 como, la estancia hospitalaria y riesgo nutricional. Para esto, se realiz贸 una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica sistem谩tica siguiendo la metodolog铆a PRISMA de art铆culos sobre prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en ni帽os y adolescentes relacionada con enfermedades en pa铆ses latinoamericanos, publicados entre 1995 y enero del 2019. Fueron elegibles para su inclusi贸n los estudios que informaron datos sobre la prevalencia de desnutrici贸n en pacientes hospitalizados < de 18 a帽os con un tama帽o de muestra mayor a 50 sujetos. La revisi贸n se llev贸 a cabo por tres revisores independientes que evaluaron la calidad metodol贸gica. Como principal resultado se identifica que la prevalencia informada de desnutrici贸n en pacientes pedi谩tricos hospitalizados var铆a considerablemente. Esta cifra oscil贸 entre 3,3 y 67%. La diferencia se debe principalmente a la diversidad de las poblaciones evaluadas y a los m茅todos utilizados para detectar y evaluar el estado nutricional. Se tiene como principal conclusi贸n que la elevada variabilidad reportada en cuanto a evaluaci贸n del estado nutricional plantea la necesidad de la unificaci贸n de est谩ndares de clasificaci贸n que permitan favorecer la toma de decisiones a nivel hospitalario

    The case of enteral nutritional support tube in Colombia: Problems institutional coordination

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    Introducci贸n: el presente art铆culo estudia el caso de la prescripci贸n del soporte nutricional enteral por sonda en Colombia, analizada desde el marco del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud, y lo explica como resultado de un problema de coordinaci贸n institucional. Para ello se identifican el papel y los incentivos de los distintos agentes y se muestra c贸mo la interacci贸n de los mismos desincentiva el uso de la nutrici贸n enteral, en casos en los que esta es necesaria, con su correspondiente efecto cl铆nico para el paciente y el aumento de costes para el sistema. M茅todos: an谩lisis de los efectos que puede tener en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica el problema de la coordinaci贸n institucional de los entes reguladores del pa铆s. Analiza su origen y los incentivos e intereses de los distintos agentes involucrados, previa s铆ntesis de la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica pertinente. Se realiz贸 la b煤squeda en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Medline, ScienceDirect y Embase. Conclusiones: la situaci贸n actual del soporte nutricional enteral en Colombia es un equilibrio sub贸ptimo, resultado de un problema de coordinaci贸n institucional que solo puede ser resuelto cuando los agentes miren m谩s all谩 de sus incentivos locales, ya que el soporte nutricional es un componente fundamental de la atenci贸n hospitalaria y se constituye en un medio para lograr el objetivo de la salud de la poblaci贸n atendida.Introduction: this paper examines the case of prescription enteral nutritional support tube in Colombia, analyzed from the perspective of the Social Security System in Health, and explained as the result of a problem of institutional coordination. The role and incentives of different actors are identified and shown how the interaction of these discourages the use of enteral nutrition in cases where it is necessary, with corresponding clinical effect for the patient and increased cost for the system. Methods: analysis of the effects it may have in clinical practice the problem of institutional coordination of regulators in the country, analyze their origin and the incentives and interests of the various stakeholders, prior synthesis of the relevant literature review. The search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Medline, and Embase ScienceDirect. Conclusions: the current situation of enteral nutritional support in Colombia is the result of a suboptimal equilibrium, resulting from a problem of institutional coordination that can only be solved when the agents to look beyond their local incentives, and nutritional support is a key component of hospital care and constitutes a means to the end: the health of the population served. 漏 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los d铆as 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de pr谩cticas pedag贸gicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los d铆as 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019

    Trends in cost analyzes of enteral nutrition support technologies in hospitalized patients: literature review

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    Fundamentos: El papel de la nutrici贸n en los entornos hospitalarios, es de suma relevancia para la salud comunitaria, dada por la carga impuesta por la desnutrici贸n asociada a la enfermedad en los pacientes que conlleva a la necesidad de optimizar el uso de los recursos disponibles en los sistemas de salud. El objetivo fue identificar las tendencias de an谩lisis en la evaluaci贸n econ贸mica de las tecnolog铆as en soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes hospitalizados. M茅todos: Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de la literatura, basada en un rastreo bibliogr谩fico teniendo en cuenta elementos de la metodolog铆a establecidos por el Centro de Revisiones y Difusi贸n (CRD), de la Universidad de York, desde enero de 2005 hasta julio de 2017. Se incluyeron reportes en ingl茅s y espa帽ol. Resultados: Se identificaron 21 reportes, en la tipificaci贸n de las publicaciones, predominaron los art铆culos relacionados con an谩lisis de costo efectividad, minimizaci贸n de costos y revisiones sistem谩ticas en el tema, mientras que los art铆culos relacionados con an谩lisis de costo beneficio y costo utilidad representaron la menor proporci贸n. Conclusiones: Las tendencias en los an谩lisis econ贸micos de las tecnolog铆as en soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes hospitalizados se focalizan en an谩lisis de costo efectividad del soporte nutricional y rentabilidad de las f贸rmulas nutricionales especializadas.Background: The role of nutrition in hospital settings is of paramount relevance to community health, given the burden imposed by malnutrition associated with disease on patients that leads to the need to optimize the use of resources available in health systems. The objective was to identify analysis trends in the economic evaluation of enteral nutritional support technologies in hospitalized patients. Methods: A review of the literature was conducted, based on a bibliographic crawl taking into account elements of the methodology established by the Review and Dissemination Centre (CRD) of the University of York, from January 2005 to July 2017. Reports were included in English and Spanishindex (BMI) was calculated at the time of admission to the program and on different rehabilitation stages. Results: 21 reports were identified, in the classification of the publications, articles related to cost effectiveness analysis, cost minimization and systematic reviews on the subject predominated, while articles related to cost benefit and cost utility analysis represented the lowest proportion. Conclusions: Trends in economic analysis of enteral nutritional support technologies in hospitalized patients focus on cost-effectiveness analysis of nutritional support and cost-effectiveness of specialized nutritional formulas

    Protocolo para el manejo de nutrici贸n parenteral perif茅rica lista para usar en paciente quir煤rgico

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    "Introduction: Patients undergoing elective surgery, require a comprehensive clinical treatment that tends to maintain or prevent deterioration of nutritional status and promote clinical outcomes, and in turn improve the safety of parenteral nutrition therapy through optimization of technology, as a option aimed at minimizing risk and lower operating costs in institutions providing health services. Aim: To review the literature in order to study the requirements and recommendations of peripheral parenteral nutritional support and/or complementary ready to use in people undergoing surgery. Methods: Data synthesis after reviewing the relevant literature, to allow the protocol design. The search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Medline, Embase and Science Direct. Conclusions: Peripheral parenteral nutrition is a ready to use alternative nutritional support that improves the contribution Protein-Energy and demonstrate improvements in patient safety, decrease costs and increase patient satisfaction. 漏 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved.

    Trends in cost analyzes of enteral nutrition support technologies in hospitalized patients: literature review

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    Fundamentos: El papel de la nutrici贸n en los entornos hospitalarios, es de suma relevancia para la salud comunitaria, dada por la carga impuesta por la desnutrici贸n asociada a la enfermedad en los pacientes que conlleva a la necesidad de optimizar el uso de los recursos disponibles en los sistemas de salud. El objetivo fue identificar las tendencias de an谩lisis en la evaluaci贸n econ贸mica de las tecnolog铆as en soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes hospitalizados. M茅todos: Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de la literatura, basada en un rastreo bibliogr谩fico teniendo en cuenta elementos de la metodolog铆a establecidos por el Centro de Revisiones y Difusi贸n (CRD), de la Universidad de York, desde enero de 2005 hasta julio de 2017. Se incluyeron reportes en ingl茅s y espa帽ol. Resultados: Se identificaron 21 reportes, en la tipificaci贸n de las publicaciones, predominaron los art铆culos relacionados con an谩lisis de costo efectividad, minimizaci贸n de costos y revisiones sistem谩ticas en el tema, mientras que los art铆culos relacionados con an谩lisis de costo beneficio y costo utilidad representaron la menor proporci贸n. Conclusiones: Las tendencias en los an谩lisis econ贸micos de las tecnolog铆as en soporte nutricional enteral en pacientes hospitalizados se focalizan en an谩lisis de costo efectividad del soporte nutricional y rentabilidad de las f贸rmulas nutricionales especializadas.Background: The role of nutrition in hospital settings is of paramount relevance to community health, given the burden imposed by malnutrition associated with disease on patients that leads to the need to optimize the use of resources available in health systems. The objective was to identify analysis trends in the economic evaluation of enteral nutritional support technologies in hospitalized patients. Methods: A review of the literature was conducted, based on a bibliographic crawl taking into account elements of the methodology established by the Review and Dissemination Centre (CRD) of the University of York, from January 2005 to July 2017. Reports were included in English and Spanishindex (BMI) was calculated at the time of admission to the program and on different rehabilitation stages. Results: 21 reports were identified, in the classification of the publications, articles related to cost effectiveness analysis, cost minimization and systematic reviews on the subject predominated, while articles related to cost benefit and cost utility analysis represented the lowest proportion. Conclusions: Trends in economic analysis of enteral nutritional support technologies in hospitalized patients focus on cost-effectiveness analysis of nutritional support and cost-effectiveness of specialized nutritional formulas