17 research outputs found

    Water-Based Suspensions of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Electrostatic or Steric Stabilization by Chitosan: Fabrication, Characterization and Biocompatibility

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    Present day biomedical applications, including magnetic biosensing, demand better understanding of the interactions between living systems and magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). In this work spherical MNPs of maghemite were obtained by a highly productive laser target evaporation technique. XRD analysis confirmed the inverse spinel structure of the MNPs (space group Fd-3m). The ensemble obeyed a lognormal size distribution with the median value 26.8 nm and dispersion 0.362. Stabilized water-based suspensions were fabricated using electrostatic or steric stabilization by the natural polymer chitosan. The encapsulation of the MNPs by chitosan makes them resistant to the unfavorable factors for colloidal stability typically present in physiological conditions such as pH and high ionic force. Controlled amounts of suspensions were used for in vitro experiments with human blood mononuclear leukocytes (HBMLs) in order to study their morphofunctional response. For sake of comparison the results obtained in the present study were analyzed together with our previous results of the study of similar suspensions with human mesenchymal stem cells. Suspensions with and without chitosan enhanced the secretion of cytokines by a 24-h culture of HBMLs compared to a control without MNPs. At a dose of 2.3, the MTD of chitosan promotes the stimulating effect of MNPs on cells. In the dose range of MNPs 10-1000 MTD, chitosan "inhibits" cellular secretory activity compared to MNPs without chitosan. Both suspensions did not caused cell death by necrosis, hence, the secretion of cytokines is due to the enhancement of the functional activity of HBMLs. Increased accumulation of MNP with chitosan in the cell fraction at 100 MTD for 24 h exposure, may be due to fixation of chitosan on the outer membrane of HBMLs. The discussed results can be used for an addressed design of cell delivery/removal incorporating multiple activities because of cell capability to avoid phagocytosis by immune cells. They are also promising for the field of biosensor development for the detection of magnetic labels

    Nanoscale Electrical Potential and Roughness of a Calcium Phosphate Surface Promotes the Osteogenic Phenotype of Stromal Cells

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts respond to the surface electrical charge and topography of biomaterials. This work focuses on the connection between the roughness of calcium phosphate (CP) surfaces and their electrical potential (EP) at the micro- and nanoscales and the possible role of these parameters in jointly affecting human MSC osteogenic differentiation and maturation in vitro. A microarc CP coating was deposited on titanium substrates and characterized at the micro- and nanoscale. Human adult adipose-derived MSCs (hAMSCs) or prenatal stromal cells from the human lung (HLPSCs) were cultured on the CP surface to estimate MSC behavior. The roughness, nonuniform charge polarity, and EP of CP microarc coatings on a titanium substrate were shown to affect the osteogenic differentiation and maturation of hAMSCs and HLPSCs in vitro. The surface EP induced by the negative charge increased with increasing surface roughness at the microscale. The surface relief at the nanoscale had an impact on the sign of the EP. Negative electrical charges were mainly located within the micro- and nanosockets of the coating surface, whereas positive charges were detected predominantly at the nanorelief peaks. HLPSCs located in the sockets of the CP surface expressed the osteoblastic markers osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase. The CP multilevel topography induced charge polarity and an EP and overall promoted the osteoblast phenotype of HLPSCs. The negative sign of the EP and its magnitude at the micro- and nanosockets might be sensitive factors that can trigger osteoblastic differentiation and maturation of human stromal cells

    Heparin and Heparin-Based Drug Delivery Systems: Pleiotropic Molecular Effects at Multiple Drug Resistance of Osteosarcoma and Immune Cells

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    One of the main problems of modern health care is the growing number of oncological diseases both in the elderly and young population. Inadequately effective chemotherapy, which remains the main method of cancer control, is largely associated with the emergence of multidrug resistance in tumor cells. The search for new solutions to overcome the resistance of malignant cells to pharmacological agents is being actively pursued. Another serious problem is immunosuppression caused both by the tumor cells themselves and by antitumor drugs. Of great interest in this context is heparin, a biomolecule belonging to the class of glycosaminoglycans and possessing a broad spectrum of biological activity, including immunomodulatory and antitumor properties. In the context of the rapid development of the new field of “osteoimmunology,” which focuses on the collaboration of bone and immune cells, heparin and delivery systems based on it may be of intriguing importance for the oncotherapy of malignant bone tumors. Osteosarcoma is a rare but highly aggressive, chemoresistant malignant tumor that affects young adults and is characterized by constant recurrence and metastasis. This review describes the direct and immune-mediated regulatory effects of heparin and drug delivery systems based on it on the molecular mechanisms of (multiple) drug resistance in (onco) pathological conditions of bone tissue, especially osteosarcoma

    Causal Links between Hypovitaminosis D and Dysregulation of the T Cell Connection of Immunity Associated with Obesity and Concomitant Pathologies

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    Subclinical inflammation in morbid obesity is associated with immune activation and the development of concomitant diseases. Impaired immune homeostasis and immune cell dysregulation in adipose tissue are associated with phenotypic and functional changes in the pool of T lymphocytes and the development of chronic hypovitaminosis D. Low vitamin D levels in obesity lead to the activation, proliferation and production of pro-inflammatory mediators by T cells. Hypovitaminosis D is the cause of a decrease in the functional potential of regulatory and anti-inflammatory lymphocytes and the maintenance of the inflammatory response. The exact molecular genetic mechanisms of the effect of vitamin D on T lymphocytes have not been fully elucidated. Therefore, uncovering the functional role of T cells and their relationship to vitamin D homeostasis in the context of obesity development may contribute to the development of new pathogenetic methods for clinical prediction of the risk of metabolic, oncologic, autoimmune and infectious complications. The review presents the molecular genetic mechanisms of the effect of vitamin D on adipose tissue resident T lymphocytes and the characteristics of vitamin D receptor expression, and analyzes the phenotypic and functional characteristics of potentially pathogenic T lymphocytes in relation to the development of obesity and its associated complications

    Tissue-Specific Role of Macrophages in Noninfectious Inflammatory Disorders

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    Chronic inflammation may not begin with local tissue disorders, such as hypoxia, but with the accumulation of critically activated macrophages in one site. The purpose of this review is to analyze the data reported in the scientific literature on the features of the functions of macrophages and their contributions to the development of pathology in various tissues during aseptic inflammation in obese subjects. In individuals with obesity, increased migration of monocytes from the peripheral blood to various tissues, the proliferation of resident macrophages and a change in the balance between alternatively activated anti-inflammatory macrophages (M2) and pro-inflammatory classically activated macrophages (M1) towards the latter have been observed. The primary cause of some metabolic pathologies has been precisely identified as the recruitment of macrophages with an altered phenotype, which is probably typical for many other pathologies. Recent studies have identified phenotypes, such as metabolically activated M (MMe), oxidized (Mox), hemoglobin-related macrophages (Mhem and MHb), M4 and neuroimmunological macrophages (NAM, SAM), which directly and indirectly affect energy metabolism. The high heterogeneity of macrophages in tissues contributes to the involvement of these cells in the development of a wide range of immune responses, including pathological ones. The replenishment of tissue-specific macrophages occurs at the expense of infiltrating monocyte-derived macrophages (MoMFs) in the pathological process. The origin of MoMFs from a general precursor retains their common regulatory mechanisms and similar sensitivity to regulatory stimuli. This makes it possible to find universal approaches to the effect on these cells and, as a consequence, universal approaches for the treatment of various pathological conditions

    gp130 Activates Mitochondrial Dynamics for Hepatocyte Survival in a Model of Steatohepatitis

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    Obesity is the main cause of metabolic complications. Fatty liver infiltration is a companion of obesity. NAFLD is associated with impaired energy metabolism with an excess of nutrients. Mitochondrial dynamics are important for the regulation of energy balance, which regulates mitochondrial function, apoptosis, and mitophagy. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gp130 on the components of mitochondrial dynamics in a cellular model of steatohepatitis. Addition of IL-6/gp130 contributed to an increase in the percentage of live cells and a decrease in the percentage of dead and apoptotic cells. Addition of IL-6/gp130 increased the expression of NF-kB1 gene and mitochondrial dynamics markers (MFN2 and TFAM) in HepG2 with tBHP/Oleic. Addition of IL-6 or gp130 reduced the expression of cytoprotector genes (HSF1 and HSP70) in HepG2 cell cultures with tBHP/Oleic. Increased mitochondrial dynamics gene activity protected against HepG2 cell death in the steatohepatitis model. Trans-signaling resulted in increased TFAM and MAPLC3B, and decreased DNM1L gene expression in HepG2 with tBHP/Oleic

    gp130 Activates Mitochondrial Dynamics for Hepatocyte Survival in a Model of Steatohepatitis

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    Obesity is the main cause of metabolic complications. Fatty liver infiltration is a companion of obesity. NAFLD is associated with impaired energy metabolism with an excess of nutrients. Mitochondrial dynamics are important for the regulation of energy balance, which regulates mitochondrial function, apoptosis, and mitophagy. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gp130 on the components of mitochondrial dynamics in a cellular model of steatohepatitis. Addition of IL-6/gp130 contributed to an increase in the percentage of live cells and a decrease in the percentage of dead and apoptotic cells. Addition of IL-6/gp130 increased the expression of NF-kB1 gene and mitochondrial dynamics markers (MFN2 and TFAM) in HepG2 with tBHP/Oleic. Addition of IL-6 or gp130 reduced the expression of cytoprotector genes (HSF1 and HSP70) in HepG2 cell cultures with tBHP/Oleic. Increased mitochondrial dynamics gene activity protected against HepG2 cell death in the steatohepatitis model. Trans-signaling resulted in increased TFAM and MAPLC3B, and decreased DNM1L gene expression in HepG2 with tBHP/Oleic

    Calcium Chelidonate: Semi-Synthesis, Crystallography, and Osteoinductive Activity In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Calcium chelidonate [Ca(ChA)(H2O)3]n was obtained by semi-synthesis using natural chelidonic acid. The structure of the molecular complex was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The asymmetric unit of [Ca(ChA)(H2O)3]n includes chelidonic acid coordinated through three oxygen atoms, and three water ligands. The oxygen atoms of acid and oxygen atoms of water from each asymmetric unit are also coordinated to the calcium of another one, forming an infinite linear complex. Calcium geometry is close to the trigonal dodecahedron (D2d). The intra-complex hydrogen bonds additionally stabilize the linear species, which are parallel to the axis. In turn the linear species are packed into the 3D structure through mutual intercomplex hydrogen bonds. The osteogenic activity of the semi-synthetic CaChA was studied in vitro on 21-day hAMMSC culture and in vivo in mice using ectopic (subcutaneous) implantation of CaP-coated Ti plates saturated in vitro with syngeneic bone marrow. The enhanced extracellular matrix ECM mineralization in vitro and ectopic bone tissue formation in situ occurred while a water solution of calcium chelidonate at a dose of 10 mg/kg was used. The test substance promotes human adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (hAMMSCs), as well as mouse MSCs to differentiate into osteoblasts in vitro and in vivo, respectively. Calcium chelidonate is non-toxic and can stimulate osteoinductive processes

    Rough Titanium Oxide Coating Prepared by Micro-Arc Oxidation Causes Down-Regulation of hTERT Expression, Molecular Presentation, and Cytokine Secretion in Tumor Jurkat T Cells

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    The response of the human Jurkat T cell leukemia-derived cell line (Jurkat T cells) after 24 h of in vitro exposure to a titanium substrate (12 × 12 × 1 mm3) with a bilateral rough (Ra = 2.2–3.7 μm) titanium oxide coating (rTOC) applied using the micro-arc method in a 20% orthophosphoric acid solution was studied. A 1.5-fold down-regulation of hTERT mRNA expression and decreases in CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD95 presentation and IL-4 and TNFα secretion were observed. Jurkat T cell inactivation was not correlated with the generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and was not mediated by TiO2 nanoparticles with a diameter of 14 ± 8 nm at doses of 1 mg/L or 10 mg/L. The inhibitory effect of the rTOC (Ra = 2.2–3.7 μm) on the survival of Jurkat T cells (Spearman’s coefficient rs = −0.95; n = 9; p < 0.0001) was demonstrated by an increase in the necrotic cell count among the cell population. In turn, an elevation of the Ra index of the rTOC was accompanied by a linear increase (r = 0.6; p < 0.000001, n = 60) in the magnitude of the negative electrostatic potential of the titanium oxide surface. Thus, the roughness of the rTOC induces an electrostatic potential and decreases the viability of the immortalized Jurkat T cells through mechanisms unrelated to ROS generation. This may be useful for replacement surgery applications of rough TiO2 implants in cancer patients

    NGR4 and ERBB4 as Promising Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets for Metabolic Disorders

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    Obese individuals are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The aim of this review was to analyze the scientific literature and databases to reveal the fundamental role of neuregulin 4 (NRG4) and its receptors in the development of obesity-associated metabolic disorders. This review demonstrates that NRG4 and its receptors are promising therapeutic targets for the treatment of socially significant obesity-associated pathologies. The review contains nine chapters. Information on the structure of ERBB4 and NRG4 splice isoforms and subsequent activation of downstream targets is presented. The tissue-specific features of the NRG4 and ERBB4 genes and protein production are also highlighted. The role of NRG4 and ERBB3/4 in the pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of metabolic disorders in obesity is discussed in detail. The final chapter of the review is devoted to the miRNA-dependent regulation of NRG4 and ERBB4. Recent studies have shown that several miRNAs regulate ERBB4 expression, but no information was found on the interaction of NRG4 with miRNAs. We now demonstrate the putative relationships between NRG4 and let-7a-5p, let-7c-5p, miR-423-5p, miR-93-5p, miR-23a-3p, and miR-15b-5p for the first time. In addition, we found SNP mutations affecting the interaction of NRG4 and ERBB4 with miRNA in these genes as well as in miRNAs. In summary, this review provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the role of NRG4 in obesity-associated metabolic disorders. The review summarizes all current studies on this topic and opens perspectives for future research