32 research outputs found

    Mitotic Kinases in Meiosis

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    The goal of the first meiotic division is the faithful segregation of homologous chromosomes to produce a gamete with proper ploidy. To achieve this, chromosomes must align at the metaphase plate of a bipolar meiotic spindle, biorient and separate equally at anaphase. Compared to mitosis, meiotic divisions are associated with extra challenges for the mitotic cell division machinery. First, meiotic spindles are acentrosomal, and bipolarity establishment is more complex than during mitosis. Second, homologous chromosomes must biorient and separate during meiosis I, unlike during most other cell divisions, which separate sister chromatids. Meiotic cells have adapted the mitotic enzymatic machinery to regulate these meiotic processes. This dissertation describes the uniquely meiotic properties of two mitotic master regulators, Aurora B kinase (AURKB) and Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Chapter 2 addresses why mammalian oocytes have a germ-cell specific homolog of Aurora B kinase, Aurora C (AURKC). AURKB is required for chromosome biorientation and segregation during mitosis and meiosis, and most experimental evidence suggests that AURKC is not functionally different. To investigate the role of AURKC, the current study takes advantage of AURKC knock-out mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Chapter 2 shows that the effect of lacking AURKC becomes more pronounced and deleterious as meiosis and early embryonic divisions progress. I conclude that AURKC is likely required to compensate for the loss of AURKB protein, which is rapidly degraded during meiosis. Chapter 3 investigates CDK1 as the molecular clock responsible for the timing of kinetochore-microtubule attachments during meiosis I. Likely because of the prolonged spindle formation and bipolarity establishment in the acentrosomal mouse oocyte meiosis, kinetochore-microtubule attachments are delayed until late in metaphase I. This is unlike mitosis, where attachments are constantly made and broken. Chapter 3 answers the long-standing question of how attachments are timed. Using CDK1 inhibition and precocious activation techniques, I find that this kinase controls the timing of kinetochore-microtubule binding. The studies reported in this dissertation demonstrate the unique adaptations found in mitotic kinase AURKB and CDK1 functions to the unique requirements of meiotic divisions

    Розвиток компетентності в читанні у студентів першого курсу на матеріалах анломовних інтернет-новин

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    The article touches upon the problem of ESL reading strategies and skills development in the first year of studies at university. Reading is seen as a complex interactive process between a reader and a text where various kinds of knowledge are used: linguistic (through bottom-up processing) as well as schematic knowledge (through top-down processing). By the end of the first year students are to acquire Level B2 (Vantage) according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This means that they can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints; adapt style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes; scan quickly through the text locating relevant details; identify the content and relevance of news items on a wide rage of topics, etc. The authors of the article believe that the recourses of the websites News in Levels and Breaking News English meet all the requirements for texts aimed at developing key reading strategies and skills. The reading tasks introduced in the article involve three-phase procedures: pre-, while-, post-reading stages. The pre-reading stage helps to activate the relevant schema and motivate students before the actual reading takes place. The while-reading stage is aimed at developing students’ linguistic and schematic knowledge as well as crucial reading skills. The post-reading stage is used as a springboard for further language practice. The use of a balanced approach to teaching reading which incorporates both top-down and bottom-up processes proves to be an effective way to improve reading skills in L2У статті розглянуто питання формування компетентності в читанні у студентів-першокурсників на матеріалах англомовних Інтернет-новин. Авторами запропоновано методичні рекомендації, в яких представлена схема роботи над текстом новин у три етапи. У публікації подано комплекс вправ, що можуть бути використані в процесі формування англомовної компетентності в читанні. Обґрунтовано ефективність їх застосуванн

    Подкастинг як засіб формування компетентності в англомовному аудіюванні студентів молодших курсів

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    This paper addresses the issue of the use of podcasts in teaching listening skills to university students. Podcasts as new technology tools aim to help English learners to increase listening comprehension, providing them with authentic and motivating materials. The authors describe didactic characteristics and taxonomy of podcasts; prove using podcasts as one of interactive means to support learning process in developing listening skills. The aims of listening competence formation to first-year students are defined. By the end of the first year students are to acquire Level B2 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This means that they can comprehend large statements; follow the reasoning on contemporary topics; understand news, programs and films in literary language. Podcasts have three levels of difficulty and provide a transition from Level B1 to B2 and therefore can be applied to develop listening skills to first-year students. The main stages of developing students’ listening skills are specified. In the pre-listening stage students are prepared to listen to the podcast using their background knowledge. The while-listening stage is aimed at listening for gist, listening for details, making inferences and summarizing. In the post-listening stage the listeners are taken beyond the podcast content and set tasks which contribute to integrating other language skills. Examples of exercises which correspond to these three stages are provided. The process of listening applies "top-down" and "bottom-up" strategies. The "top-down" strategy focuses on listeners’ background knowledge, which activates the listener's expectation of the podcast and helps predict its content. The text is the key point in the “bottom-up” strategy, the purpose of which is to decode the information coming from the bottom. This model explains how information that comes in the form of audio signals is transformed. A balanced approach to choosing "top-down” or “bottom-up” strategy within the stages improves the process of forming competencies in listening to first-year studentsВ статье рассматриваются особенности применения подкастов в формировании компетентности в аудировании студентов-первокурсников. Авторами дается определение понятия "подкастинг" и раскрывается дидактический потенциал технологии подкастинга (доступность, аутентичность, информативность, актуальность, компетентность, автономность). Определены цели формирования речевой аудитивной компетентности студентов первого курса. Доказано, что подкасты, которые размещены на сайте Podcastsinenglish.com, имеют три уровня сложности и обеспечивают переход от уровня В1 к В2. Предоставляются характеристики с позиции таксономии подкаста: по типу, способа представления, продолжительности, автора, стиля, назначения. Авторами статьи предлагаются упражнения, разработанные на примере подкаста "CreatureComforts". Подробно охарактеризованы три этапа работы над подкастом: до прослушивания, прослушивание, после прослушивания. Целью этапа "До прослушивания" является введение студентов в контекст, устранение языковых трудностей, прогнозирования содержания. На этом этапе представлены рецептивно производительные, рецептивно репродуктивные коммуникативные и условно-коммуникативные упражнения без игрового компонента. Этап "Прослушивание" предусматривает собственно слушания подкаста дважды с целью получения общей и детальной информации. Авторами предлагаются рецептивно репродуктивные задания. На этапе "После прослушивания" все задания нацелены на реализацию принципа взаимосвязанного обучения видам речевой деятельности, а упражнения являются коммуникативными. Проанализированы стратегии аудирования "сверху вниз" (top-down) и "снизу вверх" (bottom-up) при разработке упражнений. Доказано использования стратегии "сверху вниз" в большинстве случаев, когда фоновые знания слушателя активируют его ожидания относительно содержания подкаста и помогают его спрогнозировать. Обоснована целесообразность применения разработанного комплекса упражнений, которые могут быть использованы в процессе формирования англоязычной аудитивной компетентности студентов-первокурсниковУ статті розглядаються особливості застосування подкастів у формуванні компетентності в аудіюванні у студентів-першокурсників. Авторами дається визначення поняття “подкастинг” та розкривається дидактичний потенціал технології подкастингу(доступність, автентичність, інформативність, актуальність, компетентність, автономність).Визначено цілі формування мовленнєвої аудитивної компетентності студентів першого курсу. Доведено, що подкасти, які розміщеніна сайті Podcastsinenglish.com, мають три рівні складності та забезпечують перехід від рівня В1 до В2. Надаються характеристики з позиції таксономії подкасту: за типом, способом представлення, тривалістю, автором, стилем, призначенням. Авторами статті пропонуються вправи, розроблені на прикладі подкасту “CreatureComforts”. Детально охарактеризовано три етапи роботи над подкастом: до прослуховування, прослуховування, після прослуховування. Метою етапу “До прослуховування” є введення студентів у контекст подкасту, усунення мовних труднощів, прогнозування змісту. На цьому етапі представлено рецептивно-продуктивні, рецептивно-репродуктивні комунікативні та умовно-комунікативні вправи без ігрового компоненту. Етап “Прослуховування” передбачає власне слухання подкасту двічі з метою отримання загальної та детальної інформації. Авторами пропонуються рецептивно-репродуктивні завдання відповідно до мети аудіювання. На етапі“Після прослуховування” усі завдання націлені на реалізацію принципу взаємопов’язаного навчання видів мовленнєвої діяльності, а запропоновані авторами вправи є комунікативними. Проаналізовано стратегії аудіювання “зверху донизу” (top-down) та“знизу вгору” (bottom-up)при розробці вправ. Доведено здебільшого використання стратегії “зверху донизу”, коли фонові знання слухача активують його очікування щодо змісту подкасту та допомагають його спрогнозувати. Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування розробленого комплексу вправ, що можуть бути використані в процесі формування англомовної аудитивної компетентності студентів-першокурсникі

    Radiometric Bimolecular Beacons for Sensitive Detection of RNA in Single Living Cells

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    Numerous studies have utilized molecular beacons (MBs) to image RNA expression in living cells; however, there is growing evidence that the sensitivity of RNA detection is significantly hampered by their propensity to emit false-positive signals. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a new RNA imaging probe called ratiometric bimolecular beacon (RBMB), which combines functional elements of both conventional MBs and siRNA. Analogous to MBs, RBMBs elicit a fluorescent reporter signal upon hybridization to complementary RNA. In addition, an siRNA-like doublestranded domain is used to facilitate nuclear export. Accordingly, live-cell fluorescent imaging showed that RBMBs are localized predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas MBs are sequestered into the nucleus. The retention of RBMBs within the cytoplasmic compartment led to \u3e15-fold reduction in false-positive signals and a significantly higher signal-to-background compared with MBs. The RBMBs were also designed to possess an optically distinct reference fluorophore that remains unquenched regardless of probe confirmation. This reference dye not only provided a means to track RBMB localization, but also allowed single cell measurements of RBMB fluorescence to be corrected for variations in probe delivery. Combined, these attributes enabled RBMBs to exhibit an improved sensitivity for RNA detection in living cells

    Напрями впровадження іноземної інноваційної практики в кадрове забезпечення судово-експертних установ України

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    The authors aimed to outline introduction directions of foreign innovative practices in the staffing of forensic science institutions of Ukraine. In order to achieve the goal, a system of general scientific methods (theoretical generalization, comparison, system analysis and formalization) was applied. It was established that in the field of HR management in recent years, a synthesis of various models has been used among which the Western European and American ones (despite certain differences) have common cornerstones making them the most suitable for improving the staffing of domestic institutions and enterprises, in particular forensic science institutions. Western innovations in HR policy (planning, search, selection, hiring (determination of requirements for  specific job position, attraction and selection of candidates) and adaptation (mentoring and coaching) of employees: psychophysiological, socio-psychological, professional, organizational ones) were analyzed and compared with established trends in the work of Ukrainian HR departments. Attention is focused on: training (informal, specific duties, continuous and self-education) and development of employees; specifics of calculating their wages (in particular, the expediency of using multi-factor methods of assessing personal contribution of each employee from the standpoint of effectiveness, quality, initiative, timeliness of execution and modernity of working methods, compliance with safety techniques, speed of adaptation to new conditions, etc. was considered); motivation and formation of a favorable climate in the team for further development of each employee; assessment and certification of employees (using, in particular, psychological, practical and prognostic methods).Автори мали на меті окреслити напрями запровадження іно-земної інноваційної практики в кадрове забезпечення судово-експерт-них установ України. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосова-но систему загальнонаукових методів (теоретичне узагальнення, порівняння, системний аналіз і формалізацію). Констатовано, що у сфері управління персоналом останніми роками послуговуються синтезом різних моделей, із-поміж яких західноєвропейська й аме-риканська (незважаючи на певні відмінності) мають спільні наріж-ні ознаки, завдяки чому є найбільш придатними для вдосконалення кадрового забезпечення вітчизняних організацій, установ і підпри-ємств, зокрема судово-експертних. Проаналізовано західні інновації у кадровій політиці (планування, пошук, добір, наймання (визна-чення вимог до конкретної посади, залучення та відбір кандидатів) і адаптування (наставництво й коучинг) працівників — психофізі-ологічну, соціально-психологічну, професійну, організаційну), зістав-лено їх із тенденціями в роботі українських відділів кадрів. Увагу акцентовано на: навчанні (неформальному, конкретних обов’язків, безперервному й самоосвіті) та розвиткові працівників; особли-востях розрахунку їхньої заробітної плати (зокрема, розгляну-то доцільність використання багаточинних методів оцінювання персонального внеску кожного працівника з позицій результатив-ності, якості, ініціативності, своєчасності виконання й сучасності методів роботи, дотримання техніки безпеки, швидкості пристосу-вання до нових умов тощо); мотивуванні та формуванні сприятливого клімату в колективі для подальшого розвитку кожного із працівників; оцінюванні та атестуванні працівників (із застосуванням, зокрема, психологічних, практичних і прогностичних методів)

    Essential Role for endogenous siRNAs during meiosis in mouse oocytes.

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    The RNase III enzyme DICER generates both microRNAs (miRNAs) and endogenous short interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs). Both small RNA species silence gene expression post-transcriptionally in association with the ARGONAUTE (AGO) family of proteins. In mammals, there are four AGO proteins (AGO1-4), of which only AGO2 possesses endonucleolytic activity. siRNAs trigger endonucleolytic cleavage of target mRNAs, mediated by AGO2, whereas miRNAs cause translational repression and mRNA decay through association with any of the four AGO proteins. Dicer deletion in mouse oocytes leads to female infertility due to defects during meiosis I. Because mouse oocytes express both miRNAs and endo-siRNAs, this phenotype could be due to the absence of either class of small RNA, or both. However, we and others demonstrated that miRNA function is suppressed in mouse oocytes, which suggested that endo-siRNAs, not miRNAs, are essential for female meiosis. To determine if this was the case we generated mice that express a catalytically inactive knock-in allele of Ago2 (Ago2ADH) exclusively in oocytes and thereby disrupted the function of siRNAs. Oogenesis and hormonal response are normal in Ago2ADH oocytes, but meiotic maturation is impaired, with severe defects in spindle formation and chromosome alignment that lead to meiotic catastrophe. The transcriptome of these oocytes is widely perturbed and shows a highly significant correlation with the transcriptome of Dicer null and Ago2 null oocytes. Expression of the mouse transcript (MT), the most abundant transposable element in mouse oocytes, is increased. This study reveals that endo-siRNAs are essential during meiosis I in mouse females, demonstrating a role for endo-siRNAs in mammals.This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grants HD022681 (to RMS), and R37 GM062534-14 (to GJH), National Human Genome Research Institute 5T32HG000046-13 (to FL) and by a kind gift from Kathryn W. Davis. GJH is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLoS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.100501

    Prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in Saint Petersburg

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in St. Petersburg, as well as to characterize the identified virus isolates. The study material was represented by 2800 blood plasma samples collected in 2019 from blood donors living in St. Petersburg. The ELISA study for HBV marker rate consisted of HBsAg, anti-HBs IgG, anti-HBcore IgG. HBV DNA was analyzed by nested PCR with real-time hybridization-fluorescence detection on three targets allowing to determine virus DNA at low viral load, including HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B serological markers were detected in 69.43% of those surveyed, HBsAg was found in 0.43% of individuals, and all of which donated blood first time. A significant excess of the anti-HBcore IgG antibodies occurrence among primary donors (15.1%) compared with repeated/regular donors (7.48%) was shown. The prevalence of virus DNA in the group was 3.14%, including 2.71% of cases in HBsAg-negative CHB. Based on phylogenetic analysis of 88 isolates, HBV subgenotypes were determined in the following order: D1 and D2, 40.91% each, D3 and A2, 9.09% each. While determining the serological subtype in detected isolates, the serotype ayw3 (52.27%) vs ayw2 (46.59%) and adw2 (10.23%) prevailed. Drug resistance mutations, including compensatory ones, were detected in six examined patients (6.82%). In all genotype D isolates, multiple amino acid substitutions were identified in the RT, SHB, MHB, LHB, and Core regions; mutations in the preCore region were detected in 21.59% samples. In the MHR of the HBV genotype D genome, twenty-six positions were identified in which amino acid substitutions occurred, and all isolates showed modifications at positions 113, 114, 131, 134, 159, 161, 168, in 76 — at position 122, in 68 — at position 127, in 36 — at position 118, in 24 — at position 128. In HBV A2 isolates, mutations T113S, S143T, Y161F were identified. Nine isolates in the preCore region showed a polymorphism including a stop codon W28*W; in five isolates the W28S substitution was shown in the same position, and the W28*S variant was found in one more sample. The high incidence of HBsAg-negative CHB cases among blood donors, as well as the predominance of HBV isolates that simultaneously carry mutations resulting in diagnostic failure of HBsAg tests and prophylactic failure of immunoglobulin or vaccines and virus reactivation, mutations that contribute to disease progression obviously pose a threat to health and require to be further examined

    Spectrum of Genetic Changes in Patients with Non-Syndromic Hearing Impairment and Extremely High Carrier Frequency of 35delG GJB2 Mutation in Belarus

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    The genetic nature of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) has so far been studied for many ethnic groups in various parts of the world. The single-nucleotide guanine deletion (35delG) of the GJB2 gene coding for connexin 26 was shown to be the main genetic cause of autosomal recessive deafness among Europeans. Here we present the results of the first study of GJB2 and three mitochondrial mutations among two groups of Belarusian inhabitants: native people with normal hearing (757 persons) and 391 young patients with non-syndromic SNHL. We have found an extremely high carrier frequency of 35delG GJB2 mutation in Belarus −5.7%. This point deletion has also been detected in 53% of the patients with SNHL. The 312del14 GJB2 was the second most common mutation in the Belarus patient cohort. Mitochondrial A1555G mt-RNR1 substitution was found in two SNHL patients (0.55%) but none were found in the population cohort. No individuals carried the A7445G mutation of mitochondrial mt-TS1. G7444A as well as T961G substitutions were detected in mitochondrial mt-RNR1 at a rate of about 1% both in the patient and population cohorts. A possible reason for Belarusians having the highest mutation carrier frequency in Europe 35delG is discussed

    Quantum dots as fret donors in molecular beacons

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    Quantum dots (QD) are fluorescent semiconductor nanostructures that have the ability to emit light through the visible and infrared regions. Due to various coatings of quantum dots, they can be conjugated to macromolecules such as peptides, DNA or RNA. Oligonucleotides tethered to fluorophores or quenchers can be used for such conjugations to achieve fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the QD and the dye/quencher when excited by UV light; this is due to the hairpin sequences encoded into the nucleotides, which bring the FRET acceptor within the Foster radius of the QD. In order to utilize these molecular beacons as gene expression monitors, reversibility of FRET is necessary. This was achieved by incubation of beacons with oligonucleotides of complimentary sequence and allowing the strands to denature fully and anneal. An increase in the distance between the fluorescent dye and the quantum dot in beacons hybridized to complimentary oligonucleotides brought the dye out of the Foster radius and resulted in FRET reversal. FRET reversal was observed using steady state fluorescence analysis and fluorescent lifetime measurement. As a result of this study, a successful molecular beacon as well as quenched beacon conjugation protocol was established and reversible FRET was achieved with organic dyes as FRET acceptors through complementation