9 research outputs found

    Discourse of Inclusion in the Complexity Era: In the BRICS Space

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    The relevance of the study is explained by the need to comprehend the expansion of the inclusion discourse in the situation of continuing complication of socio-cultural interaction in the BRICS countries. The modern society’s growing need to create an inclusive community, which professes the values of diversity, is associated with the complication of the socio-cultural landscape. The concept of inclusion complexity as a form of thinking that diagnoses and overcomes the devaluation of a person in all possible contexts are presented in the research by the example of the diverse experience of inclusive initiatives’ deployment in the BRICS countries. The authors emphasise that an adequate study of this phenomenon is impossible outside the study of each country’s socio-cultural experience. For optimal results, it was essential to analyse and describe the processes of inclusion formation in the BRICS format in the context of comparing existing approaches. It allowed both to identify the national specifics and to identify the universal mechanisms of inclusion formation as of a modern cultural phenomenon. The authors conceptualize the need to maintain dependencies between different types of social experience in South Africa, which reveals the importance of a comprehensive approach to overcoming existing problems connected with poverty, inequality, gender issues, and existing unemployment. The research describes the experience of implementing the inclusion policy in the sphere of culture and education in Brazil and India. Various aspects of inclusion formation in China are revealed: it is emphasized that the negative attitude towards people with health disorders is due to the socio-cultural context. The problems of financial inclusion are considered in the context of the experience of their solvation in China and India. The authors turn to the diverse experience of implementing inclusive initiatives in Russia, demonstrating the complexity of inclusion formation as a new form of humanistic thinking

    Problemas de gestión empresarial en la actual situación de crisis

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    The paper examines the problems faced by enterprises in the real sector of the economy. These problems are not new; they have been discussed in the scientific community for a decade, but in today's realities, when the entire world economy lives in a pandemic, these problems have become aggravated and require a serious, balanced approach to their solution. All economic crises are primarily reflected in investment activity. That is why it is necessary to highlight economic security to ensure the effectiveness of budget investments. In this area, the bulk of violations and sometimes crimes are observed in the financial and investment area of relations of all participants in business processes in the economy. In general methodological terms, the article substantiates and reveals a proposal for organizing a system of indicative analysis and regulation of production volumes and production and economic activities of enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy as an organizational tool for resolving crisis situations in the economy. Both external and internal factors are touched upon, which caused the current unsatisfactory state of the Russian economy. In a concrete plan, the author's proposals on the directions and ways of overcoming the current crisis phenomena in the Russian economy are presented.El documento examina los problemas que enfrentan las empresas en el sector real de la economía. Estos problemas no son nuevos; se han debatido en la comunidad científica durante una década, pero en la realidad actual, cuando toda la economía mundial vive en una pandemia, estos problemas se han agravado y requieren un enfoque serio y equilibrado para su solución. Todas las crisis económicas se reflejan principalmente en la actividad inversora. Por eso es necesario resaltar la seguridad económica en el campo de asegurar la efectividad de las inversiones presupuestarias. Es en esta área donde se observan la mayor parte de las violaciones y, en ocasiones, los delitos en el área financiera y de inversión de las relaciones de todos los participantes en los procesos comerciales de la economía. En términos metodológicos generales, el artículo fundamenta y revela una propuesta de organización de un sistema de análisis indicativo y regulación de los volúmenes de producción y actividades productivas y económicas de las empresas y organizaciones del sector real de la economía, como herramienta organizativa para resolver situaciones de crisis en la economía. Se abordan los factores, tanto externos como internos, que causaron el actual estado insatisfactorio de la economía rusa. En un plan concreto, se presentan las propuestas del autor sobre las direcciones y formas de superar los fenómenos de crisis actuales en la economía rusa

    Problemas de gestión empresarial en la actual situación de crisis

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    El documento examina los problemas que enfrentan las empresas en el sector real de la economía. Estos problemas no son nuevos; se han debatido en la comunidad científica durante una década,pero en la realidad actual, cuando toda la economía mundial vive en una pandemia, estos problemas se han agravado y requieren un enfoque serio y equilibrado para su solución. Todas las crisis económicas se reflejan principalmente en la actividad inversora. Por eso es necesario resaltar la seguridad económica en el campo de asegurar la efectividad de las inversiones presupuestarias. Es en esta área donde se observan la mayor parte de las violaciones y, en ocasiones, los delitos en el área financiera y de inversión de las relaciones de todos los participantes en los procesos comerciales de la economía. En términos metodológicos generales, el artículo fundamenta y revela una propuesta de organización de un sistema de análisis indicativo y regulación de los volúmenes de producción y actividades productivas y económicas de las empresas y organizaciones del sector real de la economía, como herramienta organizativa para resolver situaciones de crisis en la economía. Se abordan los factores, tanto externos como internos, que causaron el actual estado insatisfactorio de la economía rusa. En un plan concreto, se presentan las propuestas del autor sobre las direcciones y formas de superar los fenómenos de crisis actuales en la economía rus

    Комплексная лучевая диагностика placenta increta: клиническое наблюдение

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    One of the actual problems of modern obstetrics is the obstetric bleedings at the postnatal period. The abnormal attachment of placenta is the most significant reason for postnatal bleedings, making 36% of cases of maternal mortality of blood loss. Clinical case of pregnant P, 37 years old, with the verified case of placenta increta is presented. Opportunities of the set of radiological methods of diagnostic (US and MRI) for searching of abnormal attachment of placenta are shown. Ultrasound findings: the placenta is on the front wall of a uterus, completely blocks the area of internal os with transition to a back wall of a uterus, on some sites lack of the border between miometry and placentary tissue is seen on imaging. Color Doppler shows multiple lacunas with a turbulent blood flow. MRI data (T1, T2 (FASE), T2 SSFP): the placenta is located on the front, back and right side of uterus walls, going down to internal os, completely blocking it. In the area of a postsurgical scar throughout 35 mm, the heterogeneity of miometry due to existence of the expanded spiral vessel visually not separating from a back wall of a bladder is noted. Cesarean delivery was carried out at 35 weeks according to vital indications.. During the operation there was revealed an extensive germination of placenta into the lower segment of the uterus which demanded the metroplastic by Petrovsky.Одной из актуальных проблем современного акушерства являются кровотечения, связанные с послеродовым периодом. Значимой причиной послеродовых кровотечений является аномальное прикрепление плаценты, которое составляет 36% случаев материнской смертности от кровопотери. Представлено клиническое наблюдение беременной П., 37 лет, с верифицированным случаем врастания плаценты. Продемонстрированы возможности комплекса лучевых методов исследования (УЗИ и МРТ) для диагностики аномалии прикрепления плаценты. Данные УЗИ: плацента располагается по передней стенке матки, полностью перекрывает область внутреннего зева с переходом на заднюю стенку матки, на отдельных участках определяется отсутствие границы между миометрием и плацентарной тканью. При ЦДК - на границе базальной мембраны плаценты и стенки матки полихромные зоны. Данные МРТ (Т1, Т2 (FASE), Т2 SSFP взвешенные изображения): плацента расположена по передней, задней и правой боковой стенкам матки, спускаясь до внутреннего зева, полностью перекрывая его. В области послеоперационного рубца на протяжении 35 мм отмечается неоднородность структуры миометрия за счет наличия расширенных извитых сосудов, визуально не отделяющихся от задней стенки мочевого пузыря. По жизненным показаниям в 35 нед было проведено донное кесарево сечение. В ходе операции было обнаружено обширное прорастание плацентой нижнего сегмента матки, потребовавшее метропластики по Петровскому

    Polylogical Core of Modern Intercultural Interaction Models

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    The article is devoted to the problems of transformation and phenomenon of complication of intercultural communication models. The significance of the study lies in the fact that intercultural communication through the prism of cultural and civilizational developments reflects the sociocultural changes taking place at all levels of social development. The problem of application of theoretical knowledge about the communicative paradigm of modern culture with its polylogical core for the development of a specific model of intercultural communication and effective cultural policy relates to the difficulties of achieving compliance of the research results with the real state of the sociocultural environment. Basing on the previous and current research approaches and taking into consideration a systemic and synergistic approach as well as a dialogue concept, the authors aim to investigate theoretical modeling of intercultural interaction. As a result of investigation, the authors conclude that the study of models of intercultural interaction cannot be carried out without understanding the principles and factors of the dynamics of cultural changes in the modern world which allows us to consider the transition from a dialogue model to a polylogue model as a natural stage in the dynamics of culture. Also, the methodological set of philosophical and cultural studies of the dynamics of modern culture is proved as constantly expanding due to the new tendencies, like total digitalization. It is stated that overcoming outdated models of intercultural interaction and adopting the new ones is a long process that must be tested by the human societ

    Проект, устремленный в будущее. Интервью с О.Н. Астафьевой

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    Interview about role and place of a library in cultural and educational processes containing a participant’s opinion on the subject of the conference.О роли и месте библиотеки в культурно-образовательном процессе, о впечатлениях от прошедшей конференции рассказывает участник конференции

    Criteria approach to assessing the business stability of industrial and energy enterprises

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    The paper presents the results of the study in the field of ensuring the business stability of industrial and energy enterprises by determining the influence of external and internal factors. Identification of stability criteria was carried out by an expert survey using a simple but reliable mathematical apparatus. The final integral indicator of the economic stability of an industrial enterprise was obtained by a calculation and expert method using economic and mathematical modeling. The proposed method is quite universal and can be used to assess the stability of an enterprise over time, as well as to compare the stability of several enterprises with each other

    α‑Amylase@Ferria: Magnetic Nanocomposites with Enhanced Thermal Stability for Starch Hydrolysis

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    The present study is devoted to the development of a new class recyclable magnetic catalytic nanocomposites for starch hydrolysis. α-Amylase was entrapped within a magnetite-derived xerogel matrix in a course of a room-temperature sol–gel transition, leading to enzyme immobilization within the pores of a rigid magnetic matrix. For hybrid organo-inorganic composites with enzyme mass fractions less than 10 wt %, no enzyme leaching was observed. At 80 °C, the amylase@ferria composite demonstrates catalytic activity on the level of 10 units/mg and the starch hydrolysis rate comparable to free enzyme, while at 90 °C, the activity of amylase@ferria is at least twice higher than that of free amylase as a result of higher thermal stability of the composite. Entrapped amylase showed excellent stability and lost only 9% of its activity after 21 days of storage in a buffer solution, while free enzyme was totally inactivated after 17 days. The material can be used as either a magnetically separable reusable catalyst or a catalytic ceramic coating with at least 10 cycles of use

    Toward personalization of asthma treatment according to trigger factors

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    International audienceAsthma is a severe and chronic disabling disease affecting more than 300 million people worldwide. Although in the past few drugs for the treatment of asthma were available, new treatment options are currently emerging, which appear to be highly effective in certain subgroups of patients. Accordingly, there is a need for biomarkers that allow selection of patients for refined and personalized treatment strategies. Recently, serological chip tests based on microarrayed allergen molecules and peptides derived from the most common rhinovirus strains have been developed, which may discriminate 2 of the most common forms of asthma, that is, allergen- and virus-triggered asthma. In this perspective, we argue that classification of patients with asthma according to these common trigger factors may open new possibilities for personalized management of asthma