125 research outputs found

    Интертекст в повести Сергея Довлатова “Заповедник” (Пушкин и русская классика)

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    Рассматривается интертекстуальное поле повести Сергея Довлатова „Заповедник”, устанавливаются пушкинские и постпушкинские диалоговые межтекстовые связи и аллюзии. Среди претекстов Довлатова названы пушкинские „Евгений Онегин”, „Повести Белкина”, „Дубровский”, „Каменный гость”, „Капитанская дочка”, „Я вас любил…”, „Андрей Шенье”, „Вновь я посетил…”, „Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный…” и др. Однако, как показано в статье, мозаика претекстов „Заповедника” много шире и богаче. Постпушкинские претексты в работе означены именами И. Гончарова („Обломов”), А. Блока („Незнакомка” и др.), А. Солженицына („Матренин двор”), В. Шукшина („Срезал”), Вен. Ерофеева („Москва – Петушки”), Вяч. Пьецуха („Жизнь негодяя”), романами И. Ильфа и Евг. Петрова („Двенадцать стульев”, „Золотой теленок”) и др. Делается вывод, что осмысление интертекста в повести Довлатова позволяет выйти на более емкие („вечные”) литературные аллюзии и параллели, установить между классическими и современными текстами вневременную смысловую синхронию

    The basic principles of the European state and dynamics of the political and legal development within the Russian Federation

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    The aim of the article is to identify the basic principles of European State and its approval within modern Russia, as well as the specifics of political and legal development of the latter. The methodological basis of research work used the dialectical, phenomenological analysis and synergetic methods to reveal the essence of the basic principles of a European state and the specificity of their adoption in contemporary Russia. The study authors concluded that the implementation of the above principles in practice of political and legal development in Russia is associated with the activity of its civil society, in dialectical interaction with the state.peer-reviewe

    Development of the Personnel Risks Assessment and Supply Chain Strategy as a Basis of the Risk Management System of Modern Organizations

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    The integration of risk management technologies into the business processes of modern organizations serves as the key to highly efficient, stable and sustainable development of any business entity by considering the supply chain strategy. The sphere of management of personnel flows of organizations calls for special attention and needs an adaptive, flexible and integrated risk management system able to ensure both the timely achievement of strategic goals and a high level of personnel security of organizations. The objective of the study is to analyze existing personnel risks and develop an adaptive, universal methodology for assessing their likelihood, with further modeling of possible risk scenarios. In the framework of the study, a two-stage method for estimating the probability of occurrence of 30 personnel risks characteristic of different types of personnel flows was tested. Possible scenarios were simulated using the Scenario Manager method. Modern Russian trade organizations seeking to build an effective personnel security management system can use the methodical approach proposed by the authors in their risk management system

    Web Forum as a Means of Development of Sociocultural Skills of University Students Specializing in Translation and Interpreting

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    Modern information and communication technologies which seemed to be a distant future just a few years ago became a reality quite quickly. In this regard, the issue of using the web forum in development of socio-cultural knowledge and skills of students has become relevant. The learning process can undoubtedly be intensified by means of targeted expansion of the scope of application of Internet technologies. The article aims to represent an educational system of development of sociocultural skills of students majoring in Translation and Interpreting by means of the web forum and to offer an algorithm for its implementation in the course of experimental training involving web forums. The article defines the set of sociocultural skills of students in Translation and Interpreting, which is formed on the basis of the web-forum. The author's educational program and methodical conditions for development of socio-cultural skills by means of web forums, as well as an algorithm for development of sociocultural skills of students on the basis of the described Internet technology are described


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    The topicality of this work consists in the fact that even at the present time one of the significant problems in pediatrics remains tuberculosis in infancy and toddlerhood. And today, in spite of successful preventive work at all levels, theproportion of young children in the structure of tuberculosis in children and adolescents prevails. Such patients require aspecial approach to treatment and prevention of the disease. Timely diagnosis often leads to a quick and complete cure.Актуальность данной работы состоит в том, что и в настоящее время одной из значимых проблем в педиатрии остается туберкулез у детей раннего возраста. И сегодня, несмотря на успешную профилактическую работуна всех уровнях, доля детей раннего возраста в структуре туберкулеза у детей и подростков преобладает. Такиепациенты нуждаются в особом подходе к лечению и профилактике заболевания. Своевременная диагностиказачастую приводит к быстрому и полному излечению

    Profitable Production as a Socio-Economic Based on Supply Chain Management with Lean Production

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    Abstract— The article discusses organizational, economic and managerial relations that determine the supply chain management and the system of elements of “lean production” in human resource management. The essence and interrelation of the management system of organizational behavior and elements of corporate Lean culture are revealed, the possible directions of the influence of lean production culture on the organizational behavior of employees, considering the specifics of the personnel management of a particular organization, are substantiated. It was concluded that the basis of the strategy of managing organizational behavior should be a “lean” approach, involving the creation of a corporate culture of lean manufacturing, conditions for managing group work, corporate communications, managing teams, and leaders able to unlock the potential of employees. The main principles of a lean approach are: “sustainable socio-economic development is transformation in the minds and actions of personnel” and “lean synergy is a factor and resource for increasing productivity”

    Hereditary Dental Diseases – Clinical Diagnosis and Strategies for Treatment and Rehabilitation

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    AIM: The research has been aimed at optimization of approaches to diagnosis, prevention, and treatment strategies to the hereditary dental diseases based on the analysis of modern relevant information. METHODS: Using the methods of content analysis and cluster analysis, the information included in periodicals, as well as educational and non-regulatory publications for the period of 2011–2019, was systematized and structured; the analysis of sources devoted to modern approaches to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hereditary dental diseases, their genetic etiology, with the description of clinical cases and illustrations for each example, was conducted; hereditary dental diseases were classified; based on a comparative analysis, approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these diseases were optimized. RESULTS: The most significant hereditary dental diseases have been identified, the classification of approaches to their diagnosis and treatment has been presented, the scheme of drug therapy has been optimized depending on the pathology. CONCLUSION: The systematic analysis of information on hereditary dental diseases with the description of clinical cases for each nosology has been carried out for the 1st time, and the approaches to their diagnosis and treatment have been optimized with due consideration of domestic and foreign experience

    Migration Potential of Students and Development of Human Capital

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    Studying student migration trends is a significant task in studying human capital development as one of the leading factors in sustainable socio-economic development. The migration potential of students impacts the opportunities and prospects for sustainable development. The study of factors influencing the migration behavior of students acquires special significance in this article. The interpersonal competencies of the population impact its migration potential. Migration processes impact the differentiation of regions in terms of human capital. This article is based on theoretical and practical research on human capital, its formation, development, and migration as a factor in human capital development. The practical part of the study presents an analysis of data obtained from a sociological study of the factors that determine internal and international migration. An anonymous sociological survey of students in Ekaterinburg, Kursk, and Tomsk (Russia) was conducted in several stages. The first stage was implemented in October and December 2020 (N = 958). The second stage was implemented in October and November 2021 (N = 960). This study allows for tracing how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the migration potential of students and their desire for a satisfactory career path