49 research outputs found

    Body size as an implicit factor: case studies of life-history strategies and behaviour

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    Body size has a potential to influence almost any trait in animal biology. The thesis contains four case studies (I - IV) covering four various situations and four various taxa, mainly squamate reptiles (Lepidosauria). Body size is a connecting factor for all these studies, in which I and my co-authors tried to elucidate various implications of body size. I. The sex ratio in Cuban boa (Chilabothrus angulifer) litters is often male or female biased. The neonates are so large, that are able to accept the same type of prey as are adults (in contrast to the other Chilabothrus species). We found that both the sexes are of the same size and shape at birth. Large size of the neonates a long lifespan lead to considerable generation overlaps. This could clarify our findings that small females produce sons whereas the larger ones deliver daughters. Males are smaller than females, probably also less philopatric and refuse food during breeding season. We can conclude that females manipulate the sex ratio of neonates according to its own body size, in order to decrease the probability of competition with their own offspring. II. Mangrove-dwelling monitor lizard (Varanus indicus) shows one of the greatest degrees of sexual size dimorphism among monitor lizards. We recorded the growth of the individuals from...Velikost je jedním z nejdůležitějších faktorů, který ovlivňuje veškerou biologii zvířat. Tato práce obsahuje čtyři publikace (I - IV), v nichž jsem se spolu se spoluautory pokusila objasnit různé souvislosti velikosti těla, a to ve čtyřech různých situacích u čtyř různých taxonů, většinou šupinatých plazů (Lepidosauria). I. Vrhy hroznýšovce kubánského (Chilabothrus angulifer) mají často vychýlený poměr pohlaví. Mláďata se rodí tak velká, že mohou na rozdíl od příbuzných druhů hroznýšovců přijímat stejný druh kořisti jako dospělci. Prokázali jsme, že obě pohlaví se rodí ve stejné velikosti a neliší se ani tvarem těla. Velké rozměry novorozenců a dlouhá doba dožití vedou ke značnému překryvu generací. To by mohlo vysvětlit naše zjištění, že malé samice rodí hlavně syny, zatímco velké dcery. Samci hroznýšovců jsou menší než samice, zřejmě jsou méně filopatričtí a navíc během období páření nepřijímají potravu. Lze tedy předpokládat, že samice podle vlastní velikosti těla manipulují poměrem pohlaví tak, aby snížily pravděpodobnost kompetice s vlastními mláďaty. II. Varan mangrovový (Varanus indicus) vykazuje jeden z nejvýraznějších velikostních pohlavních dimorfismů mezi varany. My jsme sledovali růst mláďat od vylíhnutí do téměř plné velikosti. Zjistili jsme, že obě pohlaví mají na začátku stejnou...Department of ZoologyKatedra zoologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Riociguat treatment in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Final safety data from the EXPERT registry

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    Objective: The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat is approved for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and inoperable or persistent/recurrent chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) following Phase

    The development of sexual size dimorphism in some boid snakes (Boidae)

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    Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The development of sexual size dimorphism in some boid snakes (Boidae)

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    Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Body size as an implicit factor: case studies of life-history strategies and behaviour

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    Body size has a potential to influence almost any trait in animal biology. The thesis contains four case studies (I - IV) covering four various situations and four various taxa, mainly squamate reptiles (Lepidosauria). Body size is a connecting factor for all these studies, in which I and my co-authors tried to elucidate various implications of body size. I. The sex ratio in Cuban boa (Chilabothrus angulifer) litters is often male or female biased. The neonates are so large, that are able to accept the same type of prey as are adults (in contrast to the other Chilabothrus species). We found that both the sexes are of the same size and shape at birth. Large size of the neonates a long lifespan lead to considerable generation overlaps. This could clarify our findings that small females produce sons whereas the larger ones deliver daughters. Males are smaller than females, probably also less philopatric and refuse food during breeding season. We can conclude that females manipulate the sex ratio of neonates according to its own body size, in order to decrease the probability of competition with their own offspring. II. Mangrove-dwelling monitor lizard (Varanus indicus) shows one of the greatest degrees of sexual size dimorphism among monitor lizards. We recorded the growth of the individuals from..

    Business Trends of Entrepreneurial Behavior in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Region

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    The main criterion for the sustainable development of social-andeconomic systems is the efficiency of functioning, taking into account the current environmental conditions. At the same time, favorable opportunities for carrying out activities, performing a certain role, confirming the significance in the future period are created. The analysis of the organization of enterprises’ innovation activities made it possible to establish the main trends in entrepreneurial behavior, to identify the features of innovation implementation, taking into account modern business conditions. As a result of the study, the authors found out the reasons for the low innovation activity at the enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, identified restrictions on the introduction of new technologies, the promotion of innovative products, the influence of factors on changes in the structure of financing innovations. Based on the opinions of specialists, the article highlights favorable opportunities for sustainable development of the region in the course of technological transformation, its resource provision, taking into account the increase in the innovation potential of organizations with the active assistance of the state to the innovation infrastructure development. The ongoing innovation processes determine environmentally oriented social changes leading to the development of society, contribute to increasing the innovations’ receptivity, the life quality and become the main tasks of sustainable development of the regional economy