15 research outputs found


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    This article is supposed to make a professional analysis and assess the reliability of the historical buildings in Ryazan - an object of cultural heritage of federal importance “House of Saltykov-Shchedrin (Morozov) - 18th century”. On the basis of visual inspection and a large number of field studies using methods of ground-based laser scanning, photogrammetric method and other measuring instruments, areas of destruction and loss of the building were identified. According to the results of the analysis of archival documents and the processing of field work, a complex of architectural and archaeological measurement drawings was drawn up, on the basis of which further house restoration will be carried out without any damage to historical material. The article on a specific example provides brief archival information about the historical significance of the building, describes the methods and methods of the survey.Se supone que este artículo hace un análisis profesional y evalúa la confiabilidad de los edificios históricos en Ryazan, un objeto del patrimonio cultural de importancia federal "Casa de Saltykov-Shchedrin (Morozov) - Siglo XVIII". Sobre la base de la inspección visual y un gran número de estudios de campo que utilizan métodos de escaneo láser en tierra, el método fotogramétrico y otros instrumentos de medición, se identificaron áreas de destrucción y pérdida del edificio. De acuerdo con los resultados del análisis de documentos de archivo y el procesamiento del trabajo de campo, se diseñó un complejo de planos de mediciones arquitectónicas y arqueológicas, sobre la base de la cual se llevará a cabo una restauración adicional de la casa sin dañar el material histórico. El artículo sobre un ejemplo específico proporciona información breve de archivo sobre el significado histórico del edificio, describe los métodos y los métodos de la encuesta.В данной статье предполагается сделать профессиональный анализ и оценить надежность здания исторической застройки г. Рязани – объект культурного наследия федерального значения «Дом Салтыкова-Щедрина (Морозова)-XVIII в.». На основе визуального обследования и большого количества натурных исследований методами наземного лазерного сканирования, фотограмметрическим методом и другими измерительными приборами было выявлены участки разрушений и утраты здания. По результатам анализа архивных документов и обработки полевых работ стал комплекс архитектурно-археологических обмерных чертежей, на основе которого будет дальнейшая реставрация дома без какого-либо ущерба историческому материалу. В статье на конкретном примере приводятся краткие архивные сведения об исторической значимости здания, описаны методы и способы обследования

    Post-translational modifications of FDA-approved plasma biomarkers in glioblastoma samples

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    <div><p>Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was used to analyze plasma proteins of volunteers (control) and patients with glioblastoma multiform (GBM). A database search was pre-set with a variable post-translational modification (PTM): phosphorylation, acetylation or ubiquitination. There were no significant differences between the control and the GBM groups regarding the number of protein identifications, sequence coverage or number of PTMs. However, in GBM plasma, we unambiguously observed a decreased fraction in post-translationally modified peptides identified with high quality. The disease-specific PTM patterns were extracted and mapped to the set of FDA-approved plasma protein markers. Decreases of 46% and 24% in the number of acetylated and ubiquitinated peptides, respectively, were observed in the GBM samples. Significance of capturing disease-associated patterns of protein modifications was envisaged.</p></div

    Applying of Hierarchical Clustering to Analysis of Protein Patterns in the Human Cancer-Associated Liver

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>There are two ways that statistical methods can learn from biomedical data. One way is to learn classifiers to identify diseases and to predict outcomes using the training dataset with established diagnosis for each sample. When the training dataset is not available the task can be to mine for presence of meaningful groups (clusters) of samples and to explore underlying data structure (unsupervised learning).</p><p>Results</p><p>We investigated the proteomic profiles of the cytosolic fraction of human liver samples using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE). Samples were resected upon surgical treatment of hepatic metastases in colorectal cancer. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of 2DE gel images (n = 18) revealed a pair of clusters, containing 11 and 7 samples. Previously we used the same specimens to measure biochemical profiles based on cytochrome P450-dependent enzymatic activities and also found that samples were clearly divided into two well-separated groups by cluster analysis. It turned out that groups by enzyme activity almost perfectly match to the groups identified from proteomic data. Of the 271 reproducible spots on our 2DE gels, we selected 15 to distinguish the human liver cytosolic clusters. Using MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting, we identified 12 proteins for the selected spots, including known cancer-associated species.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>Our results highlight the importance of hierarchical cluster analysis of proteomic data, and showed concordance between results of biochemical and proteomic approaches. Grouping of the human liver samples and/or patients into differing clusters may provide insights into possible molecular mechanism of drug metabolism and creates a rationale for personalized treatment.</p></div