2 research outputs found

    Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversity

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    15 páginas.- 5 figuras.- 99 referenciasHow the multiple facets of soil fungal diversity vary worldwide remains virtually unknown, hindering the management of this essential species-rich group. By sequencing high-resolution DNA markers in over 4000 topsoil samples from natural and human-altered ecosystems across all continents, we illustrate the distributions and drivers of different levels of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of fungi and their ecological groups. We show the impact of precipitation and temperature interactions on local fungal species richness (alpha diversity) across different climates. Our findings reveal how temperature drives fungal compositional turnover (beta diversity) and phylogenetic diversity, linking them with regional species richness (gamma diversity). We integrate fungi into the principles of global biodiversity distribution and present detailed maps for biodiversity conservation and modeling of global ecological processes.This work was supported by the Estonian Science Foundation: PRG632 (to L.T.), Estonian Research Council: PRG1615 (to R.D.), Estonian Research Council: PRG1170 (to U.K. and Ka.Po.), Estonian Science Foundation: MOBTP198 (to St.An.), Novo Nordisk Fonden: NNF20OC0059948 (to L.T.), Norway-Baltic financial mechanism: EMP442 (to L.T., K.-A.B., and M.T.), King Saud University: DFSP-2020-2 (to L.T.), King Saud University: Highly Cited Program (to L.T.), European Regional Development Fund: Centre of Excellence EcolChange TK131 (to M.O., M.Z., Ü.M., U.K., and M.E.), Estonian Research Council: PRG1789 (to M.O. and I.H.), British Ecological Society: LRB17\1019 (MUSGONET) (to M.D.-B.), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: PID2020-115813RA-I00 (to M.D.-B.), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: SOIL4GROWTH (to M.D.-B.), Marie Sklodowska-Curie: 702057 (CLIMIFUN) (to M.D.- B.), European Research Council (ERC): grant 647038 [BIODESERT] (to F.T.M.), Generalitat Valenciana: CIDEGENT/2018/041 (to F.T.M.), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: EUR2022-134048 (to F.T.M.), Estonian Research Council: PRG1065 (to M.M. and M.Z.), Swedish Research Council Formas: 2020-00807 (to Mo.Ba.), Swedish Research Council: 2019-05191 (to Al. An.), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research MISTRA: Project BioPath (to Al. An.), Kew Foundation (to Al.An.), EEA Financial Mechanism Baltic Research Programme in Estonia: EMP442 (to Ke.Ar. and Je.An.), Ghent University Special Research Fund (BOF): Metusalem (to N.S.), Estonian Research Council: PSG825 (to K.R.), European Research Council (ERC): 101096403 (MLTOM23415R) (to Ü.M.), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): (to D.K.), Estonian Research Council: PUT1170 (to I.H.), German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): 01DG20015FunTrAf (to K.T.I., M.P., and N.Y.), Proyecto SIA: SA77210019 (ANID—Chile) (to C.M.), Fondecyt: 1190642 (ANID—Chile) (to R.G.), European Research Council (ERC): Synergy Grant 856506—LIFEPLAN (to T.R.), Academy of Finland: grant 322266 (to T.R.), U.S. National Science Foundation: DEB-0918591 (to T.H.), U.S. National Science Foundation: DEB-1556338 (to T.H.), U.S. National Science Foundation: DEB 1737898 (to G.B.), UNAM-PAPIIT: IV200223 (to R.G.-O.), Czech Science Foundation: 21-26883S (to J.D.), Estonian Research Council: PRG352 (to M.E.), NERC core funding: the BAS Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation Team (to K.K.N.), NERC-CONICYT: NE/P003079/1 (to E.M.B.), Carlsberg Foundation: CF18-0267 (to E.M.B.), Qatar Petroleum: QUEX-CAS-QP-RD-18/19 (to Ju.Al.), Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 075-15-2021-1396 (to V.F. and V.O.), Secretaria de Ciencia y Técnica (SECYT) of Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CONICET (to E.N.), HighLevel Talent Recruitment Plan of Yunnan Province 2021:“High-End Foreign Experts” (to Pe.Mo.), AUA grant from research council of UAE University: G00003654 (to S.M.), Ghent University: Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds (to A.V.), Ghent University: Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds (BOF-PDO2017-001201) (to E.D.C.), Ghent University: The Faculty Committee Scientific Research, FCWO (to E.D.C. and A.V.), The King Leopold III Fund for Nature Exploration and Conservation (to A.V. and E.D.C.), The Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO) (to E.D.C. and A.V.), The High-Level Talent Recruitment Plan of Yunnan Provinces: “Young Talents” Program (to D.-Q.D.), The HighLevel Talent Recruitment Plan of Yunnan Provinces: “High-End Foreign Experts" Program (to N. N.W.), IRIS scholarship for progressive and ambitious women (to L.H.), Estonian University of Life Sciences: P190250PKKH (to Kr.Pa.), Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Lendület Programme (96049) (to J.G.), Eötvös Loránd Research Network (to J.G.), Botswana International University of Science and Technology (to C.N.), and Higher Education Commision (HEC, Islamabad, Pakistan): Indigenous and International research support initiative program (IRSIP) scholarship (to M.S.)Peer reviewe