72 research outputs found

    The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) proportional drift tube: design and performance

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    A straw proportional counter is the basic element of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT). Its detailed properties as well as the main properties of a few TRT operating gas mixtures are described. Particular attention is paid to straw tube performance in high radiation conditions and to its operational stability

    The ATLAS TRT electronics

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    The ATLAS inner detector consists of three sub-systems: the pixel detector spanning the radius range 4cm-20cm, the semiconductor tracker at radii from 30 to 52 cm, and the transition radiation tracker (TRT), tracking from 56 to 107 cm. The TRT provides a combination of continuous tracking with many projective measurements based on individual drift tubes (or straws) and of electron identification based on transition radiation from fibres or foils interleaved between the straws themselves. This paper describes the on and off detector electronics for the TRT as well as the TRT portion of the data acquisition (DAQ) system

    Uma revisão sobre polimerização de olefinas usando catalisadores Ziegler-Natta heterogêneos

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    The results of relationship determination of C+70G (rs5335) polymorphism of the endothelin receptor type A gene (EDNRA) in 170 patients with ischemic atherothrombotic stroke (IAS) and 124 individuals without symptoms of cardiovascular disease (control group) are presented in the article. It has been established that homozygote correlation by basic allele, heterozygote and homozygotes by minor allele while analyzing C+70G polymorphism in IAS patients is 24.1; 57.6 and 18.2 %, and in the control group –29.0; 50.0 and 21.0 % correspondingly (P = 0.426 at χ2-criterion). In case of division of each group into subgroups according to gender statistically significant differences in the control group (P = 0,965) and in patients with ischemic atherothrombotic stroke (P = 0,173) were not detected.Представлены результаты определения связи C+70G (rs5335) полиморфизма гена рецептора эндотелина типа А (EDNRA) в 170 больных с ишемическим атеротромботическим инсультом (ИАТИ) и 124 человек без признаков сердечно-сосудистой патологии (контрольная группа). Установлено, что соотношение гомозигот по основному аллелю, гетерозигот и гомозигот по минорному аллелю при анализе C+70G полиморфизма у больных с ИАТИ составляет 24,1; 57,6 и 18,2 %, а в контрольной ‒ 29,0; 50,0 и 21,0 % соответственно (P = 0,426 по χ2-критерию). При разделении каждой из групп на подгруппы по полу не было выявлено статистически значимых различий как в контрольной группе (P = 0,965), так и в группе больных с ишемическим атеротромботическим инсультом (P = 0,173).Представлено результати визначення зв´язку C+70G (rs5335) поліморфізму гена ендотелінового рецептора типу А (EDNRA) у 170 хворих з ішемічним атеротромботичним інсультом (ІАТІ) і 124 осіб без ознак серцево-судинної патології (контрольна група). Установлено, що співвідношення гомозигот за основним алелем, гетерозигот і гомозигот за мінорним алелем за C+70G поліморфізмом у хворих з ІАТІ становить 24,1; 57,6 і 18,2 %, а в контрольній – 29,0; 50,0 і 21,0 % відповідно (P = 0,426 за χ2-критерієм). При розподілі кожної з груп на підгрупи за статтю не виявлено статистично значимих відмінностей як в контрольній групі (P = 0,965), так і у групі хворих з ішемічним атеротромботичним інсультом (P = 0,173)

    Correction of disturbances of functional activity of the central nervous system in rats with the post-traumatic stress disorder model using remedy with a high magnesium content

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    The problem of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is becoming increasingly important, which requires research using models of PTSD in animals, which cause pathogenetically sound development of methods and means of correction of PTSD in humans. Purpose: to establish the effectiveness of the use of magnesium-containing agent in the search for a model of PTSD. Methods: Wistar rats on the background of the development of PTSD models receive intragastric 5% aqueous solution of balneological product with magnesium content – 0.95 g / l The functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) and emotional activity of rats, biochemical and immunological marketing pathological processes were evaluated. Results. Rats have been shown to improve their psycho-emotional state - signs of fear and inhibition disappear. The detoxifying and biliary function of the liver undergoes positive changes. The activity of reamination enzymes (ALT, AST) is restored, the content of total protein and the balance of protein fractions are normalized. The indicators of the leukocyte formula are restored, the content of circulating immune complexes of heterophilic antibodies is normalized. In general, the signs of systemic disorders that occur during the reproduction of the PTSD model disappear. Conclusions. The effectiveness of using a tool with a high magnesium content to adjust the development of the PTSD model has been experimentally shown

    Complex Estimation of Functional Changes in the Organism of Healthy Rats Which Consumed Water of the Lake Kagul as Drinking Water.

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    In the work results of a complex estimation of functional changes in an organism of healthy rats which consumed water of the lake of Kagul as drinking water are given. Conformity of water of the lake of Kagul to requirements of operating standard documents except for nitrogen ammonia, nitrogen nitrit and the general organic carbon is established. 3 kinds of cyanobacteriaе, in particular high levels of Aphanocapsa pulverea, which causes water "flowering" are revealed. It is shown that the use of water of the lake of Kagul as drinking, causes strengthening of activity of central nervous system in healthy rats; some increase of possibilities of organism sensitisation development and specific phagocytosis, certain displays of disbalance of hummoral component of the immune response and expansion of autoimmune processes in the organism. In the view of absence of hyginicaly significant concentration of anthropogenous pollutants, the idea that the revealed biological effects are a consequence of cyanotoxins action produced by revealed cyanobacteriaе is presented. Necessity of expansion and continuation of researches on cyanobacteriaе in the context of their revealing in water, their identifications, influences of these xenobiotics on condition of warm-blooded animals and the human is proved