88 research outputs found

    Bløde trafikanters synlighed - virkemidler og deres effekt:NOTAT

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    Health-related quality of life in Denmark on a relative scale:mini-catalogue of mean EQ-5D-3L index scores for 17 common chronic conditions

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    In health economic evaluations the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) is one of the preferred outcome measures. Catalogues of median-based decrements in EQ-5D-3L index scores for chronic conditions exist to inform economic evaluations but may not be appropriate for this purpose as mean, rather than median, EQ-5D-3L index scores are of primary interest. Firstly, we aim to estimate mean decrements in EQ-5D-3L index scores through a simple stratified analysis as an alternative to regression modelling. In addition, we aim to estimate the mean decrement in EQ-5D-3L index scores in percent relative to a disease-free reference population. Secondly, we aim to handle both multiple imputation and appropriate estimation of standard errors in the presence of individual sampling weights. Data on EQ-5D-3L from the National Health Profile, Denmark, 2013, were used to estimate the EQ-5D-3L index scores. Calculation of decrements in EQ-5D-3L index scores of chronic conditions was done while controlling for the additional number of chronic conditions beside the one in question, age and sex. Also, a test of homogeneity of decrements across subgroups was conducted. We provide a mini-catalogue of new percentage-scale decrements in EQ-5D-3L index scores. For example, we estimated that angina was associated with an 8.2% reduction in the EQ-5D-3L index score compared to a reference group without angina. If the mean EQ-5D-3L score was 0.848 among corresponding groups without angina; angina patients would have an EQ-5D-3L index score of (1-0.082)·0.848=0.778 using the percentage-scale. The estimated percentage reduction in the EQ-5D-3L index score was homogenous regardless of the number of additional chronic conditions, age and sex. We suggest a percentage-scale estimation of EQ-5D-3L index scores for chronic disorders as an alternative to existing median-based methods. Our estimates stem from a simpler model, which, we argue, is easier to use and interpret.Published: Online May 2016. In print August 2016

    Udvikling i antallet af trafikuheld blandt borgere i Aalborg Kommune 2004-2016

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    Underrapportering som præmis: Hvordan man kan bruge Landspatientregistret i det lokale trafiksikkerhedsarbejde

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    Landspatientregisterdata kan med fordel inddrages i det kommunale og regionale forebyggende trafiksikkerhedsarbejde. Landspatientregisterdata er indsamlet i forbindelse med henvendelser i danske skadestuer og ved indlæggelser på hospitaler og bidrager med et nuanceret billede af fordelingen af personskader på lige fod med politiets indberetninger. Desuden vil der typisk være flere skader at arbejde med i Landspatientregistret end i politiets database i den enkelte kommune. Denne artikel giver en kortfattet analyse af data fra hele landet samt Københavns og Vejle Kommuner. Underrapportering er en udfordring og man må bruge de værktøjer, som er for hånden. Det anbefales, at Landspatientregisterdata og politiets registreringer tolkes samlet for at give det bedst mulige input til det lokale trafiksikkerhedsarbejde
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