597 research outputs found


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    When organizing multimodal transportation, both the organizational component and the technological, as well as technical, are important. The organization of the process of delivery and formation of the transport-technological scheme with definition of all its parameters depends on a technical component. Today, the choice of cargo unit for such transportation is one of the important elements of the delivery planning process. The developed model of cargo unit selection has practical value and can be used for decision making in the organization of multimodal transportation. It includes such basic parameters as the length of sections where transportation is performed by different modes of transport, and tariffs.При організації мультимодальних перевезень важливим є як організаційна складова так і технологічна, а також технічна. Від технічної складової залежить сама органцація процесу доставки та формування транспортно-технологічної схеми із визначенням усіх її параметів. На сьогодні вибір вантажної одиниці для таких перевезень є одним із важливих елементів процесу планування доставки. Розроблена модель вибору вантажної одиниці має практичну цінність та може бути використана для прийняття рішення при організації мультимодального перевезення. Вона включає такі основні параметри як довжину ділянок, перевезення на яких виконується різними видами транспорту, та тарифи

    Effectiveness of Media Tools of the Ukrainian Chaplaincy in Times of War

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    The effectiveness of the media tools of the Ukrainian chaplaincy in war conditions is considered. It is substantiated that the extreme conditions of war favor the selection of quality candidates for the chaplain service and the integration of chaplaincy into the military structure. The chaplain’s work is not limited to spiritual care, but also focuses on the moral and psychological support of military personnel. The use of such social networks as Instagram and Tik-Tok as a new form of work for chaplains is being studied. The following common forms of work of chaplains in social networks were identified: keeping a chronicle of a military unit, showing coexistence of a chaplain with soldiers in combat conditions, and using social networks for feedback of chaplains to military personnel and their families through answers to topical questions. The specific forms of work of individual chaplains are also investigated – their specialization in certain types of support and care of the military


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    It is established that with the help of mathematical modeling it is possible to estimate functional links between different parameters that influence the delivery time in international communication. The model of the choice of the type of connection according to the time criterion, which has practical value, can be used to make a decision when choosing a variant of the combination (automotive or piggyback). The ease of use of the developed models has advantages over all previously proposed because it allows you to calculate the economic feasibility of using the type of combination not only as an area of effective use, but also for each individual case to determine the efficiency of choosing the type of connection. The use of models gives the opportunity to economically justify the choice of the type of connection and will allow the motor transport company to reduce transportation costs by 10-15%.Встановлено, що за допомогою математичного моделювання можливо оцінити функціональні зв’язки, між різними параметрами, що впливають на термін виконання доставки у міжнародному сполученні. Розроблена модель вибору виду сполучення за критерієм часу, має практичну цінність, може використовуватись для прийняття рішення при виборі варіанту сполучення (автомобільне чи контрейлерне). Зручність використання розробленими моделями має переваги над усіма раніше запропонованими оскільки дозволяє розрахувати економічну доцільність використання виду сполучення не лише як область ефективного використання, а і для кожного окремого випадку визначити ефективність від вибору виду сполучення. Використання моделей дає можливість економічного обґрунтування вибору виду сполучення і дозволить автотранспортному підприємству скоротити витрати на виконання перевезень на 10-15

    Astaxanthin as a Modifier of Genome Instability after γ-Radiation

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    The chapter is devoted to study the effects of astaxanthin on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and the level of DNA damages in human peripheral blood lymphocytes under ionizing radiation exposure in vitro. To achieve the purpose of the research, a combination of classical cytogenetic methods (G0- and G2-radiation sensitivity assays) and method of single-cell electrophoresis (comet assay) was used. The specificity of the modifying effect of astaxanthin on radiation-induced genomic injuries depending on the stage of the cell cycle had been determined. Significant weakening of the negative effect of ionizing radiation on the G0 stage and the absence of a radioprotective effect on the S and G2 stages of the cell cycle may be associated with activation by astaxanthin of apoptosis in irradiated cells with a critically high level of the genome damages. The research results not only testify about strong radioprotective effect of astaxanthin but also demonstrate the feasibility of the parallel use of cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods to assess the impact as mutagens as well as factors that modify the effect of mutagens on genome stability

    Dialectics of Nominal and Real Power in the Ukrainian and World Politics

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    The philosophical problem of representation becomes of particular relevance in modern politics. Publicity and responsibility of the power for the effectiveness of its work creates a differentiation to the nominal and real power. There is a dual tendency: the subjects of real power delegate proxy to the representatives of the nominal power, trying to avoid publicity and responsibility. Representatives of the nominee power create an impression of the reality and effectiveness of the realization of power. The dialectic of nominal and real power in society is carried out by means of the formation of surrogate forms of government: democracy-monarchy, democracy-oligarchy, democracy-aristocracy; ductility in the work of state institutions and commercialized support by the creative class. To direct the contradictions of nominal and real power in a productive direction is possible by increasing the publicity and responsibility of the subjects of powe

    Environmental Protection on the Example of Agricultural Lands

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    Agricultural land is the most valuable resource of today because the issue of food security in the world community now comes first. Unfortunately, the ecological condition of lands suitable for agricultural use in Ukraine and the situation in the field of their use is constantly deteriorating. The quality of land resources is declining and approaching catastrophic levels. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to explore the main aspects of legal and environmental regulation of fertile land protection and to suggest ways to improve the protection and preservation of agricultural land. The main research method is the method of analysis, thanks to which the world experience in the field of environmental protection in general and the protection of agricultural lands was comprehensively analysed. The normative-legal acts of Ukraine, which regulate the issues of land use, as well as protection and preservation of agricultural lands, were analysed. The proposed mechanisms of environmental protection on the example of agricultural lands can be used to form targeted government programs

    English media discourse of the early 21st Century: Lexical innovations

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    The emergence of a new kind of discourse on the world stage called media discourse or media discourse produces the trends of globalization and the development of communication technologies in the world. The article deals with the phenomenon of English-language media discourse as a relatively new linguistic phenomenon. The aim of this research work is a thorough analysis of the concept of English-language media discourse, reflecting the dynamics of modern language and identifying the features of lexical innovations in English-language media discourse. The comparative analysis method, typological method, method of component analysis, and descriptive method of research were used to study the issue of English-language media discourse. Using the comparative analysis method, the saturation of linguistic innovations and their prevalence were determined. Using the typological method, the common qualities of English and Ukrainian in the projection on their variety of linguistic characteristics were established. The method of component analysis helped in the study of the content part of the newly formed linguistic units. Using the descriptive method, the modern state of English-language media discourse was characterized. As a result of the scientific research trends of modern English-language media discourse in content and form have been studied and analyzed, as well as changes in the potential of modern linguistic means through the mechanism of new word formation, which is a prospect for further scientific research in this direction

    Encapsulating Non-Human Primate Multipotent Stromal Cells in Alginate via High Voltage for Cell-Based Therapies and Cryopreservation

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    Alginate cell-based therapy requires further development focused on clinical application. To assess engraftment, risk of mutations and therapeutic benefit studies should be performed in an appropriate non-human primate model, such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). In this work we encapsulated amnion derived multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) from Callithrix jacchus in defined size alginate beads using a high voltage technique. Our results indicate that i) alginate-cell mixing procedure and cell concentration do not affect the diameter of alginate beads, ii) encapsulation of high cell numbers (up to 10×106 cells/ml) can be performed in alginate beads utilizing high voltage and iii) high voltage (15–30 kV) does not alter the viability, proliferation and differentiation capacity of MSCs post-encapsulation compared with alginate encapsulated cells produced by the traditional air-flow method. The consistent results were obtained over the period of 7 days of encapsulated MSCs culture and after cryopreservation utilizing a slow cooling procedure (1 K/min). The results of this work show that high voltage encapsulation can further be maximized to develop cell-based therapies with alginate beads in a non-human primate model towards human application.DFG/EXC/62/

    Lead generation as a kind of Internet marketing

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    The article discusses the dynamics of Internet advertising in the domestic market and its use of promotion and marketing. The analysis of problems that have a negative impact on the development of Internet advertising in Ukraine is carried out. The basic approaches to advertising using the Internet are identified. A new approach to finding potential customers via the Internet, called lead generation, is described. The definition of the terms "lead" and "lead generation" is given. The pricing model used in the "Leadgeneration" is described. Also, the basic methods of obtaining leads are identified. The most effective tools for obtaining leads on the B2C market and the B2B market are identified. The classification of methods of leadgeneration based on the interaction with the user is described. General guidelines to use leadgeneration method are provided

    Resourcefulness as an Important Indicator of Personal Well-Being

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    The study of the dynamics and features of students’ personal resourcefulness in the conditions of war in Ukraine is an important task, since understanding the peculiarities of the resourcefulness functioning will allow carrying out the necessary measures for its maintenance, recovery and development. The authors proposed a model of personal resourcefulness as a metacognitive experience. In the study, an express questionnaire “Personal resources” (O. Savchenko, S. Sukach) was used for the diagnosis of resourcefulness level. The study was conducted on a sample of 69 students of KNEU. To solve different tasks, several methodologies were used: factorial experimental design, comparative study of the same group in different conditions, and clustering of empirical data to determine different types of students’ resourcefulness. It was found that the overall level of personal resourcefulness is a significant factor in subjective, psychological, social and global well-being. Five types of personal resourcefulness were identified, namely “high resourcefulness,” “high-stress resistance,” “inefficient use of strategies,” “passivity in the search for resources” and “high emotional exhaustion.” Students with different types of resourcefulness have significant differences in well-being. The negative changes in students’ personal resourcefulness were revealed in a condition of the war in Ukraine (decrease in the level of overall resourcefulness and increase in emotional exhaustion). It has been established that students do not actively use restoring resource strategies in a prolonged stressful situation