17 research outputs found

    Tasks and powers of the National police of Ukraine in ensuring information security of the state

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    The purpose of the article is to examine the role of the National Police of Ukraine in ensuring the information security of Ukraine. The subject of the study: The subject of the study is the competence of the National Police of Ukraine in ensuring the information security of Ukraine. Methodology: Dialectical method, epistemological method, analytical method, formal and legal method, normative and dogmatic method, the methods of legal modeling and forecasting were used in the research. The results of the study: The definition of “information security” and “cyber security” is provided. The main factors that negatively affect the information space in Ukraine, as well as current threats to Ukraine’s national security in the information sphere are identified. Practical implications: It is established that the number of crimes in the information sphere is growing every year. In this regard, the task of the National Police is to combat crimes and other offenses in this area, as well as to protect relevant rights and freedoms of citizens, society and the State. Value/originality: The tasks and powers in the area of information security protection of the National Police in general and the Department of Cyber Security, in particular, are defined

    Поводження з відходами у Волинській області

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    Охарактеризовано способи поводження з відходами у Волинській області. Проаналізовано динаміку накопичення відходів у місцях видалення відходів протягом 2000-2017 рр. загалом в області та в розрізі міст обласного підпорядкування та адміністративних районів

    Media trust among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine

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    The worldwide pandemic exacerbated the new role of the media. If previously the discussion was on whether new or traditional media had primacy in popularity and exposure, nowadays the question is whether communicating health issues through social and traditional media leads to understanding their content better and to more trust in both types of media. We surveyed university students to examine the attitude towards information on coronavirus presented in the media. Results showed that although students generally prefer to use Internet news, trust in traditional media increased during the pandemic. We examined a general psychological portrait of young people derived from trust in the media. In the group of students who trust media information, we found indifference (39% of respondents) and helplessness (24.4%). In the group convinced that the media are hiding the actual state of affairs, anger prevailed (32.4%). The third group, confident that the media exaggerate everything, experienced indifference and anger (38.5% and 32.7%, respectively). We may conclude that desire to learn more accurate and unbiased information first hand indicates students' attitude towards traditional media as more reliable sources of information in Ukraine

    Application of a Fractional Transfer Function for Simulating the Eddy Currents Effect in Electrical Systems

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    Some electrical devices contain a solid nonlaminated magnetic core as a component. In the case of variable magnetic flux, eddy currents arise in such a core, which should be taken into account for computer simulation if higher precision is needed. The fractional order transfer function (FOTF) based on the simple traditional model of excitation circuit of a DC machine is proposed for eddy current simulation. This model is illustrated by mathematical (based on differential equations and the Laplace operator) and structural approaches to the excitation circuit of a common DC generator with a solid core. The skin effect for more precise simulation of eddy currents is also considered by means of fractional order transfer functions in the computer models. Magnetic saturation and hysteresis were not taken into account in this case. The proposed model is simple and ensures adequate accuracy, confirmed experimentally using the FOTF Toolbox for MATLAB and Simulink. This model is distinct and proposed for the fast and accurate computer simulation of eddy currents in electrical devices with a solid magnetic core

    Application of a Fractional Transfer Function for Simulating the Eddy Currents Effect in Electrical Systems

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    Some electrical devices contain a solid nonlaminated magnetic core as a component. In the case of variable magnetic flux, eddy currents arise in such a core, which should be taken into account for computer simulation if higher precision is needed. The fractional order transfer function (FOTF) based on the simple traditional model of excitation circuit of a DC machine is proposed for eddy current simulation. This model is illustrated by mathematical (based on differential equations and the Laplace operator) and structural approaches to the excitation circuit of a common DC generator with a solid core. The skin effect for more precise simulation of eddy currents is also considered by means of fractional order transfer functions in the computer models. Magnetic saturation and hysteresis were not taken into account in this case. The proposed model is simple and ensures adequate accuracy, confirmed experimentally using the FOTF Toolbox for MATLAB and Simulink. This model is distinct and proposed for the fast and accurate computer simulation of eddy currents in electrical devices with a solid magnetic core

    Transformacja właściwości psychofizjologicznych w sytuacjach wojennych

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    Background. Neurodynamic and neurophysiological properties were studied in 53 men aged 21-35 years at the beginning and after 6 months of martial law. Material and methods. The neurodynamic, individual-typological and sensorimotor properties of the subjects were studied while processing information using the “Diagnost 1M” system. The neurophysiological characteristics of long-latency visual evoked potentials (LVEPs) were determined using the “Neurokom” EEG-complex. Results. At the beginning of the martial law, men were divided into two subgroups: conditionally resistant (the first subgroup) and not resistant (the second subgroup) to longterm psycho-emotional stress. It was found that neurodynamic, individual-typological properties of the first subgroup changed little and differed significantly from the second subgroup: balance (BNP), functional mobility (FMNP) and strength of nervous processes (SNP). Individual-typological properties of the nervous system (FMNP, SNP, BNP) and sensorimotor properties (SVMR, RC1-3, RC2-3) underwent significant changes in the representatives of the second subgroup in 6 months. Subjects of this subgroup had lower amplitude values between the peak intervals of N1-P2, P2-N2 and Р3 peak, as well as significantly shorter latency of Р1, Р2 and longer Р3 components, which indicates a violation of cortical-subcortical interaction. Conclusions. It was found that the studied properties determine the formation of adaptive reactions in the conditions of martial law.Wprowadzenie. U 53 mężczyzn w wieku 21-35 lat badano cechy neurodynamiczne i neurofizjologiczne w chwili rozpoczęcia działań i po 6 miesiącach stanu wojennego. Materiał i metody. Analizowano cechy neurodynamiczne, osobniczo-typologiczne i sensomotoryczne osób badanych podczas przetwarzania sygnałów informacji za pomocą systemu „Diagnost 1M”. Charakterystyka neurofizjologiczna wzrokowych potencjałów wywołanych o długim czasie opóźnienia (ang. long-latency visual evoked potential – LVEP) została określona przy użyciu kompleksu EEG „Neurokom”. Wyniki. Na początku stanu wojennego podzielono badanych na dwie podgrupy: warunkowo odpornych (pierwsza podgrupa) i nieodpornych na długotrwały stres psycho-emocjonalny (druga podgrupa). Stwierdzono, że neurodynamiczne, indywidualno-typologiczne właściwości u pierwszej podgrupy zmieniły się w niewielkim stopniu i różniły się istotnie statystycznie od drugiej podgrupy w zakresie: równowagi (BNP), ruchomości funkcjonalnej (FMNP) i siły procesów nerwowych (SNP). Indywidualno-typologiczne właściwości układu nerwowego (FMNP, SNP, BNP) oraz właściwości sensomotoryczne (SVMR, RC1-3, RC2-3) uległy istotnym zmianom u przedstawicieli drugiej podgrupy w ciągu 6 miesięcy. Osoby z tej podgrupy miały niższe wartości amplitudy między szczytami N1-P2, P2-N2 i Р3 oraz istotnie krótsze opóźnienia komponentów Р1, Р2 i dłuższe Р3, co wskazuje na naruszenie interakcji korowo-podkorowej. Wnioski. Stwierdzono, że badane właściwości są odpowiedzialne za kształtowanie adaptacyjnych reakcji w warunkach stanu wojennego

    Multivoltaic GaSe clathrate as new hybrid functional nanostructure

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    The electrical properties and behaviour in constant magnetic field of fourfold expanded GaSe matrix intercalated with SmCl 3 guest were investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. It was determined that the synthesized GaSe clathrate of 4-fold expansion demonstrates the coexistence of mechanisms of generation, transformation and accumulation of electric energy on a quantum level. These mechanisms are driven from external sources of magnetic, thermal and electric field without Faradaic reactions. Therefore, investigated GaSe structure is of great attraction in multivoltaics as a prototype of new class of materials. Quantum mechanical model of electro motive force of spin nature is proposed. The main focus of work lies in the prospects of synthesized clathrates for the development of power nanosources and gyrator-free delay nanolines controlled by means of magnetic field