8 research outputs found

    Establishment and Organization of Activities of Professional School at Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent of Kyiv Eparchy (the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)

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    The purpose of the research paper is to study the contribution of Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent of Kyiv Eparchy to the development of woman’s education in Ukraine in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century and the peculiarities of the establishment and organization of the woman’s professional school at it. Scientific novelty. The contribution of Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent and its reverend mothers to the development of education at the regional level is analyzed in the paper. The history of Lebedyn Women’s Professional School establishment is highlighted, and the stages of its activity and the level of material support from the convent are characterized. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the educational process organization, as well as the staff composition and the formation of the female pupils’ contingent of the school. Conclusions. Four stages can be distinguished in the history of Lebedyn Women’s Professional School: 1859-1872 – establishment and development of a four-grade school; 1872-1886 – activities of a sixth-grade school; 1888-1890 – establishment of a two-grade women’s school; 1890-1918 – a two-grade, four-year women’s theological (professional) school. The history of the school shows that it was a fully formed educational institution with a distinctive management system, proper staffing, and teaching and educational process. The school aimed to give children a practically useful education. Learners mastered crafts, the basics of art, and various labor specialties that could have been useful in their future life. The process and methods of teaching were interconnected with spiritual and religious education. It is uncovered that the deterioration of the school’s financial situation and the lack of support from the state for such educational institutions made the convent leadership close the sixth-grade women’s school in 1886. In 1888, a two-grade women’s school of the type of two-grade parochial schools with a four-year term of study was established on its base. Since 1890, a two-grade, four-year women’s spiritual (professional) school had been functioning at the convent, the educational process of which ensured learners mastered the program of four-grade of the women’s eparchy school and various types of women’s needlework. Lebedyn St. Nikolas Second-Class Convent played an important role in supporting women’s education development on the territory of Kyiv Eparchy in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century, and the school established by it made opportunities for orphans and children of the poor strata of society from the neighboring povits to get the education and begin professional training

    The Reports of the Ober-Procurators of the Holy Ruling Synod as a Source for the Study of the Situation in the Kyiv Eparchy and Its Monasteries in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

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    The purpose of the article is to cast light upon the problem of researching published sources on the history of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, as well as to supplement the achievements of previous researchers and to propose a detailed analysis of the situation and activities of the Kyiv diocese and its monasteries, presented in the published reports of the ober-procurators of the Holy Ruling Synod between 1884 and 1914. The scientific novelty of the material presented in this article lies in the fact that, for the first time in the national historiography, “All-Public Reports of the Ober-Procurators of the Holy Synod” between 1884–1914, which were published and open to the general scientific community, were subjected to a detailed analysis. The authors also clarify the level and significance of information about the situation in the Kyiv Eparchy, its clergy, its numbers, its composition, as well as the cultural, educational and charitable activities of its monasteries. The article argues that the essence of the reports by the ober-procurators of the Holy Ruling Synod on the situation in the Kyiv Eparchy and its monasteries is practically undeveloped in the scientific literature. Such reports were addressed to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church – the Russian Emperor. They are an important and extremely informative source for modern researchers, familiarity with which will permit them to assess the general condition of the main confession in the empire. More specifically, these reports reveal the state of the Kyiv Eparchy for each calendar year. Every report had a relatively standard structure and was published as a separate book. An analysis of these sources makes it possible to establish the role and place of the hierarchs of the Kyiv Eparchy in the overall structure of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as their personnel and activities. Furthermore, additional information, provided in the reports on the number of Orthodox monasteries in the Kyiv Eparchy and the number of monks, is of particular interest, which allows the authors to trace the dynamics in changes in these numbers over thirty years. The study of the reports reveals new information on the life in the Orthodox monasteries in the Kyiv region, in relation to their charitable, cultural and educational activities

    Działalność charytatywna klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i w początkach XX stulecia

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    The article deals with charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It shows that charitable activities of the Orthodox church reached its peak in the post-reform period. The charitable activities within the specified time frame lay in the provision of schools, hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, and hotels for the poor and pilgrims. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents a) distributed alms, organized free lunches, provided material and medical assistance, b) handled education issues by establishing parish schools, c) supported almshouses by aiding sick people, lonely elderly people, people with special needs, and the mentally ill. At the beginning of World War I, Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents became actively involved in the provision of assistance to the population, as well as the establishment and maintenance of shelters for children (orphans) of fallen soldiers. Such children were provided with proper care and timely medical assistance. Charitable institutions at the premises of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents operated at the expense of funds received from their economic activities, as well as donations from private individuals. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents  comprised the greatest number of hospitals and almshouses of all those operating in the territory of the then Kyiv Governorate.Artykuł dotyczy działalności charytatywnej klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX w. Pokazuje, że działalność dobroczynna Cerkwi prawosławnej osiągnęła swój szczyt w okresie poreformacyjnym. Polegała ona na zaopatrzeniu szkół, szpitali, sierocińców, przytułków i hoteli dla ubogich i pielgrzymów. Kijowskie eparchie klasztorne: a) rozdzielały jałmużnę, organizowały bezpłatne obiady, udzielały pomocy materialnej i medycznej, b) zajmowały się sprawami oświaty poprzez zakładanie szkół parafialnych, c) wspierały przytułki, pomagając chorym, samotnym starszym ludziom, osobom specjalnej troski i chorym psychicznie. Na początku I wojny światowej kijowskie klasztory eparchiczne aktywnie zaangażowały się w niesienie pomocy ludności oraz zakładanie i utrzymywanie przytułków dla dzieci (sierot) poległych żołnierzy. Takim dzieciom zapewniono należytą opiekę i terminową pomoc lekarską. Instytucje charytatywne na terenie kijowskich klasztorów eparchii działały kosztem środków pochodzących z ich działalności gospodarczej oraz darowizn od osób prywatnych. Klasztory eparchii kijowskiej obejmowały największą liczbę szpitali i przytułków ze wszystkich funkcjonujących na terenie ówczesnej guberni kijowskiej

    Działalność charytatywna klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i w początkach XX stulecia

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    The article deals with charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It shows that charitable activities of the Orthodox church reached its peak in the post-reform period. The charitable activities within the specified time frame lay in the provision of schools, hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, and hotels for the poor and pilgrims. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents a) distributed alms, organized free lunches, provided material and medical assistance, b) handled education issues by establishing parish schools, c) supported almshouses by aiding sick people, lonely elderly people, people with special needs, and the mentally ill. At the beginning of World War I, Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents became actively involved in the provision of assistance to the population, as well as the establishment and maintenance of shelters for children (orphans) of fallen soldiers. Such children were provided with proper care and timely medical assistance. Charitable institutions at the premises of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents operated at the expense of funds received from their economic activities, as well as donations from private individuals. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents  comprised the greatest number of hospitals and almshouses of all those operating in the territory of the then Kyiv Governorate.Artykuł dotyczy działalności charytatywnej klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX w. Pokazuje, że działalność dobroczynna Cerkwi prawosławnej osiągnęła swój szczyt w okresie poreformacyjnym. Polegała ona na zaopatrzeniu szkół, szpitali, sierocińców, przytułków i hoteli dla ubogich i pielgrzymów. Kijowskie eparchie klasztorne: a) rozdzielały jałmużnę, organizowały bezpłatne obiady, udzielały pomocy materialnej i medycznej, b) zajmowały się sprawami oświaty poprzez zakładanie szkół parafialnych, c) wspierały przytułki, pomagając chorym, samotnym starszym ludziom, osobom specjalnej troski i chorym psychicznie. Na początku I wojny światowej kijowskie klasztory eparchiczne aktywnie zaangażowały się w niesienie pomocy ludności oraz zakładanie i utrzymywanie przytułków dla dzieci (sierot) poległych żołnierzy. Takim dzieciom zapewniono należytą opiekę i terminową pomoc lekarską. Instytucje charytatywne na terenie kijowskich klasztorów eparchii działały kosztem środków pochodzących z ich działalności gospodarczej oraz darowizn od osób prywatnych. Klasztory eparchii kijowskiej obejmowały największą liczbę szpitali i przytułków ze wszystkich funkcjonujących na terenie ówczesnej guberni kijowskiej

    Sprawozdania naczelnych prokuratorów Świętego Synodu Zarządzającego jako źródło badania sytuacji diecezji kijowskiej i jej klasztorów w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku

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    The purpose of the article is to cast light upon the problem of researching published sources on the history of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, as well as to supplement the achievements of previous researchers and to propose a detailed analysis of the situation and activities of the Kyiv diocese and its monasteries, presented in the published reports of the ober-procurators of the Holy Ruling Synod between 1884 and 1914. The scientific novelty of the material presented in this article lies in the fact that, for the first time in the national historiography, “All-Public Reports of the Ober-Procurators of the Holy Synod” between 1884–1914, which were published and open to the general scientific community, were subjected to a detailed analysis. The authors also clarify the level and significance of information about the situation in the Kyiv Eparchy, its clergy, its numbers, its composition, as well as the cultural, educational and charitable activities of its monasteries. The article argues that the essence of the reports by the ober-procurators of the Holy Ruling Synod on the situation in the Kyiv Eparchy and its monasteries is practically undeveloped in the scientific literature. Such reports were addressed to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church – the Russian Emperor. They are an important and extremely informative source for modern researchers, familiarity with which will permit them to assess the general condition of the main confession in the empire. More specifically, these reports reveal the state of the Kyiv Eparchy for each calendar year. Every report had a relatively standard structure and was published as a separate book. An analysis of these sources makes it possible to establish the role and place of the hierarchs of the Kyiv Eparchy in the overall structure of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as their personnel and activities. Furthermore, additional information, provided in the reports on the number of Orthodox monasteries in the Kyiv Eparchy and the number of monks, is of particular interest, which allows the authors to trace the dynamics in changes in these numbers over thirty years. The study of the reports reveals new information on the life in the Orthodox monasteries in the Kyiv region, in relation to their charitable, cultural and educational activities.Celem artykułu jest aktualizacja problematyki kwerendy publikowanych źródeł dotyczących dziejów Cerkwi prawosławnej na Ukrainie, a także uzupełnienie dotychczasowego dorobku w tym zakresie oraz bardziej szczegółowa analiza informacji o sytuacji i działalności Cerkwi prawosławnej na Ukrainie. Diecezję kijowską i jej klasztory opisano w publikowanych sprawozdaniach prokuratorów naczelnych Świętego Synodu Rządzącego z lat 1884–1914. W prezentowanym artykule po raz pierwszy opublikowano i udostępniono historykom „Kompleksowe Sprawozdania Prokuratorów Naczelnych Świętego Synodu” za lata 1884–1914, dostarczając im informacji o pozycji diecezji kijowskiej, jej duchowieństwie – jego liczbie czy składzie, działalności kulturalnej, oświatowej i charytatywnej jej klasztorów. Stwierdzono, że zasób informacji sprawozdań naczelnych prokuratorów Świętego Synodu Panującego o sytuacji diecezji kijowskiej i jej klasztorów praktycznie nie jest wykorzystywany w literaturze naukowej. Zauważono, że meldunki naczelnych prokuratorów Świętego Synodu Panującego, skierowane do zwierzchnika rosyjskiej Cerkwi prawosławnej – cesarza rosyjskiego, stanowią ważne i niezwykle pouczające źródło dla współczesnych badaczy, którego znajomość pozwoli ocenić ogólny stan głównego wyznania cesarstwa, poprzez dane dotyczące konkretnie diecezji kijowskiej w każdym kolejnym roku kalendarzowym. Raporty miały stosunkowo stabilną strukturę i były publikowane w formie osobnej książki. Ich analiza pozwala na ustalenie roli i miejsca hierarchów diecezji kijowskiej w ogólnej strukturze rosyjskiej Cerkwi prawosławnej, ich składu personalnego oraz działalności. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują zawarte w sprawozdaniach informacje o liczbie klasztorów prawosławnych diecezji kijowskiej oraz liczbie mnichów, które pozwalają prześledzić dynamikę zmian zachodzących na przestrzeni trzydziestu lat. Opracowanie sprawozdań ujawnia nowe strony funkcjonowania klasztorów prawosławnych obwodu kijowskiego, koncentrujących się na działalności charytatywnej i kulturalno-oświatowej

    Організація управління православними монастирями РПЦ у XVIII – на початку ХХ ст.

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    The article analyzes the organization of administrative management of Orthodox monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church during the synodal period. The information was systematized and the components of the multi-stage management system of the Orthodox monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 18th – early 20th centuries were established. In the 18th century the main legislative body of power in relation to the church became the Holy Synod, headed by a secular person – the arch-procurator. It was found out that Orthodox monasteries were an integral part of the system of institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. The interaction of monasteries with state institutions on issues of state support is shown. The description of the methods of control of the diocesan authority over the monastery is given. It has been found that the management system of the Russian Orthodox Church in the synodal period was built on the principles of a combination of secular and ecclesiastical power. The spiritual consistory under the leadership of the ruling bishop became the central dominant in the regulationand settlement of the main range of problems arising in monastic life. All Orthodox monasteries of this period were not of the same type. They differed by many classification features – gender, states, status, classes, location. Monasteries in the dioceses were divided into three classes with the establishment of the norm of states of monks and nuns, who were in different status. The internal routine of monastic life was strictly regulated. It included the implementation of the monastery’s charter and orders of the abbot.У статті аналізується організація адміністративного управління православними монастирями РПЦ синодального періоду. Систематизовано інформацію та встановлено складові частини багатоступеневої системи управління православними монастирями РПЦ у XVIII – на початку ХХ ст. У XVIII ст. головним законодавчим органом влади щодо церкви ставСвятійший синод, очолюваний світською особою – обер-прокурором. З’ясовано, що православні монастирі були складовою частиною системи інститутів РПЦ. Показано взаємодію обителей з державними установами з питань державного забезпечення. Дається характеристика методів контролю єпархіальної влади за монастирем. З’ясовано, що система управління РПЦ в синодальний період будувалася на принципах поєднання світської і церковної влади. Духовна консисторія під керівництвом правлячого архієрея ставала центральною домінантою в регламентації і врегулюванні основного кола проблем, що виникали в монастирському житті. Усі православні обителі цього періоду не були однотипними. Вони розрізнялися за багатьма класифікаційними ознаками – статтю, штатами, статусом, класами, місцем розташування. Монастирі в єпархіях поділялися на три класи зі встановленням норми штатів ченців і черниць, які перебували в різному статусі. Внутрішній розпорядок монастирського життя було суворо регламентовано. Він включав у себе виконання статуту обителі та розпоряджень настоятеля

    Organization of the State Aid to Homeless and Neglected Children in the Ukrainian Ssr in the 1920s

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    The article reveals the organization of the state aid to homeless and neglected children in the Ukrainian SSR of the 1920s. It is proved that the main task of the authorities of the USSR and the regulations adopted by them in the social sphere at the beginning of the studied period was the urgent assistance to children who spent most of their time in the street. The resolution “On measures to fight children’s neglect” was aimed primarily at ensuring the legal protection of children who had a family, but were deprived of the parental care. Regulations passed during the famine of 1921-1923 introduced the initiative to place such individuals into the families with the purpose of the individual patronage and teens’ employment. These activities met two main needs of homeless and neglected children - the material support and the adult supervision. The most common form of the assistance to the homeless and neglected was internment. Owing to the consolidation of the legal basis for the collective patronage of enterprises and firms over children’s institutions, the possibilities of state bodies to create new orphanages and maintain existing ones were expanded


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    The article aims to show the standing of Kyiv eparchy under the conditions of socioeconomic upheavals during the 1920s and define the principles of the Soviet state policy towards church treasures. Research methodology is based on general scientific principles of objectivity, historicism, systematicity, comprehensiveness, which made it possible to accurately recreate the sociopolitical and economic standing of Kyiv eparchy and ensured the reliability of research findings. The scientific value of the article lies in the fact that the statistical data reflecting the standing of Kyiv eparchy in the 1920s were, for the first time, systematized and analyzed in Ukrainian historiography. It is found that whether temples, monasteries and convents were closed or destroyed. It is defined when they ceased to be the objects of religious worship. Their further fate is clarified.The article analyzes the policy of Soviet government towards the demolition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as a social institution, elimination of its religious buildings, closure of temples and theological schools, destruction of monasteries and convents, prohibition of church bells, confiscation of church property and persecution of the Orthodox priesthood in the territory of an individual church administrative unit. It clarifies the position of Kyiv eparchy of the Ukrainian exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in an age of Soviet legislation in the 1920s. It specifies the principles of Soviet policy towards church property within Kyiv eparchy, the position of its Orthodox clergy and the means of anti-religious propaganda, which made it possible to estimate the extent of material and spiritual losses of the Ukrainian people. The Conclusions. Studying the principles of the Soviet state policy towards church treasures within Kyiv eparchy and analyzing the standing of its Orthodox clergy, as well as the means of atheistic propaganda, one can estimate the extent of material and spiritual losses of the Ukrainian people