72 research outputs found

    Polymer acrylic hydrogels with protein filler: Synthesis and characterization

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    ArticleThe water-retention hydrogel composites were synthesized by the free-radical polymerization depending on the order of addition filler of the protein hydrolysate. As the filler was used protein hydrolysate, ‘Biostim’, obtained by processing cattle hides. The influence of gelation time on the synthesis parameters of hydrogel compositions was investigated. It is found that the gelation time of the sample without filler is 2–2.5 times longer than filled of hydrogel compositions. The structural characteristics of polymer composition by TGA, DSC and atomic force microscopy were determined. FTIR spectra found decrease in the intensity of vibrations of (-COO-) groups, indicating about additional ionic interactions. Decrease the beginning evaporation temperature of polymer composites with increase concentration of protein filler, indicating the destruction of the ordered structure of the polymer material revealed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The influence of various media, such as distilled water, saline solution, and buffer solutions at differents pH on the swelling behavior of hydrogels was also assessed. Maximum swelling capacity showed sample prepared with order of addition filler at the end of synthesis (Scheme I). The kinetics of the release protein hydrolysate from the polymer matrix was measurement by spectrophotometric method. The synthesized hydrogel composites with protein hydrolysate and improved physicochemical properties are of practical interest as water-retaining materials for increasing of crop the yield in agricultural

    Cluster superconductivity in the magnetoelectric Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3 ceramics

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    We report the observation of cluster (local) superconductivity in the magnetoelectric Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3 ceramics prepared at a hydrostatic pressure of 6 GPa and temperatures 1200-1800 K to stabilize the perovskite phase. The superconductivity is manifested by an abrupt drop of the magnetic susceptibility at the critical temperature TC 7 K. Both the magnitude of this drop and TC decrease with magnetic field increase. Similarly, the low-field paramagnetic absorption measured by EPR spectrometer drops significantly below TC as well. The observed effects and their critical magnetic field dependence are interpreted as manifestation of the superconductivity and Meissner effect in metallic Pb nanoclusters existing in the ceramics. Their volume fraction and average size were estimated as 0.1-0.2% and 140-150 nm, respectively. The superconductivity related effects disappear after oxidizing annealing of the ceramics.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Linguistic description of specific names of bacteria of the genus Bartonella

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    The purpose of the study is to find the Latin names of of all types of bacteria of the genus Bartonella, to identify their etymology, to determine the structure of nomenclature names and the main groups of species names.Цель исследования – найти латинские названия всех видов бактерий рода бартонелла, выявить их этимологию, определить структуру номенклатурных наименований и основные группы видовых наименований

    Composition-, temperature- and pressure-induced transitions between high-pressure stabilized perovskite phases of the (1-x)BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 - xLaFe0.5Sc0.5O3 series

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    Crystal structures of the high-pressure synthesized perovskite phases of the (1-x)BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3-xLaFe0.5Sc0.5O3 (0 ​= ​x ​≤ ​1) system and their temperature and pressure behaviours were studied using laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffractions as well as neutron diffraction. At room temperature, the as-prepared phases with x ​≤ ​0.05 have an antipolar structure with the Pnma symmetry and with the √2ap ​× ​4ap ​× ​2√2ap superstructure (where ap is the pseudocubic perovskite unit-cell parameter). An incommensurately modulated phase with the Imma(00γ)s00 superspace group is observed for 0.10 ​= ​x ​≤ ​0.33, while a non-polar Pnma phase (√2ap ​× ​2ap ​× ​√2ap) is stable when x ​≥ ​0.34. The antipolar Pnma phase in the as-prepared samples with composition corresponding to x ​= ​0 transforms into the polar Ima2 one via irreversible annealing-caused transformation accompanied by a formation of a high-temperature intermediate polar R3c polymorph, while the antipolar Pnma phase in samples with x ​= ​0.05 is stable until the decomposition temperature. In the solid solutions with 0.10 ​= ​x ​≤ ​0.33, increasing temperature was found to result in a reversible transformation of the Imma(00γ)s00 phase into a non-polar Pnma one. The transition temperature decreases with increasing x. A hydrostatic pressure of few GPa was also shown to induce a reversible Imma(00γ)s00 → Pnma transformation.publishe

    Structure of myonyms in latin anatomic terminology

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    The article outlines the principles for constructing myonyms, or muscle names, in Latin anatomical terminology. Myonyms are divided into 3 main groups – ‘skeletal ’, smooth and heart muscle. The structure of the muscle name is a phrase based on the Latin word «musculus» ‘muscle’ and consistent with it and uncoordinated definitions that refer to it, on the basis of which their classification is based. The study agreed definitions, we have identified 6 major groups minimow and their derivational patterns – names of muscles according to the form; the number of tendons; the direction of fibres; in respect to the joints; according to the location in the human body; functions. Inconsistent definitions distribute muscles in relation to body parts. That is why they contain the appropriate structural components.Key words: Latin anatomical terminology, muscle names, the structure of the monyms.В статье изложены принципы построения мионимов, или наименований мышц, в латинской анатомической терминологии. Мионимы подразделяются на 3 основные группы – ‘скелетные’, ‘гладкие’ и ‘сердечная мышца’. Структура названия мышцы представляют собой словосочетание на основе латинского слова «musculus» ‘мышца’ и оносящихся к нему согласованных и несогласованных определений, на основе которых строится их классификация. В результате исследования согласованных определений нами были выявлены 6 основных групп мионимов и их словообразовательных моделей – наименования мышц по форме; по количеству сухожилий; по направлению волокон; по отношению к суставам; по расположению в теле человека; по выполняемой функции. Несогласованные определения распределяют мышцы по отношению к частям тела. Именно поэтому они содержат соответствующие структурные компоненты


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    The polymer compositions on the base of acrylic derivatives and bentonite particles modified by silver ions with various share and dispersion are received and studied by radical polymerization in the water. Partially neutralized acrylic acid, acrylamide and methylene-bis-acrilamide and particles of bentonite with fraction 0 - 0,05 mass.% are chosen as initial substances. The influence of bentonite concentration on absorbing characteristics of polymer materials in the distilled water is shown. It is demonstrated that the increase of bentonite fraction up to 5 mass.% leads to the rise of degree of equilibrium swelling by 1,5 – 2 times in comparison with an unfilled polymer matrix. The acrylic nanocompositions with a mass fraction of bentonite equal to 0,01 mass.% possess the greatest kinetic characteristics. Kinetic dependences of new composite materials swelling in physiological solution from a filler dispersion part are investigated. It is shown that in high dispersion (with particle size less than 0,25 mm) a part of mineral–containing filler equal to 1 mass.% leads to significant increase in values of equilibrium swelling degree in comparison with an unfilled sample (by 1,5 times). The effect of polyelectrolyte suppression of polymer composition swelling in physiological solution is studied. It results in values reduction of equilibrium swelling degree in comparison with these values in the distilled water. Application prospects for the received compositions are shown at bandages creation for wounds treatment of various etiologies. Research results are recommended for usage in medical practice for optimization of wound process march

    Voynich manuscript, history and attempts to decrypt the text

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    The article considers a famous work by an unknown author which come to be known as "Voynich Manuscript". Also history of the manuscript, her potential authors, content, decipherment attempts, relation to Medieval culture and its relation with LatinВ статье рассмотрен знаменитый труд неизвестного автора, который принято называть «Рукописью Войнича», а также история этой рукописи, ее возможные авторы, содержание и попытки ее дешифровки, а так же отношение этого текста к культуре Средневековья и его соотношение с латинским языко

    Exchange bias effect in bulk multiferroic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3

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    Below the Néel temperature, TN ∼ 220 K, at least two nano-scale antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases coexist in the polar polymorph of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite; one of these phases is a weak ferromagnetic. Non-uniform structure distortions induced by high-pressure synthesis lead to competing AFM orders and a nano-scale spontaneous magnetic phase separated state of the compound. Interface exchange coupling between the AFM domains and the weak ferromagnetic domains causes unidirectional anisotropy of magnetization, resulting in the exchange bias (EB) effect. The EB field, HEB, and the coercive field strongly depend on temperature and the strength of the cooling magnetic field. HEB increases with an increase in the cooling magnetic field and reaches a maximum value of about 1 kOe at 5 K. The exchange field vanishes above TN with the disappearance of long-range magnetic ordering. The effect is promising for applications in electronics as it is large enough and as it is tunable by temperature and the magnetic field applied during cooling.publishe

    Data on gut metagenomes of the patients with Helicobacter pylori infection before and after the antibiotic therapy

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    © 2017Antibiotic therapy can lead to the disruption of gut microbiota community with possible negative outcomes for human health. One of the diseases for which the treatment scheme commonly included antibiotic intake is Helicobacter pylori infection. The changes in taxonomic and functional composition of microbiota in patients can be assessed using “shotgun” metagenomic sequencing. Ten stool samples were collected from 4 patients with Helicobacter pylori infection before and directly after the H. pylori eradication course. Additionally, for two of the subjects, the samples were collected 1 month after the end of the treatment. The samples were subject to “shotgun” (whole-genome) metagenomic sequencing using Illumina HiSeq platform. The reads are deposited in the ENA (project ID: PRJEB18265)

    Polar and antipolar polymorphs of metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3

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    A metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 synthesized under high-pressure (6 GPa) and high-temperature (1500 K) conditions was obtained in two different polymorphs, antipolar Pnma and polar Ima2, through an irreversible behavior under a heating/cooling thermal cycling. The Ima2 phase represents an original type of a canted ferroelectric structure where Bi3+ cations exhibit both polar and antipolar displacements along the orthogonal [110](p) and [1 (1) over bar0](p) pseudocubic directions, respectively, and are combined with antiphase octahedral tilting about the polar axis. Both the Pnma and the Ima2 structural modifications exhibit a long-range antiferromagnetic ordering with a weak ferromagnetic component below T-N similar to 220 K. Analysis of the coupling between the dipole, magnetic, and elastic order parameters based on a general phenomenological approach revealed that the weak ferromagnetism in both phases is mainly caused by the presence of the antiphase octahedral tilting whose axial nature directly represents the relevant part of Dzyaloshinskii vector. The magnetoelectric contribution to the spontaneous magnetization allowed in the polar Ima2 phase is described by a fifth-degree free-energy invariant and is expected to be small