67 research outputs found

    Orthorexia nervosa in society

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    Orthorexia nervosa is a relatively new health problem, which explains limited knowledge about the phenomenon in society. Only a few empirical studies on the course of this disorder, its characteristics and prevalence have been conducted. Therefore, it is not possible to precisely estimate the scale of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, there are tools available to assess the risk of orthorexia, and methods for its treatment. It is necessary to do further research in this disorder and to educate society about its risk factors. This can translate into an improved diagnosis (and thus help to determine the scale of the phenomenon), and support the development of uniform diagnostic criteria

    Orthorexia nervosa – a new health problem - characteristics

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    Orthorexia nervosa is a relatively new health problem. In the world scientific literature there are only a few publications in this subject. This can be the reason why uniform diagnostic criteria for orthorexia have not been developed yet. Therefore, further research into the cause, course and treatment of orthorexia is needed. Regarding the characteristics of the phenomenon, it is necessary to consider orthorexia as a public health problem

    Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnych = Practical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals

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    Olejniczak Dominik. Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnych = Practical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(2):238-243. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.46654 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3383 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/717109 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.01.2016. Revised 12.02.2016. Accepted: 21.02.2016. Praktyczne wykorzystanie health literacy - alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego, jako narzędzia osiągania celów zdrowotnych Practical use of health-literacy as a tool for achieving health goals Dominik Olejniczak Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny dr n. med. Dominik Olejniczak Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny ul. Banacha 1a, blok F 02-097 Warszawa Tel: 22 599 21 80 Streszczenie Alfabetyzm zdrowotny jest to stosunkowo nowy termin we współczesnej promocji zdrowia. Powstał on w wyniku zapotrzebowania na nazwanie pewnego zbioru uwarunkowań i kompetencji, determinujących zdrowie jednostek i populacji. Można go definiować jako zbiór kompetencji i umiejętności, w zakresie szeroko rozumianego zdrowia, pozyskanych na drodze właściwego wykorzystania źródeł informacji, pozwalający na minimalizowanie występowania i wpływu czynników ryzyka zdrowotnego na jednostkę i środowisko, w którym funkcjonuje, w celu poprawy i utrzymania dobrego stanu zdrowia Budowanie tej kompetencji stanowić winno jedno z podstawowych zadań promocji zdrowia. Wysoki poziom alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego wiąże się z większym potencjałem zdrowotnym, co znacznie zwiększa szanse na poprawę stanu zdrowia jednostek i populacji. Słowa kluczowe: alfabetyzm zdrowotny, edukacja zdrowotna, promocja zdrowia. Abstract Health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion. It was created as a result of the demand for naming a set of conditions and competencies that determine the health of individuals and populations. It can be defined as a set of competencies and skills, in terms of the wider health, obtained through the proper use of sources of information, allowing you to minimize the occurrence and impact of risk factors on individual health and the environment in which it operates, in order to improve and maintain good health. Building health literacy should be the one of the fundamental tasks of health promotion. The high level of health literacy is associated with greater potential for health, which greatly increases the chances of improving the health of individuals and population. Key words: health literacy, health education, health promotion

    No-shows among female patients aged 18-35

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    Introduction. Patients’ failure to keep medical appointments or to cancel them is becoming an increasing problem for the health care system. The phenomenon of missing medical appointments refers to patients of both public and private healthcare facilities. It has a negative impact on the functioning of the health care system, by contributing to longer waiting times for health services and generating financial losses. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze no-shows in female patients aged 18-35. Material and method. The research tool used in the study was a survey that was conducted among 705 women aged 18-35. The survey questionnaire had been developed by the authors of the study and consisted of particulars and five thematic areas. The first area concerned cancellation of medical appointments and the reasons behind it. In the second area, patients’ punctuality was assessed. The third area focused on preferred methods of arranging and cancelling medical appointments. In the fourth area, women’s opinion on the idea of spreading lists of negligent patients among medical facilities was examined. The fifth area referred to patients’ solutions to the problem of not keeping medical appointments. The obtained data was subjected to statistical analysis using the ² test, where p < 0.05 was considered to be a statistically significant. Results. The study shows that nearly 75% of women have canceled their medical appointment at least once. The phenomenon of not keeping appointments and not cancelling them concerned in particular women aged 29-35 (33%). In each of the three age groups, the most frequent reasons for not attending an appointment and not cancelling it were forgetfulness, recovery from a health condition, other more important errands and personal situation. Over a quarter of respondents declared having been late for an appointment at least once (28%). Nearly half of the respondents inform medical facilities about the fact of being late (46%). Conclusions. It is necessary to monitor patients’ failure to keep medical appointments, introduce a general system of reminding patients about medical appointments and educate patients about the obligation to inform medical facilities about cancelling appointments

    The role of health literacy and health education in the prevention and course of neoplastic diseases

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    The idea of health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion, especially in Poland, where it has only recently started to be used. It was created as a result of the need to name a certain set of conditions and competences that could realistically determine the health of individuals and populations. This applies to both healthy people, including those at high risk of disease (the use of health literacy in prevention), as well as sick people (the use of health literacy in the course of disease), including people suffering from oncological diseases

    The role of health literacy and health education in the prevention and course of neoplastic diseases

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    The idea of health literacy is a relatively new term in contemporary health promotion, especially in Poland, where it has only recently started to be used. It was created as a result of the need to name a certain set of conditions and compe­tences that could realistically determine the health of individuals and populations. This applies to both healthy people, including those at high risk of disease (the use of health literacy in prevention), as well as sick people (the use of health literacy in the course of a disease), including people suffering from oncological diseases

    Nonspecific eating disorders: ortorexia nervosa and night eating syndrome – a subjective review

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    Eating habits pose an import factor which influences our health state. Nowadays two main tendencies prevail in the society: following the rules of healthy eating conscientiously, whereas the other one consists in using food as a tool serving to mood improvement. The article is devoted to non-specific eating disorders, that is, night eating syndrome (NES) and orthorexia nervosa. Orthorexia nervosa is an affixation on healthy eating, whereas night eating syndrome is a night-time hypherphagia, morning anorexia and insomnia. At present, it seems that these two disorders are not frequent. The misthinking may be caused by difficulties in diagnosing them. The identification can be stymied by the lack of unified definition or the lack of unified diagnostic criteria. Further researches of these health problems are recommended as in the future they may cause development of a lot of serious diseases. One must pay attention, in particular, to night eating syndrome and its importance in obesity development and its link to type 2 diabetes

    Sexual commercial services as a problem for public health

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    Komercyjne usługi seksualne to istotne zagadnienie zdrowia publicznego. Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia prostytucja to usługa seksualna o charakterze dynamicznym i adaptacyjnym, która pociąga za sobą transmisję pieniędzy między usługodawcą i usługobiorcą. To poważny problem zdrowotny, moralny oraz społeczny. Jest wszechobecny, gdyż rzeczywistość oferuje wciąż nowe formy komercyjnego seksu, coraz więcej seks-ogłoszeń w mediach oraz kolejne przypadki handlu ludźmi w celu zmuszania do prostytucji. Analiza powyższego procederu powinna wskazywać jego istotę, prezentować różne formy, opisać mechanizm, zwrócić uwagę na nowe modele komercyjnych usług seksualnych, a także uwzględnić kontekst prawny, przyczyny, funkcje oraz skutki tej patologii społecznej. Ogromnie ważny jest aspekt profilaktyki oraz walki z prostytucją, który dotyczy zdrowia publicznego, a w szczególności jego promocji. W działaniach profilaktycznych należałoby zwrócić uwagę na ograniczanie czynników zwiększających ryzyko nierządu oraz wzmacnianie czynników chroniących przed tym procederem. Podejmowane działania muszą obejmować coraz większe obszary i być coraz bardziej intensywne. Niepokojący jest fakt, że zjawisko to dotyczy coraz młodszych ludzi, często niezdających sobie sprawy z powagi sytuacji oraz konsekwencji swojego zachowania. Szczególnie negatywnie wpływa na kształtowanie się osobowości tych osób, zarówno klientów komercyjnych usług seksualnych, jak i osób prostytuujących się. Nieletni zajmujący się nierządem niszczą swoją seksualność oraz pozbawiają się poprawnego postrzegania kontaktów międzyludzkich, opierających się na miłości, partnerstwie i dobroci. Prostytucja przez dłuższy czas była kojarzona wyłącznie z nizinami społecznymi. W ostatnich latach w krajach wysoko rozwiniętych stała się sposobem na uatrakcyjnienie i ubarwienie życia, a nie źródłem utrzymania. Lekceważenie tego procederu może się przyczynić do pojawienia się wielu negatywnych skutków w sferze społecznej i zdrowotnej. Seksuologia Polska 2011; 9 (1): 27&#8211;37Sexual commercial services became recently one of problem for public health. According to World Health Organization prostitution is sexual service witch is connecting with recipients payment. It is serious health, moral and social problem. It still grows because of communication possibilities, new forms of sexual commercial services in medias and people trade to make them prostitute. Analysing this problem should include its point, forms, types, reasons and effects including legal effects. Very important for public health thing according sexual commercial services is prophylaxis in health promotion area. Preventing of this problem should be based on risk factors and on protection from them. Any preventing actions should be done including different fields and should be much more intensive. Disquieting is that sexual commercial services concerns mostly young people who often are not aware of danger and consequences. It has especially bad influence on personality and mentality of young people; clients and prostituting persons. Young people who sell their body are not able to understand correct relationship and to understand feelings like love, goodness, partnership. Prostitution for long time was finding as behavior with is characteristic for pathology groups. Recently it has changed: in wealthy countries it has become way of entertainment for young people. Disregarding of problem of sexual commercial services can cause appearing lots of negative effects in social and medical area. Polish Sexology 2011; 9 (1): 27&#8211;3

    Night eating syndrome – characterization

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    The definition of the Polish National Food and Nutrition Institute indicates that proper human nutrition should completely satisfy the body's needs for energy as well as provide all nutrients needed for the development of life and preservation of health. This article is devoted to the relatively recently described issue, pertaining to eating disorders, that is night eating syndrome (NES). Nowadays, food has become a tool used for improving one’s well-being, which has contributed to an increase in the frequency of eating disorders and lifestyle diseases such as obesity. Night eating syndrome is important in the pathogenesis of obesity and for this reason, in the near future, it may become an important problem in public health. Night eating syndrome can be a difficult disorder to diagnose. Identification may be hindered by the lack of a unified definition, lack of coherent diagnostic criteria or diagnostic method, and problems with classification, which contributes to difficulties in fully understanding the disorder

    Motywacja i wpływ uprawiania jogi na stan zdrowia – badanie własne = Motivation and influence practicing yoga on health - own study

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    Gwis Katarzyna, Olejniczak Dominik, Skonieczna Joanna. Motywacja i wpływ uprawiania jogi na stan zdrowia – badanie własne = Motivation and influence practicing yoga on health - own study. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(9):554-565. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI 1http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.154759http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3881    The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.08.2016. Revised 25.08.2016. Accepted: 21.09.2016.   Motywacja i wpływ uprawiania jogi na stan zdrowia – badanie własneMotivation and influence practicing yoga on health - own study  Katarzyna Gwis1, Dominik Olejniczak2, Joanna Skonieczna2 1 Absolwentka kierunku Zdrowie PubliczneWydział Nauki o ZdrowiuWarszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny 2 Warszawski Uniwersytet MedycznyZakład Zdrowia Publicznegoul. Banacha 1a,02-097 Warszawa Słowa kluczowe: joga, zdrowie, zachowania zdrowotneKey words: yoga, health, health behavior StreszczenieWprowadzenie i cel pracy: Joga to jedna z form aktywności ruchowej. Joga oddziałuje na ciało i na umysł, dzięki czemu w prosty sposób pomaga zachować zdrowie. Celem badania była ocena wpływu uczestnictwa w zajęciach jogi na zdrowie.Materiał i metoda: Grupę badaną stanowiło 50 osób uczęszczających na zajęcia jogi. Udział w ankiecie był dobrowolny i poufny. Zastosowano autorski kwestionariusz.Wyniki: W grupie badanych, aż 48 osób (96%) stwierdziło, że ćwiczenia jogi pozytywnie wpływają na kształtowanie nawyków ruchowych. Ponad połowa badanych - 26 osób (52%) stwierdziła, że uczęszczanie na zajęcia jogi sprawiło, że wzrosło ich zainteresowanie zdrowym odżywianiem. Ponad połowa badanych – 26 osób (52%) jako główną korzyść płynącą z ćwiczeń jogi wskazała wzrost sprawności fizycznej. Ponad połowa osób ankietowanych – 28 osób (56%) zaobserwowała, że od kiedy ćwiczy jogę stany chorobowe występują rzadziej. Wnioski: Analizując wyniki przeprowadzonego badania własnego oraz dyskusję można stwierdzić, iż w związku z udokumentowanym pozytywnym wpływem jogi na stan zdrowia warto jest propagować tą formę rekreacji ruchowej we wszystkich grupach wiekowych, poczynając od dzieci, a  kończąc na osobach w  podeszłym wieku.   Abstract Introduction: Yoga is a form of physical activity. Yoga affects the body and the mind, making it an easy way to help maintain good health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of participation in the yoga exercises on health.Material and Methods: The study covered 50 people attending yoga exercises. Participation in the survey was voluntary and confidential. The study was conducted using a questionnaire designed by the author.Results: In the group of respondents, 48 people (96%) said that the yoga exercises positively affect the development of motor habits. More than half of respondents - 26 people (52%) said that attending yoga classes increased their interest in healthy eating. More than half of respondents - 26 people (52%) as a major benefit of yoga showed an increase in physical fitness. More than half of surveyed - 28 people (56%) observed that since they practice yoga illness occur less frequently.Conclusion: analyzing the results of the study and the discussion can be stated that in connection with documented positive effects of yoga on health, it is worth promoting this form of recreation for all age groups, starting with children, and ending of the elderly people